# File: D:\WACKER\common.mki (Created: 23-Nov-1993) # # Copyright 1993 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI # All rights reserved # # $Revision: 1.12 $ # $Date: 1998/07/21 15:14:41 $ # #-------------------# all : makefile TARGETS #-------------------# # Shell commands use & instead of ; under NT # %if $(OS) == NT ;=& %else ;=; %endif #-------------------# VERSION = WIN_DEBUG MACHINE = i386 SUBSYSTEM = WINDOWS,4.0 LANG = USA #-------------------# %if ${LANG} == JAPANESE CHAR_ENBL = MBCS %else CHAR_ENBL = . %endif #-------------------# %if ${LANG} == USA TAGFILE = usa.tag %elseif ${LANG} == JAPANESE TAGFILE = japan.tag %else %abort [LANG=USA (default) | JAPANESE ] %endif #-------------------# %if %exists(.\personal.cfg) %include .\personal.cfg @echo including .\personal.cfg... EXTRA_RC_DEFS = $(EXTRA_DEFS) %else %if %exists(..\personal.cfg) %include ..\personal.cfg @echo including ..\personal.cfg... EXTRA_RC_DEFS = $(EXTRA_DEFS) %endif %endif #-------------------# %if "${EXE_DIR}" == "" EXE_DIR = ..\EXE %endif WIN_D = $(EXE_DIR)\WIN.DBG WIN_R = $(EXE_DIR)\WIN.REL #-------------------# # Options build .pdb with debug info for debug & release builds. Simplifies # use of profilers, analyzers etc. CBASE = /nologo \ /Zi \ /W3 \ /J \ /Gz \ /Gf \ /Fo$(BD)/ \ /I. \ /I..\nih \ /I.. \ /D_WINDOWS \ /D_WIN32 \ /DSTRICT \ /D$(BLD_VER) \ /DNO_SMARTHEAP \ /DEXCLUDE_PLATFORM_HEADER \ /D$(LANG) \ /YX \ /Fp$(BD)\windows.pch \ $(EXTRA_DEFS) %if defined(PLATFORM_SDK_INSTALLED) CBASE += /DISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED /DINCL_USE_NEWPRINTDLG %endif CRELEASE = /O1 /MD /GB /Gs /DNDEBUG $(CBASE) CDEBUG = /MDd /D_DEBUG /Od $(CBASE) #-------------------# MAP_OPTIONS = /MAP # note: leave /DEBUG on for both release and debug builds so profilers, analyzers etc. work LBASE = /SUBSYSTEM:$(SUBSYSTEM) /MACHINE:$(MACHINE) /NOLOGO \ /INCREMENTAL:NO LRELEASE = $(LBASE) /RELEASE /MAP /OPT:REF LDEBUG = $(LBASE) /DEBUG LDEBUGEXT = $(LBASE) /DEBUG LINKER_FLAGS = $(LINKER_FLAGS) -ignore:4049,4217 #-------------------# %if $(VERSION) == WIN_DEBUG RC_DEFS = /DDEBUG $(EXTRA_RC_DEFS) CFLAGS = $(CDEBUG) LFLAGS = $(LDEBUG) BASE_BD = $(WIN_D) BD = $(WIN_D)\$(CHAR_ENBL) BLD_VER = WIN_VERSION %elseif $(VERSION) == WIN_RELEASE RC_DEFS = /DNDEBUG $(EXTRA_RC_DEFS) CFLAGS = $(CRELEASE) LFLAGS = $(LRELEASE) BASE_BD = $(WIN_R) BD = $(WIN_R)\$(CHAR_ENBL) BLD_VER = WIN_VERSION %else %abort VERSION macro defined to unknown type. %endif # if you want to generate map and symbol files, define the MAP_AND_SYMBOLS # macro in your personal.cfg file or on the omake command line # %if defined(MAP_AND_SYMBOLS) LFLAGS += $(MAP_OPTIONS) %endif # --- Tell omake where to put built objects --- # .PATH.obj=$(BD) .PATH.lib=$(BD) .PATH.exp=$(BD) .PATH.dll=$(BD) .PATH.exe=$(BD) .PATH.res=$(BD) .PATH.sbr=$(BD) .PATH.bsc=$(BD) .PATH.sym=$(BD) .PATH.map=$(BD) # --- Some programs need all the memory they can get --- # .MEMSWAP: mapsym # --- Win32 tools use different response file formats --- # .RESPONSE.LINK: .RESPONSE.LIB: .RESPONSE.STD: link lib bscmake # --- Inference rule used to build all C files --- # %.obj .SILENT : %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c {$(<,A) } %.obj .SILENT : %.cpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c {$(<,A) } # --- Inference rule to build import libraries --- # %.lib + %.exp .SILENT : %.def lib -def:$< -machine:$(MACHINE) -subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) -out:$(@,1) # --- Inference rule to build makefiles --- # %makefile : %makefile.t mkmf -t makefile.t %restart #-------------------# .BEFORE : # %if !%exists(.\rcsctrl) # %abort Must have an rcsctrl file! # %endif # # %if %writable(.\rcsctrl) # %abort *** rcsctrl is not read-only. *** # %endif # # %if %exists(.\fromrcs.zip) && $(FIRSTTARGET) != fromrcs # %abort *** fromrcs.zip exists. Type OMAKE FROMRCS *** # %endif # %if !%exists($(EXE_DIR)) -mkdir $(EXE_DIR) %endif %if !%exists($(BASE_BD)) -mkdir $(BASE_BD) %endif %if ${CHAR_ENBL} != . %if !%exists($(BASE_BD)\$(CHAR_ENBL)) -mkdir $(BASE_BD)\$(CHAR_ENBL) %endif %endif #-------------------# callmake : %chdir $(dir) %if !%exists(makefile) || %time(makefile) < %time(makefile.t) mkmf -t makefile.t %endif $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MAKEMACROS) $(TARGET) %chdir .. #-------------------# # #\wacker\rcsctrl .NOINFER : $(RCSFILES,N\\shared\\classes\\win32.+) # @echo . # @echo . Archiving $(CWD) # @echo . # %foreach file in $? # echo $(file,\wacker=.) >>\pkzip.rsp # %end # #-------------------#