@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM chgsfcinf.cmd REM Change SFC INF file for system files protection for MUI language neutral REM resource file REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use Logmsg; use cksku; require Exporter; BEGIN { $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = 'chgsfcinf.cmd'; } sub Usage { print< \&Usage, 'p:' => \$INFPath, 'l:' => \$lang ); &Main(); # # Check if Language Neutral is enabled or not # sub IsLGNActivated() { my ($MUI_MAGIC, $Result); $Result = 0; $MUI_MAGIC= $ENV{ "MUI_MAGIC" }; if ( defined($MUI_MAGIC)) { $Result=1; } return $Result } sub IsCMFActivated() { my ($MUI_MAGIC_CMF, $Result); $Result = 0; $MUI_MAGIC_CMF= $ENV{ "MUI_MAGIC_CMF" }; if ( defined($MUI_MAGIC_CMF)) { $Result=1; } return $Result } sub Main { # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ # Begin Main code section # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ # Return when you want to exit on error # my ($Mylang, $Line, $MyError, $Result,$SectionName); my( $Sectionname,@ItemsList , @ItemsInSection, $nStart, $nEnd); my (@MuiWildCardList, $Items_No, $Index, $BackupName, $FileName); if (! &IsLGNActivated()) { return 0; } if ( ! defined($lang)) { $lang = $ENV{LANG}; if (! defined($lang)) { $lang="usa"; } } $Mylang="\L$lang"; if ( ($Mylang ne "usa" ) && ($Mylang ne "psu" ) ) { return 0; } # # Check If CMF is enabled # $fNeedGenerateCMF=&IsCMFActivated(); $nttree = $ENV{ "_NTPostBld" }; $razpath= $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" }; $TempDir = $ENV{ "TMP" }; $Logmsg::DEBUG = 0; # set to 1 to activate logging of dbgmsg's $LogFilename = $ENV{ "LOGFILE" }; if ( ! defined( $LogFilename ) ) { $TempDir = $ENV{ "TMP" }; $LogFilename = "$TempDir\\$0.log"; } $Neutral_LogDir = $nttree."\\build_logs\\LgNeutral"; $MyError = 0; # # Check Language Neutral working directory # if ( ! -d $Neutral_LogDir) { system( "md $Neutral_LogDir"); } unless (-d $Neutral_LogDir) { errmsg("Fatal: Directory $Neutral_LogDir does not exist"); $MyError=1; } # # Check SFC INF File # if (! defined($INFPath)) { $INFPath = $nttree."\\congeal_scripts\\sfcgen.inf"; } if (! -e $INFPath) { errmsg("Fatal: SFC INF file: $INFPath doesn't exist"); $MyError = 1; } if ($MyError != 0 ) { exit(1); } unless ( open(INFILE, $INFPath) ) { errmsg("Fatal: Can't open $INFPath"); exit(1); } @ItemsList =; close(INFILE); $SectionName="FILELIST.HEADERFILES"; if (!&ReadSection($SectionName,\@ItemsList,\@ItemsInSection,\$nStart,\$nEnd)) { errmsg(" Can't Read $SectionName of $INFPath"); exit(1); } # # Check if *.mui/*.cmf in the section # if ($fNeedGenerateCMF) { @MuiWildCardList=grep /\s*\*\.cmf/i , @ItemsInSection; } else { @MuiWildCardList=grep /\s*\*\.mui/i , @ItemsInSection; } $Items_No=scalar(@MuiWildCardList); # # Do nothing if items already exitsts # if ($Items_No != 0) { logmsg( " *.MUI/.CMF already in $INFPath, no action needed"); exit(0); } # # Add *.mui to sfcgen.INF # # Backup the origional one. $BackupName = $Neutral_LogDir."sfcgen.inf.bak"; if ( system ("copy/y $INFPath $BackupName") != 0 ) { #errmsg(" Can't backup $INFPath to $BackupName"); exit(1); } # Add the entry logmsg("INF: $INFPath"); system("attrib -r $INFPath"); #system("del /f $INFPath"); #logmsg("Reset Readonly Mode for $INFPath"); unless ( open(OUTFILE, ">$INFPath") ) { errmsg(" Can not open output for $INFPath"); exit(1); } $Index = -1; foreach $Line (@ItemsList) { chomp($Line); $Index++; if ($Index == ($nStart + 1) ) { if ($fNeedGenerateCMF) { print ( OUTFILE "*.cmf\n" ); } else { print ( OUTFILE "*.mui\n" ); } } print (OUTFILE "$Line\n"); } close (OUTFILE); logmsg ("add *.mui/.cmf to $INFPath successfully"); # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ # End Main code section # /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ } sub ReadSection { my ($Section, $pItemsList, $pItemsInSection, $pnStart, $pnEnd) = @_; my ($Index, $SectionStart, $SectionEnd, $Line, $Line_Org, $ReadFlag, $Result); $ReadFlag = "FALSE"; $Index= -1; $SectionStart = -1; $SectionEnd = -1; $Result = 0; # # Read The section # foreach $Line_Org (@$pItemsList) { $Line = $Line_Org; chomp($Line); $Index++; if ( (length($Line) == 0) || (substr($Line,0,1) eq ";") || (substr($Line,0,1) eq "#") ) { if ( $ReadFlag eq "TRUE" ) { push (@$pItemsInSection, $Line_Org); } next; } if ( $Line =~ /^\[/ ) { $ReadFlag = "FALSE"; if ( $SectionStart != -1) { $SectionEnd = $Index-1; } } if ( $Line =~ /^\[$Section\]/ ) # pattern in $Section !!! { logmsg("Section Found"); $ReadFlag = "TRUE"; $SectionStart=$Index; } if ($ReadFlag eq "TRUE") { push(@$pItemsInSection, $Line_Org); } } if ( $SectionStart != -1) { if ( $SectionEnd == -1) { $SectionEnd = $Index; } $Result = 1; $$pnStart = $SectionStart; $$pnEnd = $SectionEnd; } return $Result; }