#!perl -w package raiseall; use strict; use Win32::File qw(GetAttributes SetAttributes); use File::Basename qw(basename); use Carp; use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" }; use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" }. "\\PostBuildScripts"; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; use Logmsg; use cksku; use cklang; use BuildName; use GetIniSetting; # Set the script name for logging $ENV{ "SCRIPT_NAME" } = "raiseall.pl"; # Platform = Architecutre + Debug_Type (e.g. x86fre) my( $Language, $Build_Number, $Architecture, $Debug_Type, $Time_Stamp, $Platform, $Quality, $Op, $fOverride_Safe, $fSafe, $fReplaceAtNumberedLink ); my @ConglomeratorSkus = ('symbolcd', 'ddk', 'hal', 'ifs', 'pdk', 'mantis', 'opk', 'mui', 'wsrm'); my %Ordered_Qualities = ( pre => 1, bvt => 2, tst => 3, sav => 4, idw => 5, ids => 6, idc => 7 ); ######################################################################### # # # Server/Client split sku associations # # # my @ServerSkus = ( 'ads', 'bin', 'bla', 'dtc', 'sbs', 'srv', 'sym', 'resources', @ConglomeratorSkus ); my @ClientSkus = ( 'bin', 'sym', 'winpe', 'upgadv', 'resources', @ConglomeratorSkus ); #my @ClientSkus = ( 'bin', 'per', 'pro', 'sym', 'winpe', 'upgadv', 'resources', @ConglomeratorSkus ); # # # # ######################################################################### sub globex($); sub Main { my $local_release_path = GetReleasePath(); if ( !defined $local_release_path ) { errmsg( "Unable to determine release path on current machine, exiting." ); return; } # Search for builds availabe to release my $build_criteria = "$local_release_path\\$Language\\$Build_Number.$Platform.$ENV{_BuildBranch}.$Time_Stamp"; my @available_builds = grep { $_ if ( -d $_ ) } globex $build_criteria; # # Check for conglomerator skus # #push @available_builds, grep { $_ if ( -d $_ ) } globex "$local_release_path\\$Language\\$Build_Number.$ENV{_BuildBranch}.$Time_Stamp"; push @available_builds, grep { $_ if ( -d $_ ) } globex "$local_release_path\\$Language\\$Build_Number.$ENV{_BuildBranch}"; # # Check for language neutral skus # push @available_builds, grep { $_ if ( -d $_ ) } globex "$local_release_path\\misc\\$Build_Number.$ENV{_BuildBranch}"; dbgmsg( "Available builds: " ); dbgmsg( $_ ) foreach @available_builds; if ( !@available_builds ) { if ( $! != 2 ) { errmsg("Error querying for builds matching $build_criteria ($!)"); } else { errmsg("No builds found matching $build_criteria"); } return; } if ( $Op eq 'raise' ) { return RaiseAll( $local_release_path, \@available_builds ); } elsif ( $Op eq "lower" ) { return LowerAll( $local_release_path, \@available_builds ); } else { errmsg( "Internal error -- operation = \"$Op\"" ); return; } } sub RaiseAll { my $local_release_path = shift; my $all_available_builds = shift; # Build number is required if ( $Build_Number eq '*' ) { errmsg( "Must specify build number." ); return;; } # Quality is required if ( !defined $Quality ) { errmsg( "Must specify a quality." ); return; } # For raiseall operations we only want to deal with the # newest build of a set of builds with the same build number my @available_builds; my ($cur_build_no_ts, $last_build_no_ts) = ('foo', 'foo'); my @sorted_all_available_builds = sort @$all_available_builds; for ( my $i = $#sorted_all_available_builds; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { # Standard builds if ( $sorted_all_available_builds[$i] =~ /(\d+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+)\.\d+-\d+$/ ) { $cur_build_no_ts = $1; } # Conglomerator builds (no time-stamp currently) elsif ( $sorted_all_available_builds[$i] =~ /([^\\]+)\\(\d+\.[^\.]+)(?:\.\d+-\d+)?$/ ) { $cur_build_no_ts = "$1\\$2"; } else { errmsg( "Unrecognized build format: $sorted_all_available_builds[$i]" ); return; } if ( $cur_build_no_ts ne $last_build_no_ts ) { push @available_builds, $sorted_all_available_builds[$i]; $last_build_no_ts = $cur_build_no_ts; } else { dbgmsg( "Skipping older build: ". basename($sorted_all_available_builds[$i]) ); } } # Check available builds for outstanding release # errors; if there are none, set the *.qly file # to the appropriate value my $build; my $srvrel_errors = 0; foreach $build ( @available_builds ) { my $sBldName = basename($build); if ( -e "$ENV{temp}\\$sBldName\\SrvRelFailed.txt" ) { errmsg( "SrvRel failures on ". $sBldName ); errmsg( "Please fix errors and remove $ENV{temp}\\$sBldName\\SrvRelFailed.txt" ); $srvrel_errors++; } # Update the QLY file if this is not a conglomerator build elsif ( IsOSBuild( $build ) && !ModifyQlyFile( basename($build), $Quality, "$build\\build_logs" ) ) { errmsg( "Failed updating the QLY file for ". basename($build). ", exiting." ); return; } } if ( $srvrel_errors ) { errmsg( "Aborting due to $srvrel_errors SrvRel failure". ($srvrel_errors > 1?"s.":".") ); return; } # # Setup parameters needed in ForEachBuild functions # my @accessed_shares = (); my %named_parameters = ( ComputerName => $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}, AccessedShares => \@accessed_shares, Quality => $Quality, Language => $Language, OverrideSafe => $fOverride_Safe ); # # Setup the local shares on the release servers # logmsg( "Creating release shares..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&CreateSecuredBuildShare, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Failed to create shares, exiting." ); return; } # Print out shares created / checked if in debug mode dbgmsg( "$_ share created/verified." ) foreach @accessed_shares; # # Do the DFS work # my ( $dfs_map, $dfs_lock ) = GetDfsAccess(); return if ( !defined $dfs_map ); # Next few functions need DFS access $named_parameters{ DfsMap } = $dfs_map; logmsg( "Checking numbered shares for older timestamps..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&UnmapInconsistentNumberedLinks, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem occurred checking numbered shares" ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } logmsg( "Finding/lowering any old DFS links at same quality..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&RemoveOldLatestDotQlyDfsLinks, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem verifying/lowering latest.$Quality and associated DFS links" ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } logmsg( "Creating/verifying DFS links..