/****************************Module*Header***********************************\ * Module Name: INPUT.C * * Module Descripton: Decimal floating point input * * Warnings: * * Created: * * Author: \****************************************************************************/ #include "scicalc.h" #include "unifunc.h" #include "input.h" #include "strsafe.h" extern BOOL gbRecord; extern TCHAR szDec[5]; // The decimal point we use extern INT gcIntDigits; TCHAR const szZeroInit[] = TEXT("0"); #define CH_BASE_10_EXP TEXT('e') #define CH_BASE_X_EXP TEXT('^') /****************************************************************************/ void CIO_vClearNSec( PCALCNUMSEC pcns ) { pcns->fEmpty = TRUE; pcns->fNeg = FALSE; // Reference input.h for string length for pcns->szVal StringCchCopy(pcns->szVal, MAX_STRLEN+1, szZeroInit); pcns->cchVal = lstrlen(pcns->szVal); } void CIO_vClear(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { CIO_vClearNSec( &(pcio->cnsNum) ); CIO_vClearNSec( &(pcio->cnsExp) ); pcio->fExp = FALSE; pcio->iDecPt = -1; } /****************************************************************************/ void CIO_vConvertToNumObj(PHNUMOBJ phnoNum, PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { HNUMOBJ hnoValue; LPTSTR pszExp = NULL; // ZTerm the strings pcio->cnsNum.szVal[pcio->cnsNum.cchVal] = TEXT('\0'); if (pcio->fExp ) { pszExp = pcio->cnsExp.szVal; pszExp[pcio->cnsExp.cchVal] = TEXT('\0'); } hnoValue = NumObjMakeNumber( pcio->cnsNum.fNeg, pcio->cnsNum.szVal, pcio->cnsExp.fNeg, pszExp ); NumObjAssign( phnoNum, hnoValue ); return; } /****************************************************************************/ void CIO_vConvertToString(LPTSTR *ppszOut, int* pcchszOut, PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio, int nRadix) { //In theory both the base and exponent could be C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS long. #define CCHMAXTEMP C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS*2+4 TCHAR szTemp[CCHMAXTEMP]; LPTSTR psz; int i; // ZTerm the strings pcio->cnsNum.szVal[pcio->cnsNum.cchVal] = TEXT('\0'); if ( pcio->fExp ) pcio->cnsExp.szVal[pcio->cnsExp.cchVal] = TEXT('\0'); i = 0; if (pcio->cnsNum.fNeg) szTemp[i++] = TEXT('-'); StringCchCopy(&szTemp[i], CCHMAXTEMP - i, pcio->cnsNum.szVal); i += pcio->cnsNum.cchVal; // Add a '.' if it is not already there if (pcio->iDecPt == -1 ) szTemp[i++] = szDec[0]; if (pcio->fExp) { szTemp[i++] = nRadix == 10 ? CH_BASE_10_EXP : CH_BASE_X_EXP; if (pcio->cnsExp.fNeg) szTemp[i++] = TEXT('-'); else szTemp[i++] = TEXT('+'); StringCchCopy(&szTemp[i], CCHMAXTEMP - i, pcio->cnsExp.szVal); i += pcio->cnsExp.cchVal; } int cchszOut = lstrlen( szTemp ) + 1; psz = (LPTSTR)NumObjAllocMem( cchszOut * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (psz) { if (*ppszOut != NULL) { NumObjFreeMem( *ppszOut ); } *ppszOut = psz; *pcchszOut = cchszOut; } // Don't show '.' if in int math if (F_INTMATH() && szTemp[i-1] == szDec[0]) i--; szTemp[i] = TEXT('\0'); StringCchCopy(*ppszOut, *pcchszOut, szTemp); return; } /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CIO_bAddDigit(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio, int iValue) { PCALCNUMSEC pcns; TCHAR chDigit; int cchMaxDigits; // convert from an integer into a character chDigit = (iValue < 10)?