/******************************************************************************* * * winadmin.cpp * * Defines the class behaviors for the application. * * copyright notice: Copyright 1997, Citrix Systems Inc. * Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation * * $Author: donm $ Don Messerli * * $Log: N:\nt\private\utils\citrix\winutils\tsadmin\VCS\winadmin.cpp $ * * Rev 1.6 19 Feb 1998 17:42:44 donm * removed latest extension DLL support * * Rev 1.4 05 Nov 1997 14:31:02 donm * update * * Rev 1.3 13 Oct 1997 22:19:42 donm * update * * Rev 1.0 30 Jul 1997 17:13:08 butchd * Initial revision. * *******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "winadmin.h" #include #include "mainfrm.h" #include "admindoc.h" #include "treeview.h" #include "rtpane.h" #include "blankvw.h" #include "winsvw.h" #include "servervw.h" #include #ifdef DBG bool g_fDebug = false; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif //BOOL AreWeRunningTerminalServices(void); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWinAdminApp, CWinApp) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWinAdminApp) ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, OnAppAbout) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp construction CWinAdminApp::CWinAdminApp() { // TODO: add construction code here, // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only CWinAdminApp object CWinAdminApp theApp; static TCHAR szExtensionDLLName[] = TEXT("ADMINEX.DLL"); static TCHAR szICABrowserServiceName[] = TEXT("ICABrowser"); static CHAR szStart[] = "WAExStart"; static CHAR szEnd[] = "WAExEnd"; static CHAR szServerEnumerate[] = "WAExServerEnumerate"; static CHAR szWinStationInit[] = "WAExWinStationInit"; static CHAR szWinStationInfo[] = "WAExWinStationInfo"; static CHAR szWinStationCleanup[] = "WAExWinStationCleanup"; static CHAR szServerInit[] = "WAExServerInit"; static CHAR szServerCleanup[] = "WAExServerCleanup"; static CHAR szGetServerInfo[] = "WAExGetServerInfo"; static CHAR szServerEvent[] = "WAExServerEvent"; static CHAR szGetGlobalInfo[] = "WAExGetGlobalInfo"; static CHAR szGetServerLicenses[] = "WAExGetServerLicenses"; static CHAR szGetWinStationInfo[] = "WAExGetWinStationInfo"; static CHAR szGetWinStationModules[] = "WAExGetWinStationModules"; static CHAR szFreeServerLicenses[] = "WAExFreeServerLicenses"; static CHAR szFreeWinStationModules[] = "WAExFreeWinStationModules"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp initialization // BOOL CWinAdminApp::InitInstance() { #ifdef DBG // to avoid excessive debug spewage delete this key on checked builds HKEY hKey; LONG lStatus; DWORD dwDebugValue; DWORD dwSize = sizeof( DWORD ); lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Terminal Server\\TSADMIN", 0 , KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey , L"Debug", NULL, NULL, ( LPBYTE )&dwDebugValue, &dwSize ); if( lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( dwDebugValue != 0 ) { g_fDebug = true; } } RegCloseKey( hKey ); } #endif // Read the preferences from the registry ReadPreferences(); // Check to see if this user is an Admin m_Admin = TestUserForAdmin(FALSE); // Set pointers to extension DLL's procedures to NULL m_lpfnWAExStart = NULL; m_lpfnWAExEnd = NULL; m_lpfnWAExServerEnumerate = NULL; m_lpfnWAExWinStationInit = NULL; m_lpfnWAExWinStationCleanup = NULL; m_lpfnWAExServerInit = NULL; m_lpfnWAExServerCleanup = NULL; m_lpfnWAExGetServerInfo = NULL; m_lpfnWAExGetGlobalInfo = NULL; m_lpfnWAExGetServerLicenses = NULL; m_lpfnWAExGetWinStationInfo = NULL; m_lpfnWAExGetWinStationModules = NULL; m_lpfnWAExFreeServerLicenses = NULL; m_lpfnWAExFreeWinStationModules = NULL; // Check to see if we are running under Picasso m_Picasso = FALSE; if(IsBrowserRunning()) { // Attempt to load our extension DLL m_hExtensionDLL = LoadLibrary(szExtensionDLLName); if(m_hExtensionDLL) { // Get all the addresses of the procedures m_lpfnWAExStart = (LPFNEXSTARTUPPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szStart); m_lpfnWAExEnd = (LPFNEXSHUTDOWNPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szEnd); m_lpfnWAExServerEnumerate = (LPFNEXENUMERATEPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szServerEnumerate); m_lpfnWAExWinStationInit = (LPFNEXWINSTATIONINITPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szWinStationInit); m_lpfnWAExWinStationInfo = (LPFNEXWINSTATIONINFOPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szWinStationInfo); m_lpfnWAExWinStationCleanup = (LPFNEXWINSTATIONCLEANUPPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szWinStationCleanup); m_lpfnWAExServerInit = (LPFNEXSERVERINITPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szServerInit); m_lpfnWAExServerCleanup = (LPFNEXSERVERCLEANUPPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szServerCleanup); m_lpfnWAExGetServerInfo = (LPFNEXGETSERVERINFOPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szGetServerInfo); m_lpfnWAExServerEvent = (LPFNEXSERVEREVENTPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szServerEvent); m_lpfnWAExGetGlobalInfo = (LPFNEXGETGLOBALINFOPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szGetGlobalInfo); m_lpfnWAExGetServerLicenses = (LPFNEXGETSERVERLICENSESPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szGetServerLicenses); m_lpfnWAExGetWinStationInfo = (LPFNEXGETWINSTATIONINFOPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szGetWinStationInfo); m_lpfnWAExGetWinStationModules = (LPFNEXGETWINSTATIONMODULESPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szGetWinStationModules); m_lpfnWAExFreeServerLicenses = (LPFNEXFREESERVERLICENSESPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szFreeServerLicenses); m_lpfnWAExFreeWinStationModules = (LPFNEXFREEWINSTATIONMODULESPROC)::GetProcAddress(m_hExtensionDLL, szFreeWinStationModules); m_Picasso = TRUE; } else { // Picasso is running, but we couldn't load the extension DLL. // Tell the user that added functionality will not be available CString MessageString; CString TitleString; TitleString.LoadString(AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE); MessageString.LoadString(IDS_NO_EXTENSION_DLL); ::MessageBox(NULL, MessageString, TitleString, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); } } // Get information about the WinStation we are running from QueryCurrentWinStation(m_CurrentWinStationName, m_CurrentUserName, &m_CurrentLogonId, &m_CurrentWSFlags); // Load the system console string for rapid comparison in various // refresh cycles. lstrcpy( m_szSystemConsole , L"Console" ); /* LoadString( m_hInstance, IDS_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_NAME, m_szSystemConsole, WINSTATIONNAME_LENGTH ); */ // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need. #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically #endif // LoadStdProfileSettings(); // Load standard INI file options (including MRU) // Get the current server name DWORD cchBuffer = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if(!GetComputerName(m_CurrentServerName, &cchBuffer)) { DWORD Error = GetLastError(); } // Register the application's document templates. Document templates // serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views. CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate; pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate( IDR_MAINFRAME, RUNTIME_CLASS(CWinAdminDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CMainFrame), // main SDI frame window m_Picasso ? RUNTIME_CLASS(CBaseTreeView) : RUNTIME_CLASS(CAdminTreeView)); AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate); // Command lines switches are not used therefore we are commenting the // following code out to resolve BUG 536006 // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open //CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; //ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); // Dispatch commands specified on the command line //if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo)) // return FALSE; // Since ProcessShellCommand is not being used, we still need to start our app // the following code is taken from ProcessShellCommand MFC code if (!AfxGetApp()->OnCmdMsg(ID_FILE_NEW, 0, NULL, NULL)) OnFileNew(); if (m_pMainWnd == NULL) return FALSE; return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp::ExitInstance // int CWinAdminApp::ExitInstance() { // write out the preferences WritePreferences(); // if we loaded the extension DLL, unload it if(m_hExtensionDLL) FreeLibrary(m_hExtensionDLL); return 0; } static TCHAR szWinAdminAppKey[] = REG_SOFTWARE_TSERVER TEXT("\\TSADMIN"); static TCHAR szPlacement[] = TEXT("Placement"); static TCHAR szPlacementFormat[] = TEXT("%u,%u,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d"); static TCHAR szConfirmation[] = TEXT("Confirmation"); static TCHAR szSaveSettings[] = TEXT("SaveSettingsOnExit"); static TCHAR szShowSystemProcesses[] = TEXT("ShowSystemProcesses"); static TCHAR szShowAllServers[] = TEXT("ShowAllServers"); static TCHAR szListRefreshTime[] = TEXT("ListRefreshTime"); static TCHAR szStatusRefreshTime[] = TEXT("StatusRefreshTime"); static TCHAR szShadowHotkeyKey[] = TEXT("ShadowHotkeyKey"); static TCHAR szShadowHotkeyShift[] = TEXT("ShadowHotkeyShift"); static TCHAR szTreeWidth[] = TEXT("TreeWidth"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp::ReadPreferences // void CWinAdminApp::ReadPreferences() { HKEY hKeyWinAdmin; DWORD dwType, cbData, dwValue; TCHAR szValue[128]; // Set default values for everything m_Confirmation = 1; m_SavePreferences = 1; m_ProcessListRefreshTime = 5000; m_StatusRefreshTime = 1000; m_ShowSystemProcesses = TRUE; m_ShowAllServers = FALSE; m_ShadowHotkeyKey = VK_MULTIPLY; m_ShadowHotkeyShift = KBDCTRL; m_TreeWidth = 200; m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.right = -1; // Open registry key for our application DWORD Disposition; if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWinAdminAppKey, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, NULL, &hKeyWinAdmin, &Disposition) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; // Read the previous WINDOWPLACEMENT. cbData = sizeof(szValue); if((RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szPlacement, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || !