//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: misc.h // // Definitions and prototypes for miscellaneous stuff // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _MISC_H_ #define _MISC_H_ typedef struct _USER_INFO { PSID pSid; LPCTSTR pszName; LPCTSTR pszLogonName; SID_NAME_USE SidType; } USER_INFO, *PUSER_INFO; typedef struct _USER_LIST { ULONG cUsers; USER_INFO rgUsers[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } USER_LIST, *PUSER_LIST; PSID GetAceSid(PACE_HEADER pAce); PSID LocalAllocSid(PSID pOriginal); void DestroyDPA(HDPA hList); extern "C" { #include } LSA_HANDLE GetLSAConnection(LPCTSTR pszServer, DWORD dwAccessDesired); BOOL LookupSid(PSID pSid, LPCTSTR pszServer, LPSECURITYINFO2 psi2, PUSER_LIST *ppUserList); BOOL LookupSids(HDPA hSids, LPCTSTR pszServer, LPSECURITYINFO2 psi2, PUSER_LIST *ppUserList); BOOL LookupSidsAsync(HDPA hSids, LPCTSTR pszServer, LPSECURITYINFO2 psi2, HWND hWndNotify, UINT uMsgNotify, PHANDLE phThread = NULL); BOOL BuildUserDisplayName(LPTSTR *ppszDisplayName, LPCTSTR pszName, LPCTSTR pszLogonName = NULL); // Indexes into the SID image list typedef enum { SID_IMAGE_UNKNOWN = 0, SID_IMAGE_COMPUTER, SID_IMAGE_GROUP, SID_IMAGE_LOCALGROUP, SID_IMAGE_USER } SID_IMAGE_INDEX; HIMAGELIST LoadImageList(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pszBitmapID); SID_IMAGE_INDEX GetSidImageIndex(PSID psid, SID_NAME_USE sidType); BOOL IsStandalone(LPCTSTR pszMachine, PBOOL pbIsDC = NULL); BOOL IsDACLCanonical(PACL pDacl); BOOL IsDenyACL(PACL pDacl, BOOL fProtected, DWORD dwFullControlMask, LPDWORD pdwWarning); // // Possible SIDs that can be retrieved using QuerySystemSid. // enum UI_SystemSid { // Well-known / universal UI_SID_World = 0, UI_SID_CreatorOwner, UI_SID_CreatorGroup, UI_SID_Dialup, UI_SID_Network, UI_SID_Batch, UI_SID_Interactive, UI_SID_Service, UI_SID_AnonymousLogon, UI_SID_Proxy, UI_SID_EnterpriseDC, UI_SID_Self, UI_SID_AuthenticatedUser, UI_SID_RestrictedCode, UI_SID_TerminalServer, UI_SID_LocalSystem, // Aliases ("BUILTIN") UI_SID_Admins, // UI_SID_Users, // UI_SID_Guests, // UI_SID_PowerUsers, // UI_SID_AccountOps, // UI_SID_SystemOps, // UI_SID_PrintOps, // UI_SID_BackupOps, // UI_SID_Replicator, // UI_SID_RasServers, // Special value that gives the number of valid UI_SID_* types. // Don't add any new types after this value (add them before). UI_SID_Count, // This special value can be used for initializing enum UI_SystemSid // variables with a known unused quantity. This value should never // be passed to QuerySystemSid. UI_SID_Invalid = -1 }; #define COUNT_SYSTEM_SID_TYPES ((int)UI_SID_Count) #define COUNT_WELL_KNOWN_SYSTEM_SIDS ((int)UI_SID_Admins) PSID QuerySystemSid(UI_SystemSid SystemSidType); #define IsNTAuthority(pSid) EqualPrefixSid(pSid, QuerySystemSid(UI_SID_LocalSystem)) #define IsAliasSid(pSid) EqualPrefixSid(pSid, QuerySystemSid(UI_SID_Admins)) #define IsCreatorSid(pSid) EqualPrefixSid(pSid, QuerySystemSid(UI_SID_CreatorOwner)) #define EqualSystemSid(pSid, uiSid) EqualSid(pSid, QuerySystemSid(uiSid)) // // Possible SIDs that can be retrieved using QueryTokenSid. // enum UI_TokenSid { UI_TSID_CurrentProcessUser = 0, // Always the logged on user SID UI_TSID_CurrentProcessOwner, // Generally logged on user SID, but sometimes not (e.g. Administrators) UI_TSID_CurrentProcessPrimaryGroup, UI_TSID_Count, UI_TSID_Invalid = -1 }; #define COUNT_TOKEN_SID_TYPES ((int)UI_TSID_Count) PSID QueryTokenSid(UI_TokenSid TokenSidType); PSID GetAuthenticationID(LPCWSTR pszServer); int CopyUnicodeString(LPTSTR pszDest, ULONG cchDest, PLSA_UNICODE_STRING pSrc); int CopyUnicodeString(LPTSTR *ppszResult, PLSA_UNICODE_STRING pSrc); BOOL IsSameGUID(const GUID *p1, const GUID *p2); #define IsNullGUID(p) (!(p) || IsSameGUID((p), &GUID_NULL)) // //Get the count of inheritable aces in the acl // DWORD GetCountOfInheritableAces(PACL pAcl); DWORD GetCountOfInheritableAces(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD); BOOL IsAclBloated(HWND hDlg, SECURITY_INFORMATION si, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, DWORD dwOrgInheritAceCount, BOOL bShowHelp); HRESULT MakeBold (HWND hwnd, HFONT * phNewFont); BOOL DoDisabledCheck(IN HWND hWnd, IN PDS_SELECTION_LIST pDsSelList); BOOL IsCallBackAcePresentInSD(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD); BOOL IsCallBackAcePresentInAcl(PACL pAcl); #endif // _MISC_H_