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&CreateDfsMappings, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem creating/verifying DFS links." ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } # # Do symbol server ops # # Override standard SKUs with our own @{$named_parameters{ DefinedSkus }} = ('sym'); # Only want 'sym' on OS builds, not conglomerator builds my @os_builds = grep { $_ if IsOSBuild($_) } @available_builds; logmsg( "Checking symbol server state..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&CreateSymbolServerLink, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@os_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem updating/verifying symbols server DFS links." ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } logmsg( "Flushing outstanding DFS operations..." ); if ( !(tied %$dfs_map)->Flush() ) { errmsg( "Problem processing DFS commands." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } # # Release the inter-machine lock # $dfs_lock->Unlock(); # Done if we are not touching latest.* return 1 if ( $fSafe ); # # If we are raising to BVT quality, check INI # file to determine if we should run BVT tests # # TODO: a release server may have more than one architecture # and may have just a fre or chk version, so this call # probably needs to be put in its own function and # used with ForEachBuild(), specifying many more # parameters than just -l and -p # if ( lc $Quality eq "bvt") { my $run_boot_test = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{ "_BuildBranch" }, $Language, "RunBVT" ); if (defined $run_boot_test && lc $run_boot_test eq "true") { logmsg( "Starting BVT tests..." ); # run tests - spit out warning if there are problems if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("perl $ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\assignbvt.pl -l:$Language -p:". ($Architecture eq '*'?"":$Architecture)) ) { wrnmsg( "Problem accessing bvt machine (error returned from assignbvt.pl)." ); wrnmsg( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); wrnmsg( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); } } } return 1; } sub LowerAll { my $local_release_path = shift; my $all_available_builds = shift; my @available_builds = sort @$all_available_builds; # Build number is normally required if ( $Build_Number eq '*' ) { if ( defined $fOverride_Safe ) { wrnmsg( "Forcibly lowering all builds on machine." ); } else { errmsg( "Must specify build number." ); return;; } } # Setting quality is pointless -- let the user know wrnmsg( "Quality flag '$Quality' ignored for lower operation." ) if ( defined $Quality ); # Setting 'safe' is also pointless wrnmsg( "-safe ignored for lowerall operation." ) if ( defined $fSafe ); # remove the *.qly file for all OS (not conglomerator) builds logmsg( "Removing the *.qly file..." ); my $build; foreach $build ( @available_builds ) { if ( IsOSBuild( $build ) && !DeleteQlyFile( "$build\\build_logs" ) ) { wrnmsg( "Failed removing the QLY file from ". basename($build) ); return; } } # # Setup parameters needed in ForEachBuild functions # my @accessed_shares = (); my %named_parameters = ( ComputerName => $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}, AccessedShares => \@accessed_shares, Language => $Language, OverrideSafe => $fOverride_Safe ); # # Lower the local shares on the release servers # logmsg( "Lowering release shares..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&LowerBuildShare, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Failed to remove shares, exiting." ); return; } # Print out shares deleted / checked if in debug mode dbgmsg( "$_ share removed/verified." ) foreach @accessed_shares; # # Do the DFS work # my ( $dfs_map, $dfs_lock ) = GetDfsAccess(); return if ( !defined $dfs_map ); # Need DFS access in the next few functions $named_parameters{ DfsMap } = $dfs_map; logmsg( "Removing appropriate DFS links..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&RemoveDfsMappings, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@available_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem verifying/removing DFS links" ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } # # Do symbol server ops # # Note: this is explicitly the last step taken as # we special-case the symbol server "sku" to # only remove the link if it is the last one # remaining. This is done so that the # symbol link is torn down only when all # instances of the correspondig build have # been lowered. # # Override standard SKUs with our own @{$named_parameters{ DefinedSkus }} = ('sym'); # Only want 'sym' on OS builds, not conglomerator builds my @os_builds = grep { $_ if IsOSBuild( $_ ) } @available_builds; logmsg( "Checking symbol server state..." ); if ( !ForEachBuild( \&RemoveSymbolServerLink, \%named_parameters, $Language, \@os_builds, $fSafe ) ) { errmsg( "Problem removing symbols server DFS links." ); $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } logmsg( "Flushing outstanding DFS operations..." ); if ( !(tied %$dfs_map)->Flush() ) { errmsg( "Problem processing DFS commands." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); dfs_lock->Unlock(); return; } # # Release the inter-machine lock # $dfs_lock->Unlock(); return 1; } sub GetDfsAccess { my $dfs_root = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{ "_BuildBranch" }, $Language, "DFSRootName" ); if ( !defined $dfs_root ) { errmsg( "Unable to find 'DFSRootName' in INI file for $ENV{_BuildBranch}." ); return; } dbgmsg( "Using DFS root $dfs_root" ); my $lock_location = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{ "_BuildBranch" }, $Language, "DFSSemaphore" ); if ( !$lock_location ) { errmsg( "Unable to find DFSSemaphore value in INI file." ); return; } # Still using a DFS hash that only gets updated on first # retrieval -- therefore we need to do our best to have # only one machine at a time updating the DFS. To that # extent we have setup a lock mechanism on a globally # accessible share (with 1 minute MAXIMUM intervals # between checks - 60000 ms = 1 min) my $synchronize_lock = new MultiMachineLock ($lock_location, 60000); if ( !defined $synchronize_lock ) { errmsg( "Problem acquiring lock using $lock_location" ); return; } else { logmsg( "Acquiring lock for exclusive DFS access..." ); while ( !