#include #include "clpbkrc.h" #include "clpbkdlg.h" #include "clipdsp.h" #include "clipbook.rcv" IDBITMAP BITMAP buttons.bmp IDSTATUS BITMAP status.bmp IBM_UPARROW BITMAP arrup.bmp IBM_DNARROW BITMAP arrdn.bmp IBM_UPARROWD BITMAP arrupd.bmp IBM_DNARROWD BITMAP arrdnd.bmp IDFRAMEICON ICON clipbk.ico IDI_CLIPBRD ICON clipbrd.ico IDI_CLIPBOOK ICON scrpbk.ico IDI_REMOTE ICON scrpbk2.ico IDLOCKICON ICON locked.ico IDSHAREICON ICON shared.ico IDC_CLIPBOOK CURSOR clipbook.cur IDC_CLIPBRD CURSOR clipbrd.cur IDC_REMOTE CURSOR scrpbk2.cur IDACCELERATORS ACCELERATORS BEGIN VK_F5, IDM_REFRESH, VIRTKEY VK_F1, IDM_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY VK_F5, IDM_CASCADE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT VK_F4, IDM_TILEVERT, VIRTKEY, SHIFT "V", IDM_KEEP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_INSERT, IDM_KEEP, VIRTKEY, SHIFT "C", IDM_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_INSERT, IDM_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "G", IDM_PASTE_PAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_DELETE, IDM_DELETE, VIRTKEY VK_RETURN, IDM_PAGEVIEW, VIRTKEY VK_PRIOR, ID_PAGEUP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_NEXT, ID_PAGEDOWN, VIRTKEY, CONTROL END IDCVMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open...", IDM_OPEN MENUITEM "Save &As...", IDM_SAVEAS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Share...", IDM_SHARE MENUITEM "S&top Sharing", IDM_UNSHARE #if 0 MENUITEM "&Properties...", IDM_PROPERTIES #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Connect...", IDM_CONNECT MENUITEM "&Disconnect", IDM_DISCONNECT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN #if 0 MENUITEM "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", IDM_UNDO MENUITEM SEPARATOR #endif MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", IDM_COPY MENUITEM "&Paste...\tCtrl+V", IDM_KEEP MENUITEM "Paste to Pa&ge\tCtrl+G", IDM_PASTE_PAGE MENUITEM "&Delete\tDel", IDM_DELETE END popup "&Security" begin menuitem "&Permissions...", IDM_PERMISSIONS menuitem "&Auditing...", IDM_AUDITING menuitem "&Owner...", IDM_OWNER end POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "T&oolbar", IDM_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "&Status Bar", IDM_STATUSBAR MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Table of &Contents", IDM_LISTVIEW MENUITEM "Thumb&nails", IDM_PREVIEWS MENUITEM "Full Pa&ge", IDM_PAGEVIEW END POPUP "&Window" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Cascade\tShift+F5", IDM_CASCADE MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally", IDM_TILEHORZ MENUITEM "&Tile Vertically\tShift+F4", IDM_TILEVERT MENUITEM "&Arrange Icons", IDM_ARRANGEICONS MENUITEM "&Refresh\tF5", IDM_REFRESH END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents", IDM_CONTENTS #if 0 MENUITEM "&Search for Help on...", IDM_SEARCHHELP MENUITEM "&How to Use Help", IDM_HELPHELP #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About ClipBook Viewer...", IDM_ABOUT END END STRINGTABLE PRELOAD BEGIN IDS_HELV, "MS Shell Dlg" // max 32 IDS_APPNAME, "ClipBook Viewer" // max 32 IDS_SHROBJNAME, "ClipBook Page" // max 80 IDS_FILTERTEXT, "NT Clipboard File (*.CLP)\1*.CLP\1Win 3.1 Clipbrd (*.CLP)\1*.CLP\1All Files (*.*)\1*.*\1" // used by clipdsp.c IDS_ERROR, "The ClipBook Viewer cannot display the information you have copied. To view the information, try pasting it into a document." IDS_BINARY, "The information is in a binary format. ClipBook Viewer cannot display this format. To view the information, try pasting it into a document." IDS_CLEAR, "The contents of Clipboard cannot be deleted." IDS_CANTDISPLAY, "ClipBook Viewer cannot display the information in its current format. To view the information, try pasting it into a document." IDS_NOTRENDERED, "ClipBook Viewer cannot display the information in its current format or there is not enough memory to display it. Quit one or more applications to increase the available memory, and then try again." IDS_ALREADYOPEN, "Cannot open Clipboard because another application is using it. Try closing any open applications." IDS_CLEARTITLE, "Clear Clipboard" IDS_CONFIRMCLEAR, "Do you want to