// // Driver Verifier UI // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 // // // // module: VrfUtil.cpp // author: DMihai // created: 11/1/00 // // Description // #include "stdafx.h" #include "verifier.h" #include "vrfutil.h" #include "vglobal.h" #include "VSetting.h" #include "disk.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // // Global data // const TCHAR RegMemoryManagementKeyName[] = _T( "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management" ); const TCHAR RegVerifyDriverLevelValueName[] = _T( "VerifyDriverLevel" ); const TCHAR RegVerifyDriversValueName[] = _T( "VerifyDrivers" ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Report an error using a dialog box or a console message. // The message format string is loaded from the resources. // void __cdecl VrfErrorResourceFormat( UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; TCHAR strFormat[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; va_list prms; // // Load the format string from the resources // bResult = VrfLoadString( uIdResourceFormat, strFormat, ARRAY_LENGTH( strFormat ) ); ASSERT( bResult ); if( bResult ) { va_start (prms, uIdResourceFormat); // // Format the message in our local buffer // _vsntprintf ( szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ), strFormat, prms); szMessage[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) - 1 ] = (TCHAR)0; if( g_bCommandLineMode ) { // // Command console mode // _putts( szMessage ); TRACE( _T( "%s\n" ), szMessage ); } else { // // GUI mode // AfxMessageBox( szMessage, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP ); } va_end (prms); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Print out a message to the console // The message string is loaded from the resources. // void __cdecl VrfTPrintfResourceFormat( UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; TCHAR strFormat[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; va_list prms; ASSERT( g_bCommandLineMode ); // // Load the format string from the resources // bResult = VrfLoadString( uIdResourceFormat, strFormat, ARRAY_LENGTH( strFormat ) ); ASSERT( bResult ); if( bResult ) { va_start (prms, uIdResourceFormat); // // Format the message in our local buffer // _vsntprintf ( szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ), strFormat, prms); szMessage[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) - 1 ] = (TCHAR)0; _putts( szMessage ); va_end (prms); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Print out a simple (non-formatted) message to the console // The message string is loaded from the resources. // void __cdecl VrfPrintStringFromResources( UINT uIdString ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; ASSERT( g_bCommandLineMode ); VERIFY( VrfLoadString( uIdString, szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) ) ); _putts( szMessage ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Report an error using a dialog box or a console message. // The message string is loaded from the resources. // void __cdecl VrfMesssageFromResource( UINT uIdString ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; VERIFY( VrfLoadString( uIdString, szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) ) ); if( g_bCommandLineMode ) { // // Command console mode // _putts( szMessage ); } else { // // GUI mode // AfxMessageBox( szMessage, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Load a string from resources. // Return TRUE if we successfully loaded and FALSE if not. // BOOL VrfLoadString( ULONG uIdResource, TCHAR *szBuffer, ULONG uBufferLength ) { ULONG uLoadStringResult; if( uBufferLength < 1 ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return FALSE; } uLoadStringResult = LoadString ( g_hProgramModule, uIdResource, szBuffer, uBufferLength ); // // We should never try to load non-existent strings. // ASSERT (uLoadStringResult > 0); return (uLoadStringResult > 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Load a string from resources. // Return TRUE if we successfully loaded and FALSE if not. // BOOL VrfLoadString( ULONG uIdResource, CString &strText ) { TCHAR szText[ 256 ]; BOOL bSuccess; bSuccess = VrfLoadString( uIdResource, szText, ARRAY_LENGTH( szText ) ); if( TRUE == bSuccess ) { strText = szText; } else { strText = ""; } return bSuccess; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID CopyStringArray( const CStringArray &strArraySource, CStringArray &strArrayDest ) { INT_PTR nNewSize; INT_PTR nCrtElem; strArrayDest.RemoveAll(); nNewSize = strArraySource.GetSize(); for( nCrtElem = 0; nCrtElem < nNewSize; nCrtElem += 1 ) { strArrayDest.Add( strArraySource.GetAt( nCrtElem ) ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copied from sdktools\bvtsigvf // BOOL VerifyIsFileSigned( LPCTSTR pcszMatchFile, PDRIVER_VER_INFO lpVerInfo) { HRESULT hRes; WINTRUST_DATA WinTrustData; WINTRUST_FILE_INFO WinTrustFile; GUID gOSVerCheck = DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY; GUID gPublishedSoftware = WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2; #ifndef UNICODE INT iRet; WCHAR wszFileName[MAX_PATH]; #endif ZeroMemory(&WinTrustData, sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA)); WinTrustData.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA); WinTrustData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; WinTrustData.fdwRevocationChecks = WTD_REVOKE_NONE; WinTrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_FILE; WinTrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_AUTO_CACHE; WinTrustData.pFile = &WinTrustFile; WinTrustData.pPolicyCallbackData = (LPVOID)lpVerInfo; ZeroMemory(lpVerInfo, sizeof(DRIVER_VER_INFO)); lpVerInfo->cbStruct = sizeof(DRIVER_VER_INFO); ZeroMemory(&WinTrustFile, sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO)); WinTrustFile.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO); #ifndef UNICODE iRet = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pcszMatchFile, -1, wszFileName, ARRAY_LENGTH(wszFileName)); WinTrustFile.pcwszFilePath = wszFileName; #else WinTrustFile.pcwszFilePath = pcszMatchFile; #endif hRes = WinVerifyTrust( AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, &gOSVerCheck, &WinTrustData); if (hRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) hRes = WinVerifyTrust( AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, &gPublishedSoftware, &WinTrustData); // // Free the pcSignerCertContext member of the DRIVER_VER_INFO struct // that was allocated in our call to WinVerifyTrust. // if (lpVerInfo && lpVerInfo->pcSignerCertContext) { CertFreeCertificateContext(lpVerInfo->pcSignerCertContext); lpVerInfo->pcSignerCertContext = NULL; } return (hRes == ERROR_SUCCESS); } #define HASH_SIZE 100 BOOL IsDriverSigned( LPCTSTR szDriverFileName ) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL bSigned; BOOL bSuccess; HRESULT hTrustResult; DWORD dwHashSize; GUID guidSubSystemDriver = DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY; HCATINFO hCatInfo; HCATINFO hPrevCatInfo; BYTE Hash[ HASH_SIZE ]; WINTRUST_DATA WinTrustData; DRIVER_VER_INFO VerInfo; WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO WinTrustCatalogInfo; CATALOG_INFO