********** Mapping instruction entries *************,,"", ENG,ROM,opkmsi, Account Operators,Ąććöůňť Öpęŕâţóŕś,"",Account Administrator,Administrator_ploc,"",Account Administrators,Ăďmíňîśţŕâţóŕś,"",Account ANONYMOUS LOGON,ÂŇŐŃÝMÔŮŠ ŁÖGÓŇ,"",Account Authenticated Users,õţhëňţíçâţëđ Ůšěřś,"",Account Backup Operators,ßâçküp Ôpěřăţôřś,"",Account BATCH,ßĂŢČH,"",Account BUILTIN,ßŰÍĹŤÎŇ,"",Account Cert Publishers,Ćěŕţ Pübłíśhěřś,"",Account CREATOR GROUP SERVER,ĆŔÉÁŢÖŔ GŔÓÜP ŞÉŘVĘŘ,"",Account CREATOR GROUP,ĆŘÉÄŢÖŘ GŔŐÜP,"",Account CREATOR OWNER SERVER,ĆŔËÂŤÓŘ ÓWŇËŔ ŠÉŔVÉŔ,"",Account CREATOR OWNER,ÇŔĚÄŢÓŘ ÖWŃÉŘ,"",Account DHCP Administrators,ĎHĆP Ąďmíňîşťřăţóřş,"",Account DHCP Users,ĎHČP Ůšěŕş,"",Account DIALUP,ĐÎĂĹŮP,"",Account Digest Authentication,Đîgěšť Áűţhęňťíçäťîóň,"",Account Domain Admins,Đómäîň Áđmíńš,"",Account Domain Computers,Ďómąîń Ćömpµťéřş,"",Account Domain Controllers,Ďómăîń Çôńţŕöĺĺéřś,"",Account Domain Guests,Ďőmăíň Gůęśţš,"",Account Domain Users,Ďômąîň Üşęřś,"",Account Enterprise Admins,Ëňţéřpříşë Ăđmîńš,"",Account ENTERPRISE DOMAIN CONTROLLERS,ĚŃŢĘŔPŘÍŠĚ ĐÖMĂÎŇ ĆÖŃŤŘÓĽĽĘŔŞ,"",Account Everyone,Évéŕýőňë,"",Account Group Policy Creator Owners,Gřöűp Pőłîçý Çŕëäţőŕ Ówńěřś,"",Account Guest,Gűěşţ,"",Account Guests,Gµěšţś,"",Account HelpAssistant,HěĺpÄśşîšţăňţ,"",Account HelpServicesGroup,HéĺpŚęŕvíčęśGŕőůp,"",Account INTERACTIVE,ÎŃŤĘŔĄČŤÍVÉ,"",Account Internal%0,Íńťěřňăľ%0,"",Account Local Computer,Łöčął Çömpµťëř,"",Account Local Service,Ĺóçáł Śěřvîçě,"",Account Local System,Ĺôćäł Şýšţěm,"",Account LOCAL,ĹŐÇÄĹ,"",Account LocalSystem,ĹóçąľŚýśţěm,"",Account Logon User,Ľőgöń Úşěŕ,"",Account MTS Administrators,MŤŞ Ąďmíńíšťřáţőřş,"",Account MTS Impersonators,MŢŞ Ímpéřšőňáťôřś,"",Account MTS_Admin,MTS_Admin,"",Account Network Service,Ňëťwôřk Šéŕvîçé,"",Account NETWORK,ŃËŢWÔŘK,"",Account NONE,ŇŐŇÉ,"",Account NT AUTHORITY,ŃŢ ĄÜŤHŐŘÎŢÝ,"",Account NT Pseudo Domain,ŇŤ Pšęüđő Đómąîň,"",Account NTLM Authentication,ŃŤŁM Ăůţhěňţíçâţíöń,"",Account Other Organization,Óţhěř Ôřgáňíżäţíőń,"",Account Owner,Őwńéř,"",Account Owners,Ówňěřš,"",Account Performance Log Users,Péŕföřmáńçě Łóg Űšëŕş,"",Account Performance Monitor Users,Péřfôřmâńçé Móňíţóŕ Üşëřś,"",Account Power Users,Pôwéř Ůšęŕš,"",Account Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access,Pre-Winďows 2000 Çömpätißle Açcess,"",Account Print Operators,Pŕîńţ Őpěřâťőřś,"",Account Printer Operators,Přîňţęř Ôpęŕąťóŕś,"",Account PROXY,PŘÓXÝ,"",Account RAS and IAS Servers,ŘĄŞ áńď ÍĄŚ Śęŕvęřş,"",Account Remote Desktop Users,Řémöţę Đęşkţóp Űšëřš,"",Account REMOTE INTERACTIVE LOGON,ŘĘMÖŤÉ ÎŃŢĚŔÂĆŢÍVĘ ŁÖGŐŃ,"",Account Replicator,Ŕępĺíćäţóř,"",Account RESTRICTED,ŘĚŠŤŘÍČŤÉĐ,"",Account SChannel Authentication,ŠČhăńňëĺ ĵţhěňţîčâţíóń,"",Account Schema Admins,Šçhëmä Áďmíňś,"",Account SELF,ŠÉĹF,"",Account Server Operators,Śëŕvěř Ópęŕâťőŕş,"",Account SERVICE,ŠËŘVÍČÉ,"",Account System Operators,Śýşťëm Őpěřăţôŕş,"",Account SYSTEM,ŞÝŠŤËM,"",Account TERMINAL SERVER USER,ŤÉŘMÎŃĄĹ ŠÉŔVĘŔ ÚŚËŘ,"",Account This Organization,Ţhîś Öŕgäňîźąţíôń,"",Account user,üşěŕ,"",Account Users,Úśęřš,"",Account Windows Authorization Access Group,Wîňđówś Ăűťhőříźâţîőń Ăçčěšš Gŕőúp,"",Account WINS Users,WÍŃŞ Ůšëřş,"",Account RAS Servers,RA§ §érvers,"",account name IMDB Trusted Users,ÍMĐß Ţŕüśťěď Űšëřš,"",Account names Network Configuration Operators,Ňěţwóŕk Çôňfîgúřâťíóň Őpěŕąţóŕś,"",Account names TsInternetUser,ŢsÍňťëřňëťÜşéŕ,"",Account names WBEM Users,WßËM Üşěřš,"",Account names Windows XP,[Wínďows XP !!! !],"",Active desktop wallpaper NT windows98,[winďöws98 !!! !],"",Active desktop wallpaper win9x AllUsers,ĄłłŮśęřš,"",AllUsers Disk error,[Đîşk ęŕŕöŕ],"",Boot message 1 (66 chars) Press any key to restart,[Přéšś ąńý kéý ťő řěşťäřť],"",Boot message 1 (66 chars) Remove disks or other media.,[Çäňňóť šţářţ. Ŕěmövę męđíă],"",Boot message 1 (66 chars) A disk read error occurred,[Ă ďîšk řëäď éřŕôř ôćçůŕŕëď],"",Boot message 2 (98 chars) NTLDR is compressed,[ŃŤĽĐŔ íş çömpŕěšşéď],"",Boot message 2 (98 chars) NTLDR is missing,[ŃŤĽĎŘ íš míşśîňg],"",Boot message 2 (98 chars) Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart,[Pŕěśś Ćťŕľ+Ăľť+Ďëł ţő řěšťäřţ],"",Boot message 2 (98 chars) Error loading operating system,[Ëŕŕóř ĺóäďíńg ópëřăţíňg śýşťém !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",Boot message 3 (127 chars) Invalid partition table,[Îňváĺíđ päŕţíťíóň ťąbĺę !!! !!! !!!],"",Boot message 3 (127 chars) Missing operating system,[Mîśšíńg ôpěřâťíńg śýşťěm !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",Boot message 3 (127 chars) ESC=I do not agree,[ËŠĆ=Î ďó ňőť ägŕęę],"",Boot message 5 (76 chars) F8=I agree,[F8=Í ągřěë],"",Boot message 5 (76 chars) PAGE DOWN=Next Page,[PĄGË ĎÓWŇ=Ňěxţ Pägë],"",Boot message 5 (76 chars) PAGE UP=Previous Page,[PÄGĘ ÜP=Pŕęvîôüš Păgë],"",Boot message 5 (76 chars) NetWare or Compatible Network,NetWare óŕ Ćömpątibĺę Ňéťwőŕk,"",Bug 111184 Generate Resultant Set of Policy,[Gęńëŕăţě Řéśűĺţąňţ Śëţ ôf Pőłíçý !!! !!! !!! !!],"",bug 361060: translation must match dssec.dll "MSG"; 58 Loopback,[Lőőpbáçk !!!],"",Bug#198218: this string should be consistent with str#105 of remrras.exe Show Desktop,[Şhöw Đęśkťôp !!! !!],"",Channel View Channels,[Vîëw Čhâňńęłš !!! !!],"",Channel Compressed (zipped) Folder,[Cömpŕěšşéď (zîppęđ) Főľđęř !!! !],"",Code dependency en,ro,cultureid,Culture ID Untitled,[Űňţíţľěď !!! ],"",Default schedule name. Background,[ßáçkgŕôúńđ !!! !],"",Dependency with Background tab in desktop properties (None),(ńőňé),"",Dependency with hivedef.inf and shell32.dll. Displayed in screen saver dropdown LAN Connection,[ĽÁŇ Çöńňěčţîôň !!! !!!],"",Dependency with mobsync.exe Ready,[Ŕëąđý !!!],"",Dependency with printers.htt in webvw.dll: Bug#101642 Comment,[Çőmméňţ !!! ],"",Dependency with shell32 Volume,[Vółűmë !!!],"",Dependency with shell32.dll System,[Śýşţěm !!!],appletname,Dependency with system control panel applet Web,[Wěb !!],"",Dependency with WEB-tab in desktop properties Author,[Áüťhóŕ !!!],"",Dependency with webvw Comments,[Çőmméňţs !!! ],"",Dependency with webvw Add/Remove Programs,[Äďđ/Ŕěmövě Pŕögřămś !!! !!! !],"",Dependency with wizmgr Display,[Đíšpłäý !!! ],"",Dependency: Goes into "%s Properties" in comctl32.dll, and displayed as a title of "Display Properties" (Standard computers),[(Śťâńďářđ čómpűťéřş) !!! !!! !],"",Dependency: need consistent translation (Standard Modem Types),[(Şťäňđăŕđ Mőđęm Ťýpęś) !!! !!! !!],"",Dependency: need consistent translation (Standard system devices),[(Şťąňđäřđ śýşťém đëvîćëś) !!! !!! !!!],"",Dependency: need consistent translation Communications Port,[Çőmmúňíçáťîôňś Pőřť !!! !!! !],"",Dependency: need consistent translation Back,ßäçk,"",Dependency: needs consistent localization Full,[Fůľľ !!!],"",Dependency: needs consistent translation Launch Outlook Express,[Ĺâűńćh Óůţľôők Ěxpŕéşš !!! !!! !!],"",Dependency: needs consistent translation Sharing,[Şhářîńg !!! ],"",Dependency: This string should be consistent with Caption of dialog #1000 ---- Fix bug #102740 File a bug report,[Filé a ßug réport !!! !!! ],"",Desktop item """","""","",Folder Accessories,[_Áccéššôríéš !!! !],"",Folder Accessories,[_Áccéššôríéš !!! !],folder,Folder Access~1,Access~1,"",Folder Active Directory Management,[Açtîvé ďiréçtôry Mânagement !!! !!! !!! ],"",Folder Active Directory Migration Tool,[Äçtivë ďíreçtôry Mígration Toôl !!! !!! !!! !],"",Folder Admin Tools,[Aďmin Toóls !!! !],"",Folder Administrative Tools,[_Admînístratívé Toóls !!! !!! !],"",Folder ADMINI~1,ADMINI~1,"",Folder AdminTools,[ĄďmíńŢőółś !!!],"",Folder ADMINT~1,ADMINT~1,"",Folder ADMINT~1|Admin Tools,ADMINT~1|Admin Tools,"",Folder All Users,[All Users !!! !],"",Folder AppleShare Folder,[Ápple§hare Folďer !!! !!! ],"",Folder Applicat,[Applicat !!! ],"",Folder Application Compatibility Scripts,Application Compatibility Scripts Ploc,"",Folder Application Data,Application Data Ploc,"",Folder Applic~1,Applic~1,"",Folder Authorization Manager,Âúţhóŕíżäţîőń Máňägëŕ,"",Folder Backup,[ßackúp !!!],"",Folder Briefcas,Briefcas Ploc,"",Folder Briefcase Database,Briefcase Database Ploc,"",Folder Briefcase,Briefcase Ploc,"",Folder cache,[çáçhe !!!],"",Folder Channels,[Çhąňňęłś !!!],"",Folder Checked Build Warning,[Çhëćkęď ßüíĺď Wâŕňíňg !!! !!! !],"",Folder Cluster Administrator,[Çlµstër Áďministratör !!! !!! !],"",Folder Common Coverpages,Common Coverpages Ploc,"",Folder Common Files,Common Files Ploc,"",Folder Common,Common ploc,"",Folder CommonAppData,[ÇômmonAppďata !!! !!],"",Folder CommonFi,[ÇómmônFî !!! ],"",Folder COMMON~1,COMMON~1,"",Folder Communications,[_Ćömmúńîčäţîőńš !!! !!!],"",Folder COMMUN~1,COMMUN~1,"",Folder Connection Wizard,[Çonnéçtíon Wízarď !!! !!! ],"",Folder Cookies,[Çoökîës !!! ],"",Folder Credentials,[Çréďëntîäls !!! !],"",Folder Cursors,[Çúrsórs !!! ],"",Folder DAO,DAO,"",Folder Data Sources,[Đáţä Śôűŕčëš !!! !!],"",Folder Database,[ďatáßäsé !!! ],"",Folder Desktop,Desktop Ploc,"",Folder Distributed File System,[ďístrîßµteď Fílé §ýstém !!! !!! !!],"",Folder docs,[ďôcs !!!],"",Folder Documents and Settings,Documents and Settings Ploc,"",Folder Documents,[Ďöčűmëňţš !!! !],"",Folder downloads,[ďôwňľóâđś !!! !],"",Folder drivers,[ďrîvërs !!! ],"",Folder Entertainment,[_Éńţéŕţăíńméńť !!! !!],"",Folder Favorite,[Favörîtë !!! ],"",Folder Favorites,Favorites Ploc,"",Folder FAVORI~1,FAVORI~1,"",Folder Fax Console,[Fax Çönsole !!! !],"",folder Fax Cover Page Editor,[Fâx Çover Pagë Éďitôr !!! !!! !],"",Folder Fax,[Fáx !!],"",Folder FAXCOV~1,FAXCOV~1,"",Folder Fldr,[Flďr !!!],"",Folder Fonts,Fonts ploc,"",Folder Global Assembly Cache,[Gloßal Ássemßly Çaçhë !!! !!! !],"",Folder GLOBAL~1,GLOBAL~1,"",Folder Graphics,[Graphiçs !!! ],"",Folder help,Help,"",Folder History,History Ploc,"",Folder History.IE5,[Hîstôry.IE5 !!! !],"",Folder httpadmin,httpadmin ploc,"",Folder Hyperterminal,[Hýpértërminâl !!! !!],"",Folder Identities,[Iďëntitíes !!! !],"",Folder