$synchronize_lock->Lock() ) { # If we timed out, wait some more if ( 2 == $synchronize_lock->GetLastError() ) { # Last error message should contain the machine we are waiting on timemsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, $synchronize_lock->GetLastErrorMessage() ); } else { errmsg ("Failed to acquire lock."); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, $synchronize_lock->GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } } } # access DFS through a tied hash logmsg( "Accessing DFS information..." ); my %dfs_map; if ( ! tie %dfs_map, 'StaticDfsMap', $dfs_root ) { errmsg( "Error accessing DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); $synchronize_lock->Unlock(); return; } return (\%dfs_map, $synchronize_lock); } sub IsOSBuild { my $build_name = shift; return scalar($build_name =~ /\d+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.\d+-\d+$/)?1:0; } sub AllowQualityTransition { my $last_quality = shift; my $cur_quality = shift; if ( !exists $Ordered_Qualities{lc $last_quality} || !exists $Ordered_Qualities{lc $cur_quality} ) { return; } # Allow transition to sav from any previous quality elsif ( lc $cur_quality eq 'sav' ) { return 1; } # Allow transition from pre/bvt to anything else elsif ( lc $last_quality eq 'pre' || lc $last_quality eq 'bvt' ) { return 1; } # Don't allow transition from anything else to pre/bvt elsif ( lc $cur_quality eq 'pre' || lc $cur_quality eq 'bvt' ) { return; } # Otherwise allow transitions based on order specified in %Ordered_Qualities elsif ( $Ordered_Qualities{lc $cur_quality} >= $Ordered_Qualities{lc $last_quality} ) { return 1; } else { return; } } sub CreateSymbolServerLink { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $build_number, $full_build_path, $branch, $platform, $quality, $language, $build_name ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(BuildNumber), q(FullBuildPath), q(Branch), q(Platform), q(Quality), q(Language), q(BuildName) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # Get current symbol server share my ( $current_symsrv_share, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $current_symsrv_share ) { dbgmsg( "No symbol server share defined for $branch -- skipping" ); return 1; } # Default writeable share is just the $'d version of the non-writeable one my $current_writeable_symsrv_path = $current_symsrv_share; $current_writeable_symsrv_path =~ s/(.)$/$1\$/; # attach the subpath (if there is one) $current_writeable_symsrv_path .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); # Default build_logs directory is a sibling to default symbols share my $current_symsrv_build_logs = $current_writeable_symsrv_path; $current_symsrv_build_logs =~ s/[^\\]+$/build_logs/; logmsg( "Verifying symbol server has updated shares for $platform..." ); # Verify that the symbol server has the current build if ( ! -e $current_writeable_symsrv_path ) { wrnmsg( "Cannot see $current_writeable_symsrv_path ($!)." ); return 1; } # Try to make the build_logs directory if it doesn't already exist; if ( ! -e $current_symsrv_build_logs && ! ( mkdir $current_symsrv_build_logs, 0777 ) ) { errmsg( "Failed to create $current_symsrv_build_logs ($!)." ); return; } # For some reason we maintain a QLY file in two locations if ( !ModifyQlyFile( $build_name, $quality, $current_writeable_symsrv_path ) ) { wrnmsg ( "Problem verifying/creating $quality.qly file on $current_writeable_symsrv_path." ); #return; } if ( !ModifyQlyFile( $build_name, $quality, $current_symsrv_build_logs ) ) { wrnmsg ( "Problem verifying/creating $quality.qly file on $current_symsrv_build_logs." ); #return; } # Done if going to SAV quality return 1 if ( lc $quality eq 'sav' ); # # DFS work # # Check if we need to lower any latest.* shares for this build if ( !RemoveOldLatestDotQlyDfsLinks( $named_parameters ) ) { errmsg( "Problem verifying/lowering latest symbol server shares for $platform." ); return; } # Remove any older numbered shares (older in timestamp) if ( !UnmapInconsistentNumberedLinks ( $named_parameters ) ) { errmsg( "Problem occurred checking numbered shares" ); return; } # Now create the DFS link if necessary if ( !CreateDfsMappings( $named_parameters ) ) { errmsg( "Problem verifying/creating symbol server DFS links for $platform." ); return; } return 1; } sub RemoveSymbolServerLink { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $platform, $branch, $build_number, $build_name ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Platform), q(Branch), q(BuildNumber), q(BuildName) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # Get current symbol server share my ( $current_symsrv_share, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $current_symsrv_share ) { dbgmsg( "No symbol server share defined for $branch -- skipping." ); return 1; } # Default writeable share is just the $'d version of the non-writeable one my $current_writeable_symsrv_path = $current_symsrv_share; $current_writeable_symsrv_path =~ s/(.)$/$1\$/; # attach the subpath (if there is one) $current_writeable_symsrv_path .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); # Default build_logs directory is a sibling to default symbols share my $current_symsrv_build_logs = $current_writeable_symsrv_path; $current_symsrv_build_logs =~ s/[^\\]+$/build_logs/; # Now attach subpath (if any) to standard symbol share $current_symsrv_share .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); # Need all prior DFS actions to have completed if ( !(tied %$dfs_access)->Flush() ) { errmsg( "Problem processing DFS commands." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } # We only remove the symbol link when it is the last # link left -- we will assume if it is the last # link under the numbered share that it is the last # relevant link under the latest.* shares as well $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; if ( !IsLastLinkUnderParent( $named_parameters ) ) { dbgmsg( "$build_name: leaving symbol links untouched" ); return 1; } logmsg( "Verifying symbol server links have been removed for $platform..." ); # # NOTE: for now we will disable the removal of the .qly flag from the symbols shares. That way, if # a build was raised to IDx quality then its symbols will stay at IDx quality even after its # release shares are lowered. Symbols at IDx quality are not removed by deletebuild.cmd # # Remove the QLY files # # For some reason we maintain a QLY file in two locations #dbgmsg ( "Deleting QLY file from $current_writeable_symsrv_path" ); #if ( !DeleteQlyFile( $current_writeable_symsrv_path ) ) { # errmsg ( "Problem reading/removing QLY file from $current_writeable_symsrv_path." ); # return; #} #dbgmsg( "Deleting QLY file from $current_symsrv_build_logs" ); #if ( !DeleteQlyFile( $current_symsrv_build_logs ) ) { # errmsg ( "Problem reading/removing QLY file from $current_symsrv_build_logs." ); # return; #} # # Now remove the DFS link # if ( !RemoveDfsMappings( $named_parameters ) ) { errmsg( "Problem verifying/removing symbol server DFS links for $platform." