// color.h: declaration of functions to deal with HTML color #ifndef __COLOR_H_ #define COLOR_H_ #define MAX_COLOR_STR 30 #define NUM_HTML_COLORS 140 #define NUM_SYS_COLORS 28 #define MAX_BINARY_STR 40 struct ColorPair_S { WCHAR *pwzColorName; COLORREF colorRef; }; struct ColorPair2_S { WCHAR *pwzColorName; int colorIndex; }; const ColorPair_S ColorNames[] = { { L"aliceblue", 0xfff8f0 }, { L"antiquewhite", 0xd7ebfa }, { L"aqua", 0xffff00 }, { L"aquamarine", 0xd4ff7f }, { L"azure", 0xfffff0 }, { L"beige", 0xdcf5f5 }, { L"bisque", 0xc4e4ff }, { L"black", 0x000000 }, { L"blanchedalmond", 0xcdebff }, { L"blue", 0xff0000 }, { L"blueviolet", 0xe22b8a }, { L"brown", 0x2a2aa5 }, { L"burlywood", 0x87b8de }, { L"cadetblue", 0xa09e5f }, { L"chartreuse", 0x00ff7f }, { L"chocolate", 0x1e69d2 }, { L"coral", 0x507fff }, { L"cornflowerblue", 0xed9564 }, { L"cornsilk", 0xdcf8ff }, { L"crimson", 0x3c14dc }, { L"cyan", 0xffff00 }, { L"darkblue", 0x8b0000 }, { L"darkcyan", 0x8b8b00 }, { L"darkgoldenrod", 0x0b86b8 }, { L"darkgray", 0xa9a9a9 }, { L"darkgreen", 0x006400 }, { L"darkkhaki", 0x6bb7bd }, { L"darkmagenta", 0x8b008b }, { L"darkolivegreen", 0x2f6b55 }, { L"darkorange", 0x008cff }, { L"darkorchid", 0xcc3299 }, { L"darkred", 0x00008b }, { L"darksalmon", 0x7a96e9 }, { L"darkseagreen", 0x8fbc8f }, { L"darkslateblue", 0x8b3d48 }, { L"darkslategray", 0x4f4f2f }, { L"darkturquoise", 0xd1ce00 }, { L"darkviolet", 0xd30094 }, { L"deeppink", 0x9314ff }, { L"deepskyblue", 0xffbf00 }, { L"dimgray", 0x696969 }, { L"dodgerblue", 0xff901e }, { L"firebrick", 0x2222b2 }, { L"floralwhite", 0xf0faff }, { L"forestgreen", 0x228b22 }, { L"fuchsia", 0xff00ff }, { L"gainsboro", 0xdcdcdc }, { L"ghostwhite", 0xfff8f8 }, { L"gold", 0x00d7ff }, { L"goldenrod", 0x20a5da }, { L"gray", 0x808080 }, { L"green", 0x008000 }, { L"greenyellow", 0x2fffad }, { L"honeydew", 0xf0fff0 }, { L"hotpink", 0xb469ff }, { L"indianred", 0x5c5ccd }, { L"indigo", 0x82004b }, { L"ivory", 0xf0ffff }, { L"khaki", 0x8ce6f0 }, { L"lavender", 0xfae6e6 }, { L"lavenderblush", 0xf5f0ff }, { L"lawngreen", 0x00fc7c }, { L"lemonchiffn", 0xcdfaff }, { L"lightblue", 0xe6d8ad }, { L"lightcoral", 0x8080f0 }, { L"lightcyan", 0xffffe0 }, { L"lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xd2fafa }, { L"lightgreen", 0x90ee90 }, { L"lightgrey", 0xd3d3d3 }, { L"lightpink", 0xc1b6ff }, { L"lightsalmon", 0x7aa0ff }, { L"lightseagreen", 0xaab220 }, { L"lightskyblue", 0xface87 }, { L"lightslategray", 0x998877 }, { L"lightsteelblue", 0xdec4b0 }, { L"lightyellow", 0xe0ffff }, { L"lime", 0x00ff00 }, { L"limegreen", 0x32cd32 }, { L"linen", 0xe6f0fa }, { L"magenta", 0xff00ff }, { L"maroon", 0x000080 }, { L"mediumaquamarine", 0xaacd66 }, { L"mediumblue", 0xcd0000 }, { L"mediumorchid", 0xd355ba }, { L"mediumpurple", 0xdb7093 }, { L"mediumseagreen", 0x71b33c }, { L"mediumslateblue", 0xee687b }, { L"mediumspringgreen", 0x9afa00 }, { L"mediumturquoise", 0xccd148 }, { L"mediumvioletred", 0x8515c7 }, { L"midnightblue", 0x701919 }, { L"mintcream", 0xfafff5 }, { L"mistyrose", 0xe1e4ff }, { L"moccasin", 0xb5e4ff }, { L"navajowhite", 0xaddeff }, { L"navy", 0x800000 }, { L"oldlace", 0xe6f5fd }, { L"olive", 0x008080 }, { L"olivedrab", 0x238e6b }, { L"orange", 0x00a5ff }, { L"orangered", 0x0045ff }, { L"orchid", 0xd670da }, { L"palegoldenrod", 0xaae8ee }, { L"palegreen", 0x98fb98 }, { L"paleturquoise", 0xeeeeaf }, { L"palevioletred", 0x9370db }, { L"papayawhip", 0xd5efff }, { L"peachpuff", 0xb9daff }, { L"peru", 0x3f85cd }, { L"pink", 0xcbc0ff }, { L"plum", 0xdda0dd }, { L"powderblue", 0xe6e0b0 }, { L"purple", 0x800080 }, { L"red", 0x0000ff }, { L"rosybrown", 0x8f8fbc }, { L"royalblue", 0xe16941 }, { L"saddlebrown", 0x13458b }, { L"salmon", 0x7280fa }, { L"sandybrown", 0x60a4f4 }, { L"seagreen", 0x578b2e }, { L"seashell", 0xeef5ff }, { L"sienna", 0x2d52a0 }, { L"silver", 0xc0c0c0 }, { L"skyblue", 0xebce87 }, { L"slateblue", 0xcd5a6a }, { L"slategray", 0x908070 }, { L"snow", 0xfafaff }, { L"springgreen", 0x7fff00 }, { L"steelblue", 0xb48246 }, { L"tan", 0x8cb4d2 }, { L"teal", 0x808000 }, { L"thistle", 0xd8bfd8 }, { L"tomato", 0x4763ff }, { L"turquoise", 0xd0e040 }, { L"violet", 0xee82ee }, { L"wheat", 0xb3def5 }, { L"white", 0xffffff }, { L"whitesmoke", 0xf5f5f5 }, { L"yellow", 0x00ffff }, { L"yellowgreen", 0x32cd9a } }; const ColorPair2_S SysColorNames[] = { { L"activeborder", COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER}, // Active window border. { L"activecaption", COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION}, // Active window caption. { L"appworkspace", COLOR_APPWORKSPACE}, // Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications. { L"background", COLOR_BACKGROUND}, // Desktop background. { L"buttonface", COLOR_BTNFACE}, // Face color for three-dimensional display elements. { L"buttonhighlight", COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT}, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. { L"buttonshadow", COLOR_BTNSHADOW}, // Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source). { L"buttontext", COLOR_BTNTEXT}, // Text on push buttons. { L"captiontext", COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT}, // Text in caption, size box, and scroll bar arrow box. { L"graytext", COLOR_GRAYTEXT}, // Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to 0 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color. { L"highlight", COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}, // Item(s) selected in a control. { L"highlighttext", COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT}, // Text of item(s) selected in a control. { L"inactiveborder", COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER}, // Inactive window border. { L"inactivecaption", COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION}, // Inactive window caption. { L"inactivecaptiontext", COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT}, // Color of text in an inactive caption. { L"infobackground", COLOR_INFOBK}, // Background color for tooltip controls. { L"infotext", COLOR_INFOTEXT}, // Text color for tooltip controls. { L"menu", COLOR_MENU}, // Menu background. { L"menutext", COLOR_MENUTEXT}, // Text in menus. { L"scrollbar", COLOR_SCROLLBAR}, // Scroll bar gray area. { L"threeddarkshadow", COLOR_3DDKSHADOW }, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. { L"threedface", COLOR_3DFACE}, { L"threedhighlight", COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT}, // Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.) { L"threedlightshadow", COLOR_3DLIGHT}, // Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.) { L"threedshadow", COLOR_3DSHADOW}, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. { L"window", COLOR_WINDOW}, // Window background. { L"windowframe", COLOR_WINDOWFRAME}, // Window frame. { L"windowtext", COLOR_WINDOWTEXT} // Text in windows. }; COLORREF ColorRefFromHTMLColorStrA(LPCSTR pszColor); COLORREF ColorRefFromHTMLColorStrW(LPCWSTR pwzColor); COLORREF HashStrToColorRefW(LPCWSTR pwzHashStr); COLORREF HashStrToColorRefA(LPCSTR pszHashStr); DWORD HexCharToDWORDW(WCHAR wcHexNum); #endif //__COLOR_H_