/* File: cloopout.c (created 12/28/93, JKH) * * Copyright 1994 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 5 $ * $Date: 7/08/02 6:39p $ */ #include #pragma hdrstop // #define DEBUGSTR #include "stdtyp.h" #include "session.h" #include #include "mc.h" #include "timers.h" #include "file_msc.h" #include "misc.h" #include "tdll.h" #include #include "htchar.h" #include "cloop.h" #include "cloop.hh" #include "chars.h" /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopSend * * DESCRIPTION: * * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ int CLoopSend ( const HCLOOP hCLoop, void *pvData, const size_t sztItems, unsigned uOptions) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop; int fRetval = TRUE; ST_CLOOP_OUT *pstLast; ST_CLOOP_OUT *pstNew = NULL; size_t sztBytes; size_t sztAllocate; assert(pstCLoop); assert(pvData); if (!sztItems) return TRUE; EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); sztBytes = sztItems; if (bittest(uOptions, CLOOP_KEYS)) sztBytes *= sizeof(KEY_T); // Notify the client that characters went out so the terminal can // do the appropriate tracking so user gets feedback about the // send operation, so there! - mrw NotifyClient(pstCLoop->hSession, (WORD)EVENT_CLOOP_SEND, 0); pstLast = pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock; bitset(uOptions, CLOOP_CHARACTERS); // If new data is not in an allocated block and it will fit in the // block currently at the end of the chain, just add it in. if (!bittest(uOptions, CLOOP_ALLOCATED | CLOOP_SHARED) && pstLast && bittest(pstLast->uOptions, CLOOP_KEYS | CLOOP_CHARACTERS) == bittest(uOptions, CLOOP_KEYS | CLOOP_CHARACTERS) && sztBytes < (size_t)(pstLast->puchLimit - pstLast->puchHead)) { // Copy data into existing block if (pstLast->puchHead == pstLast->puchTail) { // block is empty, reset pointers to beginning pstLast->puchHead = pstLast->puchTail = pstLast->puchData; } if (sztBytes) MemCopy(pstLast->puchHead, pvData, sztBytes); pstLast->puchHead += sztBytes; } else { // Couldn't put data into an existing block, try to add a new block // First create the block control structure if ((pstNew = CLoopNewOutBlock(pstCLoop, 0)) == NULL) { fRetval = FALSE; goto done; } pstNew->uOptions = uOptions; // Unless data is already in allocated memory that we can keep, // try to allocate memory for the new block if (!bittest(uOptions, CLOOP_ALLOCATED | CLOOP_SHARED)) { sztAllocate = sztBytes; if (sztAllocate <= STD_BLOCKSIZE) { sztAllocate = STD_BLOCKSIZE; bitset(pstNew->uOptions, CLOOP_STDSIZE); } if ((pstNew->puchData = malloc(sztAllocate)) == NULL) { fRetval = FALSE; goto done; } if (sztBytes) MemCopy(pstNew->puchData, pvData, sztBytes); } else if (bittest(uOptions, CLOOP_SHARED)) { // pvData actually contains a shared memory handle pstNew->hdlShared = (HGLOBAL)pvData; pstNew->puchData = GlobalLock(pstNew->hdlShared); sztAllocate = sztBytes; } else { // block was passed to us as allocated block that we now own. pstNew->puchData = pvData; sztAllocate = sztBytes; } pstNew->puchLimit = pstNew->puchData + sztAllocate; pstNew->puchHead = pstNew->puchData + sztBytes; // where data goes in pstNew->puchTail = pstNew->puchData; // where data comes out } done: if (!fRetval) { if (pstNew) { if (pstNew->puchData) { free(pstNew->puchData); pstNew->puchData = NULL; } free(pstNew); pstNew = NULL; } } else { pstCLoop->ulOutCount += sztItems; CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_RESUME, CLOOP_SB_NODATA); } LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); return fRetval; } /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopSendTextFile * * DESCRIPTION: * * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ int CLoopSendTextFile(const HCLOOP hCLoop, TCHAR *pszFileName) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop; ST_CLOOP_OUT FAR *pstNew = NULL; int fRetval = FALSE; unsigned long ulFileSize; size_t fileNameLen; assert(pstCLoop); assert(pszFileName); fileNameLen = (size_t)StrCharGetByteCount(pszFileName) + sizeof(TCHAR); EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); if (GetFileSizeFromName(pszFileName, &ulFileSize) && ulFileSize > 0) { if ((pstNew = CLoopNewOutBlock(pstCLoop, fileNameLen)) == NULL) goto done; // leave fRetval FALSE pstNew->uOptions = CLOOP_TEXTFILE; StrCharCopyN(pstNew->puchData, pszFileName, fileNameLen); pstNew->ulBytes = ulFileSize; pstCLoop->ulOutCount += ulFileSize; // Set head and tail pointers even though they will not be directly // used. When they are set to equal each other, the block will be // removed from the chain pstNew->puchTail = pstNew->puchData; pstNew->puchHead = pstNew->puchData + 1; fRetval = TRUE; } done: if (!fRetval) { if (pstNew) { if (pstNew->puchData) { free(pstNew->puchData); pstNew->puchData = NULL; } free(pstNew); pstNew = NULL; } } else CLoopSndControl(hCLoop, CLOOP_RESUME, CLOOP_SB_NODATA); LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); return fRetval; } /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopClearOutput * * DESCRIPTION: * Clears all pending output from CLoop * * ARGUMENTS: * pstCLoop -- The CLoop handle * * RETURNS: * nothing */ void CLoopClearOutput(const HCLOOP hCLoop) { ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop = (ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop; EnterCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); pstCLoop->ulOutCount = 0L; //* CLoopTextDspStop(pstCLoop); pstCLoop->fTextDisplay = FALSE; while (pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock) CLoopRemoveFirstOutBlock(pstCLoop); //* ComSendClear(pstCLoop->hCom); CLoopSndControl(hCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_SB_NODATA); LeaveCriticalSection(&pstCLoop->csect); } /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopGetOutputCount * * DESCRIPTION: * Returns the number of characters queued for output * * ARGUMENTS: * hCLoop -- The CLoop handle * * RETURNS: * The number of characters queued for output */ unsigned long CLoopGetOutputCount(const HCLOOP hCLoop) { unsigned uCount; EnterCriticalSection(&((ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop)->csect); uCount = ((ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop)->ulOutCount; LeaveCriticalSection(&((ST_CLOOP *)hCLoop)->csect); return uCount; } /* --- Internal routines --- */ /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopGetNextOutput * * DESCRIPTION: * Fetchs the next item from the output queue for transmission. * * ARGUMENTS: * hCLoop -- The CLoop handle * pkKey -- Place to put the next item to be transmitted * * RETURNS: * TRUE if there is data to be transmitted. */ int CLoopGetNextOutput(ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop, KEY_T * const pkKey) { ST_CLOOP_OUT FAR * pstBlock; int fRetval = FALSE; unsigned long nBytesRead = 0L; KEY_T *pkGet; TCHAR chFileChar; TCHAR chChar; HWND hwndDsp; CHAR achBuf[2]; assert(pstCLoop); assert(pkKey); // Caller must provide pointer for result if (pstCLoop->keyHoldKey) { *pkKey = pstCLoop->keyHoldKey; pstCLoop->keyHoldKey = (KEY_T)0; fRetval = TRUE; } else if (pstCLoop->ulOutCount || pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock) { pstBlock = pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock; assert(pstBlock); // should never be NULL while ulOutCount > 0 // Skip any empty blocks (shouldn't be more than one) while (pstBlock->puchHead == pstBlock->puchTail) { CLoopRemoveFirstOutBlock(pstCLoop); pstBlock = pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock; assert(pstBlock); // should never remove all blocks } if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_CHARACTERS)) { if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_KEYS)) { pkGet = (KEY_T *)pstBlock->puchTail; *pkKey = *pkGet++; pstBlock->puchTail = (TCHAR *)pkGet; --pstCLoop->ulOutCount; fRetval = TRUE; } else { chChar = *pstBlock->puchTail++; *pkKey = (KEY_T)chChar; --pstCLoop->ulOutCount; // We must strip the LF from CR-LF pairs. This data may come from // the clipboard, in which case, line endings will be stored as // CR-LF. Terminals normally send only a CR at line ends. If we // DO need to send the LF, it will be added in the cloop output // routines if the append LF option is set. if (chChar != TEXT('\n') || (pstBlock->chLastChar != TEXT('\r') && pstBlock->chLastChar != (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY))) { pstBlock->chLastChar = chChar; fRetval = TRUE; } } } else if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_OPENFILE)) { //* TODO: this stuff will have to be expanded eventually to // handle SBCS, DBCS and Unicode input files. For now, all // text files are assumed to be SBCS. if (ReadFile(pstCLoop->hOutFile, achBuf, 1, &nBytesRead, (LPOVERLAPPED)0)) { if (nBytesRead > 0) { //OemToCharBuff(achBuf, &chFileChar, 1);- mrw:10/20/95 chFileChar = achBuf[0]; // mrw:10/20/95 pstCLoop->ulSentSoFar += 1; *pkKey = (KEY_T)chFileChar; --pstBlock->ulBytes; --pstCLoop->ulOutCount; // We must strip the LF from CR-LF pairs. If line ends are // set to CR-LF in the settings, an LF will be added back in // later. if (chFileChar != TEXT('\n') || (pstBlock->chLastChar != TEXT('\r') && pstBlock->chLastChar != (VK_RETURN | VIRTUAL_KEY))) { pstBlock->chLastChar = chFileChar; fRetval = TRUE; } } else { // When ReadFile returns TRUE but 0 chars. were read, // it indicates end of file. CloseHandle(pstCLoop->hOutFile); pstCLoop->hOutFile = (HANDLE *)0; pstBlock->puchTail = pstBlock->puchHead; } } else { // ReadFile returned an error //* TODO: display error message CloseHandle(pstCLoop->hOutFile); pstCLoop->hOutFile = (HANDLE *)0; pstBlock->puchTail = pstBlock->puchHead; // pstCLoop->ulOutCount -= pstBlock->ulBytes; pstCLoop->ulOutCount = 0; //JMH 03-25-96 } } else if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_TEXTFILE)) { // New block with text file name, open file & start emptying pstCLoop->hOutFile = CreateFile(pstBlock->puchData, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, (HANDLE)0); if (pstCLoop->hOutFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //* Display file error pstCLoop->hOutFile = (HANDLE *)0; pstBlock->puchTail = pstBlock->puchHead; // Remove from queue pstCLoop->ulOutCount = 0; PostMessage(sessQueryHwnd(pstCLoop->hSession), WM_ERROR_MSG, (WPARAM) IDS_ER_OPEN_FAILED, 0); } else { pstCLoop->ulTotalSend += pstBlock->ulBytes; //* CLoopTextDspFilename(pstCLoop, (LPTSTR)pstBlock->puchData); bitset(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_OPENFILE); } } else if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_TEXTDSP)) { MemCopy(&hwndDsp, pstBlock->puchData, sizeof(hwndDsp)); //* CLoopDoTextDsp(pstCLoop, hwndDsp); // Set puchHead == puchTail to cause this block to be dropped pstBlock->puchHead = pstBlock->puchTail = pstBlock->puchData; } if (pstCLoop->ulOutCount == 0 && !pstBlock->pstNext) { CLoopSndControl((HCLOOP)pstCLoop, CLOOP_SUSPEND, CLOOP_SB_NODATA); // mrw:3/11/96 - fixes send files being locked open after done. // if (pstCLoop->hOutFile) { CloseHandle(pstCLoop->hOutFile); pstCLoop->hOutFile = (HANDLE *)0; pstBlock->puchTail = pstBlock->puchHead; } } } if (fRetval) { if (*pkKey == TEXT('\r') && pstCLoop->keyLastKey == TEXT('\r') && pstCLoop->stWorkSettings.fExpandBlankLines) { pstCLoop->keyHoldKey = *pkKey; // this will be returned next call *pkKey = TEXT(' '); // add space to expand blank line } pstCLoop->keyLastKey = *pkKey; } return fRetval; } /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopNewOutBlock * * DESCRIPTION: * Internal routine to allocate and initialize a control block for the * output chain. * * ARGUMENTS: * siztData -- If non-zero, the routine will attempt to allocate memory * of the specfied size and assign it to the puchData member. * If zero the puchData member is set to NULL. * * RETURNS: * Pointer to a new control block for the output chain */ ST_CLOOP_OUT *CLoopNewOutBlock(ST_CLOOP *pstCLoop, const size_t sizetData) { ST_CLOOP_OUT *pstNew = NULL; if ((pstNew = (ST_CLOOP_OUT *)malloc(sizeof(*pstNew))) != NULL) { pstNew->pstNext = NULL; pstNew->uOptions = 0; pstNew->hdlShared = (HGLOBAL)0; pstNew->puchData = NULL; pstNew->puchLimit = NULL; pstNew->puchHead = NULL; pstNew->puchTail = NULL; pstNew->ulBytes = 0L; pstNew->chLastChar = 0; if (sizetData > 0) { if ((pstNew->puchData = (TCHAR *)malloc(sizetData)) == NULL) { free(pstNew); pstNew = NULL; } } } if (!pstNew) { //* utilReportError(pstCLoop->hSession, RE_ERROR | RE_OK, NM_NEED_MEM, //* strldGet(mGetStrldHdl(pstCLoop->hSession), NM_XFER_DISPLAY)); } else { // link new block into chain if (pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock) pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock->pstNext = pstNew; else { assert(!pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock); pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock = pstNew; } pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock = pstNew; } return pstNew; } /*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * FUNCTION: CLoopRemoveFirstOutBlock * * DESCRIPTION: * * * ARGUMENTS: * * * RETURNS: * */ void CLoopRemoveFirstOutBlock(ST_CLOOP * const pstCLoop) { ST_CLOOP_OUT *pstBlock; pstBlock = pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock; if (pstBlock) { // link around block to be removed pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock = pstBlock->pstNext; if (!pstCLoop->pstFirstOutBlock) { // empty list assert(pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock == pstBlock); pstCLoop->pstLastOutBlock = (ST_CLOOP_OUT *)0; } // free storage memory if (bittest(pstBlock->uOptions, CLOOP_SHARED)) { GlobalUnlock(pstBlock->hdlShared); GlobalFree(pstBlock->hdlShared); } else { free(pstBlock->puchData); pstBlock->puchData = NULL; } // Now free the block control structure free(pstBlock); pstBlock = NULL; } }