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } return 1; } sub CreateDfsMappings { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $computer_name, $quality, $build_number, $language, $platform, $time_stamp, $branch, $sku, $fsafe, $fconglomerator_build, $flang_neutral_build ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(ComputerName), q(Quality), q(BuildNumber), q(Language), q(Platform), q(TimeStamp), q(Branch), q(Sku), q(SafeFlag), q(IsConglomeratorBuild), q(IsLangNeutralBuild) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # Done if going to SAV quality return 1 if ( lc $quality eq 'sav' ); # Done if we are at a different and LOWER quality than other builds # in our numbered links (e.g. if our build number has been # raised to TST and we are just being raised to BVT, we don't # want to put ourselves in the number link yet) if ( IsQualityHigherAtNumberedLink( $named_parameters )) { wrnmsg( "Not creating DFS links!" ); return 1; } # latest.* DFS link # only gets created if the current branch is # responsible for producing the current SKU my $latest_dfs_link; $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = "latest.$quality"; $latest_dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $latest_dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create latest.* DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Create directory structure for $latest_dfs_link in the DFS replica servers if( !$fconglomerator_build && !$flang_neutral_build ) { return if( !CreateDirsInReplicaServers($named_parameters)); } # build number link $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; my $numerical_dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $numerical_dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create numbered DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Create directory structure for $numerical_dfs_link in the DFS replica servers if( !$fconglomerator_build && !$flang_neutral_build ) { return if( !CreateDirsInReplicaServers($named_parameters)); } # \\machine\share[\] that makes up local release path my ( $machine_share, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $machine_share ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create local shares for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Tack on the subpath to the share if it exists $machine_share .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); # Do the DFS mappings dbgmsg( "Adding/Verifying: $numerical_dfs_link contains $machine_share" ); if ( !($dfs_access->{$numerical_dfs_link} = $machine_share) ) { errmsg( "Problem mapping to DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } # if lang=cov # map \usa\\.cov to \cov\\ if( lc $language eq "cov" && !$fconglomerator_build && !$flang_neutral_build ) { dbgmsg( "Adding/Verifying: .cov links contains $machine_share" ); my $altCovLink = $numerical_dfs_link; $altCovLink =~ s/cov/usa/i; $altCovLink =~ s/$platform/$platform.cov/; if ( !($dfs_access->{$altCovLink} = $machine_share) ) { errmsg( "Problem mapping to DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } } # Link language neutral builds to misc directory as well if ( $flang_neutral_build) { my $misc_dfs_link = $numerical_dfs_link; $misc_dfs_link =~ s/$language/misc/i; if ( !($dfs_access->{$misc_dfs_link} = $machine_share) ) { errmsg( "Problem mapping to DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } } if ( defined $latest_dfs_link && !$fsafe ) { dbgmsg( "Adding/Verifying: $latest_dfs_link contains $machine_share" ); if ( !($dfs_access->{$latest_dfs_link} = $machine_share) ) { errmsg( "Problem mapping to DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } } # Time for some special magic on the DFS servers: # hide/unhide directories and create *.BLD/*.SRV files. # Skip this step for conglomerator& neutral builds if ( !$fconglomerator_build && !$flang_neutral_build && !MagicDFSSettings( $named_parameters ) ) { wrnmsg( "Problem verifying/writing to DFS server machines." ); } return 1; } sub CreateDirsInReplicaServers { my $named_parameters = shift; foreach ( GetBldFileDfsPathNames( $named_parameters ) ) { if( !(-e $_ )) { if( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "md $_" ) ) { errmsg( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return 0; } } } return 1; } sub IsQualityHigherAtNumberedLink { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $quality, $build_number, $branch, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Quality), q(BuildNumber), q(Branch), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # build number link $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; my $numerical_dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); # Don't know if quality is higher at numbered # link, if we don't know how to make the link return 0 if ( !defined $numerical_dfs_link ); # If there are no builds, then we are OK return 0 if ( !exists $dfs_access->{$numerical_dfs_link} ); my @current_builds = @{$dfs_access->{$numerical_dfs_link}}; # Otherwise attempt to find a latest.* link for one of the shares foreach my $share_to_check ( @current_builds ) { my @links_to_share = @{ $dfs_access->{$share_to_check} }; next if ( !@links_to_share ); foreach my $link ( @links_to_share ) { my $build_id = GetBuildIdFromDfsLink( $named_parameters, $link ); # Determine if this is a latest.* link if ( defined $build_id && $build_id =~ /^latest\.(.*)$/ ) { # Compare quality with our current quality if ( lc $1 ne lc $quality && !AllowQualityTransition( $1, $quality ) ) { wrnmsg( "Other builds linked to $build_number are at $1 quality:" ); wrnmsg( "($share_to_check)." ); return 1; } } } } # Did not find a latest.