//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation /******************************************************************************* * * allsrvvw.cpp * * implementation of the CServerView class * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "allsrvvw.h" #include "admindoc.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif PageDef CAllServersView::pages[] = { { NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS( CAllServerServersPage ), IDS_TAB_SERVERS, PAGE_AS_SERVERS, PF_PICASSO_ONLY}, { NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS( CAllServerUsersPage ), IDS_TAB_USERS, PAGE_AS_USERS, NULL }, { NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS( CAllServerWinStationsPage ),IDS_TAB_WINSTATIONS, PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS,NULL }, { NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS( CAllServerProcessesPage ), IDS_TAB_PROCESSES, PAGE_AS_PROCESSES, NULL }, { NULL, RUNTIME_CLASS( CAllServerLicensesPage ), IDS_TAB_LICENSES, PAGE_AS_LICENSES, PF_PICASSO_ONLY} }; ////////////////////////// // MESSAGE MAP: CAllServersView // IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAllServersView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAllServersView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAllServersView) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_CREATE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MESSAGE(WM_WA_SERVER_CHANGEPAGE, OnChangePage) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_ADD_SERVER, OnAdminAddServer) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_REMOVE_SERVER, OnAdminRemoveServer) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_UPDATE_SERVER, OnAdminUpdateServer) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_UPDATE_PROCESSES, OnAdminUpdateProcesses) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_REMOVE_PROCESS, OnAdminRemoveProcess) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_REDISPLAY_PROCESSES, OnAdminRedisplayProcesses) ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, IDC_ALL_SERVERS_TABS, OnTabSelChange) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_UPDATE_SERVER_INFO, OnAdminUpdateServerInfo) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_REDISPLAY_LICENSES, OnAdminRedisplayLicenses) ON_MESSAGE(WM_ADMIN_UPDATE_WINSTATIONS, OnAdminUpdateWinStations) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ADMIN_TABBED_VIEW , OnTabbed ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ADMIN_SHIFTTABBED_VIEW , OnShiftTabbed ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ADMIN_CTRLTABBED_VIEW , OnCtrlTabbed ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ADMIN_CTRLSHIFTTABBED_VIEW , OnCtrlShiftTabbed ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ADMIN_NEXTPANE_VIEW , OnNextPane ) END_MESSAGE_MAP() /////////////////////// // F'N: CServerView ctor // CAllServersView::CAllServersView() { m_pTabs = NULL; m_pTabFont = NULL; m_CurrPage = PAGE_AS_USERS; } // end CAllServersView ctor /////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView dtor // CAllServersView::~CAllServersView() { if(m_pTabs) delete m_pTabs; if(m_pTabFont) delete m_pTabFont; } // end CAllServersView dtor #ifdef _DEBUG /////////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::AssertValid // void CAllServersView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } // end CAllServersView::AssertValid //////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::Dump // void CAllServersView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } // end CAllServersView::Dump #endif //_DEBUG //////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::OnCreate // int CAllServersView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnCreate /////////////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::OnInitialUpdate // // - pointers to the pages of the sheet are obtained // void CAllServersView::OnInitialUpdate() { // Determine whether we are running under Picasso BOOL bPicasso = ((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->IsPicasso(); // create the Tabs m_pTabs = new CMyTabCtrl; if(!m_pTabs) return; m_pTabs->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, IDC_ALL_SERVERS_TABS); m_pTabFont = new CFont; if(m_pTabFont) { m_pTabFont->CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); m_pTabs->SetFont(m_pTabFont, TRUE); } TCHAR szTemp[40]; CString tabString; int index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_AS_PAGES; i++) { // If the page is shown under Picasso only and we're not running // under Picasso, skip to the next one if((pages[i].flags & PF_PICASSO_ONLY) && !bPicasso) continue; tabString.LoadString(pages[i].tabStringID); lstrcpyn(szTemp, tabString, sizeof(szTemp) / sizeof(TCHAR)); AddTab(index, szTemp, i); pages[i].m_pPage = (CAdminPage*)pages[i].m_pRuntimeClass->CreateObject(); pages[i].m_pPage->Create(NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD, CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, i, NULL); GetDocument()->AddView(pages[i].m_pPage); index++; } m_pTabs->SetCurSel(0); m_CurrPage = bPicasso ? PAGE_AS_SERVERS : PAGE_AS_USERS; // post a changepage msg to display the page for the currently selected tab // PostMessage(WM_WA_SERVER_CHANGEPAGE); } // end CAllServersView::OnInitialUpdate ////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::OnSize // // // void CAllServersView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); if(m_pTabs->GetSafeHwnd()) { // make sure the Tabs object is valid m_pTabs->MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE); // size the tabs // for the next part (sizing of pages), we might want to add a member var // that keeps track of which page/tab is current... this way we could // only actually do a redraw (MoveWindow second parm == TRUE) for the // guy who is currently visible--DJM // we want to size the pages, too m_pTabs->AdjustRect(FALSE, &rect); for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_AS_PAGES; i++) { if(pages[i].m_pPage && pages[i].m_pPage->GetSafeHwnd()) pages[i].m_pPage->MoveWindow(&rect, TRUE); } } } // end CAllServersView::OnSize ////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::OnDraw // // - the CAllServersView and it's pages draw themselves, so there isn't anything // to do here... // void CAllServersView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument(); // TODO: add draw code here } // end CAllServersView::OnDraw ///////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::Reset // // - 'resets' the view // void CAllServersView::Reset(void *p) { CWaitCursor Nikki; SendMessage(WM_WA_SERVER_CHANGEPAGE); // ??? Post // Clear out the selected flags for each server // Get a pointer to our document CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); // Get a pointer to the list of servers doc->LockServerList(); CObList *pServerList = doc->GetServerList(); // Iterate through the Server list POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } doc->UnlockServerList(); // This is necessary until we update on the fly for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_AS_PAGES; i++) { if(pages[i].m_pPage) pages[i].m_pPage->Reset( p ); //NULL); } ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->SetCurrentPage(m_CurrPage); } // end CAllServersView::Reset ////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::AddTab // void CAllServersView::AddTab(int index, TCHAR* text, ULONG pageindex) { TC_ITEM tc; tc.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_PARAM; tc.pszText = text; tc.lParam = pageindex; m_pTabs->InsertItem(index, &tc); } // end CAllServersView::AddTab //////////////////////////////// // F'N: CAllServersView::OnChangePage // // - changes to a new server page based on currently selected tab // - OnChangePage needs to force recalculation of scroll bars!!!--DJM // // If wParam is set, sets the focus to the page. This is currently // only done when the user clicks on a tab // LRESULT CAllServersView::OnChangePage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // find out which tab is now selected int tab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); TC_ITEM tc; tc.mask = TCIF_PARAM; m_pTabs->GetItem(tab, &tc); int index = (int)tc.lParam; // switch to the appropriate view pages[m_CurrPage].m_pPage->ModifyStyle(WS_VISIBLE, WS_DISABLED); pages[m_CurrPage].m_pPage->ClearSelections(); m_CurrPage = index; ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->SetCurrentPage(index); // show the new page pages[index].m_pPage->ModifyStyle(WS_DISABLED, WS_VISIBLE); pages[index].m_pPage->ScrollToPosition(CPoint(0,0)); pages[index].m_pPage->Invalidate(); if( wParam ) { pages[index].m_pPage->SetFocus(); } // Clear out the selected flags for each server // Get a pointer to our document CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); // Get a pointer to the list of servers doc->LockServerList(); CObList *pServerList = doc->GetServerList(); // Iterate through the Server list POSITION pos = pServerList->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CServer *pServer = (CServer*)pServerList->GetNext(pos); pServer->ClearAllSelected(); } doc->UnlockServerList(); // If the new page is the processes page, we want to display the processes now if(index == PAGE_AS_PROCESSES) { void *pCurrentSelectedNode = ((CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument())->GetCurrentSelectedNode(); CNodeType *pNodeType = ( CNodeType * )pCurrentSelectedNode; NODETYPE m; if( pNodeType == NULL ) { m = NODE_NONE; } else { m = pNodeType->m_nodetype; } ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->DisplayProcesses( m ); } return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnChangeview void CAllServersView::OnTabSelChange(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { ODS( L"AllServersView::OnTabSelChange\n" ); OnChangePage( 0 , 0); *pResult = 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnTabSelChange LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminAddServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerServersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage)->AddServer((CServer*)lParam); } ((CAllServerUsersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_USERS].m_pPage)->AddServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerWinStationsPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS].m_pPage)->AddServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->AddServer((CServer*)lParam); if(pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerLicensesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage)->AddServer((CServer*)lParam); } return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminAddServer LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminRemoveServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerServersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage)->RemoveServer((CServer*)lParam); } ((CAllServerUsersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_USERS].m_pPage)->RemoveServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerWinStationsPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS].m_pPage)->RemoveServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->RemoveServer((CServer*)lParam); if(pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerLicensesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage)->RemoveServer((CServer*)lParam); } return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminRemoveServer LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerServersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); } ((CAllServerUsersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_USERS].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerWinStationsPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); if(pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage) { ((CAllServerLicensesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); } return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateServer LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateProcesses(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->UpdateProcesses((CServer*)lParam); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateProcesses LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminRemoveProcess(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->RemoveProcess((CProcess*)lParam); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminRemoveProcess LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminRedisplayProcesses(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NODETYPE m; CNodeType *pNodeType = ( CNodeType * )lParam; if( pNodeType == NULL ) { m = NODE_NONE; } else { m = pNodeType->m_nodetype; } ((CAllServerProcessesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_PROCESSES].m_pPage)->DisplayProcesses( m ); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminRedisplayProcesses LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateWinStations(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ((CAllServerUsersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_USERS].m_pPage)->UpdateWinStations((CServer*)lParam); ((CAllServerWinStationsPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_WINSTATIONS].m_pPage)->UpdateWinStations((CServer*)lParam); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateWinStations LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateServerInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage) ((CAllServerServersPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_SERVERS].m_pPage)->UpdateServer((CServer*)lParam); if(pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage) ((CAllServerLicensesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage)->DisplayLicenseCounts(); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminUpdateServerInfo LRESULT CAllServersView::OnAdminRedisplayLicenses(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if(pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage) ((CAllServerLicensesPage*)pages[PAGE_AS_LICENSES].m_pPage)->Reset((CServer*)lParam); return 0; } // end CAllServersView::OnAdminRedisplayLicenses //=------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnTabbed is called when the mainframe received VK_TAB // this hacked fix takes advantage of the known ui layout of tsadmin // we know we are in either three places -- treeview tabctrl listctrl // tabbing is a forward motion so focus is moved with respect to the layout // this code is duplicated in all view classes // LRESULT CAllServersView::OnTabbed( WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { ODS( L"CAllServersView::OnTabbed " ); if( m_pTabs != NULL ) { CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { FOCUS_STATE nFocus = pDoc->GetLastRegisteredFocus( ); // // treeview should've started off with initial focus // we should if( nFocus == TREE_VIEW ) { ODS( L"from tree to tab\n" ); int nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } else if( nFocus == TAB_CTRL ) { ODS( L"from tab to item\n" ); // set focus to item in page pages[ m_CurrPage ].m_pPage->SetFocus( ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM ); } else { ODS( L"from item to treeview\n" ); // set focus back to treeview CFrameWnd *p = (CFrameWnd*)pDoc->GetMainWnd(); p->SendMessage( WM_FORCE_TREEVIEW_FOCUS , 0 , 0 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TREE_VIEW ); } pDoc->SetPrevFocus( nFocus ); } } return 0; } //=------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnShiftTabbed is called when the user wants to go back one // this code is duplicated in all view classes LRESULT CAllServersView::OnShiftTabbed( WPARAM , LPARAM ) { ODS( L"CAllServersView::OnShiftTabbed " ); if( m_pTabs != NULL ) { CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { FOCUS_STATE nFocus = pDoc->GetLastRegisteredFocus( ); switch( nFocus ) { case TREE_VIEW: ODS( L"going back from tree to paged item\n" ); pages[ m_CurrPage ].m_pPage->SetFocus( ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM ); break; case TAB_CTRL: { ODS( L"going back from tab to treeview\n" ); CFrameWnd *p = (CFrameWnd*)pDoc->GetMainWnd(); p->SendMessage( WM_FORCE_TREEVIEW_FOCUS , 0 , 0 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TREE_VIEW ); } break; case PAGED_ITEM: { ODS( L"going back from paged item to tab\n" ); int nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } break; } pDoc->SetPrevFocus( nFocus ); } } return 0; } //=------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctrl + tab works the same as tab but because of our unorthodox ui // when under a tab control it will cycle over the tabs and back to the treeview // LRESULT CAllServersView::OnCtrlTabbed( WPARAM , LPARAM ) { ODS( L"CAllServersView::OnCtrlTabbed " ); int nTab; int nMaxTab; if( m_pTabs != NULL ) { CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { FOCUS_STATE nFocus = pDoc->GetLastRegisteredFocus( ); if( nFocus == TREE_VIEW ) { ODS( L"from tree to tab\n" ); nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); nMaxTab = m_pTabs->GetItemCount( ); if( nTab >= nMaxTab - 1 ) { m_pTabs->SetCurSel( 0 ); OnChangePage( 0 , 0 ); nTab = 0; } m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } else { nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); nMaxTab = m_pTabs->GetItemCount( ); if( nTab >= nMaxTab - 1 ) { ODS( L"...back to treeview\n" ); CFrameWnd *p = (CFrameWnd*)pDoc->GetMainWnd(); p->SendMessage( WM_FORCE_TREEVIEW_FOCUS , 0 , 0 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TREE_VIEW ); } else { ODS( L" ...next tab...\n" ); m_pTabs->SetCurSel( nTab + 1 ); OnChangePage( 0 , 0 ); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab + 1 ); } } pDoc->SetPrevFocus( nFocus ); } } return 0; } //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // same as OnCtrlTab but we focus on moving in the other direction // tree_view to last tab -- current tab to ct - 1 // LRESULT CAllServersView::OnCtrlShiftTabbed( WPARAM , LPARAM ) { ODS( L"CAllServersView::OnCtrlShiftTabbed " ); int nTab; int nMaxTab; if( m_pTabs != NULL ) { CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { FOCUS_STATE nFocus = pDoc->GetLastRegisteredFocus( ); if( nFocus == TREE_VIEW ) { ODS( L"from tree to tab\n" ); nMaxTab = m_pTabs->GetItemCount( ); m_pTabs->SetCurSel( nMaxTab - 1 ); OnChangePage( 0 , 0 ); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nMaxTab - 1 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } else { nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); nMaxTab = m_pTabs->GetItemCount( ); if( nTab > 0 ) { ODS( L" ...next tab...\n" ); m_pTabs->SetCurSel( nTab - 1 ); OnChangePage( 0 , 0 ); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab - 1 ); } else { ODS( L"...back to treeview\n" ); CFrameWnd *p = (CFrameWnd*)pDoc->GetMainWnd(); p->SendMessage( WM_FORCE_TREEVIEW_FOCUS , 0 , 0 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TREE_VIEW ); } } pDoc->SetPrevFocus( nFocus ); } } return 0; } //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // When the user hits F6 we need to switch between pains LRESULT CAllServersView::OnNextPane( WPARAM , LPARAM ) { ODS( L"CAllServersView::OnNextPane\n" ); int nTab; int nMaxTab; if( m_pTabs != NULL ) { CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { FOCUS_STATE nFocus = pDoc->GetLastRegisteredFocus( ); FOCUS_STATE nPrevFocus = pDoc->GetPrevFocus( ); if( nFocus == TREE_VIEW ) { if( nPrevFocus == TAB_CTRL ) { nTab = m_pTabs->GetCurSel(); m_pTabs->SetFocus( ); m_pTabs->SetCurFocus( nTab ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } else { pages[ m_CurrPage ].m_pPage->SetFocus( ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( PAGED_ITEM ); } } else { CFrameWnd *p = (CFrameWnd*)pDoc->GetMainWnd(); p->SendMessage( WM_FORCE_TREEVIEW_FOCUS , 0 , 0 ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TREE_VIEW ); } pDoc->SetPrevFocus( nFocus ); } } return 0; }