ImageVue,[ÎmągëVúé !!! ],folder,Folder Imported bookmarks,[Împorťëđ bóôkmăřkş!!!],"",Folder Incoming Forest Trust Builders,[Íncoming Forëst Trust ßuílďers !!! !!! !!! !],"",Folder Installation Notes,[Íńšţâĺľąţíőń Ńóťęš !!! !!! ],"",Folder IP Address Management,[IP Äďďréss Mânagémënt !!! !!! !],"",Folder Local Group Policy,[Ľôćăĺ Gŕőüp Pöľîčý !!! !!! ],"",Folder Local Settings,Local Settings Ploc,"",Folder LocalAppData,[LóçalAppďatä !!! !!],"",Folder LocalA~1,LocalA~1,"",Folder Logs,[Ĺógš !!!],"",Folder mastersettings,[mästërsëttîngs !!! !!!],"",Folder Microsoft Internet,[Mîcrösoft Íntërnët !!! !!! ],"",Folder Microsoft Script Debugger,[_Mîçŕóśôfť Ščŕîpť Đěbüggěř !!! !!! !!!],"",Folder Microsoft Shared Fax Client,[Mîcrosöft §häreď Fäx Çliént !!! !!! !!! ],"",Folder Microsoft Shared Fax,[Micrôsoft §hareď Fáx !!! !!! !],"",Folder Microsoft Shared,Microsoft Shared,"",Folder MS UAM Installer,MŠ ÜĄM Íňşťąĺľěŕ,"",Folder MSInfo,[M§Înfó !!!],"",Folder Multimedia,Multimedia Ploc,"",Folder My Briefcase,My Briefcase Ploc,"",Folder My Captures,[Mý Ćâpťúŕëš !!! !],"",Folder My Documents,[Mý Đóčűméńťš !!! !!],"",Folder My Faxes,[Mý Fáxěš !!! ],"",Folder My Files,[Mý Fíĺéś !!! ],"",Folder My Music,[Mý Múšîč !!! ],"",Folder My Network Places,[Mý Ňëţwôřk Pľäčęś !!! !!! ],"",Folder My Pictures,[Mý Píčţüřěś !!! !],"",Folder My Playlists,[Mý Pĺâýłíšťş !!! !!],"",Folder My Video,[Mý Vîďęő !!! ],"",Folder My Videos,[Mý Vîďëôś !!! !],"",Folder MyBriefC,MyBriefC,"",Folder MyPictures,MyPictures,"",Folder MYPICT~1,MYPICT~1,"",Folder NetHood,NetHood Ploc,"",Folder NetShow Services,[Nët§how §érvices !!! !!!],"",Folder New Folder,New Folder Ploc,"",Folder New_Binary3,New_Binary3,"",Folder NEW_BI~1,NEW_BI~1,"",Folder newimages,[newimages !!! !],"",Folder NEWIMA~1,NEWIMA~1,"",Folder NT 4.0 Administrative Tools,NT 4.0 Administrative Tools Ploc,"",Folder ODBC,ODBC,"",Folder OEM Preinstallation Kit User's Guide,[OEM Preinstallation Kit User's Guide Ploc],"",Folder Old Help,[Őľď Héľp !!! ],"",Folder OLE,OLE,"",Folder Online Services,[Oňlíňé Şéŕvíćęş !!!],"",Folder operators,[opérátors !!! !],"",Folder OPERAT~1,OPERAT~1,"",Folder Personal Cover Pages,[Përsonal Çöver Pagës !!! !!! !],"",Folder Personal Coverpages\,Personal Coverpages Ploc\,"",Folder Personal,Personal Ploc,"",Folder Pinball,[Pinßáll !!! ],"",Folder Plus!,[Plús! !!!],"",Folder Printers,[Prîntérs !!! ],"",Folder PrintHoo,PrintHoo Ploc,"",Folder PrintHood,PrintHood Ploc,"",Folder PRINTH~1,PRINTH~1,"",Folder Profile,[Přőfíľě !!! ],"",Folder Profiles,[Přôfîłés !!!],"",Folder ProgMenu,[ProgMenu !!! ],"",Folder Program Files (x86),Program Files Ploc (x86),"",Folder Program Files,Program Files Ploc,"",Folder ProgramF,[ProgramF !!! ],"",Folder Programs,Programs Ploc,"",Folder Progra~1,Progra~1,"",Folder PROGRA~2,PROGRA~2,"",Folder Protected,[Pŕóţěćţëđ !!! !],"",Folder Public Key Management,[Pußlic Keý Management !!! !!! !],"",Folder Publisher Temporary Files,[Pűbľîshér Témpőřäřy Fíĺéś !!! ],"",Folder Recent,Recent Ploc,"",Folder Recycle Bin,[Řéćýćłé ßîň !!! !],"",Folder Remote Desktop Connection,[Remóté ďesktop Çonnëçtîôn !!! !!! !!!],"",Folder Remote Desktops,[Remôte ďesktôps !!! !!!],"",Folder Sample Playlists,[Śâmpłë Płáýľîşťş !!! !!!],"",Folder Security,[Šéčůŕîťý !!!],"",Folder Send a Fax...,[§enď â Fax... !!! !!],"",Folder SendTo,[ŠéńdTő !!!],"",Folder Services,[§érvices !!! ],"",Folder Setup Manager,[§etüp Mánager !!! !!],"",Folder ShellNew,[§hellNëw !!! ],"",Folder Software Updates,[Sôfţwäře Ůpđąťęs !!!],"",Folder spool,[şpöóĺ !!!],"",Folder Start Menu,Start Menu Ploc,"",Folder StartMen,[§târtMën !!! ],"",Folder STARTM~1,STARTM~1,"",Folder Startup,[_Śţäřţúp !!! ],"",Folder Stationery,Stationery Ploc,"",Folder Statio~1,Statio~1,"",Folder Support,[§uppört !!! ],"",Folder System Tools,[_Şýśţęm Ťôöľś !!! !!],"",Folder System~1,System~1,"",Folder Tasks,[Tasks !!!],"",Folder Temp,[Temp !!!],"",Folder Templates,Templates Ploc,"",Folder templates,templates ploc,securityfolder,Folder Temporary Internet Files,Temporary Internet Files Ploc,"",Folder TextConv,TextConv,"",Folder TSClient,[ŢŞÇłíéńţ !!! ],"",Folder UDDI Services,ÜĐĎÍ Šéřvíčěš,"",Folder Wallpaper,[Wällpäpěř !!!],"",Folder WebClient,[WěbÇľíëňť !!!],"",Folder Windows Default,[Wîňďôwš Đęfäűľť !!!],"",folder Windows Media Player,[Winďôws Meďía Playër !!! !!! !],"",Folder Windows Messaging,[Wîňďôwš Méşşägîňg !!!],"",Folder Windows NT,[Winďows NT !!! !],"",Folder Windows,[Wînďows !!! ],"",Folder ICW-Internet Connection Wizard,[IÇW-Internét Çonnéction Wizarď !!! !!! !!! !],"",Folder (old ICW folder) media,[meďia !!!],"",Folder + file name The Microsoft Sound,[Ţhě Míçŕóşöfţ Śóűňď !!! !!! !],"",Folder + file name Microsoft UAM Volume,Microsôft UAM Völumé,"",Folder and registry entry Accessories,[Ăććęşşöříęś !!! !],w2k,Folder for Win2k ImageVue,[ÍmâgěVűę !!! ],w2k,Folder for Win2k CD Burning,[ÇD Bűrňîňg !!!],"",Folder name MS UAM for AppleShare 3.6,M§ UAM fór Apple§hare 3.6,"",Folder Name MS UAM for AppleShare 3.8,M§ UAM for Ápplé§hare 3.8,"",Folder Name My Notes,[Mý Ńóťës !!!],"",Folder Name OEM Links,[OEM Ĺíňkś !!!],"",Folder Name Shared Documents,[Śhąŕęď Đőçúměńţś !!! !!!],"",Folder name SharedDocs,[Śhąŕęď Đőçs !!!],"",Folder name ComPlus Applications,[ČőmPlus Ápplîčąţîôňş !!!],"",Folder, localized? Links,[Ĺíňkś !!!],"",Folder, needs to be translated consistently throughout the project. Used as folder name that resides in the menu as well MSN Gaming Zone,[MSN Gąmîňg Zőňé !!!],"",Folder, localized? Snapshot Viewer,[Sňąpşhôţ Vîęwëř !!!],"",Folder, localized? The Microsoft Network,[Ţhě Míçŕóşöfţ Ňéťwőŕk !!!],"",Folder, localized? Internet Tools,Internet Tools Ploc,"",Folder/lnk (used for upgrades) main,[Măíń !!!],"",Folder/lnk (used for upgrades) Network Administration,Network Administration Ploc,"",Folder/lnk (used for upgrades) Network Administration,[Ńéťwőŕk Ąđmîňîšťŕáťîőň !!! !!! !!],nt4,Folder/lnk (used for upgrades) tahoma,Tahoma,"",Font name Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack,[Wíńđöwś ŇŢ 4.0 Öpťíöň Pąćk !!! !!! !!!],"",Group Name Internet Connection Services for RAS,[Íńťëřňëť Čőňňęćţîöń Śéŕvîćéş fôŕ ŔĄŞ !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",Group Name\r\n Windows Components,[Wîňďôwš Cőmpőňéňťś !!!],"",Group Policy UI folder name (gpedit.msc) aleabanr.gif,âléaßänr.gif,"",IE6 Feedback amaizrul.gif,amaízrúl..gif,"",IE6 Feedback anabnr2.gif,anaßnr2.gif,"",IE6 Feedback aswrule.gif,aswrüle.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Blank Bkgrd.gif,ßlank ßkgrď.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Blank.htm,ßlankhtm,"",IE6 Feedback Btzhsepa.gif,ďtzhsepá.gif,"",IE6 Feedback citbannA.gif,citďânnA.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Citrus Punch Bkgrd.gif,Çítrus Púnch ßkgrď.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Citrus Punch.htm,Çitrµs Pünch.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Clear Day Bkgrd.jpg,Çleâr ďay ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Clear Day.htm,Çléar ďäy.htm,"",IE6 Feedback fieruled.gif,fíërµleď.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Fiesta Bkgrd.jpg,Fiésta ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Fiesta.htm,Fîésta.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Glacier Bkgrd.jpg,Gláciér ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Glacier.htm,Glâçier.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Ivy.gif,Ivy.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Ivy.htm,Ivý.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Leaves Bkgrd.jpg,Lëâvés ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Leaves.htm,Leavés.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Maize Bkgrd.jpg,Maizé ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Maize.htm,Maíze.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Nature Bkgrd.jpg,Natµré ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Nature.htm,Nätµré.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Network Blitz Bkgrd.gif,Network ßlitz ßkgrď.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Network Blitz.htm,Netwórk ßlîtz.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Pie Charts Bkgrd.jpg,Pië Çharts ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Pie Charts.htm,Pie Çharts.htm,"",IE6 Feedback sunbannA.gif,sünďannÁ.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Sunflower Bkgrd.jpg,§ünflówér ßkgrď.jpg,"",IE6 Feedback Sunflower.htm,§unflowër.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Sweets Bkgrd.gif,§wééts ßkgrď.