%@Language='JScript' CODEPAGE=1252%> <% if ( !fnIsBrowserValid() ) { Response.Redirect( "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/browserinfo.asp" ) Response.End() } //Set all the local variables. var GUID = new String ( fnGetCookie( "GUID" ) ); var g_SolutionID = new String( fnGetCookie( "SID" ) ); var L_PASSPORTLOGIN_TEXT = "To submit an error report, sign in using your Microsoft Passport. To get a Passport, visit the Microsoft Passport Web site."; var L_PASSPORTSIGNIN_TEXT = "Passport sign-in"; var g_bSignedIn = false; var g_bSignedIn = new Number(fnGetCookie ( "PPIN" ) ) //if there isn't a valid guid, then the customer does not belong on this page. if ( !fnVerifyGUID( GUID ) ) { Response.Redirect( "http://" + g_ThisServer + "/welcome.asp" ) } //check if our signed in cookie is valid if ( g_bSignedIn == "0" || isNaN( g_bSignedIn )) { var g_bSignedIn = fnDisplayPassportPrompt( true ); if ( !g_bSignedIn ) { //hit this case, if we are not logged in. Unless we want to display more, kill it here. Server.Transfer ( "../include/foot.asp" ) Response.End (); } } //If weve got this far, that means passport suceeded. So set our Passport flag to in if ( g_bSignedIn ) fnWriteCookie( "PPIN", "1" ) //DumpCookies(); %>
Track Error Report
What to expect