* higher than our current quality return 0; } sub UnmapInconsistentNumberedLinks { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $build_number, $build_time, $branch, $sku, $quality) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(BuildNumber), q(TimeStamp), q(Branch), q(Sku), q(Quality) ); # Done if going to SAV quality return 1 if ( lc $quality eq 'sav' ); $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; my $dfs_numbered_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_numbered_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } my @current_builds_linked_at_number; @current_builds_linked_at_number = @{$dfs_access->{$dfs_numbered_link}} if ( exists $dfs_access->{$dfs_numbered_link} ); my $ffound_inconsistency; # Check for any shares linked to number that do not match our specifications foreach ( @current_builds_linked_at_number ) { my ($current_share_build_number, $current_share_build_time) = GetBuildNumberAndTsFromShare( $named_parameters, $_ ); if ( !defined $current_share_build_number ) { errmsg( "Can't determine build number at $dfs_numbered_link from $current_builds_linked_at_number[0] for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # If the build number is not what we expected then something is really wrong if ( $build_number != $current_share_build_number ) { errmsg( "Share $_ linked at $dfs_numbered_link" ); return; } # Check time-stamp if ( $build_time lt $current_share_build_time ) { if ( $fReplaceAtNumberedLink ) { wrnmsg( "Replacing $build_number ($current_share_build_time) which appears newer than $build_number ($build_time)." ); $ffound_inconsistency = 1; last; } else { errmsg( "Won't replace $build_number ($current_share_build_time) with $build_number ($build_time) without use of -replace" ); return; } } elsif ( $build_time gt $current_share_build_time ) { dbgmsg( "Replacing links of older build at $build_number: $build_number ($current_share_build_time)" ); $ffound_inconsistency = 1; last; } } # Unmap the share if an inconsistency was found if ( $ffound_inconsistency ) { return if ( !RemoveDfsLink( $named_parameters ) ); } return 1; } sub RemoveOldLatestDotQlyDfsLinks { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $computer_name, $quality, $build_number, $build_name, $build_time, $language, $platform, $branch, $sku, $fsafe ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(ComputerName), q(Quality), q(BuildNumber), q(BuildName), q(TimeStamp), q(Language), q(Platform), q(Branch), q(Sku), q(SafeFlag) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # force release is an option my $override_safe = $named_parameters->{ q(OverrideSafe) }; # Done if going to SAV quality return 1 if ( lc $quality eq 'sav' ); my @build_ids = GetBuildIdsFromCurrentLinks( $named_parameters ); # Leave latest. shares alone # with the exception of pre and bvt # if -safe was specified if ( !$fsafe ) { $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = "latest.$quality"; my $latest_dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $latest_dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } my @current_latest_builds; @current_latest_builds = @{$dfs_access->{$latest_dfs_link}} if ( exists $dfs_access->{$latest_dfs_link} ); # Trying to enforce rule that you cannot move from a release quality # latest.* (tst, idw, ids) to a non-release quality (pre, bvt) foreach ( @build_ids ) { if ( /^latest\.(.+)$/ && !AllowQualityTransition( $1, $quality ) ) { if ( !defined $override_safe ) { errmsg( "Not allowed to move from '$1' to '$quality' quality." ); return; } else { wrnmsg( "Forcibly moving from '$1' to '$quality' quality." ); } } } my $fforce_safe_flag; my ($current_latest_build_number, $current_latest_build_time) = ('', 0); # while we are at we will check for inconsistencies my ($last_build_number, $last_build_time); my $ffound_inconsistency; foreach ( @current_latest_builds ) { ($current_latest_build_number, $current_latest_build_time) = GetBuildNumberAndTsFromShare( $named_parameters, $_ ); if ( !defined $current_latest_build_number ) { errmsg( "Can't determine build number at $latest_dfs_link from $current_latest_builds[0] for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Consistency check if ( $last_build_number && $last_build_number ne $current_latest_build_number || $last_build_time && $last_build_time ne $current_latest_build_time ) { wrnmsg( "Inconsistent links found at $latest_dfs_link:" ); wrnmsg( "$current_latest_build_number ($current_latest_build_time) and $last_build_number ($last_build_time)" ); $ffound_inconsistency = 1; } ($last_build_number, $last_build_time) = ($current_latest_build_number, $current_latest_build_time); } # If we found an inconsistency, let's nuke the share if ( $ffound_inconsistency ) { wrnmsg( "Links were found to be inconsisent -- removing share" ); $current_latest_build_number = 1; } # Usually don't want to overwrite newer builds if ( $current_latest_build_number && ($current_latest_build_number > $build_number || $current_latest_build_number == $build_number && $current_latest_build_time gt $build_time) ) { if ( !$override_safe ) { dbgmsg( "Current build for $platform / $sku at $quality is $current_latest_build_number ($current_latest_build_time), switching to '-safe' mode." ); $named_parameters->{ForceSafeFlag}{$build_name} = 1; $fforce_safe_flag = 1; } else { wrnmsg( "Forcibly moving latest.$quality from $current_latest_build_number ($current_latest_build_time) to $build_number ($build_time)." ); } } # Make sure we didn't set -safe flag for user if ( !$fforce_safe_flag ) { # If current latest.* build exists and does # not have our build number and timestamp, lower it if ( $current_latest_build_number && ($current_latest_build_number != $build_number || $current_latest_build_time ne $build_time) ) { if ( !$ffound_inconsistency ) { dbgmsg( "Lowering $latest_dfs_link because $current_latest_build_number ($current_latest_build_time) != current build $build_number ($build_time)." ); } $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = "latest.$quality"; return if ( !RemoveDfsLink( $named_parameters ) ); } # Also need to lower the current numbered share if we are the # first entry in our latest.* link, as we don't want other # shares that are not up at our quality to be accessible # through the same number as ourselves if ( !exists $dfs_access->{$latest_dfs_link} ) { $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; return if ( !RemoveDfsLink( $named_parameters ) ); } } } # # Special rules for BVT and PRE: # # If we are currently at latest.bvt or latest.pre # and are moving to another quality, # remove latest. # foreach ( @build_ids ) { if ( /^latest\.