(*szValue) || (swscanf( szValue, szPlacementFormat, &m_Placement.flags, &m_Placement.showCmd, &m_Placement.ptMinPosition.x, &m_Placement.ptMinPosition.y, &m_Placement.ptMaxPosition.x, &m_Placement.ptMaxPosition.y, &m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.left, &m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.top, &m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.right, &m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.bottom ) != 10) ) { // Flag to use the default window placement. m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.right = -1; } /* * Flag for initial showing of main window in our override of * CFrameWnd::ActivateFrame() (in our CMainFrame class). */ m_Placement.length = (UINT)-1; // Read the Confirmation flag cbData = sizeof(m_Confirmation); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szConfirmation, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_Confirmation = dwValue; } // Read the Save Preferences flag cbData = sizeof(m_SavePreferences); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szSaveSettings, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_SavePreferences = dwValue; } // Read the Show System Processes flag cbData = sizeof(m_ShowSystemProcesses); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShowSystemProcesses, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_ShowSystemProcesses = dwValue; } #if 0 // Read the Show All Servers flag cbData = sizeof(m_ShowAllServers); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShowAllServers, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_ShowAllServers = dwValue; } #endif // Read the Process List Refresh Time cbData = sizeof(m_ProcessListRefreshTime); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szListRefreshTime, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_ProcessListRefreshTime = dwValue; } // Read the Status Dialog Refresh Time cbData = sizeof(m_StatusRefreshTime); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szStatusRefreshTime, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_StatusRefreshTime = dwValue; } // Read the Shadow Hotkey Key cbData = sizeof(m_ShadowHotkeyKey); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShadowHotkeyKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_ShadowHotkeyKey = dwValue; } // Read the Shadow Hotkey Shift cbData = sizeof(m_ShadowHotkeyShift); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShadowHotkeyShift, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_ShadowHotkeyShift = dwValue; } // CPR 1698: (Upgrade check for SouthBeach build 129 WINADMIN saved // profile). If the m_nShadowHotkeyKey is VK_ESCAPE (no longer allowed), // set the hotkey to CTRL-* (the new default). if(m_ShadowHotkeyKey == VK_ESCAPE) { m_ShadowHotkeyKey = VK_MULTIPLY; m_ShadowHotkeyShift = KBDCTRL; } // Read the Tree Width cbData = sizeof(m_TreeWidth); if(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szTreeWidth, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_TreeWidth = dwValue; } RegCloseKey(hKeyWinAdmin); } // end CWinAdminApp::ReadPreferences ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp::WritePreferences // void CWinAdminApp::WritePreferences() { HKEY hKeyWinAdmin; DWORD dwValue; TCHAR szValue[128]; // Open registry key for our application DWORD Disposition; if(RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szWinAdminAppKey, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKeyWinAdmin, &Disposition) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; // Always write the Save Settings on Exit entry dwValue = m_SavePreferences; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szSaveSettings, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // If the user didn't want to save settings, we're done if(!m_SavePreferences) { RegCloseKey(hKeyWinAdmin); return; } // Write the WINDOWPLACEMENT m_Placement.flags = 0; // if(m_pMainWnd->IsZoomed()) // m_Placement.flags |= WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED; wsprintf(szValue, szPlacementFormat, m_Placement.flags, m_Placement.showCmd, m_Placement.ptMinPosition.x, m_Placement.ptMinPosition.y, m_Placement.ptMaxPosition.x, m_Placement.ptMaxPosition.y, m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.left, m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.top, m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.right, m_Placement.rcNormalPosition.bottom); RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szPlacement, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szValue, (lstrlen(szValue) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); // Write the Confirmation flag dwValue = m_Confirmation; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szConfirmation, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Show System Processes flag dwValue = m_ShowSystemProcesses; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShowSystemProcesses, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Show All Servers flag dwValue = m_ShowAllServers; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShowAllServers, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Process List Refresh Time dwValue = m_ProcessListRefreshTime; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szListRefreshTime, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Status Dialog Refresh Time dwValue = m_StatusRefreshTime; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szStatusRefreshTime, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Shadow Hotkey Key dwValue = m_ShadowHotkeyKey; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShadowHotkeyKey, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Shadow Hotkey Shift state dwValue = m_ShadowHotkeyShift; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szShadowHotkeyShift, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Write the Tree Width dwValue = m_TreeWidth; RegSetValueEx(hKeyWinAdmin, szTreeWidth, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD)); // Close the registry key RegCloseKey(hKeyWinAdmin); } // end CWinAdminApp::WritePreferences ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp::IsBrowserRunning // BOOL CWinAdminApp::IsBrowserRunning() { SC_HANDLE managerHandle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); SC_HANDLE serviceHandle = OpenService(managerHandle, szICABrowserServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; QueryServiceStatus(serviceHandle, (LPSERVICE_STATUS)&serviceStatus); CloseServiceHandle(serviceHandle); CloseServiceHandle(managerHandle); if(serviceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } // end CWinAdminApp::IsBrowserRunning /******************************************************************************* * * OnAppAbout - CWinAdminApp member function: command * * Display the about box dialog (uses Shell32 generic About dialog). * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/ // Typedef for the ShellAbout function typedef void (WINAPI *LPFNSHELLABOUT)(HWND, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, HICON); void CWinAdminApp::OnAppAbout() { HMODULE hMod; LPFNSHELLABOUT lpfn; if ( hMod = ::LoadLibrary( TEXT("SHELL32") ) ) { if (lpfn = (LPFNSHELLABOUT)::GetProcAddress( hMod, #ifdef UNICODE "ShellAboutW" #else "ShellAboutA" #endif // UNICODE )) { (*lpfn)( m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, (LPCTSTR)m_pszAppName, (LPCTSTR)TEXT(""), LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME) ); } ::FreeLibrary(hMod); } else { ::MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } } // end CWinadminApp::OnAppAbout /******************************************************************************* * * AreWeRunningTerminalServices * * Check if we are running terminal server * * ENTRY: * * EXIT: BOOL: True if we are running Terminal Services False if we * are not running Terminal Services * * ******************************************************************************/ /* BOOL AreWeRunningTerminalServices(void) { OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0; ZeroMemory(&osVersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); osVersionInfo.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_TERMINAL | VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS; VER_SET_CONDITION( dwlConditionMask, VER_SUITENAME, VER_OR ); return VerifyVersionInfo( &osVersionInfo, VER_SUITENAME, dwlConditionMask ); } */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWinAdminApp commands //=--------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyTabCtrl , CTabCtrl ) ON_WM_SETFOCUS( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyTabCtrl::OnSetFocus( CWnd *pOldWnd ) { ODS( L"CMyTabCtrl::OnSetFocus\n" ); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL ) { ODS( L"\tTabctrl has focus\n" ); pDoc->RegisterLastFocus( TAB_CTRL ); } CTabCtrl::OnSetFocus( pOldWnd ); }