/*****************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1988-1991 **/ /*****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY PAc, PDc, PCurrent; SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Ac, Dc, Current; SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES Cap; SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS PS; ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY Admin; SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE Batt; typedef VOID (*PCUR_PRINT)( IN PVOID Context ); typedef VOID (*PCUR_ASSIGN)( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ); ULONG CurType; POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL CurInfo; PVOID CurContext; ULONG CurContextSize; PCUR_PRINT CurPrint; PCUR_ASSIGN CurAssign; PUCHAR CurDesc; PUCHAR CurValue; BOOLEAN ItemUpdated; BOOLEAN CurValueIsNumeric; BOOLEAN Verbose1; BOOLEAN Verbose2; PUCHAR szBool[] = { "FALSE", "TRUE" }; typedef struct { ULONG Flags; PUCHAR String; } DEFBITS, *PDEFBITS; DEFBITS ActFlags[] = { POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED, "QueryApps", POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED, "UIAllowed", POWER_ACTION_OVERRIDE_APPS, "OverrideApps", POWER_ACTION_DISABLE_WAKES, "DisableWakes", POWER_ACTION_CRITICAL, "Critical", 0, NULL }; DEFBITS PsBatteryFlagBits[] = { BATTERY_FLAG_HIGH, "high", BATTERY_FLAG_LOW, "low", BATTERY_FLAG_CRITICAL, "critical", BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING, "charing", 0, NULL }; PUCHAR ActionS( IN POWER_ACTION Act ) { static char line[50]; PCHAR p; switch (Act) { case PowerActionNone: p = "None"; break; case PowerActionSleep: p = "Sleep"; break; case PowerActionHibernate: p = "Hibernate"; break; case PowerActionShutdown: p = "Shutdown"; break; case PowerActionShutdownReset: p = "ShutdownReset"; break; case PowerActionShutdownOff: p = "ShutdownOff"; break; default: sprintf(line, "Unknown action %x", Act); p = line; break; } return p; } PUCHAR SysPower( IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE State ) { static char line[50]; PCHAR p; switch (State) { case PowerSystemUnspecified: p = "Unspecified"; break; case PowerSystemWorking: p = "Working"; break; case PowerSystemSleeping1: p = "S1"; break; case PowerSystemSleeping2: p = "S2"; break; case PowerSystemSleeping3: p = "S3"; break; case PowerSystemHibernate: p = "S4 - hibernate"; break; case PowerSystemShutdown: p = "Shutdown"; break; default: sprintf(line, "Unknown power state %x", State); p = line; break; } return p; } PUCHAR DynamicThrottle( IN UCHAR Throttle ) { static char line[50]; PCHAR p; switch (Throttle) { case PO_THROTTLE_NONE: p = "None"; break; case PO_THROTTLE_CONSTANT: p = "Constant"; break; case PO_THROTTLE_DEGRADE: p = "Degrade"; break; case PO_THROTTLE_ADAPTIVE: p = "Adaptive"; break; default: sprintf(line,"Unknown Dynamic Throttle state %x", Throttle); p = line; break; } return p; } PUCHAR MicroSeconds( IN ULONG Time ) { static char line[256]; PCHAR p; ULONG MicroSeconds; ULONG MilliSeconds; ULONG Seconds; ULONG Minutes; ULONG Hours; ULONG Days; MicroSeconds = Time % 1000; MilliSeconds = Time / 1000; Seconds = MilliSeconds / 1000; MilliSeconds = MilliSeconds % 1000; Minutes = Seconds / 60; Seconds = Seconds % 60; Hours = Minutes / 60; Minutes = Minutes % 60; Days = Hours / 24; Hours = Hours % 24; if (Hours) { sprintf( line, "%d [%2d:%2d %ds %dms %dus]", Time, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, MilliSeconds, MicroSeconds ); } else if (Minutes) { sprintf( line, "%d [0:%2d %ds %dms %dus]", Time, Minutes, Seconds, MilliSeconds, MicroSeconds ); } else if (Seconds) { sprintf( line, "%d [%ds %dms %dus]", Time, Seconds, MilliSeconds, MicroSeconds ); } else if (MilliSeconds) { sprintf( line, "%d [%dms %dus]", Time, MilliSeconds, MicroSeconds ); } else { sprintf( line, "%d [%dus]", Time, MicroSeconds ); } p = line; return p; } VOID GetBits ( IN PUCHAR Dest, IN