@REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2001 @REM @REM Description: @REM Generate the Timewarp Client MSI from twcliXX_.msi @REM Adds the latest version of twclient.chm twclient.hlp and twext.dll @REM @REM Usage: @REM Called by twclient.cmd during the automatic PostBuild phase. @REM @REM Author: @REM Adi Oltean [aoltean] - 10/09/2001 @REM @REM Revisions: @REM 10/09/2001 - created original script for x86 and USA only. @REM @rem @rem 0) Set up environment variables @rem @echo off @if defined verbose echo on setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS set TW_ERR=0 set TWCLI_ROOT=%~dp0 set TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR=%~dp0\gen_msi set TWCLI_CAB_GEN_DIR=%~dp0\gen_cab set TWCLI_HELP_SRC=%~dp0\help\usa set TWCLI_MSI_SRC=%~dp0\usa set TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_DIR=%TWCLI_ROOT%\usa @rem @rem 1) Set the platform-dependent file names @rem call :SET_PLATFORM_DEPENDENT_VAR set TWCLI_CHM_FILE=%TWCLI_HELP_SRC%\twclient.chm set TWCLI_HLP_FILE=%TWCLI_HELP_SRC%\twclient.hlp set TWCLI_DLL_FILE=%TWCLI_ROOT%\twext.dll set TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE=%TWCLI_MSI_SRC%\%TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE_NAME% set TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE=%TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR%\%TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE_NAME% set TWCLI_ALMOST_FINAL_MSI_FILE=%TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR%\%TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE_NAME% set TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE=%TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_DIR%\%TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE_NAME% set TWCLI_TOOLS_DIR=%NTMAKEENV%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% @rem @rem 2) Testing if all files exists @rem @rem BUGBUG: Due to an ugly bug in the Enduser\HelpContents\i386\dirs @rem we need to ignore the Timewarp Help absence for now @rem This is a hack that must be fixed as soon as the dirs is fixed across depots if not exist %TWCLI_HELP_SRC% md %TWCLI_HELP_SRC% if not exist %TWCLI_CHM_FILE% copy %~df0 %TWCLI_CHM_FILE% if not exist %TWCLI_HLP_FILE% copy %~df0 %TWCLI_HLP_FILE% if not exist %TWCLI_DLL_FILE% copy %~df0 %TWCLI_DLL_FILE% @rem call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_CHM_FILE% @rem call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_HLP_FILE% @rem END BUGBUG call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_DLL_FILE% call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE% call :IF_NOT_EXIST %NTMAKEENV%\WiStream.vbs call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_ROOT%\WiMakTwClientCab.vbs call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_TOOLS_DIR%\msifiler.exe @rem @rem 3) Deleting previous temporary folders and files @rem call :CLEANUP_FOLDER %TWCLI_CAB_GEN_DIR% call :CLEANUP_FOLDER %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% call :DELETE_FILE %TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE% @rem @rem 4) Copying files to the temporary location. Also, copy the MSI to the @rem temporary location and double-check that we have the right file @rem call :COPY_INTO %TWCLI_CHM_FILE% %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% call :COPY_INTO %TWCLI_HLP_FILE% %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% call :COPY_INTO %TWCLI_DLL_FILE% %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% call :COPY_INTO %TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE% %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE% @rem @rem 5) Deleting the old CAB from the MSI @rem call :EXEC_CMD_IN_FOLDER %TWCLI_CAB_GEN_DIR% cscript.exe %NTMAKEENV%\WiStream.vbs %TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE% /D Cabs.w1.cab //B @rem @rem 6) Packing new files into the new cab and add it to the MSI @rem call :EXEC_CMD_IN_FOLDER %TWCLI_CAB_GEN_DIR% cscript.exe %TWCLI_ROOT%\WiMakTwClientCab.vbs %TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE% Cabs.w1 %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR% /c /u /e //B @rem @rem 7) Updating the MSI Version information @rem @rem [BUGBUG] msifiler.exe does not set the errorlevel! Use other tool. @rem We cannot reliably detect if it failed. But this doesn't corrupt the MSI. call :EXEC_CMD_IN_FOLDER %TWCLI_CAB_GEN_DIR% %TWCLI_TOOLS_DIR%\msifiler.exe -d %TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE% -s %TWCLI_MSI_GEN_DIR%\ @rem @rem 8) Give the MSI the final name @rem call :RENAME_FILE %TWCLI_TMP_MSI_FILE% %TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE_NAME% @rem @rem 9) Copy the updated MSI to the final location @rem call :COPY_INTO %TWCLI_ALMOST_FINAL_MSI_FILE% %TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_DIR% @rem @rem 10) Verify the correct file was generated. @rem call :IF_NOT_EXIST %TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE% @rem @rem 10) We are done! Set the script return code @rem %TWCLI_TOOLS_DIR%\seterror %TW_ERR% goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Routines rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Sets the platform-dependent variables :SET_PLATFORM_DEPENDENT_VAR if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if defined ia64 set MSI_POSTFIX=64 if defined 386 set MSI_POSTFIX=32 if "%MSI_POSTFIX%"=="" ( call errmsg.cmd "Unknown platform: ia64 and 386 not defined." set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) set TWCLI_INITIAL_MSI_FILE_NAME=twcli%MSI_POSTFIX%_.msi set TWCLI_FINAL_MSI_FILE_NAME=twcli%MSI_POSTFIX%.msi goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Executes a shell command in a specific folder :EXEC_CMD_IN_FOLDER if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if not exist %1 call errmsg.cmd "%1 is missing" & set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF pushd %1 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "cd %1 failed [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Command %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 failed [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & popd & goto :EOF ) popd goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Test the existence of a file/directory :IF_NOT_EXIST if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if not exist %1 call errmsg.cmd "%1 is missing" & set TW_ERR=1 goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Recursively deletes a directory :CLEANUP_FOLDER if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if exist %1 rd /s/q %1 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Folder %1 cannot be deleted [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) md %1 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Folder %1 cannot be created [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Copies a file in a directory :COPY_INTO if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if not exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "File %1 does not exist" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) if not exist %2 ( call errmsg.cmd "Folder %2 does not exist" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) copy %1 %2 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "COPY %1 to folder %2 cannot be performed [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Renames a file :RENAME_FILE if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if not exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "%1 does not exist" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) ren %1 %2 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "ren %1 %2 cannot be performed [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) goto :EOF rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Deletes a file :DELETE_FILE if %TW_ERR% == 1 goto :EOF if not exist %1 goto :EOF del %1 if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "del %1 cannot be performed [%errorlevel%]" set TW_ERR=1 & goto :EOF ) goto :EOF