STRING_SEPARATORSThis option specifies all separators that are used to separate a string.\r\n\0\r\n\0\r\n\0\t\r\n\0\r\n\0\r\n\0TRANSLATE GENERALGENERALMAX_SUBSTRING_LENGTHS23 - This defines the maximum string length of substrings created through the String Separators Setting.0000000TRANSLATE GENERALGENERAL PREPEND_STRING If this option is On, String Prepend occurs.The string prepend order is FileName;Resource ID;String Category. 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TRANSLATE NEWLINE This option specifies if \n should be replaced with NL\n. 0 0 1 0 TRANSLATE START_DELIMITERThis option specifies the character that marks the beginning of a pesudotranslated string.[TRANSLATE GENERALEND_DELIMITERThis option specifies the character that marks the end of a pesudotranslated string.]TRANSLATE GENERALEXTENSION_STRINGThis option specifies the string to that is to extend the pseudotranslated string.|||| !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!TRANSLATE GENERALRELATIVE_STRING_ENLARGEMENTThis option specifies the growth of string length in percentage.A string grows by relative and absolute extension.500100000000TRANSLATE GENERALGENERALABSOLUTE_STRING_ENLARGEMENTThis option specifies the growth of string length in characters.A string grows by relative and absolute extension.100100000000TRANSLATE GENERALHORIZONTAL_DIALOG_STRETCHINGThis setting specifies the rate a dialog gets streched horizontally.4001000TRANSLATE GENERALGENERALGENERALGENERALGENERAL VERTICAL_DIALOG_STRETCHING This setting specifies the rate a dialog gets streched vertically. 0 0 100 0 TRANSLATE HOTKEY_HANDLING This option specifies if hotkeys need to be pseudolocalized, and if so how they have to be pseudolocalized. Don't Localize Don't Localize High Ansi Hotkey DBCS Hotkey Don't Localize TRANSLATE REPLACEMENT_METHODThis option specifies the replacement method used for pseudotranslating characters.Limited means that the replacement characters of the codepage are all supported by DOS and NT4.Full means that all characters of the codepage can be used as replacement characters.DefaultDefaultNoneLimited Mapping TableFull Mapping TableRandom ReplacementPrepending Random CharactersFull Mapping TableTRANSLATE GENERALGENERALRANDOM_SCRIPT_SELECTIONThis option specifies the scripts that are to be used with random replacement.AsciiAscii1250-Central European1251-Cyrillic1252-Western European1253-Greek1254-Turkish1255-Hebrew1256-Arabic936-Simplified Chinese950-Traditional Chinese949-Hangul932-Japanese9999-ASCIItoDBCS1252-Western EuropeanTRANSLATE GENERAL BIDI/DBCS_Prepend This option specifies the number of characters that are to be prepended using the scripts selected in the codepage setting. 5 0 20 5 TRANSLATE RESOURCE_TYPEThis option specifies if the selected resource type has to be pseudo localized.101111101GENERAL GENERAL MESSAGETABLE_LIMIT This option specifies if pseudotranslated substrings in messagetables will be trimmed after 80 characters. 1 0 1 1 TRANSLATE PREPEND_RESID This option specifies if Resource ID should be prepended as part of the pseudo translation. None None Full Short None None None None None None TRANSLATE PREPEND_FILENAME This option specifies if FileName should be prepended as part of the pseudo translation. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANSLATE PREPEND_STRINGCATEGORY This option specifies if String Category should be prepended as part of the pseudo translation. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANSLATE DIALOG/HTML_FONTNAME This option specifies the font that should be used in pseudolocalized dialogs. Arial Arial Arial TRANSLATE DIALOG_FONTSIZE This option specifies the font size that should be used in pseudolocalized dialogs. 8 8 TRANSLATE MAP_FILENAME This option specifies the file that it is to be used as mappingtable.The mapping table will contain predefined translations for strings marked with the instruction Map or Map = String1,String2... TRANSLATE NONALPHABETICThis option defines if a string not containing characters between a and z and A and Z will be localized.110%$@_[]INS_RULES GENERALGENERAL ID_RANGE This option specifies the range of identifiers of strings that will not be localized.The IDs should be separated by .. .For ex. if resources between IDS 1000 and 1045 shouldnot be localized, specify 1000..1045 -1..-1 -1..-1 -1..-1 -1..-1 -1..-1 -1..-1 -1..