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Sweets.htm,§weëts.htm,"",IE6 Feedback tech.gif,tech.gif,"",IE6 Feedback Technical.htm,Technícal.htm,"",IE6 Feedback Dr Watson,[ďr Watšón !!! !],"",It causes duplicate menu item in tool menu in System Info application eng,ROM,"",Lang abbreviation ENU,ENU,"",Lang code 0409,0418,"",LCID 040904b0,041804b0,"",LCID Media Index,Media Index Ploc,"",Legacy Folder Address Book,[Âďďrëss ßoók !!! !!],"",Link Command Prompt,[Çommänď Prompt !!! !!!],"",Link Disk Cleanup,[ďisk Çléanup !!! !!],"",Link Magnifier,[Magnifîér !!! !],"",Link MSN Messenger Service,[M§N Mëssengër §ervícë !!! !!! !],"",Link Narrator,[Narrátor !!! ],"",Link Notepad,[Nôtepaď !!! ],"",Link On-Screen Keyboard,[On-§crëen Kéyßóarď !!! !!! ],"",Link Outlook Express,[Oµtloók Éxpress !!! !!!],"",Link Programs\Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack,Programs ploc\Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack,"",Link Scheduled Tasks,[§çhëďüleď Tasks !!! !!!],"",Link Start,Start ploc,"",Link Synchronize,[§ynçhrônize !!! !],"",Link Utility Manager,[Ütílîtý Managér !!! !!!],"",Link Windows Explorer,[Wínďows Éxplorër !!! !!!],"",Link Sample Music,[Śämpľë Múšîč !!!],"",Link name Sample Pictures,[Śämpľë Pîćťűřéś !!!],"",Link name en-us,[éń-űş !!!],"",Locale ID 1252,1250,"",Locale: codepage en,ro,"",Locale: lang ID English,Romanian,"",Locale: language 00000404,00000404,"",Locale: LCID 00000409,00000418,"",Locale: LCID 00000411,00000411,"",Locale: LCID 00000412,00000412,"",Locale: LCID 00000804,00000804,"",Locale: LCID 0009,0018,"",Locale: LCID 040904E4,04180400,"",Locale: LCID 1033,1048,"",Locale: LCID 3DText,[3ĐŢěxť !!!],w2k,Localize like w2k Marquee,[Mäŕqůęę !!! ],w2k,Localize like w2k Screen Saver,[Şčŕěéń Šăvëŕ !!! !!],w2k,Localize like w2k Stars,[Šťâřš !!!],w2k,Localize like w2k 3DText,[3ĎŢěxť !!!],win95,Localize like w95 Marquee,[Măŕqüëě !!! ],win95,Localize like w95 Screen Saver,[Śčřéěń Śâvěŕ !!! !!],win95,Localize like w95 Stars,[Śţáŕş !!!],win95,Localize like w95 MSHOME,[M§HOME !!!],"",Localized the same way as hnetwiz.dll Launch Internet Explorer Browser,[Łäúńćh Íňťëřňëť Ęxpĺóŕëř ßřôwšęŕ !!! !!! !!! !!],"",Map Pumpkin,[Pűmpkîň !!!],"",Map Windows Standard,[Wíňđöwš Šţáňđąŕđ !!! !!!],w2k,map SampleBackup,[Śâmpľěßăčkůp !!! !!],"",Map instrauction added as per Localization request. Windows Logon Sound,[Wîńđöwś Ĺôgóń Śôůńđ !!! !!! !],"",Map same as Hives Base Application Partition,ßase Âpplication Partition,"",map with 541,542,543,544,546,657,2145 Any Application,Âny Applicátiôn,"",map with STR:542 QC Trusted User,QÇ Trusteď Üser,"",map with STR:543 Server Application,§ërvér Appliçatiön,"",map with STR:544 Windows Classic,[Wíńđöwş Čłâśśíč !!! !!!],legacy,Map: Appearance theme name Logitech PageScan USB,Lögiteçh Páge§can Ú§ß,"",Mapped the same as in the resources. Name,[Ńâmě !!!],"",mso7enu.dll,msoidsPropShrtFileName Type,[Ţýpé !!!],"",mso7enu.dll,msoidsPropShrtFileName chanbar,[ćhąńbäŕ !!! ],"",name of old links for cleanup Get Online with MSN,[_Géť Oňlíňé wîťh MSN !!! !!!],"",Needs to be consistant as in Shell32.dll windows critical update notification.job,[wíňđówş çrîťîçál upđąťę ňôtîfíçáťîôň !!!].job,"",Needs to be consistantly localized as the task scheduler job created by CUN Games,[_Gąměş !!!],"",Needs to be localized consistantly Microsoft Windows Network,[Míçŕóşöfţ Windows Ňéťwőŕk !!!],"",Needs to be localized consistently Bug 111184 Shares (Local),[§harés (Loçâl) !!! !!!],servhome,Needs to be localized the same way as filesvr.msc, Servhome.htm and servmgmt.msc Appearance,[Áppéářäńčě !!! !],"",Needs to be mapped exactly like Themes in ThemeUI.dll dialog title ' (5,"",1001,"",0,"Dummy",0,"Dialog",0,"") = Appearance Screen Saver,[Şçŕęéň Šávěŕ !!!],"",Needs to be mapped exactly like Themes in ThemeUI.dll dialog title ' (5,"",1015,"",0,"Dummy",0,"Dialog",0,"") = Screen Saver Settings,Şěťţíńgś,"",Needs to be mapped exactly like Themes in ThemeUI.dll dialog title ' (5,"",1007/1008,"",0,"Dummy",0,"Dialog",0,"") = Settings Themes,[ţhęměş !!!],"",Needs to be mapped exactly like Themes in ThemeUI.dll dialog title ' (5,"",1000,"",0,"Dummy",0,"Dialog",0,"") = Themes Desktop,[Đęśkťôp !!!],display,Needs to be mapped exactly like: Desktop in Shell32.dll dialog title ' (5,"",29952,"",0,"Dummy",0,"Dialog",0,"") = Desktop DOMAIN,ĎÔMÂÎŇ,"",Networking Entire Network,[Éňťířę Ňéťwőŕk !!! !!!],"",Networking My Computer,[Mý Čőmpüţęŕ !!! !],"",Networking Network Connections,[Nëtwork Çónneçtíôns !!! !!! !],"",Networking Network Neighborhood,[Ńęťwőřk Ňęíghbóŕhóóď !!! !!! !],"",Networking WORKGROUP,WÓŘKGŔÖÜP,"",Networking Access Aptiva,[Áčćëşş Äpťîvâ !!! !!],"",Old link name Lang,lang,"",OPK folder Oobe,[Ooße !!!],"",OPK folder samples,[Śämpľës !!!],"",OPK folder tools,tools ploc,"",OPK folder WINDOW~1,WINDOW~1,"",OPK folder Internet Explorer,Internet Explorer,notlocalized,Physical Folder Name Docked Profile,[Ďőçkęđ Přôfîłé !!! !!!],"",Profile Undocked Profile,[Ůńđőčkéđ Pŕôfíľě !!! !!!],"",Profile Connection Manager Administration Kit,Connection Manager Administration Kit,"",Program group Internet Explorer,[Înternët Explôrer !!! !!! ],"",Reg Key description item CFM-Twain DR-3020,[ÇFM-Twain ďR-3020 !!! !!! ],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-12000CX,[ÇFM-Twâîn MF§-12000ÇX !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-12000SP,[ÇFM-Twaîn MF§-12000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-6000CX,[ÇFM-Twáin MF§-6000ÇX !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-6000CZ,[ÇFM-Twain MF§-6000ÇZ !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-6000SP,[ÇFM-Twain MF§-6000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MFS-8000SP,[ÇFM-Twáin MF§-8000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-12000CX,[ÇFM-Twain M§F-12000ÇX !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-12000SP,[ÇFM-Twâîn M§F-12000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-6000CX,[ÇFM-Twáín M§F-6000ÇX !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-6000CZ,[ÇFM-Twáin M§F-6000ÇZ !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-6000SP,[ÇFM-Twaîn M§F-6000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above CFM-Twain MSF-8000SP,[ÇFM-Twaîn M§F-8000§P !!! !!! !],"",Same as above Canon DR-3020,[Çanôn ďR-3020 !!! !!],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-12000CX,[Mustek MF§-12000ÇX !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-12000CZ,[Müsték MF§-12000ÇZ !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-12000SP,[Músték MF§-12000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-6000CX,[Müstek MF§-6000ÇX !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-6000CZ,[Mµstek MF§-6000ÇZ !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-6000SP,[Mµstëk MF§-6000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MFS-8000SP,[Mústëk MF§-8000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-12000CX,[Mústek M§F-12000ÇX !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-12000CZ,[Müstek M§F-12000ÇZ !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-12000SP,[Mµstek M§F-12000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-6000CX,[Müsték M§F-6000ÇX !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-6000CZ,[Mustëk M§F-6000ÇZ !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-6000SP,[Mµstëk M§F-6000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Mustek MSF-8000SP,[Mústëk M§F-8000§P !!! !!! ],"",Same as below Backup,[ßaçkúp !!!],servhome,Same as servmgmt.msc Printers,[Príntërs !!! ],servhome,Same as servmgmt.msc Users,Űšëŕš,servhome,Same as servmgmt.msc "Red, White, and Blue (VGA)","Red, White, and Blue (VGA)","",Scheme Brick,[ßřîčk !!!],"",Scheme Desert,[Đěšëřť !!!],"",Scheme Eggplant,[Éggpłâńť !!! ],"",Scheme High Contrast #1 (extra large),[Hîgh Čóňţŕäşť #1 (ęxţřá ĺäřgę) !!! !!! !!! !],"",Scheme High Contrast #1 (large),[Hîgh Čóńťřáśť #1 (ľąŕgé) !!! !!! !!!],"",Scheme High Contrast #1,[Hígh Ćôńţřăšť #1 !!! !!!],"",Scheme High Contrast #2 (extra large),[Hígh Čöńţŕąśţ #2 (ęxţŕä ľăŕgę) !!! !!! !!! !],"",Scheme High Contrast #2 (large),[Hígh Ćöňţŕáśţ #2 (ľăŕgé) !!! !!! !!!],"",Scheme High Contrast #2,[Hígh Çőńťŕăśţ #2 !!! !!!],"",Scheme High Contrast Black (extra large),[Hígh Çőňťřăşť ßľăčk (éxţřă łáŕgę) !!! !!! !!! !!],"",Scheme High Contrast Black (large),[Hîgh Ćôňťŕâśţ ßłäčk (ĺăřgé) !!! !!! !!! ],"",Scheme High Contrast Black,[Hîgh Ćöńťřäśţ ßĺăćk !!! !!! !],"",Scheme High Contrast White (extra large),[Hîgh Çőňţŕäşť Whíţę (ěxťŕâ ĺäřgé) !!! !!! !!! !!],"",Scheme High Contrast White (large),[Hîgh Ćôňťřäşť Whíţě (ĺâŕgé) !!! !!! !!! ],"",Scheme High Contrast White,[Hîgh Čőňţřąšţ Whíťě !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Lilac (large),[Ľíľäç (łáŕgë) !!! !!],"",Scheme Lilac,[Ľîĺäç !!!],"",Scheme Maple,[Mąpľë !!!],"",Scheme Marine (high color),[Mâřîńë (hígh çôłôŕ) !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Plum (high color),[Płům (hîgh ćóĺôř) !!! !!! ],"",Scheme Pumpkin (large),[Pűmpkîň (ľâřgé) !!! !!!],"",Scheme Rainy Day,[Ŕăîńý Ďăý !!! !],"",Scheme Rose (large),[Ŕőşě (ĺäřgę) !!! !!],"",Scheme Rose,[Ŕóşé !!!],"",Scheme Slate,[Şĺâťę !!!],"",Scheme Spruce,[Şpřüçé !!!],"",Scheme Storm (VGA),[Şťöřm (VGÁ) !!! !],"",Scheme Teal (VGA),[Ťëäľ (VGÂ) !!! !],"",Scheme Wheat,[Whéäť !!!],"",Scheme Windows Black (extra large),[Wîńďőwş ßłâçk (éxťřą ĺäřgé) !!! !!! !!! ],"",Scheme Windows Black (large),[Wíńďówš ßĺáćk (łäŕgę) !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Windows Black,[Wíňďówš ßĺâćk !!! !!],"",Scheme Windows Classic (extra large),[Wíńďówş Ćľăśšîć (ëxţŕą ĺářgë) !!! !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Windows Classic (large),[Wîńđőwş Çĺäšşíč (ľäřgë) !!! !!! !!],"",Scheme Windows Classic,[Wíńđöwş Čłâśśíč !!! !!!],"",Scheme Windows Inverted (extra large),[Wîňđówś Îňvëřťëđ (ěxţŕą łářgë) !!! !