/***************************************************************************** C L I P B O O K D I S P L A Y H E A D E R Name: clipdsp.h Date: 21-Jan-1994 Creator: Unknown Description: This is the header file for clipdsp.c History: 21-Jan-1994 John Fu, reformat and cleanup. *****************************************************************************/ #define VPOSLAST 100 // Highest vert scroll bar value #define HPOSLAST 100 // Highest horiz scroll bar value #define BUFFERLEN 160 // String buffer length #define CBM_AUTO WM_USER extern BOOL fOwnerDisplay; extern HBRUSH hbrBackground; extern HMENU hDispMenu; extern int OwnVerMin; extern int OwnVerMax; extern int OwnHorMin; extern int OwnHorMax; extern int OwnVerPos; extern int OwnHorPos; extern WORD rgfmt[]; BOOL MyOpenClipboard( HWND hWnd); void SetCharDimensions( HWND hWnd, HFONT hFont); void ChangeCharDimensions( HWND hwnd, UINT wOldFormat, UINT wNewFormat); void ClipbrdVScroll( HWND hwnd, WORD wParam, WORD wThumb); void ClipbrdHScroll( HWND hwnd, WORD wParam, WORD wThumb); int DibPaletteSize( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi); void DibGetInfo( HANDLE hdib, LPBITMAP pbm); BOOL DrawDib( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int x0, int y0, HANDLE hdib); BOOL FShowDIBitmap( HWND hwnd, register HDC hdc, PRECT prc, HANDLE hdib, //Bitmap in DIB format int cxScroll, int cyScroll); BOOL FShowBitmap( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, register PRECT prc, HBITMAP hbm, int cxScroll, int cyScroll); BOOL FShowPalette( HWND hwnd, register HDC hdc, register PRECT prc, HPALETTE hpal, int cxScroll, int cyScroll); int PxlConvert( int mm, int val, int pxlDeviceRes, int milDeviceRes); BOOL FShowEnhMetaFile( HWND hwnd, register HDC hdc, register PRECT prc, HANDLE hemf, int cxScroll, int cyScroll); BOOL CALLBACK EnumMetafileProc( HDC hdc, HANDLETABLE FAR *lpht, METARECORD FAR *lpmr, int cObj, LPARAM lParam); BOOL FShowMetaFilePict( HWND hwnd, register HDC hdc, register PRECT prc, HANDLE hmfp, int cxScroll, int cyScroll); void ShowString( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, WORD id); LONG CchLineA( PMDIINFO pMDI, HDC hDC, CHAR rgchBuf[], CHAR FAR *lpch, INT cchLine, WORD wWidth); LONG CchLineW( PMDIINFO pMDI, HDC hDC, WCHAR rgchBuf[], WCHAR FAR *lpch, INT cchLine, WORD wWidth); void ShowText( HWND hwnd, register HDC hdc, PRECT prc, HANDLE h, INT cyScroll, BOOL fUnicode); void SendOwnerMessage( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SendOwnerSizeMessage ( HWND hwnd, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); UINT GetBestFormat( HWND hwnd, UINT wFormat); void GetClipboardName ( register int fmt, LPTSTR szName, register int iSize); void DrawFormat( register HDC hdc, PRECT prc, int cxScroll, int cyScroll, WORD BestFormat, HWND hwndMDI); void DrawStuff( HWND hwnd, register PAINTSTRUCT *pps, HWND hwndMDI); void SaveOwnerScrollInfo ( register HWND hwnd); void RestoreOwnerScrollInfo ( register HWND hwnd); void InitOwnerScrollInfo(void); void UpdateCBMenu( HWND hwnd, HWND hwndMDI); BOOL ClearClipboard ( register HWND hwnd);