clear the contents of the Clipboard?" IDS_BADBMPFMT, "The display driver on this computer cannot display this information in bitmap format." IDS_INTERNALERR, "An error has occurred. ClipBook Viewer cannot complete this procedure." IDS_DATAUNAVAIL, "There is a problem with the connection to the other computer. Try reconnecting to the computer that contains the ClipBook page." IDS_NOCLPBOOK, "The ClipBook service is unavailable or is not started. Contact your system administrator to have this service started." IDS_TSNOTSUPPORTED, "The ClipBook service is not available from a Terminal Server remote session." IDS_LOCALCLIP, "Local ClipBook" IDS_CLIPBOARD, "Clipboard" IDS_READINGITEM, "Opening the Clipboard file." IDS_VIEWHELPFMT, "Displays information in %s format." IDS_ACTIVATEFMT, "Makes %s window active." IDS_DEFFORMAT, "&Default Format" IDS_GETTINGDATA, "Preparing to display the contents of the Clipboard." IDS_NAMEEXISTS, "The page already exists. Paste anyway?" IDS_ESTABLISHING, "Establishing connection" IDS_NOCONNECTION, "A connection could not be established to the specified computer." IDS_CLIPBOOKONFMT, "ClipBook on %s" IDS_PAGEFMT, "1 Page" IDS_PAGEFMTPL, "%d Pages" IDS_PAGEOFPAGEFMT, "Page %d of %d" IDS_DELETE, "Delete" IDS_DELETECONFIRMFMT, "Delete '%s'?" IDS_FILEFILTER, "Clipboard Files(*.CLP)" IDS_CB_PAGE, "ClipBook Page:" IDS_GETPERMS, "Getting permissions..." IDS_PASTEDLGTITLE "Paste" IDS_SHAREDLGTITLE "Share" IDS_PASSWORDSYNTAX "You cannot use a comma (,) in a password. Use another password." IDS_PAGENAMESYNTAX "You cannot use an equal sign (=) or a comma (,) or a backslash (\\) in a page name. Use another name." IDS_SHARINGERROR "This page could not be shared." IDS_MAXPAGESERROR "The ClipBook is full. Before you can save this information, you must delete some existing pages." IDS_PRIVILEGEERROR, "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this action." // DO NOT LOCALIZE the below formats! CF_TEXT, "&Text" CF_BITMAP, "&Bitmap" CF_METAFILEPICT,"&Picture" CF_SYLK, "&Sylk" CF_DIF, "&DIF" CF_TIFF, "T&IFF" CF_OEMTEXT, "&OEM Text" CF_DIB, "&DIB Bitmap" CF_PALETTE, "Pal&ette" CF_PENDATA, "Pe&n Data" CF_RIFF, "&RIFF" CF_WAVE, "&Wave Audio" CF_OWNERDISPLAY,"O&wner display" CF_DSPTEXT, "Disp&lay Text" CF_DSPBITMAP, "Displa&y Bitmap" CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT, "Display Pict&ure" CF_ENHMETAFILE, "&Enhanced Metafile" CF_DSPENHMETAFILE, "Display En&hanced Metafile" CF_UNICODETEXT, "&Unicode Text" CF_HDROP, "&Drag-Drop Data" CF_LOCALE, "&Locale" IDS_CLPBKKEY, "Software\\Microsoft\\Clipbook" IDS_TRUSTSHRKEY, "Software\\Microsoft\\NetDDE\\DDE Trusted Shares\\" //For Menu string of Clipboard Format name. CF_MN_TEXT, "&Text" CF_MN_BITMAP, "&Bitmap" CF_MN_METAFILEPICT, "&Picture" CF_MN_SYLK, "Syl&k" CF_MN_DIF, "D&IF" CF_MN_TIFF, "TI&FF" CF_MN_OEMTEXT, "O&EM Text" CF_MN_DIB, "DIB Bit&map" CF_MN_PALETTE, "Pa&lette" CF_MN_PENDATA, "Pen Da&ta" CF_MN_RIFF, "&RIFF" CF_MN_WAVE, "W&ave Audio" CF_MN_OWNERDISPLAY, "O&wner display" CF_MN_DSPTEXT, "D&isplay Text" CF_MN_DSPBITMAP, "Displa&y Bitmap" CF_MN_DSPMETAFILEPICT, "Display Pict&ure" CF_MN_ENHMETAFILE, "&Enhanced Metafile" CF_MN_DSPENHMETAFILE, "Display En&hanced Metafile" CF_MN_UNICODETEXT, "&Unicode Text" CF_MN_HDROP, "Drag&-Drop Data" CF_MN_LOCALE, "&Locale" // Permission names used in "Security..Permissions" dialog, localize // (max length = 64 chars or MAC_PERMNAMELEN - 1) IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST, "No Access" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 1, "Read" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 2, "Read and Link" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 3, "Change" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 4, "Full Control" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 5, "&Read" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 6, "&Write" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 7, "Initiate &static" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 8, "Initiate lin&k" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 9, "Re&quest" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 10, "Ad&vise" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 