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Windows Inverted (large),[Wîńđöwś Îńvëŕţëđ (ľäŕgę) !!! !!! !!!],"",Scheme Windows Inverted,[Wîňđőwş Íńvéŕťéď !!! !!!],"",Scheme Windows Standard (extra large),[Wíńďôwś Şţăńďáŕđ (ěxţŕâ ĺâŕgé) !!! !!! !!! !],"",Scheme Windows Standard (large),[Wíńđówš Šťâńďâŕď (ĺâřgë) !!! !!! !!!],"",Scheme Windows Standard,[Wíňďöwš Śťáňďäřď !!! !!!],"",Scheme 3D Flower Box,[3Đ Fľőwéŕ ßôx !!! !!],"",Screen Saver 3D Flower Box,[3Đ Fłôwęř ßöx !!! !!],w95,Screen saver 3D Flower Box,[3Ď Fłöwëř ßőx !!! !!],w98,Screen saver 3D Flying Objects,[3Đ Fĺýîńg Ôbjéčťš !!! !!! ],w95,Screen saver 3D Flying Objects,[3Đ Fĺýíńg Őbjęčťś !!! !!! ],w98,Screen saver 3D Maze,[3Ď Máżě !!! ],w95,Screen saver 3D Maze,[3Ď Mäźé !!! ],w98,Screen saver 3D Pipes,[3Ď Pîpěś !!! ],"",Screen Saver 3D Text,[3Ď Ťěxť !!! ],"",Screen Saver 3D Text,[3Ď Ťęxţ !!! ],w95,Screen saver 3D Text,[3Đ Ťëxţ !!! ],w98,Screen saver 3DFLOW~1,3DFLOW~1,"",Screen Saver 3DFLYI~1,3DFLYI~1,"",Screen Saver 3DPIPE~1,3DPIPE~1,"",Screen Saver 3DTEXT~1,3DTEXT~1,"",Screen Saver Baseball,[ßâšébäĺľ !!! ],w9x,Screen saver Blank Screen,[ßľâňk Şćřěęń !!! !!],"",Screen Saver BLANKS~1,BLANKS~1,"",Screen Saver Curves and Colors,[Çűřvěś âńď Çôľóŕš !!! !!! ],"",Screen Saver Curves and Colors,[Ćůŕvěś ăńđ Ćôľóŕš !!! !!! ],w95,Screen saver Curves and Colors,[Čűřvéś ąńď Čóľóřš !!! !!! ],w98,Screen saver CURVES~1,CURVES~1,"",Screen Saver Dangerous Creatures,[Ďáńgéŕöµš Çŕéăţµřëś !!! !!! !],w9x,Screen saver Flying Through Space,[Fłýîńg Ţhŕóügh Śpáćë !!! !!! !],"",Screen Saver Flying Through Space,[Fłýíńg Ţhřőµgh Śpáčë !!! !!! !],w95,Screen saver Flying Through Space,[Fłýíňg Ťhŕőµgh Śpąçë !!! !!! !],w98,Screen saver FLYING~2,FLYING~2,"",Screen Saver Inside your Computer,[Îňśíďë ýőůŕ Ćömpüţëŕ !!! !!! !],w9x,Screen saver Jungle,[Júńgĺě !!!],w9x,Screen saver Leonardo da Vinci,[Łëôńâŕđó ďä Víńčí !!! !!! ],w9x,Screen saver Mistify Your Mind,[Mîśţîfý Ýöűř Míňđ !!! !!! ],"",Screen Saver My Pictures Screen Saver,[Mý Pîçťüŕéś Śçřěęň Šávěŕ !!! !!! !!!],"",Screen saver Mystery,[Mýšţěřý !!! ],w9x,Screen saver Mystify Your Mind,[Mýśţífý Ýôűŕ Mîňď !!! !!! ],w95,Screen saver Mystify Your Mind,[Mýšťífý Ýőµŕ Míňđ !!! !!! ],w98,Screen saver MYSTIF~1,MYSTIF~1,"",Screen Saver Nature,[Ňäťúŕě !!!],w9x,Screen saver Scrolling Marquee,[Šćřőłĺîňg Mäŕqµęě !!! !!! ],"",Screen Saver Scrolling Marquee,[Śçřőľľîńg Mâřqµéë !!! !!! ],w95,Screen saver Scrolling Marquee,[Ščŕóľĺíňg Măřqůéě !!! !!! ],w98,Screen saver SCROLL~1,SCROLL~1,"",Screen Saver Space,[Śpäçě !!!],w9x,Screen saver Sports,[Şpőřťś !!!],w9x,Screen saver The 60's,[Ţhę 60'ş !!! ],w9x,Screen saver The Golden Era,[Ťhě Göłďěń Ěřą !!! !!!],w9x,Screen saver Travel,[Ţŕąvëł !!!],w9x,Screen saver Underwater,[Úňďéŕwąţěř !!! !],w9x,Screen saver Windows 95,[Wîńđöwś 95 !!! !],w9x,Screen saver Windows 98,[Wíňďówş 98 !!! !],w9x,Screen saver Active Directory Installation Wizard,[Áçťívę Ďîŕéçťőŕý Îńšťäłĺäťíôń Wížąřď !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Certification Authorities,[Çëřťîfîçăťíőń Ąůťhőŕíţîěş !!! !!! !!!],"",ServiceName File Replication Service,[Fíľę Řěpľîčąťíőň Šéřvíçě !!! !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Help and Support,[Hěĺp ąňď Šµppöŕť !!! !!!],"",ServiceName License Logging,[Łîćëňśé Łőggíňg !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Secondary Logon,[Şęčőňďâŕý Ĺőgőń !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Task Scheduler,[Ţáşk Şćhéďúľëŕ !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Upload Manager,[Úpłöąđ Mâňăgěŕ !!! !!!],"",ServiceName Windows Server 2003,[Wíńďőwš Śëŕvęŕ 2003 !!! !!! !],"",Should be localized consitently the same way as in webvw.dll and shl_img.inf Customize,Ćűśťőmîzë,"",Should be Localized the same way as in the caption of dialog: 1124 (Bug 233028) Active Directory Users and Computers,[Ăćťívě Đíŕěçťóŕý Ůśéŕš âńđ Čómpůťéřš !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",Show AD manager. accessibility,[_Äčćěśšîbíĺîţý !!! !!],"",Start menu item Accessories,[!Áccéššôríéš !!! !],startmenufolder,Start Menu Item Configure Your Server Wizard,[_Çőńfîgµřę Ýőµř Šęřvëŕ Wîźąřđ !!! !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Connection Manager Administration Kit,[_Çôńńéčťíôň Măńâgęř Ąďmíńíśťřąţíőń Kíť !!! !!! !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Get Going with Tablet PC,[_Gęť Góíňg wîťh Ťábľęţ PÇ !!! !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start menu item Get Online with MSN,[Get Ônlíne wîth M§N !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start Menu Item GPMC Release Notes,[_GPMČ Řěľěáśę Ňőťéš !!! !!! ],"",Start Menu Item GPMC SDK,[_GPMÇ ŚĐK !!! ],"",Start Menu Item GPMC,[_GPMČ !!!],"",start menu item Group Policy Management,[_Gŕőüp Pôłîćý Mäńägęmęńţ !!! !!! !!],"",Start Menu Item Internet Explorer,[_Íňţěŕńéţ Éxpłőŕéř !!! !!],startmenulink,Start Menu item Internet Tools,[Înternet Tôols !!! !!!],startmenufolder,Start Menu item Manage Your Server,[_Măńâgę Ýôůř Şěŕvęř !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu item Media Center,[_Měďíâ Ćéńťéř !!! !!],"",Start Menu item Media Center,[_Méďíä Çěňţęŕ !!! !!],startmenulink,Start Menu item NetShow Services,[Nét§how §érvîçës !!! !!!],startmenufolder,Start menu item Network Load Balancing Manager,[_Network Loaď ßalancing Mánager !!! !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start Menu Item On-Screen Keyboard,[_Óň-Şçŕęéň Kěýbőáŕđ !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start menu item Outlook Express,[_Öűťľôök Ěxpŕęśś !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Personal Web Server,[Përsonäl Weß §ërver !!! !!! !],startmenufolder,Start menu item Phone Book Administrator,[Phôňě ßôök Áďmíňîšťřăţöř !!! !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start menu item Program Compatibility Wizard,[_Program €ompatíßiłíty wiźärd !!! !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Remote Assistance,[_Řemote Ăşšistance !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Remote Desktop Connection,[_Řęmőţę Đęşkťőp Ćôńňęćţíôń !!! !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Scripting ReadMe,[_Šçŕîpţíňg ŘěâďMë !!! !!!],"",Start Menu Item Set Program Access and Defaults,[_Śëť Přögŕäm Ąćçęşš äńď Ďéfäµĺţš !!! !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start Menu item Terminal Server Licensing,[_Ţéřmîňâł Śęřvęř Ĺîćěńşîňg !!! !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Windows Explorer,[_Wíńďówš Ëxpľöŕéř !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Windows Journal,[_Wîňďôwš Jöüřňąľ !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu Item Windows Media Player,[_Wîńďôwš Měđîä Pľąýěř !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start Menu item Internet Explorer (32-bit),[_Íňţěŕńéţ Éxpłőŕéř (32-bîţ) !!! !!],startmenulink,Start Menu Item for 64 bit platform Command Prompt,[_Ćőmmäńđ Pŕómpţ !!! !!!],startmenulink,start menu items Files and Settings Transfer Wizard,[_Fîłéš äňđ Şěťţíńgś Ţřăňşfęŕ Wîźąŕď !!! !!! !!! !!!],startmenulink,Start Menu items Notepad,[_Ńóťëpäď !!! ],startmenulink,Start menu items Server Management,[_Şěŕvęř Mâńägěmęńţ !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start Menu items Tour Windows XP,[_Ťőüř Windowš XP !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start menu items Windows Messenger,[Wínďows Méssenger !!! !!! ],startmenulink,Start Menu Items Windows Movie Maker,[_Wîńďówš Mővîé Mäkéř !!! !!! !],startmenulink,Start menu items MSN Explorer,[_MŞŇ Ěxpłôŕëŕ !!! !!],startmenulink,Start Menu Link FAILED,[FAÍLEď !!!],"",String dependency PASSED,[Pħ§Éď !!!],"",String dependency DirectX Diagnostic Tool,[ďírëctX ďíâgnöštíc Töol !!! !!! !!],"",They causes duplicate menu item in tool menu in System Info application File Signature Verification Utility,[Filé Şígnatµre Verifiçatión Ütîlitý !!! !!! !!! !!!],"",They causes duplicate menu item in tool menu in System Info application Solitaire,[Šőĺîťäířę !!! !],w2k,Translate like WIN2K file name Solitaire,[Śöłíťäîŕě !!! !],w95,Translate like WIN95 file name\r\n Solitaire,[Šőĺîťąířě !!! !],w98,Translate like WIN98 file name Active Directory Domains and Trusts,[Äçţîvě Ďîřęçţőřý Đômăîńś äňđ Ťŕüšţś !!! !!! !!! !!!],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up Active Directory Sites and Services,[Âčťîvé Đířęçťöŕý Şíťéš áňđ Šęŕvîćéś !!! !!! !!! !!!],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up Active Directory Users and Computers,[Áçťîvë Ďîřęćţöŕý Űšęřš áńď Çőmpµťěřş !!! !!! !!! !!!],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up DHCP,DHCP,w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up DNS,DNS,w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up Internet Authentication Service,[Îňťěřńéţ µťhëńťîçáťíőň Šěřvîčę !!! !!! !!! !],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up Internet Services Manager,[Íńťéŕńëţ Şęřvíćěş Mäńâgěř !!! !!! !!!],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up QoS Admission Control,[QôŚ Äďmíšşíóň Čóńťřöĺ !!! !!! !],w2k,W2K Shortcut Clean up Remote Storage,[_Řěmöţě Šţôŕâgę !!! !!!],"",W2K Shortcut Clean up Telephony,Telephony,"",W2K Shortcut Clean up Terminal Services Client Connection Manager,[Ťéřmîňáł Śęřvîćęš Çłîéńţ Ćöňňěčťíöň Mäńągęř !!! !!! !!! !!! !!],"",W2K Shortcut Clean up Terminal Services Client,[Ťéŕmîńáľ Šëŕvíćěş Čľíęńť !!! !!! !!!],"",W2K Shortcut Clean up WINS,[WÎŇŠ !!!],"",W2K Shortcut Clean up Bliss,[ßĺíšš !!!],"",Wall paper: localized consistently as ThemeUI.dll Red moon desert,Ŕéđ môőň đëšęřť,"",Wallpaper (needs to be consistent with webvw.dll) Utopia Exclamation,[Utôpîä Exclämäťîôň !!!],"",Wav file name Attributes,Attributes,"",webvw.dll, STR5042 ********** Adaptation instruction entries *************,,"", bold,bold,"","Font settings used in the fullscreen UI, for the captions at the top" 33,33,"",' Maximum Column Header Lengths used to display various fields.\r\n' Localization team can adjust these columns to fit the localized strings.