/**************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* Registry Process */ /* (Dialog) */ /* */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */ /**************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "eudcedit.h" #include "assocdlg.h" #include "registry.h" #include "ttfstruc.h" #include "extfunc.h" #include "util.h" #include "gagedlg.h" #define STRSAFE_LIB #include #define LSPACE 2 #define RSPACE 2 #define LCSPACE 17 #define NUMITEM 3 #define DBCSCHK 0 #define EUDCCHK 1 #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif SELECTEUDC SelectEUDC; static HDC hDC; static HWND hWnd; static HICON tIcon; static HGLOBAL hMem; static int nTypeFace, nIdx, CheckFlg; static TCHAR FontName[LF_FACESIZE]; static LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationReg; static int CheckTTF( LOGFONT); static BOOL CheckCharSet( int CharSet); static BOOL IsEUDCTTF( TCHAR *ttffile); static BOOL CheckFileName( LPTSTR FileStr); static int CALLBACK EnumFontFamProc( ENUMLOGFONT FAR*, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR*, int, LPARAM); static int CALLBACK EnumFontNumber( ENUMLOGFONT FAR*, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR*, int, LPARAM); extern BOOL SetCountryInfo( UINT LocalCP); /****************************************/ /* */ /* Constructor */ /* */ /****************************************/ CAssocDlg::CAssocDlg( CWnd* pParent) : CDialog(CAssocDlg::IDD, pParent) { m_pParent = pParent; //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAssocDlg) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } /****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_INITDIALOG" */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CAssocDlg::OnInitDialog() { CString DlgTtl; long WindowStyle; CDialog::OnInitDialog(); WindowStyle = GetWindowLong( this->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE); WindowStyle |= WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP; SetWindowLong( this->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, WindowStyle); DlgTtl.LoadString( IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE); this->SetWindowText( DlgTtl); // Set Dialog subclass m_RegListBox.SubclassDlgItem( IDC_REGISTLIST, this); m_RegListBox.EnableScrollBar( SB_VERT, ESB_DISABLE_BOTH); CheckFlg = EUDCCHK; this->SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_RADIO_SYSTEM, BM_SETCHECK, (WPARAM)1, 0); hMem = NULL; if( !SetAssociationFontType()){ this->MessageBox( NotMemMsg, NotMemTtl, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND | MB_SYSTEMMODAL); return FALSE; } tIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon( IDI_TRUETYPE); return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Set TTF and WIFE font */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CAssocDlg::SetAssociationFontType() { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; int aFontCount[] = {0,0,0}; int StartIdx = 0; int sts; nTypeFace = nIdx = 0; hWnd = this->GetSafeHwnd(); hDC = ::GetDC( hWnd); sts = EnumFontFamilies( hDC, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)EnumFontNumber, (LPARAM)aFontCount); if( hMem != NULL){ GlobalUnlock( hMem); GlobalFree( hMem); } hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(ASSOCIATIONREG) * nTypeFace); if( hMem == NULL){ ::ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC); return FALSE; } lpAssociationReg = (LPASSOCIATIONREG)GlobalLock( hMem); lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg; sts = EnumFontFamilies( hDC, NULL, (FONTENUMPROC)EnumFontFamProc, (LPARAM)aFontCount); ::ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC); lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg; for( int i = 0; i < nTypeFace; i++){ sts = m_RegListBox.AddString( (LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); m_RegListBox.SetItemData(sts, i); if( sts == LB_ERR || sts == LB_ERRSPACE){ GlobalUnlock( hMem); GlobalFree( hMem); return FALSE; } if( !lstrcmp(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName, SelectEUDC.m_Font)){ StartIdx = i; } lpAssociationRegTmp++; } m_RegListBox.SetCurSel( StartIdx); return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Callback */ /* */ /****************************************/ static int CALLBACK EnumFontNumber( ENUMLOGFONT FAR *lplf, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR* lptm, int FontType, LPARAM lParam) { int sts; if (!lplf) { return 0; } if( FontType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE){ sts = CheckTTF( lplf->elfLogFont); if( sts == 1 && CheckCharSet( lplf->elfLogFont.lfCharSet)){ nTypeFace++; }else if( sts == -1){ return 0; }else ; }else if( FontType == 0x8 && lplf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName[0] != '@' && CheckCharSet( lplf->elfLogFont.lfCharSet)){ nTypeFace++; } return 1; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Callback */ /* */ /****************************************/ static int CALLBACK EnumFontFamProc( ENUMLOGFONT FAR *lplf, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR* lptm, int FontType, LPARAM lParam) { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; TCHAR FileTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FilePtr; int sts; TCHAR FileSbstName[LF_FACESIZE]; HRESULT hresult; if (!lplf) { return 0; } if( FontType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE){ sts = CheckTTF( lplf->elfLogFont); if( sts == 1 && CheckCharSet( lplf->elfLogFont.lfCharSet)){ FindFontSubstitute(lplf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName, FileSbstName,ARRAYLEN(FileSbstName)); lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + nIdx; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy((TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName,FileSbstName); hresult = StringCchCopy((TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName), FileSbstName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } if(!InqTypeFace(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, sizeof( lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName)/sizeof(TCHAR))){ GetStringRes( (TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName)); //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle,lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } }else{ //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FileTitle,lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileTitle , ARRAYLEN(FileTitle), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } if(( FilePtr=Mytcsrchr( FileTitle, '\\')) != NULL) FilePtr++; else{ FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTitle,':'); if( FilePtr != NULL){ FilePtr++; }else FilePtr = FileTitle; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle, FilePtr); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), FilePtr); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } } lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg = TRUE; lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg = FALSE; nIdx++; }else if( sts == -1){ return 0; }else ; }else if( FontType == 0x8 && lplf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName[0] != '@' && CheckCharSet( lplf->elfLogFont.lfCharSet)){ FindFontSubstitute(lplf->elfLogFont.lfFaceName, FileSbstName,ARRAYLEN(FileSbstName)); lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + nIdx; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy((TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName, FileSbstName); hresult = StringCchCopy((TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName), FileSbstName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } if( !InqTypeFace(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, sizeof(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName)/sizeof(TCHAR))){ GetStringRes((TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName)); //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } }else{ //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FileTitle, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileTitle , ARRAYLEN(FileTitle), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } if(( FilePtr=Mytcsrchr( FileTitle, '\\')) != NULL) FilePtr++; else{ FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTitle,':'); if( FilePtr != NULL){ FilePtr++; }else FilePtr = FileTitle; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle, FilePtr); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), FilePtr); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return 0; } } lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg = FALSE; lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg = FALSE; nIdx++; } return 1; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Check Character Set */ /* */ /****************************************/ static BOOL CheckCharSet( int CharSet) { if( CountryInfo.CharacterSet != CharSet) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "IDOK" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnOK() { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; TCHAR FileList[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TTFPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR BMPPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FilePtr; HRESULT hresult; int nIndex = m_RegListBox.GetCurSel(); if( nIndex == -1){ OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE, IDS_NOTSELTYPEFACE_MSG, TRUE); m_RegListBox.SetFocus(); return; } // It delays 1 second to call EnabelEUDC(FALSE). DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount(); // Stop if this has taken too long while (1) { if( GetTickCount() - dwStart >= 1000 ) break; } EnableEUDC( FALSE); lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg; GetStringRes( FileList, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(FileList)); nIndex = (int)m_RegListBox.GetItemData(nIndex); for( int i = 0; i < nTypeFace; i++) { if( i == nIndex) { // // Treat as an error, if the eudc font file name is not // specified, yet. // if( !lstrcmp((LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName,FileList) && (CheckFlg == DBCSCHK)) { this->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDC_MODIFY, NULL); if( !lstrcmp((LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName,FileList)) { m_RegListBox.SetFocus(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return; } } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_Font, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_Font , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_Font), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_File, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_File , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_File), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } SelectEUDC.m_FontTypeFlg = lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg; } if(!lstrcmp((LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName,FileList)){ if (lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg) DeleteReg(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); lpAssociationRegTmp++; continue; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( (LPTSTR)TTFPath, (LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); hresult = StringCchCopy((LPTSTR)TTFPath , ARRAYLEN(TTFPath), (LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( BMPPath, TTFPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TTFPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( BMPPath, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( BMPPath, TEXT(".EUF")); hresult = StringCchCat(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TEXT(".EUF")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ; } if( OExistTTF( TTFPath)) { #if (WINVER >= 0x0500) if (IsWin95EUDCBmp(BMPPath)) { if (!HandleImportWin95(TTFPath, BMPPath,nIndex )) { // EnableEUDC( TRUE); // return; } } #endif } if( !lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg){ lpAssociationRegTmp++; continue; } if( !RegistTypeFace( lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName)) { EnableEUDC( TRUE); return; } lpAssociationRegTmp++; } EnableEUDC( TRUE); if( CheckFlg != DBCSCHK){ if (!InitSystemFontAssoc()) { return; } } GlobalUnlock( hMem); GlobalFree( hMem); EndDialog(IDOK); } BOOL CAssocDlg::InitSystemFontAssoc() { TCHAR DefaultFace[LF_FACESIZE]; TCHAR DefaultFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TTFPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR BMPPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FilePtr; HRESULT hresult; GetStringRes(DefaultFace, IDS_SYSTEMEUDCFONT_STR, ARRAYLEN(DefaultFace)); GetStringRes(DefaultFile, IDS_DEFAULTFILENAME, ARRAYLEN(DefaultFile)); // if the registry data for SystemEUDC font is already there, just use that. if (!InqTypeFace(DefaultFace,TTFPath,MAX_PATH)) { GetSystemWindowsDirectory( TTFPath, MAX_PATH); #ifdef IN_FONTS_DIR // CAssocDlg::OnOK() //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( TTFPath, TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(TTFPath , ARRAYLEN(TTFPath), TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #else //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( TTFPath, TEXT("\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(TTFPath , ARRAYLEN(TTFPath), TEXT("\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #endif // IN_FONTS_DIR //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( TTFPath, DefaultFile); hresult = StringCchCat(TTFPath , ARRAYLEN(TTFPath), DefaultFile); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( BMPPath, TTFPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TTFPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( BMPPath, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( BMPPath, TEXT(".EUF")); hresult = StringCchCat(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TEXT(".EUF")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } // It delays 1 second to call EnabelEUDC(FALSE). DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount(); // Stop if this has taken too long while (1) { if( GetTickCount() - dwStart >= 1000 ) break; } EnableEUDC( FALSE); if(OExistTTF( TTFPath)) { #if (WINVER >= 0x0500) if (IsWin95EUDCBmp(BMPPath)) { if (!HandleImportWin95(TTFPath, BMPPath, -1)) { EnableEUDC( TRUE); return FALSE; } } #endif } SelectEUDC.m_FontTypeFlg = TRUE; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_Font,(const TCHAR *)DefaultFace); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_Font , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_Font), (const TCHAR *)DefaultFace); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC( TRUE); return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_File,(const TCHAR *)TTFPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_File , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_File), (const TCHAR *)TTFPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC( TRUE); return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle,(const TCHAR *)DefaultFile); hresult = StringCchCopy(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle , ARRAYLEN(SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle), (const TCHAR *)DefaultFile); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { EnableEUDC( TRUE); return FALSE; } if( !RegistTypeFace(DefaultFace, TTFPath)){ EnableEUDC( TRUE); return FALSE; } EnableEUDC( TRUE); return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_DBLCLKS" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnDblclkRegistlist() { this->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDC_MODIFY, 0); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "IDCANCEL" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnCancel() { GlobalUnlock( hMem); GlobalFree( hMem); EndDialog( IDCANCEL); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Modify" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnModify() { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; OPENFILENAME ofn; CString sFilter; CWnd *cWnd; TCHAR chReplace; CString szDlgTtl; TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTitleName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDirName[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hresult; int nIndex = m_RegListBox.GetCurSel(); if( nIndex == -1){ OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE, IDS_NOTSELTYPEFACE_MSG, TRUE); m_RegListBox.SetFocus(); return; } //lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + nIndex; lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + m_RegListBox.GetItemData(nIndex); // Set filter of file( from string table) GetStringRes(szFilter, IDS_EUDCTTF_FILTER, ARRAYLEN(szFilter)); int StringLength = lstrlen( szFilter); chReplace = szFilter[StringLength-1]; for( int i = 0; szFilter[i]; i++){ if( szFilter[i] == chReplace) szFilter[i] = '\0'; } GetSystemWindowsDirectory( szDirName, sizeof(szDirName)/sizeof(TCHAR)); #ifdef IN_FONTS_DIR // CAssocDlg::OnModify() //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( szDirName, TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(szDirName , ARRAYLEN(szDirName), TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } #endif // IN_FONTS_DIR //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( szFileName, TEXT("*.TTE")); hresult = StringCchCopy(szFileName , ARRAYLEN(szFileName), TEXT("*.TTE")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } szDlgTtl.LoadString( IDS_MODIFY_DLGTITLE); // Set data in structure of OPENFILENAME ofn.lStructSize = sizeof( OPENFILENAME); ofn.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); ofn.hwndOwner = this->GetSafeHwnd(); ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szTitleName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = sizeof( szTitleName) / sizeof(TCHAR); ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof( szFileName) / sizeof(TCHAR); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szDirName; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST ; // there's no direct overwrite issue here, the file will be re-cycled. //| OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrDefExt = TEXT("tte"); ofn.lpstrTitle = szDlgTtl; if( !GetSaveFileName( &ofn)){ return; } TCHAR tmpName[MAX_PATH]; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(tmpName, szDirName); hresult = StringCchCopy(tmpName , ARRAYLEN(tmpName), szDirName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(tmpName, TEXT("eudc.tte")); hresult = StringCchCat(tmpName , ARRAYLEN(tmpName), TEXT("eudc.tte")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } if( !lstrcmpi(ofn.lpstrFile, tmpName) ) { OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_MODIFY_DLGTITLE, IDS_NOUSEEUDCFILE_MSG, TRUE); return; } if( !CheckFileName( ofn.lpstrFile)){ OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_MODIFY_DLGTITLE, IDS_ILLEGALFILE_MSG, TRUE); return; } if( OExistTTF( ofn.lpstrFile)){ if( !IsEUDCTTF( ofn.lpstrFile)){ OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_MODIFY_DLGTITLE, IDS_NOTEUDCFILE_MSG, TRUE); return; } } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, ofn.lpstrFile); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName), ofn.lpstrFile); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle, ofn.lpstrFileTitle); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), ofn.lpstrFileTitle); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg = TRUE; m_RegListBox.InsertString( nIndex, (LPCTSTR)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); m_RegListBox.SetItemData(nIndex, m_RegListBox.GetItemData(nIndex+1)); m_RegListBox.DeleteString( nIndex + 1); m_RegListBox.SetCurSel( nIndex); cWnd = GetDlgItem( IDC_REGISTLIST); GotoDlgCtrl( cWnd); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Remove" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnRemove() { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; TCHAR Tmp[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hresult; int nIndex = m_RegListBox.GetCurSel(); if( nIndex == -1){ OutputMessageBox( this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE, IDS_NOTSELTYPEFACE_MSG, TRUE); m_RegListBox.SetFocus(); return; } GetStringRes( Tmp, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(Tmp)); //lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + nIndex; lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + m_RegListBox.GetItemData(nIndex); //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName, (const TCHAR *)Tmp); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileName), (const TCHAR *)Tmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle, (const TCHAR *)Tmp); hresult = StringCchCopy(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle , ARRAYLEN(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle), (const TCHAR *)Tmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } lpAssociationRegTmp->UpdateFlg = TRUE; m_RegListBox.InsertString( nIndex, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); m_RegListBox.SetItemData(nIndex, m_RegListBox.GetItemData(nIndex+1)); m_RegListBox.DeleteString( nIndex + 1); m_RegListBox.SetCurSel( nIndex); // DeleteReg(lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); CWnd *cWnd = GetDlgItem( IDC_REGISTLIST); GotoDlgCtrl( cWnd); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Check .TTF */ /* */ /****************************************/ static int CheckTTF( LOGFONT LogFont) { struct NamingTable *Ntbl; struct NameRecord *NameRec; HGLOBAL hglb; DWORD dwSize = 0L; DWORD dwTable = 0L; LPSTR lpBuffer, lpTable; HFONT hFont = NULL; HGDIOBJ OldFont = NULL; short nRec = 0; int sysLCID; // Check "tategaki" or not if( LogFont.lfFaceName[0] == '@') return 0; // Get current font to Inquire ttf file hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect( &LogFont); if( hFont ) { OldFont = ::SelectObject( hDC, hFont); } // Get name table in ttf file lpTable = "name"; dwTable = *(LPDWORD)lpTable; dwSize = ::GetFontData( hDC, dwTable, 0L, NULL, 0L); if( dwSize == GDI_ERROR || dwSize == 0){ if( OldFont ) ::SelectObject(hDC, OldFont); if( hFont ) ::DeleteObject(hFont); return 0; } hglb = GlobalAlloc( GHND, dwSize); if( hglb == NULL){ if( OldFont ) ::SelectObject(hDC, OldFont); if( hFont ) ::DeleteObject(hFont); return -1; } lpBuffer = (LPSTR)GlobalLock( hglb); ::GetFontData( hDC, dwTable, 0L, (LPVOID)lpBuffer, dwSize); if( OldFont ) ::SelectObject(hDC, OldFont); if( hFont ) ::DeleteObject(hFont); Ntbl = (struct NamingTable *)lpBuffer; sitom( &Ntbl->NRecs); nRec = Ntbl->NRecs; lpBuffer += sizeof(struct NamingTable); sysLCID = (int) LANGIDFROMLCID(GetSystemDefaultLCID()); while( nRec-- > 0){ NameRec = (struct NameRecord *)lpBuffer; sitom( &NameRec->PlatformID); sitom( &NameRec->PlatformSpecEncID); sitom( &NameRec->LanguageID); #ifdef BUILD_ON_WINNT // Unicode TTF if( CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode ){ // if( NameRec->PlatformID == 3 && // NameRec->LanguageID == sysLCID){ GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; // } } #endif //BUILD_ON_WINNT // Japanese TTF if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_JPN){ if( NameRec->PlatformID == 3 && NameRec->LanguageID == EUDC_JPN){ GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; } } // Chinese Taipei TTF if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_CHT){ if( NameRec->PlatformID == 3 && NameRec->LanguageID == EUDC_CHT){ GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; } } // Chinese GB TTF if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_CHS){ if( NameRec->PlatformID == 3 && NameRec->LanguageID == EUDC_CHS){ GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; } } // Korea TTF(WANSUNG) if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_KRW){ if( NameRec->PlatformID == 3 && NameRec->LanguageID == EUDC_KRW){ GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; } } /* // Hebrew TTF if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_HEBREW) { if( NameRec->PlatformID == 1 && NameRec->LanguageID == 0 ) { GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 1; } } */ lpBuffer += sizeof(struct NameRecord); } GlobalUnlock( hglb); GlobalFree( hglb); return 0; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Radio DBCS Clicked */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnRadioDbcs() { CWnd *cWnd; if( CheckFlg != DBCSCHK){ CheckFlg = DBCSCHK; m_RegListBox.EnableWindow( TRUE); m_RegListBox.EnableScrollBar( SB_VERT, ESB_ENABLE_BOTH); m_RegListBox.UpdateWindow(); cWnd = this->GetDlgItem( IDC_MODIFY); cWnd->EnableWindow( TRUE); cWnd = this->GetDlgItem( IDC_REMOVE); cWnd->EnableWindow( TRUE); } } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Radio SYSTEM Clicked */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CAssocDlg::OnRadioSystem() { CWnd *cWnd; if( CheckFlg != EUDCCHK){ CheckFlg = EUDCCHK; m_RegListBox.EnableWindow( FALSE); m_RegListBox.EnableScrollBar( SB_VERT, ESB_DISABLE_BOTH); cWnd = this->GetDlgItem( IDC_MODIFY); cWnd->EnableWindow( FALSE); cWnd = this->GetDlgItem( IDC_REMOVE); cWnd->EnableWindow( FALSE); } } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Inquire