11, "&Poke" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 12, "E&xecute" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 13, "A&dd" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 14, "L&ist" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 15, "D&elete" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 16, "Read contro&l" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 17, "Write DA&C" IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST + 18, "Write &owner" // Names for audit types, localize (max length = 64 chars or // MAC_PERMNAMELEN - 1) IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST, "&Read" IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST + 1, "&Delete" // IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST + 2, "Create &New Page" IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST + 2, "Change &Permissions" IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST + 3, "Change &Audit Types" // MenuHelp Strings, localize MH_BASE+IDM_OPEN, "Opens a Clipboard file and displays its contents." MH_BASE+IDM_SAVEAS, "Saves the Clipboard contents in a new file." MH_BASE+IDM_SHARE, "Makes the information in the page available to others." MH_BASE+IDM_UNSHARE, "Makes the information no longer available to others." #if 0 MH_BASE+IDM_PROPERTIES, "View properties of ClipBook page." #endif MH_BASE+IDM_CONNECT, "Opens the ClipBook on another computer." MH_BASE+IDM_DISCONNECT, "Closes the ClipBook from another computer." MH_BASE+IDM_EXIT, "Quits ClipBook Viewer." #if 0 MH_BASE+IDM_UNDO, "Undo last operation." #endif MH_BASE+IDM_COPY, "Copies the contents of the ClipBook page onto the Clipboard." MH_BASE+IDM_KEEP, "Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto a ClipBook page." MH_BASE+IDM_DELETE, "Deletes ClipBook page or contents of Clipboard." MH_BASE+IDM_PERMISSIONS, "Change access permissions on the selected page." MH_BASE+IDM_AUDITING, "Set auditing levels for the selected page." MH_BASE+IDM_OWNER, "Take ownership of the selected page." MH_BASE+IDM_TOOLBAR, "Displays or hides the toolbar." MH_BASE+IDM_STATUSBAR, "Displays or hides the status bar." MH_BASE+IDM_LISTVIEW, "Displays the contents of the selected ClipBook by title." MH_BASE+IDM_PREVIEWS, "Displays a snapshot of each page of the selected ClipBook." MH_BASE+IDM_PAGEVIEW, "Displays pages of the selected ClipBook one at a time." MH_BASE+IDM_TILEVERT, "Arranges open windows side-by-side." MH_BASE+IDM_TILEHORZ, "Arranges open windows one on top of the other without overlapping." MH_BASE+IDM_CASCADE, "Arranges open windows so that their title bars are visible." MH_BASE+IDM_ARRANGEICONS, "Arranges icons in a row at the bottom of the window." MH_BASE+IDM_REFRESH, "Updates the active window." MH_BASE+IDM_CONTENTS, "Displays the contents of the Help file." MH_BASE+IDM_SEARCHHELP, "Searches the Help file by topic." MH_BASE+IDM_HELPHELP, "Displays information about using Help." MH_BASE+IDM_ABOUT, "Displays information about the ClipBook Viewer." MH_BASE+CBM_AUTO, "Displays the data in the default format." MH_POPUPBASE+0, "Commands to open files and manage connections." MH_POPUPBASE+1, "Commands to transfer Clipboard information." MH_POPUPBASE+2, "Commands to change the security attributes of ClipBook pages." MH_POPUPBASE+3, "Commands to change the display of information." MH_POPUPBASE+4, "Commands to manage ClipBook windows." MH_POPUPBASE+5, "Commands to use Help." MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_SHARE, "Share" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_UNSHARE, "Stop Sharing" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_CONNECT, "Connect" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_DISCONNECT, "Disconnect" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_COPY, "Copy" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_KEEP, "Paste" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_DELETE, "Delete" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_LISTVIEW, "Table of Contents" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_PREVIEWS, "Thumbnails" MH_TOOLTIP+IDM_PAGEVIEW, "Full Page" IDS_SPECIAL, "Special..." END #include "dialogs.dlg"