(bvt|pre)$/i && lc $1 ne lc $quality ) { $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = "latest.$1"; return if ( !RemoveDfsLink( $named_parameters ) ); } } return 1; } # FUTURE: # This function in most cases would seem to do the same # as delete already implemtened in the tied hash # Might consider removing this logic... sub RemoveDfsMappings { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $branch, $language, $sku, $build_number, $flang_neutral_build, $platform, $fconglomerator_build) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch), q(Language), q(Sku), q(BuildNumber), q(IsLangNeutralBuild), q(Platform), q(IsConglomeratorBuild)); my @build_ids = GetBuildIdsFromCurrentLinks( $named_parameters ); my ( $share_name, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $share_name ) { dbgmsg( "No local share definition for $branch / $sku -- skipping." ); return 1; } $share_name .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); my $fsuccess = 1; foreach ( @build_ids ) { $named_parameters->{BuildID} = $_; my $dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } $fsuccess &&= (tied %$dfs_access)->RemoveShareFromLink( $dfs_link, $share_name ); # Add to support coverage build # Remove \usa\.cov links if( lc $language eq "cov" && !$fconglomerator_build && !$flang_neutral_build ){ my $altLink = $dfs_link; $altLink =~ s/cov/usa/i; $altLink =~ s/$platform/$platform.cov/; $fsuccess &&= (tied %$dfs_access)->RemoveShareFromLink( $altLink, $share_name ); } } # If we are a misc link and the only remaining link is # the misc DFS link, remove it (we're assuming we must have # just tore down the last language still raised for it) if ( $flang_neutral_build ) { my @links_to_share = @{$dfs_access->{$share_name}} if exists $dfs_access->{$share_name}; $named_parameters->{BuildID} = $build_number; my $misc_dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $misc_dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } $misc_dfs_link =~ s/$language/misc/i; if ( !@links_to_share || !grep {!/\Q$misc_dfs_link\E/i} @links_to_share ) { $fsuccess &&= delete $dfs_access->{$share_name}; } } return $fsuccess; } sub IsSkuLinkedToLatest { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $branch, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $branch ); if ( IsClientSku( $named_parameters ) && IsClientBranch( $named_parameters ) || IsServerSku( $named_parameters ) && IsServerBranch( $named_parameters ) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub IsServerSku { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $sku ); return scalar grep { lc$sku eq $_ } @ServerSkus; } sub IsClientSku { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $sku ); return scalar grep { lc$sku eq $_ } @ClientSkus; } sub IsServerBranch { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $branch, $language ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Language) ); return if ( !defined $branch ); if ( !exists $named_parameters->{ServerBranches}{$branch} ) { $named_parameters->{ServerBranches}{$branch} = (&GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, 'DFSLatestServerSkus' )?1:0); dbgmsg( "$branch is a server branch." ) if ( $named_parameters->{ServerBranches}{$branch} ); } return $named_parameters->{ServerBranches}{$branch}; } sub IsClientBranch { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $branch, $language ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Language) ); return if ( !defined $branch ); if ( !exists $named_parameters->{ClientBranches}{$branch} ) { $named_parameters->{ClientBranches}{$branch} = (&GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, 'DFSLatestClientSkus' )?1:0); dbgmsg( "$branch is a client branch." ) if ( $named_parameters->{ClientBranches}{$branch} ); } return $named_parameters->{ClientBranches}{$branch}; } sub GetBldFileExtension { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $branch ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch) ); return if ( !defined $branch ); # IF this branch is a client branch, or this # branch is both client and server, use BLD if ( IsClientBranch( $named_parameters ) ) { return 'BLD'; } else { return 'SRV'; } } sub RemoveDfsLink { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $branch, $build_id, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch), q(BuildID), q(Sku) ); return if ! defined ( $build_id ); if ( IsLastLinkUnderParent( $named_parameters ) ) { # Delete .BLD / .SRV file # # If the BLD/SRV file still exists when we unmap the link, # there will no longer be a DFS link but the directory # structure will remain, making it look like there is # still a DFS link # If we are the last numbered link, assume we are the # last relevant latest.* link as well, and remove # BLD/SRV files from latest.* as well (this code was added # for the XP client/server split) my @build_ids; if ( $build_id =~ /^\d+$/ ) { @build_ids = GetBuildIdsFromCurrentLinks( $named_parameters ); } else { @build_ids = ($build_id); } my $bldfile_ext = GetBldFileExtension( $named_parameters ); foreach ( @build_ids ) { $named_parameters->{BuildID} = $_; foreach ( GetBldFileDfsPathNames( $named_parameters ) ) { dbgmsg( "Removing $bldfile_ext file from link's parent directory" ); my @bld_files = grep {$_ if ( ! -d $_ )} globex "$_\\*.$bldfile_ext"; # 0 = success # 2 = couldn't find file (may be a failure or there may be no BLD file; # have to treat as a success as there is no way # to tell the difference - $^E doesn't help) if ( $! != 0 && $! != 2 ) { wrnmsg( "Trying to find existing $bldfile_ext file: $!" ); } # Delete all BLD/SRV files foreach ( @bld_files ) { if ( !unlink $_ ) { wrnmsg( "Unable to delete $_ ($!)." ) } } } } # Make sure we are pointing at the right build_id after all of this $named_parameters->{BuildID} = $build_id; } # # Now actually remove the DFS link # my $dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } dbgmsg( "Removing/Verifying $dfs_link from DFS." ); if ( !delete $dfs_access->{$dfs_link} ) { errmsg( "Problem lowering $dfs_link from DFS." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } return 1; } sub MagicDFSSettings { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $branch, $build_number, $build_name, $language, $sku, $platform, $quality, $fsafe ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch), q(BuildNumber), q(BuildName), q(Language), q(Sku), q(Platform), q(Quality), q(SafeFlag) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # # We need all new DFS links to exist in order to find # new paths, so flush any outstanding commands here # if ( !(tied %$dfs_access)->Flush() ) { errmsg( "Problem processing DFS commands." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } # # Hide / Unhide paths on the DFS machine as we move # between pre/bvt and other qualities # # NOTE: following original code's precedent and not # hiding the latest.* subdirs # $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $build_number; foreach ( GetHideableDfsPathNames( $named_parameters ) ) { my $attribs = 0; # set to avoid warning / actually first used to get return value my $fhidden; my $fhide_share; if ( !GetAttributes( $_, $attribs ) ) { wrnmsg( "Unable to get current hidden/unhidden status of $_ ($^E) -- skipping." ); } $fhidden = $attribs & 2; $fhide_share = ($quality =~ /^(bvt|pre)$/i); # See if we need to switch hidden attribute on/off if ( $fhide_share && !$fhidden && !SetAttributes( $_, $attribs | 2 ) ) { wrnmsg( "Could not hide $_ ($^E)." ); } elsif ( !$fhide_share && $fhidden && !SetAttributes( $_, $attribs & ~2 ) ) { wrnmsg( "Could not unhide $_ ($^E)." ); } } # # Write .BLD / .SRV file # my @builds_to_touch = ( $build_number ); if ( !$fsafe ) { push @builds_to_touch, "latest.$quality" } my $bldfile_ext = GetBldFileExtension( $named_parameters ); foreach ( @builds_to_touch ) { $named_parameters->{ BuildID } = $_; foreach ( GetBldFileDfsPathNames( $named_parameters ) ) { my $fbldfile_already_set; my @bld_files = grep { $_ if ( ! -d $_ ) } globex "$_\\*.$bldfile_ext"; # 0 = success # 2 = couldn't find file (may be a failure or there may be no BLD file; # have to treat as a success as there is no way # to tell the difference - $^E doesn't help) if ( $! != 0 && $! != 2 ) { wrnmsg( "Trying to find existing $bldfile_ext file: $!" ); } # If there is more than one, delete them all and start anew elsif ( @bld_files > 1 && ! unlink @bld_files ) { wrnmsg( "Multiple *.$bldfile_ext files found at $_ -- unable to delete ($!)." ); } # If there is just one, see if it matches current criteria elsif ( 1 == @bld_files ) { if ( $bld_files[0] =~ /\\$build_name.$bldfile_ext$/ ) { unless ( open BLDFILE, "$bld_files[0]" ) { wrnmsg( "Unable to read $bld_files[0] ($!)." ); next; } my $cur_bld_quality = ; close BLDFILE; chomp $cur_bld_quality; if ( lc $quality eq lc $cur_bld_quality ) { # Current bld file matches all of our criteria $fbldfile_already_set = 1; } } # If something about the current bld file did not match, # delete it in preparation for creating a new one if ( !$fbldfile_already_set && ! unlink $bld_files[0] ) { wrnmsg( "Unable to delete $bld_files[0] ($!)." ); } } # Write out new BLD file if necessary if ( !$fbldfile_already_set ) { unless ( open WRITE_BLDFILE, "> $_\\$build_name.$bldfile_ext" ) { errmsg( "Unable to write $_\\$build_name.$bldfile_ext ($!)." ); return; } print WRITE_BLDFILE "$quality\n"; close WRITE_BLDFILE } } } return 1; } sub GetNamedParameters { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $name, @parameter_list ); while ( $name = shift ) { if ( !exists $named_parameters->{ $name } ) { my $called_by = (caller 1)[3]; errmsg( "Undefined parameter \"$name\" to $called_by." ); return; } push @parameter_list, $named_parameters->{ $name }; } return @parameter_list; } sub ForEachBuild { my $func = shift; my $named_parameters = shift; my $language = shift; my $builds = shift; my $fsafe = shift; my $build; foreach $build ( @$builds ) { my ( $build_number, $arch, $debug_type, $branch, $time_stamp ); my $fconglomerator_build = 0; my $flang_neutral_build = 0; # Normal build if ( IsOSBuild( $build ) ) { ( $build_number, $arch, $debug_type, $branch, $time_stamp ) = build_name_parts( $build ); } # Conglomerator skus elsif ( $build =~ /([^\\]+)\\(\d+)\.([^\.]+)(?:\.(\d+-\d+))?$/ ) { ( $build_number, $arch, $debug_type, $branch, $time_stamp ) = ( $2, '', '', $3, $4 || 0 ); $flang_neutral_build = (lc$1 eq 'misc')?1:0; $fconglomerator_build = 1; } if ( !defined $build_number ) { errmsg( "Unable to determine build information for $build." ); return; } my $platform = "$arch$debug_type"; # use already defined skus or default to looking them up my @skus; if ( exists $named_parameters->{ DefinedSkus } ) { @skus = @{$named_parameters->{ DefinedSkus }}; } elsif ( $fconglomerator_build ) { @skus = GetSkusForConglomeratorBuild( $build ); } else { @skus = GetSkusForBuild( $build, $language, $debug_type, $arch ); } if ( !@skus ) { wrnmsg( "No skus defined for $build ($language) - skipping." ); # Skip this build next; } # Setup common parameters for functions $named_parameters->{ FullBuildPath } = $build; if ( $fconglomerator_build ) { ($named_parameters->{ BuildName }) = $build =~ /\\([^\\]+\\[^\\]+)$/; } else { $named_parameters->{ BuildName } = basename( $build ); } $named_parameters->{ BuildNumber } = $build_number; $named_parameters->{ DebugType } = $debug_type; $named_parameters->{ Branch } = $branch; $named_parameters->{ Platform } = $platform; $named_parameters->{ TimeStamp } = $time_stamp; $named_parameters->{ IsConglomeratorBuild } = $fconglomerator_build; $named_parameters->{ IsLangNeutralBuild } = $flang_neutral_build; if ( defined $fsafe || $named_parameters->{ForceSafeFlag}{$named_parameters->{ BuildName }}) { $named_parameters->{ SafeFlag } = 1; } else { $named_parameters->{ SafeFlag } = 0; } # Loop through all supported flavors my $sku; foreach $sku ( @skus ) { $named_parameters->{ Sku } = $sku; # Client/server split: skip skus # that are not associated with branch if ( !IsSkuLinkedToLatest( $named_parameters ) ) { # Handle absurd pro ia64 sku even during C/S split if ( !(lc $arch eq 'ia64' and lc $sku eq 'pro') ) { next; } } if ( !&$func( $named_parameters ) ) { errmsg( "Problem occurred during processing of $sku." ); return; } } } return 1; } sub IsLastLinkUnderParent { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $build_id, $branch, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(BuildID), q(Branch), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); my $dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create DFS links for $branch / $sku." ); return; } my ( $cur_share_name, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $cur_share_name ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create release shares for $branch / $sku." ); return; } $cur_share_name .