into file( EUDC or not) */ /* */ /****************************************/ static BOOL IsEUDCTTF( TCHAR *ttffile) { struct NamingTable *nTbl; struct NameRecord *nRec; unsigned int BufSiz; char *TableBuf, *SearchOfs; char TTFName[MAX_CODE]; HANDLE fHdl = CreateFile(ttffile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( fHdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; if( TTFReadVarTable( fHdl, &TableBuf, &BufSiz, "name")){ CloseHandle( fHdl); return FALSE; } SearchOfs = TableBuf; nTbl = (struct NamingTable *)TableBuf; sitom( &nTbl->OfsToStr); SearchOfs += sizeof(struct NamingTable); SearchOfs += sizeof(struct NameRecord); nRec = (struct NameRecord *)SearchOfs; sitom( &nRec->StringOfs); SearchOfs = TableBuf + nTbl->OfsToStr + nRec->StringOfs; SearchOfs += sizeof(char); for( short Inc = 0; Inc < MAX_CODE - 1; Inc++){ TTFName[Inc] = (char)*SearchOfs; SearchOfs += sizeof(char)*2; } TTFName[Inc] = '\0'; if( lstrcmpA( TTFName, "EUDC") == 0){ free( TableBuf); CloseHandle( fHdl); return TRUE; } free( TableBuf); CloseHandle( fHdl); return FALSE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Inquire into filename */ /* */ /****************************************/ static BOOL CheckFileName( LPTSTR FileStr) { TCHAR FileTmp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Tmp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FilePtr; HRESULT hresult =S_OK; if (!FileStr) { return FALSE; } FilePtr = FileStr; while( *FilePtr == ' ') FilePtr++; if( *FilePtr == '.' || *FilePtr == '\0') return FALSE; int i = 0; while( *FilePtr != '\0'){ FileTmp[i] = *FilePtr; FilePtr++; i++; } FileTmp[i] = '\0'; if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTmp, '.')) == NULL) //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( FileTmp, TEXT(".tte")); hresult = StringCchCat(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), TEXT(".tte")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } else{ #ifdef BUILD_ON_WINNT //*STRSAFE if( lstrcmpi( FilePtr, TEXT(".TTE"))) if (CompareString(LOCALE_INVARIANT,NORM_IGNORECASE,FilePtr,-1,TEXT(".TTE"),-1) != 2 ) #else if( stricmp( FilePtr, ".TTE")) #endif // BUILD_ON_WINNT return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(Tmp, FileTmp); hresult = StringCchCopy(Tmp , ARRAYLEN(Tmp), FileTmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if( lstrlen(Tmp) >= MAX_PATH) return FALSE; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( FileStr, FileTmp); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileStr , MAX_PATH, FileTmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static DWORD aIds[] = { IDC_MODIFY, IDH_EUDC_MODIFY, IDC_REMOVE, IDH_EUDC_REMOVE, IDC_REGISTLIST, IDH_EUDC_ASSO_LIST, IDC_RADIO_SYSTEM, IDH_EUDC_ASSO_STANDARD, IDC_RADIO_DBCS, IDH_EUDC_ASSO_TYPEFACE, 0,0 }; /****************************************/ /* */ /* Window Procedure */ /* */ /****************************************/ LRESULT CAssocDlg::WindowProc( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if( message == WM_HELP){ ::WinHelp((HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, HelpPath, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)(LPSTR)aIds); return(0); } if( message == WM_CONTEXTMENU){ ::WinHelp((HWND)wParam, HelpPath, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)(LPSTR)aIds); return(0); } return CDialog::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAssocDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAssocDlg) ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_REGISTLIST, OnDblclkRegistlist) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_MODIFY, OnModify) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_REMOVE, OnRemove) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_DBCS, OnRadioDbcs) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_SYSTEM, OnRadioSystem) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() /****************************************/ /* */ /* MeasureItem */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CRegistListBox::MeasureItem( LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMIS) { CRect ListBoxRect; if (!lpMIS) { return; } this->GetClientRect( &ListBoxRect); ItemHeight = ListBoxRect.Height() /NUMITEM; lpMIS->itemHeight = ItemHeight; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw Item */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CRegistListBox::DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS) { LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp; LOGFONT LogFont; CSize CharSize, FontSize, cSize; TCHAR FileTmp[MAX_PATH], NotSel[MAX_PATH]; int Offset; HRESULT hresult; if (!lpDIS) { return; } CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle( lpDIS->hDC); if( lpDIS->itemAction & ODA_DRAWENTIRE){ CBrush fBrush; fBrush.CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // COLOR_WIN); pDC->FillRect( &lpDIS->rcItem, &fBrush); fBrush.DeleteObject(); pDC->SetBkColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); //COLOR_WIN); //lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemID; lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemData; if( CheckFlg == DBCSCHK) pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); //COLOR_BLACK); else pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); //COLOR_SHADOW); GetFont()->GetObject( sizeof(LOGFONT), &LogFont); if( abs( LogFont.lfHeight) < ItemHeight) Offset = ( ItemHeight - abs( LogFont.lfHeight)) /2; else Offset = 0; if( lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg){ pDC->DrawIcon( lpDIS->rcItem.left + LSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, tIcon); } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FileTmp,(const TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), (const TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } GetStringRes( NotSel, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(NotSel)); if( FileTmp[0] == '\0' || !lstrcmp((const TCHAR *)FileTmp,(const TCHAR *)NotSel)){ }else{ TCHAR *FilePtr; if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTmp, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; if( lstrlen((const TCHAR *)FileTmp) > 20){ FileTmp[20] = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat((TCHAR *)FileTmp, TEXT("..")); hresult = StringCchCat((TCHAR *)FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), TEXT("..")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } } } GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (const TCHAR *)FileTmp, lstrlen((const TCHAR *)FileTmp), &CharSize); pDC->ExtTextOut( lpDIS->rcItem.right - CharSize.cx - RSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, (const TCHAR *)FileTmp, lstrlen((const TCHAR *)FileTmp), NULL); int FontWidth; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FontName, (const TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(FontName , ARRAYLEN(FontName), (const TCHAR *)lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } FontWidth = lpDIS->rcItem.right - lpDIS->rcItem.left - LCSPACE - RSPACE - CharSize.cx; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), (const TCHAR *)FontName, lstrlen((const TCHAR *)FontName), &FontSize); if( FontWidth <= FontSize.cx){ int i; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(),TEXT("<<"),2, &cSize); i = ( FontWidth /cSize.cx) * 2; FontName[i-2] = '.'; FontName[i-1] = '.'; FontName[i] = '\0'; } pDC->ExtTextOut(lpDIS->rcItem.left + LCSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, FontName, lstrlen(FontName), NULL); } if(( lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) && ( lpDIS->itemAction & (ODA_SELECT | ODA_DRAWENTIRE))){ CBrush fBrush; if( CheckFlg == DBCSCHK) fBrush.CreateSolidBrush(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); else fBrush.CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // COLOR_WIN); pDC->FillRect( &lpDIS->rcItem, &fBrush); fBrush.DeleteObject(); //lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemID; lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemData; if( CheckFlg == DBCSCHK){ pDC->SetBkColor(::GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); pDC->SetTextColor(::GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); }else{ pDC->SetBkColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // COLOR_WIN); pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); // COLOR_SHADOW); } GetFont()->GetObject( sizeof(LOGFONT), &LogFont); if( abs( LogFont.lfHeight) < ItemHeight) Offset = ( ItemHeight - abs( LogFont.lfHeight)) /2; else Offset = 0; if( lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg){ pDC->DrawIcon( lpDIS->rcItem.left + LSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, tIcon); } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FileTmp,lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } GetStringRes( NotSel, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(NotSel)); if( FileTmp[0] == '\0' || !lstrcmp(FileTmp,NotSel)){ }else{ TCHAR *FilePtr; if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTmp, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; if( lstrlen(FileTmp) > 20){ FileTmp[20] = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(FileTmp, TEXT("..")); hresult = StringCchCat(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), TEXT("..")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } } } GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), FileTmp, lstrlen(FileTmp), &CharSize); pDC->ExtTextOut( lpDIS->rcItem.right - CharSize.cx - RSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, FileTmp, lstrlen(FileTmp), NULL); int FontWidth; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FontName, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(FontName , ARRAYLEN(FontName), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } FontWidth = lpDIS->rcItem.right - lpDIS->rcItem.left - LCSPACE - RSPACE - CharSize.cx; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), FontName, lstrlen(FontName), &FontSize); if( FontWidth <= FontSize.cx){ int i; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(),TEXT("<<"),2, &cSize); i = ( FontWidth /cSize.cx) * 2; FontName[i-2] = '.'; FontName[i-1] = '.'; FontName[i] = '\0'; } pDC->ExtTextOut( lpDIS->rcItem.left + LCSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, FontName, lstrlen(FontName), NULL); } if( !(lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) && ( lpDIS->itemAction & ODA_SELECT)){ CBrush fBrush; fBrush.CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // COLOR_WIN); pDC->FillRect( &lpDIS->rcItem, &fBrush); fBrush.DeleteObject(); //lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemID; lpAssociationRegTmp = lpAssociationReg + lpDIS->itemData; pDC->SetBkColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // COLOR_WIN); if( CheckFlg == DBCSCHK) pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); // COLOR_BLACK); else pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)); // COLOR_SHADOW); GetFont()->GetObject( sizeof(LOGFONT), &LogFont); if( abs( LogFont.lfHeight) < ItemHeight) Offset = ( ItemHeight - abs( LogFont.lfHeight)) /2; else Offset = 0; if( lpAssociationRegTmp->FontTypeFlg){ pDC->DrawIcon( lpDIS->rcItem.left + LSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, tIcon); } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( FileTmp,lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); hresult = StringCchCopy(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFileTitle); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } GetStringRes( NotSel, IDS_NOTSELECT_STR, ARRAYLEN(NotSel)); if( FileTmp[0] == '\0' || !lstrcmp(FileTmp,NotSel)){ }else{ TCHAR *FilePtr; if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( FileTmp, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; if( lstrlen(FileTmp) > 20){ FileTmp[20] = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(FileTmp, TEXT("..")); hresult = StringCchCat(FileTmp , ARRAYLEN(FileTmp), TEXT("..")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } } } GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), FileTmp, lstrlen(FileTmp), &CharSize); pDC->ExtTextOut( lpDIS->rcItem.right - CharSize.cx - RSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, FileTmp, lstrlen(FileTmp), NULL); int FontWidth; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(FontName, lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(FontName , ARRAYLEN(FontName), lpAssociationRegTmp->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return ; } FontWidth = lpDIS->rcItem.right - lpDIS->rcItem.left - LCSPACE - RSPACE - CharSize.cx; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(), FontName, lstrlen(FontName), &FontSize); if( FontWidth <= FontSize.cx){ int i; GetTextExtentPoint32( pDC->GetSafeHdc(),TEXT("<<"),2, &cSize); i = ( FontWidth /cSize.cx) * 2; FontName[i-2] = '.'; FontName[i-1] = '.'; FontName[i] = '\0'; } pDC->ExtTextOut( lpDIS->rcItem.left + LCSPACE, lpDIS->rcItem.top + Offset, 0, 0, FontName, lstrlen(FontName), NULL); } } int CRegistListBox::CompareItem(LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT lpCIS) { TCHAR TmpFontName1[LF_FACESIZE], TmpFontName2[LF_FACESIZE]; LPASSOCIATIONREG lpAssociationRegTmp1,lpAssociationRegTmp2; HRESULT hresult; if (!lpCIS) { return -1; } lpAssociationRegTmp1 = lpAssociationReg + lpCIS->itemData1; lpAssociationRegTmp2 = (LPASSOCIATIONREG) (lpCIS->itemData2); //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(TmpFontName1, lpAssociationRegTmp1->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(TmpFontName1 , ARRAYLEN(TmpFontName1), lpAssociationRegTmp1->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return -1; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(TmpFontName2, lpAssociationRegTmp2->szFaceName); hresult = StringCchCopy(TmpFontName2 , ARRAYLEN(TmpFontName2), lpAssociationRegTmp2->szFaceName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return -1; } return (lstrcmp(TmpFontName1, TmpFontName2)); } BOOL CAssocDlg::HandleImportWin95( LPTSTR TTFPath, LPTSTR BMPPath, int Idx) { TCHAR UserFont[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR FilePtr; TCHAR szTmpDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hresult; if ( (!TTFPath) || (!BMPPath)) { return FALSE; } GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szTmpDir); if (!GetTempFileName(szTmpDir, TEXT("EUF"), 0, UserFont)) { //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(UserFont, BMPPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(UserFont , ARRAYLEN(UserFont), BMPPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( UserFont, '\\')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(UserFont, TEXT("EUF.tmp")); hresult = StringCchCopy(UserFont , ARRAYLEN(UserFont), TEXT("EUF.tmp")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } } if (!MoveFileEx(BMPPath, UserFont, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { return FALSE; } CGageDlg dlg(this, UserFont, BMPPath, TTFPath, TRUE); dlg.DoModal(); return TRUE; }