-1 INS_RULES ID_PREFIX This option specifies a set of strings that can be used as start strings of identifiers of strings that should not be localized eg a string with identifier NOTLOC_Identifier should not be pseudo localized INS_RULES MINIMUM_LENGTH This option specifies the minimum length of strings that should be localized. The leading and trailing spaces are trimmed for this rule and they donot count in the string length. 1 1 INS_RULES NUMERICThis option defines if strings containing numbers including floating numbers and negative numbers will be localized.1010INS_RULES GENERALUPPERCASEThis option defines if words only containing capital letters have to be localized, unless the string is OK. Note that FILE wouldnot be localized, but FILE: will.1010INS_RULES GENERALFORMAT_SPECIFIERThis option specifies if words containing %, $, @ and _ should be localized%$@_%$@_[]INS_RULES GENERALFILENAMEThis option specifies if words containing a period (.) should be localized. Examples of such words are file names or variable names like File.Open1010INS_RULES GENERALMIXEDCASEThis option specifies if words containing both lower case letters as well as capitals should be localized. The first character of a word will be ignored. Examples of mixed-case words are IconVerticalSpacing and SystemExit.1010INS_RULES GENERALWORDThis option specifies if strings containing only one unlocalizable word should be localized.1010INS_RULES GENERAL LOCKSUBSTRING This option specifies sub strings that should not be localized INS_RULES HTML This option specifies whether to use Loom to parse the HTML resource types for Pseudotranslation. 0 0 1 0 TRANSLATE HTMLSubString This setting enables whether to treat each localizable HTML terms as substring.This setting works in conjuction with HTML Tag Rule.The HTML Tag Rule should be enabled to apply this option 1 0 1 1 GENERAL ZeroLengthSubstring This setting enables whether to treat zero length localizable HTML tokens as substring. 0 0 1 0 GENERAL ExcludeStartPlaceHolder This option specifies the delimiters that will be used to exclude strings present within the delimiters from pseudo localization. Use comma to separate the start and end delimiter, for example "[,]" TRANSLATE RuleSettingNames This setting specifies all the settings to be treated as global constraints. NONALPHABETIC ID_RANGE ID_PREFIX MINIMUM_LENGTH NUMERIC UPPERCASE FORMAT_SPECIFIER FILENAME MIXEDCASE WORD LOCKSUBSTRING ExcludeStartPlaceHolder HTML RESOURCE_TYPE STRING_SEPARATORS MAX_SUBSTRING_LENGTH NEWLINE MESSAGETABLE_LIMIT PLP_INTERNAL ConstraintDef This setting specifies the precedence and ProgID (or CLSID) for all the constraints. Plp.PLTransUnit 1 Plp.PLNonAlphabetic 4 Plp.PLIDRange 3 Plp.PLIDPrefix 3 Plp.PLMinLength 3 Plp.PLNumeric 4 Plp.PLUppercase 4 Plp.PLFormatSpecifier 4 Plp.PLFormatSpecifier 4 Plp.PLFileName 4 Plp.PLMixedCase 4 Plp.PLWord 5 Plp.PLLockSubString 4 Plp.PLHtml Plp.PLHtml 1 Plp.PLLocked 3 Plp.PLLockSubString 4 Plp.PLSubString 4 Plp.PLNoRules 1 Plp.PLMaxLength 5 Plp.PLNoDelim 5 Plp.PLMapSubString 2 Plp.PLWords 5 Plp.PLExcludeSubString 1 Plp.PLResTypeSetting 0 Plp.PLPath 5 Plp.PLMaxLenSetting 1 Plp.PLNewLineSetting 1 Plp.PLMessageLimit 1 PLP_INTERNAL PLATFORM_MODE This option specifies the mode in which PseudoLocalization can be operated.Generate-Generate the instructions.Pseudo Translate-PseudoTranslate the Source term.PseudoVerify-Verify the translated term against the generated instruction.The other items are combination of the above mentioned 3 choices. 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 GENERAL RULES_INS_APPLICATION This option specifies the application of manual instructions(other than the ones generated by Pseudo Localization) and system Rules. Instructions Only- Apply the User instructions as is. Rules only-Apply the System Rules and replace the User instruction with the generated instructions.Both Instructions and Rules-Merge the system generated instructions with the User instructions by applying both Rules and User instructions. Both Instructions and Rules Instructions Only Both Instructions and Rules Rules Only Both Instructions and Rules GENERAL AppendGeneratedInstruction This setting specifies the string to append to the generated instruction Gen ConstraintOption StatusMessageMask This setting specifies the message types to be enabled VAL_LIST lists possible message types. Separate tag contains whether to enable 1 or disable 0 the message. Info Warning Error Fail Pass 0 1 1 1 0 MessageServerOption WORDDELIMITERThis option specifies the delimiters to break substring into words.., :'!()\r\n\t\0 \r\n\t\0GENERAL GENERAL