\r\n\r\n' constants for data lengths for ShowResults (15,13,13,19,20,20,20,22) "FONT, { ""Arial"", 10, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 10, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 10, 700 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 10, 700 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 12, 700 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 12, 700 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 16, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 16, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 7, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 7, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 100 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 100 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 400}","FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 400}","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 700 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 700 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 800 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 8, 800 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 400 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 700 }","FONT, { ""Arial"", 9, 700 }","",. "FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 7, 400 }","FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 7, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 400 }","FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 400 }","",. "FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 400}","FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 400}","",. "FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 700 }","FONT, { ""Tahoma"", 8, 700 }","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 10, 400}","FONT, {""Arial"", 10, 400}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 10, 700}","FONT, {""Arial"", 10, 700}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 12, 700}","FONT, {""Arial"", 12, 700}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 14, 700}","FONT, {""Arial"", 14, 700}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 16, 400}","FONT, {""Arial"", 16, 400}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 18, 400}","FONT, {""Arial"", 18, 400}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 18, 800 }","FONT, {""Arial"", 18, 800 }","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 8, 700}","FONT, {""Arial"", 8, 700}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 9, 400}","FONT, {""Arial"", 9, 400}","",. "FONT, {""Arial"", 9, 700}","FONT, {""Arial"", 9, 700}","",. "FONT, {""Verdana"", 13, 800 }","FONT, {""Verdana"", 13, 800 }","",. "FONT, {""Verdana"", 23, 800 }","FONT, {""Verdana"", 23, 800 }","",. "PT, { 100, 100 }","PT, { 100, 100 }","",. "PT, { 272, 163 }","PT, { 272, 163 }","",. "PT, { -1, 0 }","PT, { -1, 0 }","",. "PT, { -1, 1 }","PT, { -1, 1 }","",. "PT, { 0, 0 }","PT, { 0, 0 }","",. "PT, { 1, 1 }","PT, { 1, 1 }","",. "PT, { 155, 163}","PT, { 155, 163}","",. "PT, { 380,200 }","PT, { 380,200 }","",. "PT, { 40, 40 }","PT, { 40, 40 }","",. "PT, { 5, 1 }","PT, { 5, 1 }","",. "PT, { 5, 5 }","PT, { 5, 5 }","",. "PT, { 540, 360 }","PT, { 540, 360 }","",. "PT, { 618, 362 }","PT, { 618, 362 }","",. "PT, { 640, 379 }","PT, { 640, 379 }","",. "RECT, { -1, 0, 0, 0 }","RECT, { -1, 0, 0, 0 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 0, 1, 1 }","RECT, { 0, 0, 1, 1 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 0, 324, 251 }","RECT, { 0, 0, 324, 251 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 0, 425, 235 }","RECT, { 0, 0, 425, 235 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 0, 618, 362 }","RECT, { 0, 0, 618, 362 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 101, 72, 125 }","RECT, { 0, 101, 72, 125 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 24, 40, 54 }","RECT, { 0, 24, 40, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 83, 54, 101 }","RECT, { 0, 83, 54, 101 }","",. "RECT, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }","RECT, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 1, 17, 23 }","RECT, { 1, 1, 17, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 1, 480, 82 }","RECT, { 1, 1, 480, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 112, 191, 140 }","RECT, { 1, 112, 191, 140 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 141, 35, 169 }","RECT, { 1, 141, 35, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 170, 435, 192 }","RECT, { 1, 170, 435, 192 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 193, 372, 215 }","RECT, { 1, 193, 372, 215 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 55, 123, 82 }","RECT, { 1, 55, 123, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 83, 191, 111 }","RECT, { 1, 83, 191, 111 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 2, -12, -7 }","RECT, { 1, 2, -12, -7 }","",. "RECT, { 1, 3, -12, -6 }","RECT, { 1, 3, -12, -6 }","",. "RECT, { 10, 8, 216, 40 }","RECT, { 10, 8, 216, 40 }","",. "RECT, { 103, 1, 119, 23 }","RECT, { 103, 1, 119, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 106, 141, 140, 169 }","RECT, { 106, 141, 140, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 108, 83, 162, 101 }","RECT, { 108, 83, 162, 101 }","",. "RECT, { 116, 45, 145, 72 }","RECT, { 116, 45, 145, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 12, 2, -1, -7 }","RECT, { 12, 2, -1, -7 }","",. "RECT, { 12, 3, -1, -6 }","RECT, { 12, 3, -1, -6 }","",. "RECT, { 120, 1, 136, 23 }","RECT, { 120, 1, 136, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 120, 24, 160, 54 }","RECT, { 120, 24, 160, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 124, 55, 246, 82 }","RECT, { 124, 55, 246, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 131, 40, 203, 64 }","RECT, { 131, 40, 203, 64 }","",. "RECT, { 136, 41, 152, 63 }","RECT, { 136, 41, 152, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 137, 1, 153, 23 }","RECT, { 137, 1, 153, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 141, 141, 170, 169 }","RECT, { 141, 141, 170, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 143, 127, 295, 147 }","RECT, { 143, 127, 295, 147 }","",. "RECT, { 147, 45, 176, 72 }","RECT, { 147, 45, 176, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 107, 226, 121 }","RECT, { 149, 107, 226, 121 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 157, 226, 171 }","RECT, { 149, 157, 226, 171 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 181, 226, 195 }","RECT, { 149, 181, 226, 195 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 197, 226, 211 }","RECT, { 149, 197, 226, 211 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 67, 226, 81 }","RECT, { 149, 67, 226, 81 }","",. "RECT, { 149, 91, 226, 105 }","RECT, { 149, 91, 226, 105 }","",. "RECT, { 15, 127, 167, 147 }","RECT, { 15, 127, 167, 147 }","",. "RECT, { 153, 57, 215, 73 }","RECT, { 153, 57, 215, 73 }","",. "RECT, { 154, 1, 170, 23 }","RECT, { 154, 1, 170, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 112, 210, 128 }","RECT, { 158, 112, 210, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 129, 210, 145 }","RECT, { 158, 129, 210, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 146, 210, 162 }","RECT, { 158, 146, 210, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 163, 210, 179 }","RECT, { 158, 163, 210, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 182, 210, 198 }","RECT, { 158, 182, 210, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 41, 202, 63 }","RECT, { 158, 41, 202, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 76, 210, 92 }","RECT, { 158, 76, 210, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 158, 93, 210, 109 }","RECT, { 158, 93, 210, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 160, 24, 200, 54 }","RECT, { 160, 24, 200, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 17, 58, 293, 90 }","RECT, { 17, 58, 293, 90 }","",. "RECT, { 171, 1, 187, 23 }","RECT, { 171, 1, 187, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 171, 141, 200, 169 }","RECT, { 171, 141, 200, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 178, 45, 207, 72 }","RECT, { 178, 45, 207, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 18, 1, 34, 23 }","RECT, { 18, 1, 34, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 18, 45, 460, 67 }","RECT, { 18, 45, 460, 67 }","",. "RECT, { 18, 45, 52, 72 }","RECT, { 18, 45, 52, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 186, 262, 432, 344 }","RECT, { 186, 262, 432, 344 }","",. "RECT, { 191, 107, 245, 179 }","RECT, { 191, 107, 245, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 192, 112, 382, 140 }","RECT, { 192, 112, 382, 140 }","",. "RECT, { 192, 83, 382, 111 }","RECT, { 192, 83, 382, 111 }","",. "RECT, { 200, 24, 240, 54 }","RECT, { 200, 24, 240, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 201, 141, 230, 169 }","RECT, { 201, 141, 230, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 209, 45, 238, 72 }","RECT, { 209, 45, 238, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 210, 57, 272, 73 }","RECT, { 210, 57, 272, 73 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 112, 387, 128 }","RECT, { 211, 112, 387, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 129, 387, 145 }","RECT, { 211, 129, 387, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 146, 387, 162 }","RECT, { 211, 146, 387, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 163, 387, 179 }","RECT, { 211, 163, 387, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 182, 387, 198 }","RECT, { 211, 182, 387, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 76, 387, 92 }","RECT, { 211, 76, 387, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 211, 93, 387, 109 }","RECT, { 211, 93, 387, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 112, 267, 128 }","RECT, { 215, 112, 267, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 129, 267, 145 }","RECT, { 215, 129, 267, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 146, 267, 162 }","RECT, { 215, 146, 267, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 163, 267, 179 }","RECT, { 215, 163, 267, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 182, 267, 198 }","RECT, { 215, 182, 267, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 76, 267, 92 }","RECT, { 215, 76, 267, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 215, 93, 267, 109 }","RECT, { 215, 93, 267, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 221, 107, 275, 179 }","RECT, { 221, 107, 275, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 221, 67, 397, 217 }","RECT, { 221, 67, 397, 217 }","",. "RECT, { 222, 22, 397, 41 }","RECT, { 222, 22, 397, 41 }","",. "RECT, { 222, 222, 397, 241 }","RECT, { 222, 222, 397, 241 }","",. "RECT, { 231, 141, 260, 169 }","RECT, { 231, 141, 260, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 240, 24, 280, 54 }","RECT, { 240, 24, 280, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 240, 45, 269, 72 }","RECT, { 240, 45, 269, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 241, 45, 431, 72 }","RECT, { 241, 45, 431, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 247, 55, 369, 82 }","RECT, { 247, 55, 369, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 253, 157, 284, 168 }","RECT, { 253, 157, 284, 168 }","",. "RECT, { 253, 67, 284, 81 }","RECT, { 253, 67, 284, 81 }","",. "RECT, { 261, 141, 295, 169 }","RECT, { 261, 141, 295, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 271, 45, 300, 72 }","RECT, { 271, 45, 300, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 280, 24, 320, 54 }","RECT, { 280, 24, 320, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 145, 336, 217 }","RECT, { 282, 145, 336, 217 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 155, 336, 227 }","RECT, { 282, 155, 336, 227 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 241, 336, 259 }","RECT, { 282, 241, 336, 259 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 37, 336, 109 }","RECT, { 282, 37, 336, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 41, 336, 59 }","RECT, { 282, 41, 336, 59 }","",. "RECT, { 282, 67, 336, 139 }","RECT, { 282, 67, 336, 139 }","",. "RECT, { 296, 141, 330, 169 }","RECT, { 296, 141, 330, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 3, 0, 63, 16 }","RECT, { 3, 0, 63, 16 }","",. "RECT, { 3, 1, -10, -5 }","RECT, { 3, 1, -10, -5 }","",. "RECT, { 3, 2, -1, -7 }","RECT, { 3, 2, -1, -7 }","",. "RECT, { 3, 3, -1, -6 }","RECT, { 3, 3, -1, -6 }","",. "RECT, { 302, 45, 331, 72 }","RECT, { 302, 45, 331, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 304, 57, 366, 73 }","RECT, { 304, 57, 366, 73 }","",. "RECT, { 306, 4, 320, 17 }","RECT, { 306, 4, 320, 17 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 112, 361, 128 }","RECT, { 309, 112, 361, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 129, 361, 145 }","RECT, { 309, 129, 361, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 146, 361, 162 }","RECT, { 309, 146, 361, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 163, 361, 179 }","RECT, { 309, 163, 361, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 182, 361, 198 }","RECT, { 309, 182, 361, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 76, 361, 92 }","RECT, { 309, 76, 361, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 309, 93, 361, 109 }","RECT, { 309, 93, 361, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 32, 27, 160, 60}","RECT, { 32, 27, 160, 60}","",. "RECT, { 320, 24, 360, 54 }","RECT, { 320, 24, 360, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 331, 141, 365, 169 }","RECT, { 331, 141, 365, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 333, 45, 362, 72 }","RECT, { 333, 45, 362, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 343, 107, 397, 179 }","RECT, { 343, 107, 397, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 35, 1, 51, 23 }","RECT, { 35, 1, 51, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 36, 141, 70, 169 }","RECT, { 36, 141, 70, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 360, 24, 400, 54 }","RECT, { 360, 24, 400, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 364, 45, 393, 72 }","RECT, { 364, 45, 393, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 366, 141, 400, 169 }","RECT, { 366, 141, 400, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 370, 55, 492, 82 }","RECT, { 370, 55, 492, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 373, 107, 427, 179 }","RECT, { 373, 107, 427, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 376, 178, 444, 199 }","RECT, { 376, 178, 444, 199 }","",. "RECT, { 377, 178, 445, 199 }","RECT, { 377, 178, 445, 199 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 112, 214, 128 }","RECT, { 38, 112, 214, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 129, 214, 145 }","RECT, { 38, 129, 214, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 146, 214, 162 }","RECT, { 38, 146, 214, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 163, 214, 179 }","RECT, { 38, 163, 214, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 182, 214, 198 }","RECT, { 38, 182, 214, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 76, 214, 92 }","RECT, { 38, 76, 214, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 38, 93, 214, 109 }","RECT, { 38, 93, 214, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 383, 112, 573, 140 }","RECT, { 383, 112, 573, 140 }","",. "RECT, { 383, 83, 573, 111 }","RECT, { 383, 83, 573, 111 }","",. "RECT, { 395, 45, 424, 72 }","RECT, { 395, 45, 424, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 4, 4, 18, 17 }","RECT, { 4, 4, 18, 17 }","",. "RECT, { 4, 2, -9, -4 }","RECT, { 4, 2, -9, -4 }","",. "RECT, { 4, 4, 18, 17 }","RECT, { 4, 4, 18, 17 }","",. "RECT, { 40, 157, 71, 168 }","RECT, { 40, 157, 71, 168 }","",. "RECT, { 40, 24, 80, 54 }","RECT, { 40, 24, 80, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 40, 67, 71, 81 }","RECT, { 40, 67, 71, 81 }","",. "RECT, { 400, 24, 440, 54 }","RECT, { 400, 24, 440, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 407, 4, 421, 17 }","RECT, { 407, 4, 421, 17 }","",. "RECT, { 415, 40, 487, 64 }","RECT, { 415, 40, 487, 64 }","",. "RECT, { 420, 41, 436, 63 }","RECT, { 420, 41, 436, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 426, 45, 460, 72 }","RECT, { 426, 45, 460, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 427, 122, 556, 141 }","RECT, { 427, 122, 556, 141 }","",. "RECT, { 440, 24, 480, 54 }","RECT, { 440, 24, 480, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 442, 41, 486, 63 }","RECT, { 442, 41, 486, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 446, 260, 568, 287 }","RECT, { 446, 260, 568, 287 }","",. "RECT, { 446, 295, 568, 322 }","RECT, { 446, 295, 568, 322 }","",. "RECT, { 464, 141, 518, 159 }","RECT, { 464, 141, 518, 159 }","",. "RECT, { 480, 24, 520, 54 }","RECT, { 480, 24, 520, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 493, 55, 615, 82 }","RECT, { 493, 55, 615, 82 }","",. "RECT, { 495, 40, 567, 64 }","RECT, { 495, 40, 567, 64 }","",. "RECT, { 50, 45, 240, 72 }","RECT, { 50, 45, 240, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 50, 45, 431, 67 }","RECT, { 50, 45, 431, 67 }","",. "RECT, { 50, 6, 430, 38 }","RECT, { 50, 6, 430, 38 }","",. "RECT, { 500, 41, 516, 63 }","RECT, { 500, 41, 516, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 51, 260, 173, 287 }","RECT, { 51, 260, 173, 287 }","",. "RECT, { 51, 295, 173, 322 }","RECT, { 51, 295, 173, 322 }","",. "RECT, { 51, 40, 123, 64 }","RECT, { 51, 40, 123, 64 }","",. "RECT, { 52, 1, 68, 23 }","RECT, { 52, 1, 68, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 520, 24, 560, 54 }","RECT, { 520, 24, 560, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 136, 614, 158 }","RECT, { 522, 136, 614, 158 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 168, 613, 191 }","RECT, { 522, 168, 613, 191 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 169, 613, 192 }","RECT, { 522, 169, 613, 192 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 200, 613, 223 }","RECT, { 522, 200, 613, 223 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 201, 613, 224 }","RECT, { 522, 201, 613, 224 }","",. "RECT, { 522, 41, 566, 63 }","RECT, { 522, 41, 566, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 54, 45, 83, 72 }","RECT, { 54, 45, 83, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 54, 83, 108, 101 }","RECT, { 54, 83, 108, 101 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 18, 622, 33 }","RECT, { 545, 18, 622, 33 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 310, 622, 335 }","RECT, { 545, 310, 622, 335 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 330, 622, 345 }","RECT, { 545, 330, 622, 345 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 345, 622, 360 }","RECT, { 545, 345, 622, 360 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 38, 622, 53 }","RECT, { 545, 38, 622, 53 }","",. "RECT, { 545, 53, 622, 68 }","RECT, { 545, 53, 622, 68 }","",. "RECT, { 56, 41, 72, 63 }","RECT, { 56, 41, 72, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 560, 24, 600, 54 }","RECT, { 560, 24, 600, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 574, 112, 764, 140 }","RECT, { 574, 112, 764, 140 }","",. "RECT, { 574, 83, 764, 111 }","RECT, { 574, 83, 764, 111 }","",. "RECT, { 59, 57, 121, 73 }","RECT, { 59, 57, 121, 73 }","",. "RECT, { 600, 24, 640, 54 }","RECT, { 600, 24, 640, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 62, 122, 191, 141 }","RECT, { 62, 122, 191, 141 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 112, 116, 128 }","RECT, { 64, 112, 116, 128 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 129, 116, 145 }","RECT, { 64, 129, 116, 145 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 146, 116, 162 }","RECT, { 64, 146, 116, 162 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 163, 116, 179 }","RECT, { 64, 163, 116, 179 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 182, 116, 198 }","RECT, { 64, 182, 116, 198 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 76, 116, 92 }","RECT, { 64, 76, 116, 92 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 8, 260, 21 }","RECT, { 64, 8, 260, 21 }","",. "RECT, { 64, 93, 116, 109 }","RECT, { 64, 93, 116, 109 }","",. "RECT, { 640, 24, 680, 54 }","RECT, { 640, 24, 680, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 680, 24, 720, 54 }","RECT, { 680, 24, 720, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 69, 1, 85, 23 }","RECT, { 69, 1, 85, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 7, 184, 379, 194 }","RECT, { 7, 184, 379, 194 }","",. "RECT, { 70, 176, 549, 257 }","RECT, { 70, 176, 549, 257 }","",. "RECT, { 71, 141, 105, 169 }","RECT, { 71, 141, 105, 169 }","",. "RECT, { 72, 101, 144, 125 }","RECT, { 72, 101, 144, 125 }","",. "RECT, { 78, 41, 122, 63 }","RECT, { 78, 41, 122, 63 }","",. "RECT, { 8, 19, 417, 37 }","RECT, { 8, 19, 417, 37 }","",. "RECT, { 80, 24, 120, 54 }","RECT, { 80, 24, 120, 54 }","",. "RECT, { 80, 68, 225, 99}","RECT, { 80, 68, 225, 99}","",. "RECT, { 85, 45, 114, 72 }","RECT, { 85, 45, 114, 72 }","",. "RECT, { 86, 1, 102, 23 }","RECT, { 86, 1, 102, 23 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 107, 175, 121 }","RECT, { 98, 107, 175, 121 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 157, 175, 171 }","RECT, { 98, 157, 175, 171 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 181, 175, 195 }","RECT, { 98, 181, 175, 195 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 197, 175, 211 }","RECT, { 98, 197, 175, 211 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 67, 175, 81 }","RECT, { 98, 67, 175, 81 }","",. "RECT, { 98, 91, 175, 105 }","RECT, { 98, 91, 175, 105 }","",. "RECT, { 99, 141, 153, 159 }","RECT, { 99, 141, 153, 159 }","",. "RECT, {600, 75, 622, 97 }","RECT, {600, 75, 622, 97 }","",. "RECT, {600, 281, 622, 303}","RECT, {600, 281, 622, 303}","",. "RGB, { 0, 0, 255 }","RGB, { 0, 0, 255 }","",. """0""","""0""","",? """1""","""1""","",? """2""","""2""","",? 