ULONG Flags, IN PDEFBITS DefBits ) { UCHAR c; ULONG i; c = 0; *Dest = 0; for (i=0; DefBits[i].Flags; i++) { if (Flags & DefBits[i].Flags) { if (c) { *Dest = c; Dest += 1; } strcpy(Dest, DefBits[i].String); Dest += strlen(DefBits[i].String); c = '|'; } } } VOID PrintPowerStatus ( VOID ) { ULONG i; PUCHAR Ls; UCHAR Bf[200]; switch (PS.ACLineStatus) { case AC_LINE_OFFLINE: Ls = "off line"; break; case AC_LINE_ONLINE: Ls = "on line"; break; case AC_LINE_BACKUP_POWER: Ls = "backup power"; break; case AC_LINE_UNKNOWN: Ls = "unknown"; break; default: Ls = "**invalid**"; break; } strcpy (Bf, "unkown"); if (PS.BatteryFlag != BATTERY_FLAG_UNKNOWN) { GetBits(Bf, PS.BatteryFlag, PsBatteryFlagBits); } printf ("Win32 System power status\n" "AC line status..........: %s\n", Ls); printf ("Battery flag............: %s\n", Bf); printf ("Battery life percent....: %d\n", PS.BatteryLifePercent); printf ("Battery full life time..: %d\n\n", PS.BatteryFullLifeTime); } VOID PrintBattStatus ( VOID ) { ULONG i; PUCHAR Ls; UCHAR Bf[200]; printf ("AC on line..............: %s\n", szBool[Batt.AcOnLine]); printf ("Battery present ........: %s\n", szBool[Batt.BatteryPresent]); printf ("Charging................: %s\n", szBool[Batt.Charging]); printf ("Discharging.............: %s\n", szBool[Batt.Discharging]); printf ("Max Capacity............: %d\n", Batt.MaxCapacity); printf ("Remaining Capacity......: %d", Batt.RemainingCapacity); if (Batt.MaxCapacity) { printf (" %d%%\n", Batt.RemainingCapacity * 100 / Batt.MaxCapacity); } else { printf (" (divide by zero)%%\n"); } printf ("Rate....................: %d\n", Batt.Rate); printf ("Estimated time..........: %d\n", Batt.EstimatedTime); printf ("Default alert 1 & 2.....: %d %d\n\n",Batt.DefaultAlert1, Batt.DefaultAlert2); } BOOLEAN streql ( PUCHAR p1, PUCHAR p2 ) { return strcmp(p1, p2) == 0; } PUCHAR _strtok ( PUCHAR Start ) { static PUCHAR Location; PUCHAR p; if (Start) { Location = Start; } for (p = Location; *p && *p <'a' && *p >'z'; p++) ; if (!*p) { return NULL; } Start = p; for (; *p && *p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z'; p++) ; if (*p) { *p++ = 0; } Location = p; return Start; } VOID PrintCap ( PVOID Context ) { ULONG i; puts ("System power capabilties"); printf ("Power Button Present....: %s\n", szBool[Cap.PowerButtonPresent]); printf ("Sleep Button Present....: %s\n", szBool[Cap.SleepButtonPresent]); printf ("Lid Present.............: %s\n", szBool[Cap.LidPresent]); printf ("System states supported.: %s%s%s%s%s\n", Cap.SystemS1 ? "S1 " : "", Cap.SystemS2 ? "S2 " : "", Cap.SystemS3 ? "S3 " : "", Cap.SystemS4 ? "S4 " : "", Cap.SystemS5 ? "S5 " : "" ); printf ("Hiber file reserved.....: %s\n", szBool[Cap.HiberFilePresent]); printf ("Thermal control.........: %s\n", szBool[Cap.ThermalControl]); printf ("CPU Throttle control....: %s\n", szBool[Cap.ProcessorThrottle]); printf ("Processor min throttle..: %d\n", Cap.ProcessorMinThrottle); printf ("Processor max throttle..: %d\n", Cap.ProcessorMaxThrottle); printf ("Some disk will spindown.: %s\n", szBool[Cap.DiskSpinDown]); printf ("System batteries present: %s %s\n", szBool[Cap.SystemBatteriesPresent], Cap.BatteriesAreShortTerm ? "- short term" : "" ); printf ("System batteries scale..: "); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { printf ("(G:%d C:%d) ", Cap.BatteryScale[i].Granularity, Cap.BatteryScale[i].Capacity ); } printf ("\n" "Ac on line wake ability.: %s\n", SysPower(Cap.AcOnLineWake)); printf ("Lid wake ability........: %s\n", SysPower(Cap.SoftLidWake)); printf ("RTC wake ability........: %s\n", SysPower(Cap.RtcWake)); printf ("Min device wake.........: %s\n", SysPower(Cap.MinDeviceWakeState)); printf ("Default low latency wake: %s\n\n", SysPower(Cap.DefaultLowLatencyWake)); } PUCHAR Action ( IN PBOOLEAN CapFlag, IN PPOWER_ACTION_POLICY Act ) { static UCHAR text[200]; PUCHAR p; UCHAR c; ULONG i; p = text; if (CapFlag && !