(TEXT('0')+iValue):(TEXT('A')+iValue-10); if (pcio->fExp) { pcns = &(pcio->cnsExp); cchMaxDigits = C_EXP_MAX_DIGITS; } else { pcns = &(pcio->cnsNum); ASSERT( gcIntDigits <= C_NUM_MAX_DIGITS ); cchMaxDigits = gcIntDigits; } // Ignore leading zeros if ( pcns->fEmpty && (iValue == 0) ) { return TRUE; } if ( pcns->cchVal < cchMaxDigits ) { if (pcns->fEmpty) { pcns->cchVal = 0; // Clobber the default zero pcns->fEmpty = FALSE; } pcns->szVal[pcns->cchVal++] = chDigit; return TRUE; } // if we are in base 8 entering a mantica and we're on the last digit then // there are special cases where we can actually add one more digit. if ( nRadix == 8 && pcns->cchVal == cchMaxDigits && !pcio->fExp ) { BOOL bAllowExtraDigit = FALSE; switch ( dwWordBitWidth % 3 ) { case 1: // in 16bit word size, if the first digit is a 1 we can enter 6 digits if ( pcns->szVal[0] == TEXT('1') ) bAllowExtraDigit = TRUE; break; case 2: // in 8 or 32bit word size we get an extra digit if the first digit is 3 or less if ( pcns->szVal[0] <= TEXT('3') ) bAllowExtraDigit = TRUE; break; } if ( bAllowExtraDigit ) { pcns->szVal[pcns->cchVal++] = chDigit; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************/ void CIO_vToggleSign(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { // Zero is always positive if (pcio->cnsNum.fEmpty) { pcio->cnsNum.fNeg = FALSE; pcio->cnsExp.fNeg = FALSE; } else if (pcio->fExp) { pcio->cnsExp.fNeg = !pcio->cnsExp.fNeg; } else { pcio->cnsNum.fNeg = !pcio->cnsNum.fNeg; } } /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CIO_bAddDecimalPt(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { ASSERT(gbRecord == TRUE); if (pcio->iDecPt != -1) // Already have a decimal pt return FALSE; if (pcio->fExp) // Entering exponent return FALSE; pcio->cnsNum.fEmpty = FALSE; // Zeros become significant pcio->iDecPt = pcio->cnsNum.cchVal++; pcio->cnsNum.szVal[pcio->iDecPt] = szDec[0]; return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CIO_bExponent(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { ASSERT(gbRecord == TRUE); // For compatability, add a trailing dec pnt to base num if it doesn't have one CIO_bAddDecimalPt( pcio ); if (pcio->fExp) // Already entering exponent return FALSE; pcio->fExp = TRUE; // Entering exponent return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CIO_bBackspace(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio) { ASSERT(gbRecord == TRUE); if (pcio->fExp) { if ( !(pcio->cnsExp.fEmpty) ) { pcio->cnsExp.cchVal--; if (pcio->cnsExp.cchVal == 0) { CIO_vClearNSec( &(pcio->cnsExp) ); } } else { pcio->fExp = FALSE; } } else { if ( !(pcio->cnsNum.fEmpty) ) { pcio->cnsNum.cchVal--; } if ( pcio->cnsNum.cchVal <= pcio->iDecPt ) //Backed up over decimal point pcio->iDecPt = -1; if ((pcio->cnsNum.cchVal == 0) || ((pcio->cnsNum.cchVal == 1) && (pcio->cnsNum.szVal[0] == TEXT('0')))) CIO_vClearNSec( &(pcio->cnsNum) ); } return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************/ void CIO_vUpdateDecimalSymbol(PCALCINPUTOBJ pcio, TCHAR chLastDP) { int iDP; ASSERT(pcio); iDP = pcio->iDecPt; // Find the DP index if (iDP == -1) return; ASSERT(pcio->cnsNum.szVal[iDP] == chLastDP); pcio->cnsNum.szVal[iDP] = szDec[0]; // Change to new decimal pt } /****************************************************************************/