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ExtraLargeBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,ExtraLargeBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? ExtraLargeHomeStead@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,ExtraLargeHomeStead@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? ExtraLargeHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,ExtraLargeHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? ExtraLargeMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,ExtraLargeMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? ExtraLargeMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,ExtraLargeMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? LargeFontsBlue@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,LargeFontsBlue@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? LargeFontsBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,LargeFontsBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? LargeFontsHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,LargeFontsHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? LargeFontsMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,LargeFontsMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? LargeFontsMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,LargeFontsMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? NormalBlue@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,NormalBlue@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? NormalBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,NormalBlue@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? NormalHomeStead@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,NormalHomeStead@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? NormalHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,NormalHomeStead@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? NormalMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,NormalMetallic@[button.checkbox]MirrorImage=0,"",BIDI? NormalMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,NormalMetallic@[Window.HelpButton]MirrorImage=1,"",BIDI? "Company [IEFileVersions, 100]","Company [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Date [IEFileVersions, 100]","Date [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "File [IEFileVersions, 100]","File [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Item [IEConnectivity, 200]","Item [IEConnectivity, 200]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Path [IEFileVersions, 100]","Path [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Size [IEFileVersions, 100]","Size [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Value [IEConnectivity, 250]","Value [IEConnectivity, 250]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. "Version [IEFileVersions, 100]","Version [IEFileVersions, 100]","",Bug 1832 Dubkin RDQ: used to create XML tags when saving MSINFO32 information as "System Information File (*.NFO)". Characters identified as not being permitted (before the [ character) are:''(apostrophe/single-quote),°, and trailing space characters. 1 UseBitmapFont,1 UseBitmapFont,"",Can be localized to "0 UseBitmapFont" to turn off bitmap font. Default-First-Site-Name,Default-First-Site-Name,"",Cannot contain spaces or periods. Should be less then 63 bytes 0,0,"",Charset ID ", ",", ","",CHS needs to localize this D%0 ,D%0 ,"",CLUdirective N%0 ,N%0 ,"",CLUdirective Y%0 ,Y%0 ,"",CLUdirective view channels.scf,Víěw Ćhăňńéĺş.scf,"",Code dependency for backward compatibility. Needs to be translated the same way as in previous OS releases. .head { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; color:windowtext; text-align:left; margin-bottom:8pt; } .indentedData { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; margin-left:4em; margin-top:8pt; font-weight:100; color:windowtext; text-align:left; margin-bottom:8pt; } .multiStatement { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; xmargin-bottom:4pt; display:none; } .goTop { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; font-weight:100; text-align:left; } , .head { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; color:windowtext; text-align:left; margin-bottom:8pt; } .indentedData { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; margin-left:4em; margin-top:8pt; font-weight:100; color:windowtext; text-align:left; margin-bottom:8pt; } .multiStatement { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; xmargin-bottom:4pt; display:none; } .goTop { font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size:10pt; font-weight:100; text-align:left; } ,"",CSS Style sheet " body { font-family: Verdana,Arial; color: black; margin-left: 2%; margin-right: 2%; background: white; } .sd { font-size: 60%; } .title { font-size: 110%; font-weight: bolder; } .sub_title { font-size: 105%; font-weight: bolder; } .nh { text-align: right; } .nf { text-align: right; } .sh { text-align: left; } .sf { text-align: left; } .smh { text-align: left; font-size: 80%; width: 50%; } .smh2 { font-size: 80%; } .smf { text-align: left; background: lightgrey; } .smf2 { background: lightgrey; } td { font-size: 80%; } th { font-size: 70%; } hr { border:1px solid black; } a:link { color: black; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { color: black; text-decoration: underline; } "," body { font-family: Verdana,Arial; color: black; margin-left: 2%; margin-right: 2%; background: white; } .sd { font-size: 60%; } .title { font-size: 110%; font-weight: bolder; } .sub_title { font-size: 105%; font-weight: bolder; } .nh { text-align: right; } .nf { text-align: right; } .sh { text-align: left; } .sf { text-align: left; } .smh { text-align: left; font-size: 80%; width: 50%; } .smh2 { font-size: 80%; } .smf { text-align: left; background: lightgrey; } .smf2 { background: lightgrey; } td { font-size: 80%; } th { font-size: 70%; } hr { border:1px solid black; } a:link { color: black; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { color: black; text-decoration: underline; } ","",CSS style sheet "MMMM dd, yyyy","MMMM dd, yyyy","",Date Format 10/20/2002,10/20/2002,"",Date Format 15/09/2002,15/09/2002,"",Date format 2002/12/30,2002/12/30,"",Date Format d MMM yyyy,d MMM yyyy,"",Date format dd%sMM%syyyy,dd%sMM%syyyy,"",Date Format dd%syyyy%sMM,dd%syyyy%sMM,"",Date Format MM%sdd%syyyy,MM%sdd%syyyy,"",Date Format MM%syyyy%sdd,MM%syyyy%sdd,"",Date Format MM/dd/yyyy,MM/dd/yyyy,"",Date format mmddhh,mmddhh,"",Date format mmddhhmm,mmddhhmm,"",Date format MMMM dd,MMMM dd,"",Date Format nnnnnn,nnnnnn,"",Date format yyyy%sdd%sMM,yyyy%sdd%sMM,"",Date Format yyyy%sMM%sdd,yyyy%sMM%sdd,"",Date Format yyyyddd,yyyyddd,"",Date format yyyymm,yyyymm,"",Date format yyyymmdd,yyyymmdd,"",Date format yyyymmddhh,yyyymmddhh,"",Date format dd/mm/yyyy,dd/mm/yyyy,"",Date format. 490,490,"",Dialog height center,center,"",Dialog left 600,600,"",Dialog width yymm.log,yymm.log,"",File yymmdd.log,yymmdd.log,"",File yymmddhh.log,yymmddhh.log,"",File yymmww.log,yymmww.log,"",File readme.htm,readme.htm,"",File name SNDREC.WAV,SNDREC.WAV,"",File Name WINWORD.DOC,WINWORD.DOC,"",File Name WINWORD2.DOC,WINWORD2.DOC,"",File Name WORDPFCT.WPD,WORDPFCT.WPD,"",File Name WORDPFCT.WPG,WORDPFCT.WPG,"",File Name No ,[Nó !!!],"",First char is used as No key Yes ,[Ýës !!!],"",First char is used as Yes key Microsoft,[Miçrosoft !!! !],"",Folder UserData,[Usërďätä !!! ],"",Folder ""," ","

","",", line ","error '","","Refresh, Select a program, Stop, Next, and Back YEB,YEB,"",Hotkeys for Type the path to the program shortcut or executable file:, Next, and Back *CCDCFCRNSSLORAUAILFMCSM%0 ,*CCDCFCRNSSLORAUAILFMCSM%0 ,"",Hotkeys used in text mode setup "","","",HTML "","","",HTML "

If you want to transfer settings for the programs listed below, you should install the programs on your new computer first.","

If you want to transfer settings for the programs listed below, you should install the programs on your new computer first.","",HTML "

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You have successfully collected files and settings from your old computer. ","",HTML "

You have successfully collected the files and settings from your old computer. ","

You have successfully collected the files and settings from your old computer. ","",HTML "

You have successfully transferred your files and settings from your old computer to your new computer. ","

You have successfully transferred your files and settings from your old computer to your new computer. ","",HTML "
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,"",HTML code\r\n "Content-type: text/html The page cannot be displayed

Error performing query.

%1 ","Content-type: text/html The page cannot be displayed

The library odbc32.dll could not be loaded to perform the query. Make sure ODBC has been properly installed on the server.

