#ifndef COMMON_H #define COMMON_H #define STRICT #include #include #include #include #include #define DDEVCF_DOSUBDIRS 0x00000001 // recursively search/remove #define DDEVCF_REMOVEAFTERCLEAN 0x00000002 // remove from the registry after run once #define DDEVCF_REMOVEREADONLY 0x00000004 // remove file even if it is read-only #define DDEVCF_REMOVESYSTEM 0x00000008 // remove file even if it is system #define DDEVCF_REMOVEHIDDEN 0x00000010 // remove file even if it is hidden #define DDEVCF_DONTSHOWIFZERO 0x00000020 // don't show this cleaner if it has nothing to clean #define DDEVCF_REMOVEDIRS 0x00000040 // Match filelist against directories and remove everything under them. #define DDEVCF_RUNIFOUTOFDISKSPACE 0x00000080 // Only run if machine is out of disk space. #define DDEVCF_REMOVEPARENTDIR 0x00000100 // remove the parent directory once done. #define DDEVCF_PRIVATE_LASTACCESS 0x10000000 // use LastAccessTime #define FILETIME_HOUR_HIGH 0x000000C9 // High DWORD for a FILETIME hour #define FILETIME_HOUR_LOW 0x2A69C000 // Low DWORD for a FILETIME hour #define CLSID_STRING_SIZE 39 #define DESCRIPTION_LENGTH 512 #define BUTTONTEXT_LENGTH 50 #define DISPLAYNAME_LENGTH 128 #define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #define REGSTR_VAL_BITMAPDISPLAY TEXT("BitmapDisplay") #define REGSTR_VAL_URL TEXT("URL") #define REGSTR_VAL_FOLDER TEXT("folder") #define REGSTR_VAL_CSIDL TEXT("CSIDL") #define REGSTR_VAL_FILELIST TEXT("FileList") #define REGSTR_VAL_LASTACCESS TEXT("LastAccess") #define REGSTR_VAL_FLAGS TEXT("Flags") // DDEVCF_ flags #define REGSTR_VAL_CLEANUPSTRING TEXT("CleanupString") #define REGSTR_VAL_FAILIFPROCESSRUNNING TEXT("FailIfProcessRunning") #define REGSTR_PATH_SETUP_SETUP TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup") typedef struct tag_CleanFileStruct { TCHAR file[MAX_PATH]; ULARGE_INTEGER ulFileSize; BOOL bSelected; BOOL bDirectory; struct tag_CleanFileStruct *pNext; } CLEANFILESTRUCT, *PCLEANFILESTRUCT; #ifdef _DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #ifdef DEBUG #define MI_TRAP _asm int 3 void DebugPrint( HRESULT hr, LPCTSTR lpFormat, ... ); #define MiDebugMsg( args ) DebugPrint args #else #define MI_TRAP #define MiDebugMsg( args ) #endif // DEBUG #endif // COMMON_H