CatInfo; #ifndef UNICODE WCHAR szUnicodeFileName[MAX_PATH]; #endif ASSERT( NULL != szDriverFileName ); bSigned = FALSE; // // Open the file // hFile = CreateFile( szDriverFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // // ISSUE: // // If we cannot find the file we assume it's signed // bSigned = TRUE; goto Done; } // // Generate the hash from the file handle and store it in Hash // dwHashSize = ARRAY_LENGTH( Hash ); ZeroMemory( Hash, sizeof( Hash ) ); bSuccess = CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle( hFile, &dwHashSize, Hash, 0); CloseHandle( hFile ); if( TRUE != bSuccess ) { // // If we couldn't generate a hash assume the file is not signed // goto Done; } // // Now we have the file's hash. Initialize the structures that // will be used later on in calls to WinVerifyTrust. // // // Initialize the VerInfo structure // ZeroMemory( &VerInfo, sizeof( VerInfo ) ); VerInfo.cbStruct = sizeof( VerInfo ); // // Initialize the WinTrustCatalogInfo structure // ZeroMemory( &WinTrustCatalogInfo, sizeof( WinTrustCatalogInfo ) ); WinTrustCatalogInfo.cbStruct = sizeof(WinTrustCatalogInfo); WinTrustCatalogInfo.pbCalculatedFileHash = Hash; WinTrustCatalogInfo.cbCalculatedFileHash = dwHashSize; #ifdef UNICODE WinTrustCatalogInfo.pcwszMemberTag = szDriverFileName; #else MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szDriverFileName, -1, szUnicodeFileName, ARRAY_LENGTH( szUnicodeFileName ) ); WinTrustCatalogInfo.pcwszMemberTag = szUnicodeFileName; #endif // // Initialize the WinTrustData structure // ZeroMemory( &WinTrustData, sizeof( WinTrustData ) ); WinTrustData.cbStruct = sizeof( WinTrustData ); WinTrustData.dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; WinTrustData.fdwRevocationChecks = WTD_REVOKE_NONE; WinTrustData.dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_CATALOG; WinTrustData.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_AUTO_CACHE; WinTrustData.pPolicyCallbackData = (LPVOID)&VerInfo; WinTrustData.pCatalog = &WinTrustCatalogInfo; // // If we don't have a g_hCatAdmin yet, acquire one // if( NULL == g_hCatAdmin ) { CryptCATAdminAcquireContext( &g_hCatAdmin, NULL, 0); if( NULL == g_hCatAdmin ) { // // Bad luck - consider that the file is not signed and bail out // goto Done; } } // // Now we try to find the file hash in the catalog list, via CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash // hPrevCatInfo = NULL; hCatInfo = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash( g_hCatAdmin, Hash, dwHashSize, 0, &hPrevCatInfo ); while( TRUE != bSigned && NULL != hCatInfo ) { ZeroMemory( &CatInfo, sizeof( CatInfo ) ); CatInfo.cbStruct = sizeof( CatInfo ); bSuccess = CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext( hCatInfo, &CatInfo, 0); if( FALSE != bSuccess ) { WinTrustCatalogInfo.pcwszCatalogFilePath = CatInfo.wszCatalogFile; // // Now verify that the file is an actual member of the catalog. // hTrustResult = WinVerifyTrust( AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, &guidSubSystemDriver, &WinTrustData ); bSigned = SUCCEEDED( hTrustResult ); // // Free the pcSignerCertContext member of the DRIVER_VER_INFO struct // that was allocated in our call to WinVerifyTrust. // if( VerInfo.pcSignerCertContext != NULL ) { CertFreeCertificateContext( VerInfo.pcSignerCertContext ); VerInfo.pcSignerCertContext = NULL; } } if( TRUE != bSigned ) { // // The hash was in this catalog, but the file wasn't a member... so off to the next catalog // hPrevCatInfo = hCatInfo; hCatInfo = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash( g_hCatAdmin, Hash, dwHashSize, 0, &hPrevCatInfo ); } } if( NULL == hCatInfo ) { // // If it wasn't found in the catalogs, check if the file is individually signed. // bSigned = VerifyIsFileSigned( szDriverFileName, &VerInfo ); } Done: return bSigned; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfSetWindowText( CWnd &Wnd, ULONG uIdResourceString ) { BOOL bLoaded; CString strText; // // It's safe to use CString::LoadString here because we are // in GUI mode // ASSERT( FALSE == g_bCommandLineMode ); bLoaded = strText.LoadString( uIdResourceString ); ASSERT( TRUE == bLoaded ); Wnd.SetWindowText( strText ); return ( TRUE == bLoaded ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfWriteVerifierSettings( BOOL bHaveNewDrivers, const CString &strDriversToVerify, BOOL bHaveNewFlags, DWORD dwVerifyFlags ) { HKEY hMmKey = NULL; LONG lResult; BOOL bSuccess; ASSERT( bHaveNewDrivers || bHaveNewFlags ); if( bHaveNewDrivers && strDriversToVerify.GetLength() == 0 ) { // // No drivers to verify // return VrfDeleteAllVerifierSettings(); } if( bHaveNewFlags ) { TRACE( _T( "VrfWriteVerifierSettings: New verifier flags = %#x\n" ), dwVerifyFlags ); } if( bHaveNewDrivers ) { TRACE( _T( "VrfWriteVerifierSettings: New drivers = %s\n" ), (LPCTSTR) strDriversToVerify ); } // // Open the Mm key // lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hMmKey ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( lResult == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); } else { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGOPENKEYEX_FAILED, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, (DWORD)lResult); } goto Done; } if( bHaveNewFlags ) { // // Write VerifyDriverLevel value // if( VrfWriteRegistryDwordValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriverLevelValueName, dwVerifyFlags ) == FALSE ) { RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } } if( bHaveNewDrivers ) { // // Write VerifyDrivers value // if( VrfWriteRegistryStringValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriversValueName, strDriversToVerify ) == FALSE ) { RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } } // // Close the Mm key and return success // RegCloseKey( hMmKey ); Done: return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfWriteRegistryDwordValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, DWORD dwValue ) { LONG lResult; BOOL bSuccess; lResult = RegSetValueEx( hKey, szValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, ( LPBYTE ) &dwValue, sizeof( dwValue ) ); bSuccess = ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ); g_bSettingsSaved = g_bSettingsSaved | bSuccess; if( TRUE != bSuccess ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGSETVALUEEX_FAILED, szValueName, (DWORD) lResult ); } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfWriteRegistryStringValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, LPCTSTR szValue ) { BOOL bSuccess; LONG lResult; lResult = RegSetValueEx ( hKey, szValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) szValue, ( _tcslen( szValue ) + 1 ) * sizeof (TCHAR) ); bSuccess = ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ); g_bSettingsSaved = g_bSettingsSaved | bSuccess; if( TRUE != bSuccess ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGSETVALUEEX_FAILED, szValueName, (DWORD) lResult); } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfReadVerifierSettings( CString &strDriversToVerify, DWORD &dwVerifyFlags ) { HKEY hMmKey = NULL; LONG lResult; BOOL bSuccess; bSuccess = FALSE; // // Open the Mm key // lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hMmKey ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( lResult == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); } else { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGOPENKEYEX_FAILED, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, (DWORD)lResult); } goto Done; } // // Read VerifyDriverLevel value // if( VrfReadRegistryDwordValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriverLevelValueName, dwVerifyFlags ) == FALSE ) { RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } // // Read VerifyDrivers value // if( VrfReadRegistryStringValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriversValueName, strDriversToVerify ) == FALSE ) { RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } // // Close the Mm key and return success // RegCloseKey( hMmKey ); bSuccess = TRUE; Done: return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrtLoadCurrentRegistrySettings( BOOL &bAllDriversVerified, CStringArray &astrDriversToVerify, DWORD &dwVerifyFlags ) { BOOL bResult; CString strDriversToVerify; astrDriversToVerify.RemoveAll(); dwVerifyFlags = 0; bAllDriversVerified = FALSE; bResult = VrfReadVerifierSettings( strDriversToVerify, dwVerifyFlags ); strDriversToVerify.TrimLeft(); strDriversToVerify.TrimRight(); if( strDriversToVerify.CompareNoCase( _T( "*" ) ) == 0 ) { bAllDriversVerified = TRUE; } else { VrfSplitDriverNamesSpaceSeparated( strDriversToVerify, astrDriversToVerify ); } return bResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfSplitDriverNamesSpaceSeparated( CString strAllDrivers, CStringArray &astrVerifyDriverNames ) { INT nCharIndex; CString strCrtDriverName; astrVerifyDriverNames.RemoveAll(); // // Split the space separated driver names in astrDriversToVerify // strAllDrivers.TrimRight(); while( TRUE ) { strAllDrivers.TrimLeft(); if( strAllDrivers.GetLength() == 0 ) { // // We are done parsing the whole string // break; } // // Look for a space or a tab // nCharIndex = strAllDrivers.Find( _T( ' ' ) ); if( nCharIndex < 0 ) { nCharIndex = strAllDrivers.Find( _T( '\t' ) ); } if( nCharIndex >= 0 ) { // // Found a separator character // strCrtDriverName = strAllDrivers.Left( nCharIndex ); if( strCrtDriverName.GetLength() > 0 && FALSE == VrfIsStringInArray( strCrtDriverName, astrVerifyDriverNames ) ) { astrVerifyDriverNames.Add( strCrtDriverName ); } strAllDrivers = strAllDrivers.Right( strAllDrivers.GetLength() - nCharIndex - 1 ); } else { // // This is the last driver name // if( FALSE == VrfIsStringInArray( strAllDrivers, astrVerifyDriverNames ) ) { astrVerifyDriverNames.Add( strAllDrivers ); } break; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfIsDriversSetDifferent( CString strAllDrivers1, const CStringArray &astrVerifyDriverNames2 ) { BOOL bDifferent; INT_PTR nDriverNames1; INT_PTR nDriverNames2; INT_PTR nCrtDriver1; INT_PTR nCrtDriver2; CString strDriver1; CString strDriver2; CStringArray astrVerifyDriverNames1; bDifferent = TRUE; VrfSplitDriverNamesSpaceSeparated( strAllDrivers1, astrVerifyDriverNames1 ); nDriverNames1 = astrVerifyDriverNames1.GetSize(); nDriverNames2 = astrVerifyDriverNames2.GetSize(); if( nDriverNames1 == nDriverNames2 ) { // // Same number of drivers // bDifferent = FALSE; for( nCrtDriver1 = 0; nCrtDriver1 < nDriverNames1; nCrtDriver1 += 1 ) { strDriver1 = astrVerifyDriverNames1.GetAt( nCrtDriver1 ); bDifferent = TRUE; // // Look for strDriver1 in astrVerifyDriverNames2 // for( nCrtDriver2 = 0; nCrtDriver2 < nDriverNames2; nCrtDriver2 += 1 ) { strDriver2 = astrVerifyDriverNames2.GetAt( nCrtDriver2 ); if( strDriver1.CompareNoCase( strDriver2 ) == 0 ) { bDifferent = FALSE; break; } } if( TRUE == bDifferent ) { // // Did not find strDriver1 in astrVerifyDriverNames2 // break; } } } return bDifferent; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfReadRegistryDwordValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, DWORD &dwValue ) { LONG lResult; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDataSize; dwDataSize = sizeof( dwValue ); lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szValueName, 0, &dwType, ( LPBYTE ) &dwValue, &dwDataSize ); if( lResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { // // The value doesn't currently exist // dwValue = 0; bSuccess = TRUE; } else { bSuccess = ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult && REG_DWORD == dwType && dwDataSize == sizeof( dwValue ) ); } if( TRUE != bSuccess ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGQUERYVALUEEX_FAILED, szValueName, (DWORD) lResult ); } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfReadRegistryStringValue( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR szValueName, CString &strDriversToVerify ) { BOOL bSuccess; LONG lResult; LPTSTR szDriversToVerify; ULONG uRegKeyLength; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDataSize; bSuccess = FALSE; lResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; szDriversToVerify = NULL; for( uRegKeyLength = 128; uRegKeyLength < 4096; uRegKeyLength += 128 ) { // // Try allocate a local buffer and use it to query // szDriversToVerify = new TCHAR[ uRegKeyLength ]; if( NULL != szDriversToVerify ) { dwDataSize = uRegKeyLength * sizeof (TCHAR); lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szValueName, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szDriversToVerify, &dwDataSize ); switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // // Return an empty string // szDriversToVerify[ 0 ] = (TCHAR)0; bSuccess = TRUE; break; case ERROR_SUCCESS: // // Got the driver names from the registry // bSuccess = ( REG_SZ == dwType ); break; default: // // Try with a bigger buffer // break; } } if( FALSE != bSuccess ) { // // Got what we needed // break; } else { // // Delete the current buffer and try with a bigger one // ASSERT( NULL != szDriversToVerify ); strDriversToVerify = szDriversToVerify; delete [] szDriversToVerify; szDriversToVerify = NULL; } } if( TRUE != bSuccess ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGSETVALUEEX_FAILED, szValueName, (DWORD) lResult); } else { ASSERT( NULL != szDriversToVerify ); strDriversToVerify = szDriversToVerify; delete [] szDriversToVerify; szDriversToVerify = NULL; } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfDeleteAllVerifierSettings() { HKEY hMmKey = NULL; LONG lResult; BOOL bSuccess; bSuccess = FALSE; // // Open the Mm key // lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hMmKey ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( lResult == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); } else { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGOPENKEYEX_FAILED, RegMemoryManagementKeyName, (DWORD)lResult); } goto Done; } // // Delete VerifyDriverLevel value // lResult = RegDeleteValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriverLevelValueName ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS && lResult != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGDELETEVALUE_FAILED, RegVerifyDriverLevelValueName, (DWORD) lResult ); RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } g_bSettingsSaved = g_bSettingsSaved | ( lResult != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); // // Delete VerifyDrivers value // lResult = RegDeleteValue( hMmKey, RegVerifyDriversValueName ); if( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS && lResult != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_REGDELETEVALUE_FAILED, RegVerifyDriversValueName, (DWORD) lResult ); RegCloseKey (hMmKey); goto Done; } g_bSettingsSaved = g_bSettingsSaved | ( lResult != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); // // Close the Mm key and return success // RegCloseKey( hMmKey ); // // Delete the disk verifier settings. // bSuccess = DeleteAllDiskVerifierSettings(); Done: return bSuccess; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL DeleteAllDiskVerifierSettings() { BOOL bSuccess; INT_PTR nArraySize; CDiskData *pOldDiskData; LPTSTR szDiskDevicesPDOName; bSuccess = TRUE; nArraySize = g_OldDiskData.GetSize(); while( nArraySize > 0 ) { nArraySize -= 1; pOldDiskData = g_OldDiskData.GetAt( nArraySize ); ASSERT_VALID( pOldDiskData ); if( FALSE != pOldDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled ) { szDiskDevicesPDOName = pOldDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetBuffer( pOldDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.GetLength() + 1 ); if( NULL == szDiskDevicesPDOName ) { bSuccess = FALSE; break; } // // Verifier will be disabled for this disk. // bSuccess = ( DelFilter( g_szFilter, szDiskDevicesPDOName ) != FALSE); pOldDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesPDOName.ReleaseBuffer(); if( FALSE == bSuccess ) { break; } else { g_bSettingsSaved = TRUE; } } } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfGetRuntimeVerifierData( CRuntimeVerifierData *pRuntimeVerifierData ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Length = 0; ULONG buffersize; BOOL bSuccess; PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION VerifierInfo; PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION VerifierInfoBase; CRuntimeDriverData *pCrtDriverData; LPTSTR szName; ASSERT_VALID( pRuntimeVerifierData ); pRuntimeVerifierData->FillWithDefaults(); pRuntimeVerifierData->m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.DeleteAll(); bSuccess = FALSE; // // Try to get the right size for the NtQuery buffer // buffersize = 1024; do { VerifierInfo = (PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION)malloc (buffersize); if (VerifierInfo == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } Status = NtQuerySystemInformation (SystemVerifierInformation, VerifierInfo, buffersize, &Length); if (Status != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { break; } free (VerifierInfo); buffersize += 1024; } while (1); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_QUERY_SYSINFO_FAILED, Status); goto Done; } // // If no info fill out return success but no info. // if (Length == 0) { free (VerifierInfo); bSuccess = TRUE; goto Done; } // // Fill out the cumulative-driver stuff. // VerifierInfoBase = VerifierInfo; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bSpecialPool = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bForceIrql = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bLowRes = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bPoolTracking = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bIo = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bDeadlockDetect = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_DEADLOCK_DETECTION) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bDMAVerif = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VERIFIER) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_bEnhIo = (VerifierInfo->Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_ENHANCED_IO_CHECKING) ? TRUE : FALSE; pRuntimeVerifierData->RaiseIrqls = VerifierInfo->RaiseIrqls; pRuntimeVerifierData->AcquireSpinLocks = VerifierInfo->AcquireSpinLocks; pRuntimeVerifierData->SynchronizeExecutions = VerifierInfo->SynchronizeExecutions; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsAttempted = VerifierInfo->AllocationsAttempted; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsSucceeded = VerifierInfo->AllocationsSucceeded; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool = VerifierInfo->AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsWithNoTag = VerifierInfo->AllocationsWithNoTag; pRuntimeVerifierData->Trims = VerifierInfo->Trims; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsFailed = VerifierInfo->AllocationsFailed; pRuntimeVerifierData->AllocationsFailedDeliberately = VerifierInfo->AllocationsFailedDeliberately; pRuntimeVerifierData->UnTrackedPool = VerifierInfo->UnTrackedPool; pRuntimeVerifierData->Level = VerifierInfo->Level; // // Fill out the per-driver stuff. // VerifierInfo = VerifierInfoBase; do { // // Allocate a new driver data structure // pCrtDriverData = new CRuntimeDriverData; if( NULL == pCrtDriverData ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); break; } #ifndef UNICODE ANSI_STRING Name; NTSTATUS Status; Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString ( & Name, & VerifierInfo->DriverName, TRUE); if (! (NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); break; } szName = pCrtDriverData->m_strName.GetBuffer( Name.Length + 1 ); if( NULL != szName ) { CopyMemory( szName, Name.Buffer, ( Name.Length + 1 ) * sizeof( Name.Buffer[ 0 ] ) ); szName[ Name.Length ] = 0; pCrtDriverData->m_strName.ReleaseBuffer(); } RtlFreeAnsiString (& Name); #else szName = pCrtDriverData->m_strName.GetBuffer( VerifierInfo->DriverName.Length + 1 ); if( NULL != szName ) { CopyMemory( szName, VerifierInfo->DriverName.Buffer, ( VerifierInfo->DriverName.Length + 1 ) * sizeof( VerifierInfo->DriverName.Buffer[ 0 ] ) ); szName[ VerifierInfo->DriverName.Length ] = 0; pCrtDriverData->m_strName.ReleaseBuffer(); } #endif //#ifndef UNICODE if( FALSE != pRuntimeVerifierData->IsDriverVerified( pCrtDriverData->m_strName ) ) { // // This is a duplicate entry - ignore it. // delete pCrtDriverData; } else { pCrtDriverData->Loads = VerifierInfo->Loads; pCrtDriverData->Unloads = VerifierInfo->Unloads; pCrtDriverData->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations = VerifierInfo->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; pCrtDriverData->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations = VerifierInfo->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; pCrtDriverData->PeakPagedPoolAllocations = VerifierInfo->PeakPagedPoolAllocations; pCrtDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = VerifierInfo->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; pCrtDriverData->PagedPoolUsageInBytes = VerifierInfo->PagedPoolUsageInBytes; pCrtDriverData->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = VerifierInfo->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; pCrtDriverData->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes = VerifierInfo->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes; pCrtDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = VerifierInfo->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; pRuntimeVerifierData->m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.Add( pCrtDriverData ); } if (VerifierInfo->NextEntryOffset == 0) { break; } VerifierInfo = (PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION)((PCHAR)VerifierInfo + VerifierInfo->NextEntryOffset); } while (1); free (VerifierInfoBase); Done: return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLOADED_IMAGE VrfImageLoad( LPTSTR szBinaryName, LPTSTR szDirectory ) { #ifdef UNICODE char *szOemImageName; char *szOemDirectory; int nStringLength; PLOADED_IMAGE pLoadedImage; pLoadedImage = NULL; nStringLength = wcslen( szBinaryName ); szOemImageName = new char [ nStringLength + 1 ]; if( NULL != szOemImageName ) { CharToOem( szBinaryName, szOemImageName ); if( NULL == szDirectory ) { szOemDirectory = NULL; } else { nStringLength = wcslen( szDirectory ); szOemDirectory = new char [ nStringLength + 1 ]; if (NULL != szOemDirectory) { CharToOem( szDirectory, szOemDirectory ); } } pLoadedImage = ImageLoad( szOemImageName, szOemDirectory ); if( NULL != szOemDirectory ) { delete [] szOemDirectory; } delete [] szOemImageName; } return pLoadedImage; #else // // Already have ANSI strings // return ImageLoad( szBinaryName, szDirectory ); #endif //#ifdef UNICODE } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfDumpStateToFile( FILE *file ) { BOOL bSuccess; INT_PTR nDriversNo; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; TCHAR strLocalTime[ 64 ]; TCHAR strLocalDate[ 64 ]; CRuntimeDriverData *pRunDriverData; CRuntimeVerifierData RunTimeVerifierData; // // Output the date&time in the current user format // GetLocalTime( &SystemTime ); if( GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, strLocalDate, ARRAY_LENGTH( strLocalDate ) ) ) { VrfFTPrintf( file, _T( "%s, " ), strLocalDate ); } else { ASSERT( FALSE ); } if( GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, strLocalTime, ARRAY_LENGTH( strLocalTime ) ) ) { VrfFTPrintf( file, _T( "%s\n" ), strLocalTime); } else { ASSERT( FALSE ); VrfFTPrintf( file, _T( "\n" ) ); } // // Get the current verifier statistics // if( VrfGetRuntimeVerifierData( &RunTimeVerifierData ) == FALSE) { VrfOuputStringFromResources( IDS_CANTGET_VERIF_STATE, file ); bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } nDriversNo = RunTimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetSize(); if( 0 == nDriversNo ) { // // no statistics to dump // bSuccess = VrfOuputStringFromResources( IDS_NO_DRIVER_VERIFIED, file ); } else { // // dump the counters // // // global counters // if( ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_LEVEL, RunTimeVerifierData.Level ) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_RAISEIRQLS, RunTimeVerifierData.RaiseIrqls ) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ACQUIRESPINLOCKS, RunTimeVerifierData.AcquireSpinLocks ) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_SYNCHRONIZEEXECUTIONS, RunTimeVerifierData.SynchronizeExecutions) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSATTEMPTED, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsAttempted) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSSUCCEEDED, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsSucceeded) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSSUCCEEDEDSPECIALPOOL, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSWITHNOTAG, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsWithNoTag) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSFAILED, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsFailed) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_ALLOCATIONSFAILEDDELIBERATELY, RunTimeVerifierData.AllocationsFailedDeliberately) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_TRIMS, RunTimeVerifierData.Trims) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_UNTRACKEDPOOL, RunTimeVerifierData.UnTrackedPool) ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } // // per driver counters // if( ! VrfOuputStringFromResources( IDS_THE_VERIFIED_DRIVERS, file ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDriversNo; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { VrfFTPrintf( file, _T( "\n" ) ); pRunDriverData = RunTimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetAt( nCrtDriver ) ; ASSERT_VALID( pRunDriverData ); if( VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_NAME_LOADS_UNLOADS, (LPCTSTR)pRunDriverData->m_strName, pRunDriverData->Loads, pRunDriverData->Unloads) == FALSE ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } // // pool statistics // if( ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_CURRENTPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS, pRunDriverData->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_CURRENTNONPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS, pRunDriverData->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_PEAKPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS, pRunDriverData->PeakPagedPoolAllocations) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_PEAKNONPAGEDPOOLALLOCATIONS, pRunDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_PAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES, (ULONG) pRunDriverData->PagedPoolUsageInBytes) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_NONPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES, (ULONG) pRunDriverData->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_PEAKPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES, (ULONG) pRunDriverData->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes) ) || ( ! VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( file, IDS_PEAKNONPAGEDPOOLUSAGEINBYTES, (ULONG) pRunDriverData->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes) ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } } } Done: return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL __cdecl VrfFTPrintf( FILE *file, LPCTSTR szFormat, ... ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; va_list prms; ASSERT( NULL != file ); ASSERT( g_bCommandLineMode ); va_start (prms, szFormat); // // Format the message in our local buffer // _vsntprintf ( szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ), szFormat, prms ); szMessage[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) - 1 ] = 0; bResult = ( _fputts( szMessage, file ) >= 0 ); va_end (prms); return bResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL __cdecl VrfFTPrintfResourceFormat( FILE *file, UINT uIdResourceFormat, ... ) { TCHAR szMessage[ 256 ]; TCHAR strFormat[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; va_list prms; ASSERT( NULL != file ); // // Load the format string from the resources // bResult = VrfLoadString( uIdResourceFormat, strFormat, ARRAY_LENGTH( strFormat ) ); ASSERT( bResult ); if( bResult ) { va_start (prms, uIdResourceFormat); // // Format the message in our local buffer // _vsntprintf ( szMessage, ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ), strFormat, prms); szMessage[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szMessage ) - 1 ] = (TCHAR)0; bResult = ( _fputts( szMessage, file ) >= 0 ); va_end (prms); } return bResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfOuputStringFromResources( UINT uIdString, FILE *file ) { TCHAR szText[ 256 ]; BOOL bResult; ASSERT( NULL != file ); bResult = VrfLoadString( uIdString, szText, ARRAY_LENGTH( szText ) ); if( FALSE == bResult ) { goto Done; } bResult = ( _fputts( szText, file ) >= 0 ); Done: return bResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfSetNewFlagsVolatile( DWORD dwNewFlags ) { BOOL bResult; NTSTATUS Status; INT_PTR nCurrentlyVerifiedDrivers; CRuntimeVerifierData RunTimeVerifierData; bResult = TRUE; nCurrentlyVerifiedDrivers = 0; if( VrfGetRuntimeVerifierData( &RunTimeVerifierData ) == FALSE ) { // // Cannot get current verifier settings // VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_CANTGET_VERIF_STATE ); bResult = FALSE; goto Done; } nCurrentlyVerifiedDrivers = RunTimeVerifierData.m_RuntimeDriverDataArray.GetSize(); if( nCurrentlyVerifiedDrivers > 0 ) { // // There are some drivers currently verified // if( RunTimeVerifierData.Level != dwNewFlags ) { // // Just use NtSetSystemInformation to set the flags // that can be modified on the fly. Don't write anything to the registry. // // // Enable debug privilege // if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { g_bPrivilegeEnabled = VrfEnableDebugPrivilege(); if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { bResult = FALSE; goto Done; } } // // Set the new flags // Status = NtSetSystemInformation( SystemVerifierInformation, &dwNewFlags, sizeof( dwNewFlags ) ); if( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if( Status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) { // // Access denied // VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); } else { // // Some other error // VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTING_ON_FLY ); } bResult = FALSE; goto Done; } } } Done: if( g_bCommandLineMode ) { VrfDumpChangedSettings( RunTimeVerifierData.Level, dwNewFlags, nCurrentlyVerifiedDrivers ); } return bResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfAddDriversVolatile( const CStringArray &astrNewDrivers ) { BOOL bSuccess; INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; CString strCrtDriver; bSuccess = TRUE; nDrivers = astrNewDrivers.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { strCrtDriver = astrNewDrivers.GetAt( nCrtDriver ); if( TRUE != VrfAddDriverVolatile( strCrtDriver ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; } } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfAddDriverVolatile( const CString &strCrtDriver ) { NTSTATUS Status; UINT uIdErrorString; BOOL bSuccess; UNICODE_STRING usDriverName; #ifndef UNICODE WCHAR *szUnicodeName = NULL; INT_PTR nNameLength; #endif //#ifndef UNICODE bSuccess = TRUE; // // Enable debug privilege // if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { g_bPrivilegeEnabled = VrfEnableDebugPrivilege(); if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } } // // Must have driver name as a UNICODE_STRING // #ifdef UNICODE // // UNICODE // RtlInitUnicodeString( &usDriverName, (LPCTSTR) strCrtDriver ); #else // // ANSI // nNameLength = strCrtDriver.GetLength(); szUnicodeName = new WCHAR[ nNameLength + 1 ]; if( NULL == szUnicodeName ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR) strCrtDriver, -1, szUnicodeName, nNameLength + 1 ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &usDriverName, szUnicodeName ); #endif //#ifdef UNICODE Status = NtSetSystemInformation( SystemVerifierAddDriverInformation, &usDriverName, sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) ); if( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { switch( Status ) { case STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS: uIdErrorString = IDS_VERIFIER_ADD_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_ADD_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case STATUS_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_ADD_ALREADY_LOADED; break; case STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: case STATUS_NO_MEMORY: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_ADD_INSUF_RESOURCES; break; case STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_ADD_ACCESS_DENIED; break; default: VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_DYN_ADD_MISC_ERROR, (LPCTSTR) strCrtDriver, Status ); bSuccess = FALSE; } VrfErrorResourceFormat( uIdErrorString, (LPCTSTR) strCrtDriver ); bSuccess = FALSE; } #ifndef UNICODE if( NULL != szUnicodeName ) { delete [] szUnicodeName; } #endif //#ifndef UNICODE Done: return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfRemoveDriversVolatile( const CStringArray &astrNewDrivers ) { INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; BOOL bSuccess; CString strCrtDriver; bSuccess = TRUE; nDrivers = astrNewDrivers.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { strCrtDriver = astrNewDrivers.GetAt( nCrtDriver ); if( TRUE != VrfRemoveDriverVolatile( strCrtDriver ) ) { bSuccess = FALSE; } } return bSuccess; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfRemoveDriverVolatile( const CString &strDriverName ) { NTSTATUS Status; UINT uIdErrorString; BOOL bSuccess; UNICODE_STRING usDriverName; #ifndef UNICODE WCHAR *szUnicodeName = NULL; INT_PTR nNameLength; #endif //#ifndef UNICODE bSuccess = TRUE; // // Enable debug privilege // if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { g_bPrivilegeEnabled = VrfEnableDebugPrivilege(); if( g_bPrivilegeEnabled != TRUE ) { bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } } // // Must have driver name as a UNICODE_STRING // #ifdef UNICODE // // UNICODE // RtlInitUnicodeString( &usDriverName, (LPCTSTR) strDriverName ); #else // // ANSI // nNameLength = strDriverName.GetLength(); szUnicodeName = new WCHAR[ nNameLength + 1 ]; if( NULL == szUnicodeName ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); bSuccess = FALSE; goto Done; } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR) strDriverName, -1, szUnicodeName, nNameLength + 1 ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &usDriverName, szUnicodeName ); #endif //#ifdef UNICODE Status = NtSetSystemInformation( SystemVerifierRemoveDriverInformation, &usDriverName, sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) ); if( ! NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { switch( Status ) { case STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS: uIdErrorString = IDS_VERIFIER_REMOVE_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: // // the driver verifier is not currently active at all -> success // case STATUS_NOT_FOUND: // // the driver is not currently verified -> success // return TRUE; case STATUS_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_REMOVE_ALREADY_LOADED; break; case STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: case STATUS_NO_MEMORY: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_REMOVE_INSUF_RESOURCES; break; case STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD: uIdErrorString = IDS_DYN_REMOVE_ACCESS_DENIED; break; default: VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_DYN_REMOVE_MISC_ERROR, (LPCTSTR) strDriverName, Status ); bSuccess = FALSE; } VrfErrorResourceFormat( uIdErrorString, (LPCTSTR) strDriverName ); bSuccess = FALSE; } Done: #ifndef UNICODE if( NULL != szUnicodeName ) { delete [] szUnicodeName; } #endif //#ifndef UNICODE return bSuccess; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfEnableDebugPrivilege( ) { struct { DWORD Count; LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privilege [1]; } Info; HANDLE Token; BOOL Result; // // Open the process token // Result = OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, & Token); if( Result != TRUE ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); return FALSE; } // // Prepare the info structure // Info.Count = 1; Info.Privilege[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Result = LookupPrivilegeValue ( NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &(Info.Privilege[0].Luid)); if( Result != TRUE ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); CloseHandle( Token ); return FALSE; } // // Adjust the privileges // Result = AdjustTokenPrivileges ( Token, FALSE, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) &Info, NULL, NULL, NULL); if( Result != TRUE || GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { VrfErrorResourceFormat( IDS_ACCESS_IS_DENIED ); CloseHandle( Token ); return FALSE; } CloseHandle( Token ); return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfDumpChangedSettings( UINT OldFlags, UINT NewFlags, INT_PTR nDriversVerified ) { UINT uDifferentFlags; if( nDriversVerified == 0 ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_NO_DRIVER_VERIFIED ); goto Done; } if( OldFlags == NewFlags ) { // // no settings were changed // VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_NO_SETTINGS_WERE_CHANGED ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_CHANGED_SETTINGS_ARE ); uDifferentFlags = OldFlags ^ NewFlags; // // changed DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING ? // if( uDifferentFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING ) { if( NewFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_SPECIAL_POOL_ENABLED_NOW ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_SPECIAL_POOL_DISABLED_NOW ); } } // // changed DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING ? // if( uDifferentFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING ) { if( NewFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_FORCE_IRQLCHECK_ENABLED_NOW ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_FORCE_IRQLCHECK_DISABLED_NOW ); } } // // changed DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES ? // if( uDifferentFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES ) { if( NewFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_FAULT_INJECTION_ENABLED_NOW ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_FAULT_INJECTION_DISABLED_NOW ); } } // // changed DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS ? // if( uDifferentFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS ) { if( NewFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_POOL_TRACK_ENABLED_NOW ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_POOL_TRACK_DISABLED_NOW ); } } // // changed DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING ? // if( uDifferentFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING ) { if( NewFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_IO_CHECKING_ENABLED_NOW ); } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_IO_CHECKING_DISABLED_NOW ); } } // // the changes are not saved to the registry // VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_CHANGES_ACTIVE_ONLY_BEFORE_REBOOT ); } Done: NOTHING; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD VrfGetStandardFlags() { DWORD dwStandardFlags; dwStandardFlags = DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING | DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING | DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS | DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING | DRIVER_VERIFIER_DEADLOCK_DETECTION | DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VERIFIER; return dwStandardFlags; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfAddMiniports( CStringArray &astrVerifiedDrivers ) { CStringArray astrToAdd; CString strCrtDriver; CString strCrtDriverToAdd; CString strLinkedDriver; INT_PTR nVerifiedDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; INT_PTR nDriversToAdd; INT_PTR nCrtDriverToAdd; nVerifiedDrivers = astrVerifiedDrivers.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nVerifiedDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { // // This will be a verified driver // strCrtDriver = astrVerifiedDrivers.GetAt( nCrtDriver ); // // Check if it is a miniport driver // if( VrfIsDriverMiniport( strCrtDriver, strLinkedDriver ) ) { // // Check if we didn't add already strLinkedDriver // nDriversToAdd = astrToAdd.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriverToAdd = 0; nCrtDriverToAdd < nDriversToAdd; nCrtDriverToAdd += 1 ) { strCrtDriverToAdd = astrToAdd.GetAt( nCrtDriverToAdd ); if( strCrtDriverToAdd.CompareNoCase( strLinkedDriver ) == 0 ) { // // We already wanted to add this driver // break; } } if( nCrtDriverToAdd >= nDriversToAdd ) { // // Add this new driver (strLinkedDriver) // astrToAdd.Add( strLinkedDriver ); } } } // // Flush astrToAdd into astrVerifiedDrivers // nDriversToAdd = astrToAdd.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriverToAdd = 0; nCrtDriverToAdd < nDriversToAdd; nCrtDriverToAdd += 1 ) { strCrtDriverToAdd = astrToAdd.GetAt( nCrtDriverToAdd ); astrVerifiedDrivers.Add( strCrtDriverToAdd ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfIsDriverMiniport( CString &strCrtDriver, CString &strLinkedDriver ) { // // N.B. // // The imagehlp functions are not multithreading safe // (see Whistler bug #88373) so if we want to use them from more than // one thread we will have to aquire some critical section before. // // Currently only one thread is using the imagehlp APIs in this app // (CSlowProgressDlg::LoadDriverDataWorkerThread) so we don't need // our synchronization. // LPTSTR szDriverName; LPTSTR szDriversDir; PLOADED_IMAGE pLoadedImage; BOOL bIsMiniport; BOOL bUnloaded; bIsMiniport = FALSE; ASSERT( strCrtDriver.GetLength() > 0 ); // // ImageLoad doesn't know about const pointers so // we have to GetBuffer here :-( // szDriverName = strCrtDriver.GetBuffer( strCrtDriver.GetLength() + 1 ); if( NULL == szDriverName ) { goto Done; } szDriversDir = g_strDriversDir.GetBuffer( g_strDriversDir.GetLength() + 1 ); if( NULL == szDriversDir ) { strCrtDriver.ReleaseBuffer(); goto Done; } // // Load the image // pLoadedImage = VrfImageLoad( szDriverName, szDriversDir ); if( NULL == pLoadedImage ) { // // Could not load the image from %windir%\system32\drivers // Try again from the PATH // pLoadedImage = VrfImageLoad( szDriverName, NULL ); } // // Give our string buffers back to MFC // strCrtDriver.ReleaseBuffer(); g_strDriversDir.ReleaseBuffer(); if( NULL == pLoadedImage ) { // // We couldn't load this image - bad luck // TRACE( _T( "ImageLoad failed for %s, error %u\n" ), (LPCTSTR) strCrtDriver, GetLastError() ); goto Done; } // // Check if the current driver is a miniport // bIsMiniport = VrfIsDriverMiniport( pLoadedImage, strLinkedDriver ); // // Clean-up // bUnloaded = ImageUnload( pLoadedImage ); // // If ImageUnload fails we cannot do much about it... // ASSERT( bUnloaded ); Done: return bIsMiniport; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LPSTR g_szSpecialDrivers[] = { "videoprt.sys", "scsiport.sys" }; BOOL VrfpLookForAllImportDescriptors( PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDescriptor, ULONG_PTR uVACorrection, CString &strLinkedAgainst ) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pCurrentDescriptor; PCHAR pCrtName; ULONG uCrtSpecialDriver; BOOL bIsMiniport; #ifdef UNICODE // // UNICODE // INT nCrtStringLength; PWSTR szMiniportName; #endif //#ifdef UNICODE bIsMiniport = FALSE; for( uCrtSpecialDriver = 0; ! bIsMiniport && uCrtSpecialDriver < ARRAY_LENGTH( g_szSpecialDrivers ); uCrtSpecialDriver += 1 ) { pCurrentDescriptor = pImportDescriptor; while( pCurrentDescriptor->Characteristics != NULL ) { pCrtName = (PCHAR)UlongToPtr( pCurrentDescriptor->Name ) + uVACorrection; if( lstrcmpiA( g_szSpecialDrivers[ uCrtSpecialDriver ] , pCrtName ) == 0 ) { // // This is a miniport // #ifndef UNICODE // // ANSI // strLinkedAgainst = g_szSpecialDrivers[ uCrtSpecialDriver ]; #else // // UNICODE // nCrtStringLength = strlen( g_szSpecialDrivers[ uCrtSpecialDriver ] ); szMiniportName = strLinkedAgainst.GetBuffer( nCrtStringLength + 1 ); if( NULL != szMiniportName ) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, g_szSpecialDrivers[ uCrtSpecialDriver ], -1, szMiniportName, ( nCrtStringLength + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); strLinkedAgainst.ReleaseBuffer(); } #endif bIsMiniport = TRUE; break; } pCurrentDescriptor += 1; } } return bIsMiniport; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfIsDriverMiniport( PLOADED_IMAGE pLoadedImage, CString &strLinkedDriver ) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR pImportDescriptor; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHeader; ULONG_PTR uVACorrection; ULONG uDataSize; BOOL bIsMiniport; bIsMiniport = FALSE; // // We are protecting ourselves against corrupted binaries // with this exception handler // try { pSectionHeader = NULL; pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)ImageDirectoryEntryToDataEx( pLoadedImage->MappedAddress, FALSE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT, &uDataSize, &pSectionHeader ); if( NULL == pSectionHeader ) { goto Done; } uVACorrection = (ULONG_PTR) pLoadedImage->MappedAddress + pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData - pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress; bIsMiniport = VrfpLookForAllImportDescriptors( pImportDescriptor, uVACorrection, strLinkedDriver ); #ifdef _DEBUG if( bIsMiniport ) { TRACE( _T( "%s will be auto-enabled\n" ), (LPCTSTR) strLinkedDriver ); } #endif //#ifdef DEBUG } catch( ... ) { TRACE( _T( "VrfIsDriverMiniport: Caught exception\n" ) ); } Done: return bIsMiniport; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( ULONG uIdResourceString, BOOL bEnabled ) { CString strTitle; CString strEnabled; ULONG uIdEnabledString; TCHAR szBigBuffer[ 128 ]; VERIFY( VrfLoadString( uIdResourceString, strTitle ) ); if( FALSE == bEnabled ) { uIdEnabledString = IDS_DISABLED; } else { uIdEnabledString = IDS_ENABLED; } VERIFY( VrfLoadString( uIdEnabledString, strEnabled ) ); _sntprintf( szBigBuffer, ARRAY_LENGTH( szBigBuffer ), _T( "%s: %s" ), (LPCTSTR) strTitle, (LPCTSTR) strEnabled ); szBigBuffer[ ARRAY_LENGTH( szBigBuffer ) - 1 ] = 0; _putts( szBigBuffer ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfDumpRegistrySettingsToConsole() { BOOL bLoaded; BOOL bAllDriversVerified; BOOL bDiskVerifierEnabled; DWORD dwVerifyFlags; INT_PTR nDrivers; INT_PTR nCrtDriver; CDiskData *pOldDiskData; CString strCrtDriver; CStringArray astrDriversToVerify; bLoaded = VrtLoadCurrentRegistrySettings( bAllDriversVerified, astrDriversToVerify, dwVerifyFlags ); if( FALSE != bLoaded ) { VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_SPECIAL_POOL, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_LOW_RESOURCE_SIMULATION, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_POOL_TRACKING, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_IO_VERIFICATION, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_DEADLOCK_DETECTION, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_DEADLOCK_DETECTION ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_ENH_IO_VERIFICATION, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_ENHANCED_IO_CHECKING ) != 0 ); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_DMA_CHECHKING, ( dwVerifyFlags & DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VERIFIER ) != 0 ); bDiskVerifierEnabled = g_OldDiskData.VerifyAnyDisk(); VrfpDumpSettingToConsole( IDS_DISK_INTEGRITY_CHECKING, bDiskVerifierEnabled ); // // List of verified drivers. // VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_VERIFIED_DRIVERS ); if( FALSE != bAllDriversVerified ) { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_ALL ); } else { nDrivers = astrDriversToVerify.GetSize(); if( nDrivers > 0 ) { for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { strCrtDriver = astrDriversToVerify.GetAt( nCrtDriver ); _putts( (LPCTSTR) strCrtDriver ); } } else { VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_NONE ); } } if( FALSE != bDiskVerifierEnabled ) { // // List of verified disks. // VrfPrintStringFromResources( IDS_VERIFIED_DISKS ); nDrivers = g_OldDiskData.GetSize(); for( nCrtDriver = 0; nCrtDriver < nDrivers; nCrtDriver += 1 ) { pOldDiskData = g_OldDiskData.GetAt( nCrtDriver ); ASSERT_VALID( pOldDiskData ); if( FALSE != pOldDiskData->m_bVerifierEnabled ) { _putts( (LPCTSTR) pOldDiskData->m_strDiskDevicesForDisplay ); } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfIsNameAlreadyInList( LPCTSTR szDriver, LPCTSTR szAllDrivers ) { INT nNameLength; INT nLastIndex; INT nIndex; BOOL bFoundIt; CString strDriver( szDriver ); CString strAllDrivers( szAllDrivers ); bFoundIt = FALSE; strDriver.MakeLower(); strAllDrivers.MakeLower(); nNameLength = strDriver.GetLength(); nLastIndex = 0; do { nIndex = strAllDrivers.Find( (LPCTSTR)strDriver, nLastIndex ); if( nIndex >= 0 ) { // // Found the substring. Verify it is separated of spaces, etc. // if( (nIndex == 0 || _T( ' ' ) == strAllDrivers[ nIndex - 1 ]) && ( (TCHAR)0 == strAllDrivers[ nNameLength + nIndex ] || _T( ' ' ) == strAllDrivers[ nNameLength + nIndex ]) ) { // // This is our driver. // bFoundIt = TRUE; break; } else { // // Continue searching. // nLastIndex = nIndex + 1; } } } while( nIndex >= 0 ); return bFoundIt; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID VrfAddDriverNameNoDuplicates( LPCTSTR szDriver, CString &strAllDrivers ) { if( FALSE == VrfIsNameAlreadyInList( szDriver, strAllDrivers ) ) { if( strAllDrivers.GetLength() > 0 ) { strAllDrivers += _T( ' ' ); } strAllDrivers += szDriver; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL VrfIsStringInArray( LPCTSTR szText, const CStringArray &astrAllTexts ) { INT_PTR nTexts; BOOL bFound; bFound = FALSE; nTexts = astrAllTexts.GetSize(); while( nTexts > 0 ) { nTexts -= 1; if( 0 == astrAllTexts.GetAt( nTexts ).CompareNoCase( szText ) ) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } return bFound; }