*CapFlag) { strcpy(p, "Disabled "); p += strlen("Disabled "); } strcpy(p, ActionS(Act->Action)); p+=strlen(ActionS(Act->Action)); if (Act->Action != PowerActionNone && Act->Flags) { c = '('; for (i=0; ActFlags[i].Flags; i++) { if (Act->Flags & ActFlags[i].Flags) { p += sprintf (p, "%c%s", c, ActFlags[i].String); c = '|'; } } p += sprintf (p, ")"); } if (Act->EventCode) { p += sprintf (p, "-Code=%x", Act->EventCode); } return text; } VOID SetAction ( IN PPOWER_ACTION_POLICY Action ) { PUCHAR p; POWER_ACTION Act; ULONG Flags; Flags = 0; p = _strtok (CurValue); if (streql(p, "none")) { Act = PowerActionNone; } else if (streql(p, "sleep")) { Act = PowerActionSleep; } else if (streql(p, "hiber")) { Act = PowerActionHibernate; } else if (streql(p, "shutdown")) { Act = PowerActionShutdown; } else if (streql(p, "shutdownreset")) { Act = PowerActionShutdownReset; } else if (streql(p, "shutdownoff")) { Act = PowerActionShutdownOff; } else { printf ("Unknown power action '%s'.\n", p); puts ("use: doze, sleep, shutdown, shutdownreset, shutdownoff"); exit (1); } while (p = _strtok(NULL)) { if (streql(p, "qapp")) { Flags |= POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED; } else if (streql(p, "ui")) { Flags |= POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED; } else if (streql(p, "override")) { Flags |= POWER_ACTION_OVERRIDE_APPS; } else if (streql(p, "disablewake")) { Flags |= POWER_ACTION_DISABLE_WAKES; } else if (streql(p, "critical")) { Flags |= POWER_ACTION_CRITICAL; } else { printf ("Unknown power action '%s'.\n", p); puts ("use: qapp, io, override, disablewake, critical"); exit (1); } } Action->Action = Act; Action->Flags = Flags; } VOID SetSysPower ( IN PSYSTEM_POWER_STATE SysPower ) { PUCHAR p; p = CurValue; if (streql(p, "s0")) { *SysPower = PowerSystemWorking; } else if (streql(p, "s1")) { *SysPower = PowerSystemSleeping1; } else if (streql(p, "s2")) { *SysPower = PowerSystemSleeping2; } else if (streql(p, "s3")) { *SysPower = PowerSystemSleeping3; } else if (streql(p, "s4")) { *SysPower = PowerSystemHibernate; } else { printf ("Unknown system power state '%s'. Use S0,S1,S2,S3 or S4\n", p); exit (1); } } VOID SetPolicyCount( IN PULONG Variable ) { ULONG local; if (!CurValueIsNumeric) { printf("'%s' is not numeric\n", CurValue); exit(1); } local = atol(CurValue); if (local > 3) { puts("PolicyCount can only be in the range 0 to 3\n"); exit(1); } *Variable = local; } VOID SetDynamicThrottle( IN PUCHAR Variable ) { ULONG local; PUCHAR p; p = CurValue; if (streql(p,"none")) { *Variable = PO_THROTTLE_NONE; } else if (streql(p,"constant")) { *Variable = PO_THROTTLE_CONSTANT; } else if (streql(p,"degrade")) { *Variable = PO_THROTTLE_DEGRADE; } else if (streql(p,"degraded")) { *Variable = PO_THROTTLE_DEGRADE; } else if (streql(p,"adaptive")) { *Variable = PO_THROTTLE_ADAPTIVE; } else { printf("Unknown Dynamic Throttle state %s\n", CurValue); exit(1); } } VOID SetCStates( IN PPROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Pol ) { PUCHAR p; p = CurValue; if (streql(p,"true")) { Pol->DisableCStates = 1; } else { Pol->DisableCStates = 0; } } VOID SetPercentage ( IN PUCHAR Variable ) { PUCHAR p; if (!CurValueIsNumeric) { for (p = CurValue; *p; p++) { if (*p == '%') { *p = '\0'; } } CurValueIsNumeric = TRUE; for (p = CurValue; *p; p++) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') { CurValueIsNumeric = FALSE; } } if (!CurValueIsNumeric) { printf ("'%s' is not numeric\n", CurValue); exit (1); } } *Variable = (UCHAR) atol(CurValue); } VOID SetValue ( IN PULONG Variable ) { if (!CurValueIsNumeric) { printf ("'%s' is not numeric\n", CurValue); exit (1); } *Variable = atol(CurValue); } VOID SetBool ( IN PBOOLEAN Variable ) { BOOLEAN State; State = 99; if (CurValueIsNumeric) { State = (BOOLEAN)atol(CurValue); } else { if (streql(CurValue, "true")) { State = TRUE; } else if (streql(CurValue, "false")) { State = FALSE; } } if (State != FALSE && State != TRUE) { printf ("'%s' is not boolean\n", CurValue); exit (1); } *Variable = State; } VOID SetField( IN PPROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Pol, IN ULONG Index, IN PUCHAR What ) { BOOLEAN State; State = 99; if (CurValueIsNumeric) { State = (BOOLEAN)atol(CurValue); } else { if (streql(CurValue, "true")) { State = TRUE; } else if (streql(CurValue, "false")) { State = FALSE; } } if (State != FALSE && State != TRUE) { printf ("'%s' is not boolean\n", CurValue); exit (1); } if (streql(What,"allowpromotion")) { Pol->Policy[Index].AllowPromotion = State; } else if (streql(What,"allowdemotion")) { Pol->Policy[Index].AllowDemotion = State; } } VOID PrintPol ( IN PSYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Pol ) { BOOLEAN AnySleep; ULONG i; UCHAR text[200]; PUCHAR p; if (Pol->Revision != 1) { puts ("** revision not 1**"); } AnySleep = Cap.SystemS1 || Cap.SystemS2 || Cap.SystemS3 || Cap.SystemS4; printf ("Power button.........: %s\n", Action(&Cap.PowerButtonPresent, &Pol->PowerButton)); printf ("Sleep button.........: %s\n", Action(&Cap.SleepButtonPresent, &Pol->SleepButton)); printf ("Lid close............: %s\n", Action(&Cap.LidPresent, &Pol->LidClose)); printf ("Lid open wake........: %s\n", SysPower(Pol->LidOpenWake)); printf ("Idle.................: %s\n", Action(&AnySleep, &Pol->Idle)); printf ("Settings.............: Timeout=%d, Sensitivity=%d\n", Pol->IdleTimeout, Pol->IdleSensitivity ); printf ("Min sleep state......: %s\n", SysPower(Pol->MinSleep)); printf ("Max sleep state......: %s\n", SysPower(Pol->MaxSleep)); printf ("Reduced latency.sleep: %s\n", SysPower(Pol->ReducedLatencySleep)); printf ("WinLogonFlags........: %x\n", Pol->WinLogonFlags); printf ("DynamicThrottle......: %s\n", DynamicThrottle(Pol->DynamicThrottle)); printf ("Doze S4 timeout......: %d\n", Pol->DozeS4Timeout); printf ("Battery broadcast res: %d\n", Pol->BroadcastCapacityResolution); for (i=0; i < NUM_DISCHARGE_POLICIES; i++) { printf ("Battery discharge %d..: ", i); p = "Disabled"; if (!Cap.SystemBatteriesPresent && Pol->DischargePolicy[i].Enable) { p = "No battery, but enable is set"; } if (Cap.SystemBatteriesPresent && Pol->DischargePolicy[i].Enable) { sprintf (text, "%d, %s, Min=%s", Pol->DischargePolicy[i].BatteryLevel, Action (NULL, &Pol->DischargePolicy[i].PowerPolicy), SysPower(Pol->DischargePolicy[i].MinSystemState) ); p = text; } printf ("%s\n", p); } printf ("Video timeout.......: %d\n", Pol->VideoTimeout); printf ("Hard disk timeout....: %d\n", Pol->SpindownTimeout); printf ("Optimize for power...: %s\n", szBool[Pol->OptimizeForPower]); printf ("Fan throttle toler...: %d\n", Pol->FanThrottleTolerance); printf ("Forced throttle......: %d%% %s\n", Pol->ForcedThrottle, Pol->ForcedThrottle == 100 ? "(off)" : "(on)" ); printf ("Min throttle.........: %d%%\n", Pol->MinThrottle); printf ("Over throttle act....: %s\n", Action (NULL, &Pol->OverThrottled)); printf ("\n"); } VOID PrintPPol ( IN PPROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Pol ) { ULONG i; UCHAR text[200]; PUCHAR p; if (Pol->Revision != 1) { puts ("** revision not 1**"); } printf ("Dynamic Throttle.....: %s\n", DynamicThrottle(Pol->DynamicThrottle) ); printf ("Disable CStates......: %s\n", szBool[Pol->DisableCStates] ); printf ("\n"); for (i = 0; i < Pol->PolicyCount; i++) { printf ("C%x Processor Power Policy\n", (i+1) ); printf (" Allow Demotion....: %s\n", szBool[Pol->Policy[i].AllowDemotion]); printf (" Allow Promotion...: %s\n", szBool[Pol->Policy[i].AllowPromotion]); printf (" Demote Percent....: %d%%\n", Pol->Policy[i].DemotePercent); printf (" Promote Percent...: %d%%\n", Pol->Policy[i].PromotePercent); printf (" Demote Limit......: %s\n", MicroSeconds(Pol->Policy[i].DemoteLimit) ); printf (" Promote Limit.....: %s\n", MicroSeconds(Pol->Policy[i].PromoteLimit) ); printf (" Time Check........: %s\n", MicroSeconds(Pol->Policy[i].TimeCheck) ); printf ("\n"); } printf ("\n"); } VOID PrintAdmin ( PVOID Context ) { printf ("Min sleep state......: %s\n", SysPower(Admin.MinSleep)); printf ("Max sleep state......: %s\n", SysPower(Admin.MaxSleep)); printf ("Min video timeout....: %d\n", Admin.MinVideoTimeout); printf ("Max video timeout....: %d\n", Admin.MaxVideoTimeout); printf ("Min spindown timeout.: %d\n", Admin.MinSpindownTimeout); printf ("Max spindown timeout.: %d\n", Admin.MaxSpindownTimeout); } VOID AssignSetting ( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { PSYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Pol; PUCHAR p; if (!CurContext) { puts( "must select one of:\n" " ac - the system power policy while on AC\n" " dc - the system power policy while on DC\n" " pac - the processor power policy while on AC\n" " pdc - the processor power policy while on DC\n" " cap - the system capabilities\n" " admin - the admin policy\n" "before assigning settings" ); exit (1); } CurValue = Value; if (!*CurValue) { printf ("null settings not allowed\n"); exit (1); } CurValueIsNumeric = TRUE; for (p = Value; *p; p++) { if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') { CurValueIsNumeric = FALSE; } } ItemUpdated = TRUE; CurAssign (Variable, Value); } VOID AssignPolicySetting ( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { PSYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Pol; Pol = (PSYSTEM_POWER_POLICY) CurContext; // set policy if (streql(Variable, "pbutt")) { SetAction(&Pol->PowerButton); } else if (streql(Variable, "sbutt")) { SetAction(&Pol->SleepButton); } else if (streql(Variable, "lidclose")) { SetAction(&Pol->LidClose); } else if (streql(Variable, "idle")) { SetAction(&Pol->Idle); } else if (streql(Variable, "idlesense")) { SetValue((PULONG)&Pol->IdleSensitivity); } else if (streql(Variable, "idletimeout")) { SetValue(&Pol->IdleTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "minsleep")) { SetSysPower(&Pol->MinSleep); } else if (streql(Variable, "maxsleep")) { SetSysPower(&Pol->MaxSleep); } else if (streql(Variable, "reducedsleep")) { SetSysPower(&Pol->ReducedLatencySleep); } else if (streql(Variable, "s4timeout")) { SetValue(&Pol->DozeS4Timeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "videotimeout")) { SetValue(&Pol->VideoTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "disktimeout")) { SetValue(&Pol->SpindownTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "optpower")) { SetBool(&Pol->OptimizeForPower); } else if (streql(Variable, "fantol")) { SetValue((PULONG)&Pol->FanThrottleTolerance); } else if (streql(Variable, "minthrot")) { SetValue((PULONG)&Pol->MinThrottle); } else if (streql(Variable, "forcethrot")) { SetValue((PULONG)&Pol->ForcedThrottle); } else if (streql(Variable, "overthrot")) { SetAction(&Pol->OverThrottled); } else { puts ( "Variable not:\n" " pbutt, sbutt, lidclose\n" " idle, idlesense, idletime\n" " minsleep, maxsleep, reducedsleep, s4timeout\n" " videotimeout, disktimeout, optpower\n" " optpower, fantol, minthrot, forcethrot, overthrot" ); exit (1); } } VOID AssignPPolicySetting ( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { PPROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Pol; Pol = (PPROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY) CurContext; if (streql(Variable,"policycount")) { SetPolicyCount(&(Pol->PolicyCount)); } else if (streql(Variable,"dynamicthrottle")) { SetDynamicThrottle(&(Pol->DynamicThrottle)); } else if (streql(Variable,"disablecstates")) { SetCStates(Pol); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1allowpromotion")) { SetField(Pol,0,"allowpromotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1allowdemotion")) { SetField(Pol,0,"allowdemotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1demotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[0].DemotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1promotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[0].PromotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1demotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[0].DemoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1promotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[0].PromoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c1timecheck")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[0].TimeCheck)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2allowpromotion")) { SetField(Pol,1,"allowpromotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2allowdemotion")) { SetField(Pol,1,"allowdemotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2demotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[1].DemotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2promotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[1].PromotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2demotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[1].DemoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2promotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[1].PromoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c2timecheck")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[1].TimeCheck)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3allowpromotion")) { SetField(Pol,2,"allowpromotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3allowdemotion")) { SetField(Pol,2,"allowdemotion"); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3demotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[2].DemotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3promotepercent")) { SetPercentage(&(Pol->Policy[2].PromotePercent)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3demotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[2].DemoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3promotelimit")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[2].PromoteLimit)); } else if (streql(Variable,"c3timecheck")) { SetValue(&(Pol->Policy[2].TimeCheck)); } else { puts( "Variable not:\n" " policycount - number of elements in policy\n" " dynamicthrottle - which throttle policy to use\n" " disablecstates - disable cstates if true\n" " cXallowpromotion - allow promotion from state X\n" " cXallowdemotion - allow demotion from state X\n" " cXdemotepercent - set demote percent for state X\n" " cXpromotepercent - set promote percent for state X\n" " cXdemotelimit - set demote limit for state X\n" " cXpromotelimit - set promote limit for state X\n" " cXtimecheck - set time check interval for state X" " where X = <1,2,3>\n" ); exit(1); } } VOID AssignCurrentSetting( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { if (CurInfo == ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent) { puts( "PCurrent is only intended for use in displaying the current processor\n" "power policy. You must use 'pac' or 'pdc' to actually set policy." ); } else if (CurInfo == SystemPowerPolicyCurrent) { puts( "Current is only intended for use in displaying the current system\n" "power policy. You muse use 'ac' or 'dc' to actually set policy." ); } else { puts( "Unknown setting." ); } exit(1); } VOID AssignAdminSetting ( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { if (streql(Variable, "minsleep")) { SetSysPower(&Admin.MinSleep); } else if (streql(Variable, "maxsleep")) { SetSysPower(&Admin.MaxSleep); } else if (streql(Variable, "minvideo")) { SetValue(&Admin.MinVideoTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "maxvideo")) { SetValue(&Admin.MaxVideoTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "mindisk")) { SetValue(&Admin.MinSpindownTimeout); } else if (streql(Variable, "maxdisk")) { SetValue(&Admin.MaxSpindownTimeout); } else { puts( "Variable not:\n" " minsleep, maxsleep\n" " minvideo, maxvideo, mindisk, maxdisk" ); exit (1); } } VOID AssignCapSetting ( PUCHAR Variable, PUCHAR Value ) { // set capability if (streql(Variable, "pbutt")) { SetBool(&Cap.PowerButtonPresent); } else if (streql(Variable, "sbutt")) { SetBool(&Cap.SleepButtonPresent); } else if (streql(Variable, "lid")) { SetBool(&Cap.LidPresent); } else if (streql(Variable, "s1")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemS1); } else if (streql(Variable, "s2")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemS2); } else if (streql(Variable, "s3")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemS3); } else if (streql(Variable, "s4")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemS4); } else if (streql(Variable, "s5")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemS5); } else if (streql(Variable, "batt")) { SetBool(&Cap.SystemBatteriesPresent); } else if (streql(Variable, "shortterm")) { SetBool(&Cap.BatteriesAreShortTerm); } else if (streql(Variable, "acwake")) { SetSysPower(&Cap.AcOnLineWake); } else if (streql(Variable, "lidwake")) { SetSysPower(&Cap.SoftLidWake); } else if (streql(Variable, "rtcwake")) { SetSysPower(&Cap.RtcWake); } else if (streql(Variable, "lowlat")) { SetSysPower(&Cap.DefaultLowLatencyWake); } else { puts ( "Variable not:\n" " pbutt, sbutt, lid, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5\n" " batt, shortterm, acwake, lidwake, rtcwak, lowlat" ); exit (1); } } #define SEL_NONE 0 #define SEL_AC 1 #define SEL_DC 2 #define SEL_CAP 3 #define SEL_ADMIN 4 #define SEL_PAC 5 #define SEL_PDC 6 #define SEL_CURRENT 7 #define SEL_PCURRENT 8 VOID SelectItem( IN ULONG Type ) { NTSTATUS Status; if (CurType) { if (ItemUpdated) { if (Verbose2) { printf ("%s being set as:\n", CurDesc); CurPrint (CurContext); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( CurInfo, CurContext, CurContextSize, CurContext, CurContextSize ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("NtPowerInformation failed with %x\n", Status); } } puts (CurDesc); CurPrint (CurContext); } switch (Type) { case SEL_NONE: CurPrint = NULL; CurAssign = NULL; CurContext = NULL; break; case SEL_AC: CurPrint = PrintPol; CurInfo = SystemPowerPolicyAc; CurContext = &Ac; CurContextSize = sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignPolicySetting; CurDesc = "AC power policy"; break; case SEL_DC: CurPrint = PrintPol; CurInfo = SystemPowerPolicyDc; CurContext = &Dc; CurContextSize = sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignPolicySetting; CurDesc = "DC power policy"; break; case SEL_CURRENT: CurPrint = PrintPol; CurInfo = SystemPowerPolicyCurrent; CurContext = &Current; CurContextSize = sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignCurrentSetting; CurDesc = "Current power policy"; break; case SEL_PAC: CurPrint = PrintPPol; CurInfo = ProcessorPowerPolicyAc; CurContext = &PAc; CurContextSize = sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignPPolicySetting; CurDesc = "AC processor power policy"; break; case SEL_PDC: CurPrint = PrintPPol; CurInfo = ProcessorPowerPolicyDc; CurContext = &PDc; CurContextSize = sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignPPolicySetting; CurDesc = "DC processor power policy"; break; case SEL_PCURRENT: CurPrint = PrintPPol; CurInfo = ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent; CurContext = &PCurrent; CurContextSize = sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignCurrentSetting; CurDesc = "Current processor power policy"; break; case SEL_CAP: CurPrint = PrintCap; CurInfo = SystemPowerCapabilities, CurContext = ⋒ CurContextSize = sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES); CurAssign = AssignCapSetting; CurDesc = "power capabilties"; break; case SEL_ADMIN: CurPrint = PrintAdmin; CurInfo = AdministratorPowerPolicy; CurContext = &Admin; CurContextSize = sizeof(ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY); CurAssign = AssignAdminSetting; CurDesc = "Admin policy overrides"; break; } CurType = Type; ItemUpdated = FALSE; } VOID UpdateAdmin ( VOID ) { ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY AdminPolicy; NTSTATUS Status; Status = NtPowerInformation ( AdministratorPowerPolicy, NULL, 0, &AdminPolicy, sizeof (AdminPolicy) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading admin policy %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( AdministratorPowerPolicy, &AdminPolicy, sizeof (AdminPolicy), NULL, 0 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error writing admin policy %x\n", Status); exit (1); } } VOID __cdecl main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { NTSTATUS Status; PUCHAR p, p1; BOOLEAN Result; HANDLE hToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; if (argc < 2) { puts ("dumppo: cap ps bs admin ac dc current pac pdc pcurrent"); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemPowerCapabilities, NULL, 0, &Cap, sizeof (Cap) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading power capabilities %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( AdministratorPowerPolicy, NULL, 0, &Admin, sizeof (Admin) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading admin power overrides %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemPowerPolicyAc, NULL, 0, &Ac, sizeof (Ac) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading AC policies %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemPowerPolicyDc, NULL, 0, &Dc, sizeof (Dc) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading DC policies %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemPowerPolicyCurrent, NULL, 0, &Current, sizeof (Current) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading Current policies %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Result = (BOOLEAN)GetSystemPowerStatus (&PS); if (!Result) { printf ("False returned from GetSystemPowerStatus %x\n", GetLastError()); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( SystemBatteryState, NULL, 0, &Batt, sizeof (Batt) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading system battery status %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation ( ProcessorPowerPolicyAc, NULL, 0, &PAc, sizeof (PAc) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf ("Error reading processor AC policy %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation( ProcessorPowerPolicyDc, NULL, 0, &PDc, sizeof (PDc) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Error reading processor DC policy %x\n", Status); exit (1); } Status = NtPowerInformation( ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent, NULL, 0, &PCurrent, sizeof (PCurrent) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Error reading processor Current policy %x\n", Status); exit (1); } // // Upgrade premissions // OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ); LookupPrivilegeValue ( NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid ); tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges ( hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, NULL, 0 ); // // Process args // while (argc) { argc--; if (streql(*argv, "-v")) { Verbose1 = TRUE; } if (streql(*argv, "-V")) { Verbose1 = TRUE; Verbose2 = TRUE; } for (p = *argv; *p; p++) { if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') { *p += 'a' - 'A'; } } p = *argv; argv += 1; if (streql(p, "ac")) { SelectItem(SEL_AC); } if (streql(p, "dc")) { SelectItem(SEL_DC); } if (streql(p, "current")) { SelectItem(SEL_CURRENT); } if (streql(p, "cap")) { SelectItem(SEL_CAP); } if (streql(p, "ps")) { SelectItem(SEL_NONE); PrintPowerStatus (); } if (streql(p, "bs")) { SelectItem(SEL_NONE); PrintBattStatus(); } if (streql(p, "admin")) { SelectItem(SEL_ADMIN); } if (streql(p, "pdc")) { SelectItem(SEL_PDC); } if (streql(p, "pac")) { SelectItem(SEL_PAC); } if (streql(p, "pcurrent")) { SelectItem(SEL_PCURRENT); } // // Check if this is a assignment // for (p1=p; *p1; p1++) { if (*p1 == '=') { *p1 = 0; AssignSetting (p, p1+1); } } } // flush SelectItem(SEL_NONE); }