","Content-type: text/html @@@@@,12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@,"",PID template POWERPNT.PPT,POWERPNT.PPT,"",Product Name PRESENTA.SHW,PRESENTA.SHW,"",Product Name QUATTRO.WB2,QUATTRO.WB2,"",Product Name 68 63 636 421 1,68 63 636 421 1,"",PROGRAM_MANAGER_SETTINGS_WINDOW P,P,"",Promt rollback cost Description,[Đëšćŕîpţîôň !!! !],"",Reg key description Dial-up Adapter,[ďial-üp Áďäpter !!! !!!],"",Reg key, translate consistently with Win9x ,,"",Registry entry Removable Storage Service,[Rëmóváßlé §toragë §ërvícé !!! !!! !!!],"",Registry key (localized by some languages for backward compatibility) Event Viewer,[Ëvént Viëwer !!! !!],"",Registry key, needs to be consistent with w2k Server Manager,[§ërvér Mänager !!! !!!],"",Registry key, needs to be consistent with w2k User Manager for Domains,[Usër Mänager för ďomaíns !!! !!! !!!],"",Registry key, needs to be consistent with w2k User Manager,[Usér Manager !!! !!],"",Registry key, needs to be consistent with w2k e,e,"",reinstall file version? r,r,"",reinstall repair 1 day,1 day,"",replaced string "day" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 2 days,2 days,"",replaced string "days" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 3 days,3 days,"",replaced string "days" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 4 days,4 days,"",replaced string "days" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 5 days,5 days,"",replaced string "days" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 6 days,6 days,"",replaced string "days" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 1 hour,1 hour,"",replaced string "hour" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 10 hours,10 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 11 hours,11 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 12 hours,12 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 18 hours,18 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 2 hours,2 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 3 hours,3 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 4 hours,4 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 5 hours,5 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 6 hours,6 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 7 hours,7 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 8 hours,8 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 9 hours,9 hours,"",replaced string "hours" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 10 mins,10 mins,"",replaced string "mins" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 15 mins,15 mins,"",replaced string "mins" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. 30 mins,30 mins,"",replaced string "mins" shouldnt contain space in localized languages. day,day,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages days,days,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages hour,hour,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages hours,hours,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages hr,hr,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages hrs,hrs,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages min,min,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages mins,mins,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages minute,minute,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages minutes,minutes,"",replaced string shouldnt contain space in localized languages SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_1 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_1 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_10 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_10 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_2 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_2 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_3 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_3 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_4 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_4 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_5 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_5 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_6 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_6 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_7 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_7 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_8 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_8 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_9 ,SP_SCRN_LOCALE_SPECIFIC_9 ,"",Reserved for language specific screen English Windows Standard (extra large),[Englísh Wînďows §tantárď (extra large) !!! !!! !!! !!! ],"",Scheme English Windows Standard (large),[Ënglish Wînďôws §tântarď (large) !!! !!! !!! !!],"",Scheme English Windows Standard,[Ënglish Winďows §tântarď !!! !!! !!!],"",Scheme 72,72,"",Screen position 80,80,"",Screen position wmerrenu.dll,wmerrenu.dll,"",Should be changed to wmerr.dll (ex: wmerrdeu.dll). TRUE,TRUE,"",Show Volume list? 15,15,"",Size 19,19,"",Size 23,23,"",Size 24,24,"",Size 25,25,"",Size 27,27,"",Size 28,28,"",Size 30,30,"",Size 32,32,"",Size Accessibility,[!Âçćëšśíbíľîťý !!! !!],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Administrative Tools,[!Admînístratívé Toóls !!! !!! !],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Communications,[!Čômmúńîčäţîőňś !!! !!!],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Entertainment,[!Ëńţëŕţąîňměńť !!! !!],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Games,[!Gâmęş !!!],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Startup,[!Šţăřťüp !!! ],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder System Tools,[!Śýšţěm Ťôôľš !!! !!],StartMenuFolder,Start Menu Folder Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager,[_Íňťéŕńëţ Îńfóŕmąţíőň Śéřvíçéš (ÍÍŚ) Máńăgéŕ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!],"",Start menu item Accessibility Wizard,[_Áćčëśśíbíĺíţý Wíźąřđ !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Activate Windows,[_Acťivaţé winďowś !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Address Book,[_Äďđŕéšş ßóôk !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Backup,[_ßąçkúp !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Calculator,[_Ćäłčüľáťőř !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Character Map,[_Ćhâŕâčťëŕ Mâp !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Chat,[_Ćhâť !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Cluster Administrator,[_Ćĺüşţëř Ąďmíńíšťřâťóŕ !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Computer Management,[_Čőmpúţéŕ Mâńägěmęńţ !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Configure Your Server,[_Ćőńfîgůŕé Ýôůř Şěŕvęř !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Data Sources (ODBC),[_Ďáţą Śöúŕćëś (ÓĐßČ) !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) DHCP,[_ĎHČP !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Disk Cleanup,[_Đíşk Çĺëáňúp !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Distributed File System,[_Đistrißuteď File Śyśťem !!! !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Event Viewer,[_Évëňť Vîëwéř !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Freecell,[_Fŕééćëĺĺ !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Hearts,[_Heârtś !!!],StartMenuLink,Start menu item (link name) HyperTerminal,[_HýpęŕŤéŕmíňâľ !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Authentication Service,[_Íňţéŕňëţ Ăůţhëńţíčäťîóň Šęŕvíćé !!! !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Backgammon,[_Îńţęřńëť ßâćkgąmmőň !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Checkers,[_Íňťëŕńęţ Čhëčkěŕş !!! !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Connection Wizard,[_Íňţęŕńëť Ćőńňěčťíöň Wíżâřď !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Hearts,[_Íńţęŕňëţ Hęăřťş !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Reversi,[_Îńťěřńěť Ŕévęŕşî !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Internet Spades,[_Íňťßéŕňéţ Špăđęš !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Licensing,[_Licéň§iňg !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Local Security Policy,[_Łóćăľ Šéčůŕîťý Pőłíčý !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Magnifier,[_Mägňîfîéŕ !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Minesweeper,[_Míńéśwéępěŕ !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Narrator,[_Ńąřŕăťóŕ !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) NetMeeting,[_ŇęţMëéţîńg !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Network Connections,[_Ňëťwóřk Çőńňëćťíöňš !!! !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Network Monitor,[_Ňéťwôřk Mőňíţóř !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) New Connection Wizard,[_Néw Çońńéčtioń Wízařd !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Paint,[_Päíňţ !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Performance,[_Pëřföŕmáńçě !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Pinball,[_Píňbáľĺ !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Remote Desktops,[_Řëmöţę Đęşkťőpš !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Remote Installation Services Setup,[_Řëmöţě Îňşťäĺĺâťíóń Śěřvíćéš Šěţůp !!! !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Remote Storage,[_Řěmôťě Śţóřăgě !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Routing and Remote Access,[_Řöůťíńg äńď Ŕěmôţë Âççěšś !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Scheduled Tasks,[_Śçhéďüłëď Ţäśkś !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Services,[_Śęŕvíčěš !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Solitaire,[_Śőľíţąíŕé !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Spider Solitaire,[_Spiďeŕ Śőľíţąíŕé !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start menu item (link name) Synchronize,[_Şýňčhřóńíżé !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) System Information,[_Şýśťém Íńfóŕmäťîôň !!! !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) System Restore,[_Şýśťém Ŕëśţóŕé !!! !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start menu item (link name) Telnet Server Administration,[_Ţëĺňěť Şéřvęř Âďmîňíśţŕâţíőň !!! !!! !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Terminal Services Configuration,[_Ťéŕmîńăľ Şëřvîčěś Čôňfígüřąťîóň !!! !!! !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Terminal Services Manager,[_Ťěřmîňął Śëŕvîćëś Máńâgéř !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Utility Manager,[_Úţíłîťý Mąńâgęŕ !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) Windows Catalog,[_Winďowš Câtâlog !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start menu item (link name) Windows Update,[_Wíňđówş Ůpđąťę !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) WordPad,[_WőřđPäđ !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (link name) CD Player,[_ČĎ Pľáýéř !!! !],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (menu link) Disk Defragmenter,[_Ďîşk Ďęfřägméňťęŕ !!! !!! ],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (menu link) Sound Recorder,[_Şóůńđ Ŕëçôŕďéř !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (menu link) Volume Control,[_Vöĺümę Çôńťŕóľ !!! !!!],StartMenuLink,Start Menu Item (menu link) Accessibility Wizard,[+Äçćéšşîbíĺíťý Wíźäřď !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Activate Windows,[+Âçťívăťé Wîńđöwś !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Address Book,[+Áďďŕęşş ßóők !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Backup,[+ßąçküp !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Calculator,[+Ćăłčůłáťöŕ !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) CD Player,[+ÇĎ Pľäýęř !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Character Map,[+Çhąřáçťéŕ Mäp !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Chat,[Çhat !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Cluster Administrator,[+Čĺüšţęř Ăďmíňîšţřáţőř !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Command Prompt,[_Ćőmmäńđ Pŕómpţ !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Computer Management,[_Čőmpúţéŕ Mâńägěmęńţ !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Configure Your Server,[_Ćőńfîgůŕé Ýôůř Şěŕvęř !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Data Sources (ODBC),[+Ďáţâ Şóúŕčéš (ÔĎßÇ) !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Disk Cleanup,[+Đíśk Čĺęäńµp !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Disk Defragmenter,[+Đíšk Ďęfŕągměňťëř !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Distributed File System,[+Ďîšţŕîbµťęď Fíłë Şýşţęm !!! !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Event Viewer,[+Ęvëńť Vîéwęŕ !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Files and Settings Transfer Wizard,[+Fíľęş âńď Şěťţíńgš Ťŕáňšfëř Wîžáŕđ !!! !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) FreeCell,[+FřęëĆěłĺ !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Hearts,[+Héâŕţś !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) HyperTerminal,[+HýpęŕŢéřmíńąĺ !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Backgammon,[+Îńťéřńęţ ßäčkgămmóň !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Checkers,[+Îńťęřńéţ Çhěčkěřś !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Hearts,[+Íńţěřńěť Hěäŕţš !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager,[_Íńţëřňëţ Îńföřmąťîőń Śéŕvíçęš (ÎΊ) Mäńägéř !!! !!! !!! !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Reversi,[+Íńťęŕňęť Ŕëvęŕşí !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Internet Spades,[+Íńţěŕńęţ Špąđëš !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Licensing,[+Ĺíćëńśîňg !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Local Security Policy,[+Ĺöçâł Šěćůŕíťý Pőĺíçý !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Magnifier,[+Mâgňífíęŕ !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Minesweeper,[+Mîňëśwęëpěř !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Narrator,[+Ňăŕřăťôř !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Network Connections\NULL,[+Ňëţwőŕk Çőńňęćťîôňš !!! !!! !]\NULL,StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Network Setup Wizard,[+Ňéťwőŕk Šęťµp Wíżăŕđ !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) New Connection Wizard\NULL,[+Ńëw Ćóňňëćţîóń Wîżâřď !!! !!! !]\NULL,StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Notepad,[_Ńóťëpäď !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) On-Screen Keyboard,[+Öň-Śčřëěň Kěýbóăřđ !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Outlook Express,[+Ôúťľóók Ęxpřěšş !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Paint,[+Pąíńť !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Performance,[+Péŕfőřmąňćë !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Phone Dialer,[Phöné ďiáler !!! !!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Pinball,[+Píńbäłł !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Program Compatibility Wizard,[+Pŕögŕám Ćómpâťîbíľíťý Wîźâřď !!! !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Remote Assistance,[+Řémöťë Äšśíśţáňçę !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Remote Desktop Connection,[+Ŕěmôťę Ďęškţöp Čöńňéćťîöń !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Remote Desktops,[+Ŕémöťě Ďéškťôpš !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Routing and Remote Access,[+Ŕőűţíňg áńď Ŕémóţę Áčćęšś !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Scheduled Tasks,[+Şčhęďúłëď Ťąśkš !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Services,[+Šęřvîćëš !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Solitaire,[+Šőĺíťąîřę !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Sound Recorder,[+Şőűňď Ŕëçôŕđéŕ !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Spider Solitaire,[+Špîďęř Śôľíţăîřě !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Synchronize,[+Šýńćhŕöňíżë !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) System Information,[+Şýşţěm Îńföřmăţíôň !!! !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Terminal Services Configuration,[+Ťěřmíńäĺ Śëřvíćëś Čöńfígµŕăţîôń !!! !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Terminal Services Manager,[+Ťěŕmíňâľ Śěŕvîçěš Mąńăgëř !!! !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Tour Windows XP,[+Ťôűř Wíňđőwś XP !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Utility Manager,[+Úţíłíťý Măńâgéř !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Volume Control,[+Vőľµmé Ćóńťŕóľ !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Windows Catalog,[+Wîňďôwş Čäťäĺög !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Windows Explorer,[_Wíńďówš Ëxpľöŕéř !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Windows Media Player,[_Wíňđöwş Mëďíá Pĺäýéř !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) Windows Movie Maker,[+Wîńďöwş Môvíé Mąkęř !!! !!! !],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) WordPad,[+WőŕďPäď !!! ],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) System Restore,[+Şýśťęm Ŕëšťöřé !!! !!!],StartMenuMUI,Start Menu Item (MUI) and regkey Certification Authority,[_Ćéŕťífîčăťíóń Ăúťhôřîťý !!! !!! !!],StartMenuLink,Start menu link ±Ò°Ê,±Ò°Ê,"",Startup ³ÌÐò\Æô¶¯,³ÌÐò\Æô¶¯,"",Startup ½À°Ä±¯Ìß,½À°Ä±¯Ìß,"",StartUp ½ÃÀÛÇÁ·Î±×·¥,½ÃÀÛÇÁ·Î±×·¥,"",StartUp ƒXƒ^[ƒgƒAƒbƒv,ƒXƒ^[ƒgƒAƒbƒv,"",Startup DB "
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Microsoft Web site","Microsoft Web site","",URL "hcp://CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/Connection.htm","hcp://CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/Connection.htm","",URL "SZ, http://zone.msn.com/windows/ad.asp","SZ, http://zone.msn.com/windows/ad.asp","",URL "SZ, http://zone.msn.com/windows/redir.asp","SZ, http://zone.msn.com/windows/redir.asp","",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL ,,"",URL app:http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=832,app:http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=832,"",URL feedback@microsoft.com,feedback@microsoft.com,"",url ftp://anonymous@microsoft.com/components/,ftp://anonymous@microsoft.com/components/,"",URL hcp://services/layout/contentonly?topic=ms-its%3A%25help_location%25\infrared.chm%3A%3A/WLAN_client_configure.htm\NULL,hcp://services/layout/contentonly?topic=ms-its%3A%25help_location%25\infrared.chm%3A%3A/WLAN_client_configure.htm\NULL,"",URL 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