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); # # First check that we are the last entry in the current dfs link # my @cur_dfs_links; @cur_dfs_links = @{ $dfs_access->{$dfs_link} } if ( exists $dfs_access->{$dfs_link} ); if ( !@cur_dfs_links || @cur_dfs_links != 1 || lc $cur_share_name ne lc $cur_dfs_links[0] ) { return; } # # Now check that we are the last link under our parent directory # # Construct full path to dfs link's parent directory my $full_dfs_link = (tied %$dfs_access)->GetDfsRoot(). "\\$dfs_link"; my ($parent_directory) = $dfs_link =~ /^(.*)\\.*$/; $parent_directory = (tied %$dfs_access)->GetDfsRoot(). '\\'. $parent_directory; # Loop through all directory entries looking for # any subdirectories that do not match our share # name my @parent_entries = grep { $_ if ( -d $_ ) } globex "$parent_directory\\*"; foreach ( @parent_entries ) { # It is a directory -- if it isn't us assume # it refers to another existing link # WARNING: Special case the 'test' subdirectory # so we don't count it during # this check (we will clean up if # all that is stopping us is 'test') if ( lc $_ ne lc $full_dfs_link && $_ !~ /\\test$/i ) { return; } } # We must be the only link under our parent directory return 1; } sub GetSkusForBuild { my $build = shift; my $language = shift; my $build_type = shift; my $architecture = shift; my %skus = cksku::GetSkus( $language, build_arch( $build ) ); my @returned_skus; @returned_skus = ( sort keys %skus ); # WinPE image if ( lc $language eq 'usa' && lc $build_type eq 'fre' ) { push @returned_skus, 'winpe'; } # UpgAdv image if ( lc $architecture eq 'x86' && lc $build_type eq 'fre' && lc $language ne 'psu' && lc $language ne 'mir' && lc $language ne 'fe' ) { push @returned_skus, 'upgadv'; } # Another special case for PSU/FE: # need to link to 'resources' if ( lc $language ne 'usa' || lc $language ne 'mir') { push @returned_skus, 'resources'; } # Special case 'bin' -- everyone gets one push @returned_skus, 'bin'; return @returned_skus; } sub GetSkusForConglomeratorBuild { my $build = shift; my @possible_skus = @ConglomeratorSkus; # BensonT: Non US builds do not use symbolcd if (lc$Language ne "usa") { @possible_skus = grep {lc$_ ne 'symbolcd'} @possible_skus; } my @skus; foreach ( @possible_skus ) { push @skus, $_ if ( -e "$build\\$_" ); } return @skus; } # # Returns: # # ( share, subpath ) # An array consisting of the full-share name (\\server\share) and # a subpath. \\server\share\subpath would take you to your # expected destination # sub GetShareName { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $computer_name, $build_name, $build_number, $language, $platform, $branch, $sku, $fconglomerator_build, $flang_neutral_build, $timestamp ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(ComputerName), q(BuildName), q(BuildNumber), q(Language), q(Platform), q(Branch), q(Sku), q(IsConglomeratorBuild), q(IsLangNeutralBuild), q(TimeStamp) ); return if ( !defined $computer_name ); my $lcsku = lc $sku; # symbol server shares if ( $lcsku eq 'sym' ) { my $symbol_server_share = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, 'SymFarm' ); if ( !$symbol_server_share ) { dbgmsg( "No INI file setting for 'SymFarm' in $branch / SymFarm." ); return; } return ("$symbol_server_share", "$language\\$build_name\\symbols.pri"); } # special "skus" if ( $fconglomerator_build ) { return ("\\\\$computer_name\\$build_number.$branch.".($flang_neutral_build?'misc':$language), $sku); } # Standard skus else { # note the special case for "bin" my $subdir; $subdir = ($lcsku eq 'bin'?"":$sku); return ("\\\\$computer_name\\$build_number.$platform.$branch.$timestamp.$language", $subdir); } } sub GetBuildNumberAndTsFromShare { my $named_parameters = shift; my $build = shift; my ( $branch, $language, $platform, $sku, $fconglomerator_build, $flang_neutral_build ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Language), q(Platform), q(Sku), q(IsConglomeratorBuild), q(IsLangNeutralBuild) ); my ($build_number, $timestamp); # # Note: may have to reach into a share and # extract some information if it is # not readily apparent from the name # of the share (as is the case with main) # # Symbol server points to shares # containing the fully-qualified build-name # (build_num.platform.branch.time) if ( lc $sku eq 'sym' ) { $build_number = build_number( $build ); $timestamp = build_date( $build ); } # Special "skus" elsif ( $fconglomerator_build && $build =~ /^\\\\[^\\]+\\(\d+)\.[^\.]+(?:\.(\d+-\d+))?\.([^\\]+)\\$sku$/i && $flang_neutral_build && lc$3 eq 'misc' || !$flang_neutral_build && lc$3 eq lc$language ) { $build_number = $1; $timestamp = $2 || 0; } # Standard skus elsif ( !$fconglomerator_build && $build =~ /^\\\\[^\\]+\\(\d+)\.$platform\.[^\.]+\.(\d+-\d+)\.$language(?:\\$sku)?$/i ) { $build_number = $1; $timestamp = $2; } else { # Error - don't recognize the format return; } return ($build_number, $timestamp); } sub GetDfsLinkName { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($branch, $language, $build_id, $platform, $sku, $fconglomerator_build ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Language), q(BuildID), q(Platform), q(Sku), q(IsConglomeratorBuild) ); return if ( !defined $branch ); my $lcsku = lc $sku; # Used to add .srv onto skus that appear for both # the client and server in the latest.* links my $sku_name_suffix = ''; # If we haven't looked for DFSAlternateBranchName # in the INI file, do so now my $dfs_branch_name; if ( !exists $named_parameters->{DefaultDFSBranches}{$branch} ) { my $alt_branch_name = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, 'DFSAlternateBranchName' ); # Default to the branch name if ( !$alt_branch_name) { $named_parameters->{DefaultDFSBranches}{$branch} = $branch; } else { $named_parameters->{DefaultDFSBranches}{$branch} = $alt_branch_name; } } $dfs_branch_name = $named_parameters->{DefaultDFSBranches}{$branch}; # Special behaviors on latest.* links if ( $build_id =~ /^latest/i ) { # If we haven't looked for DFSAlternateLatestBranchName # in the INI file, do so now if ( !exists $named_parameters->{LatestDFSBranches}{$branch} ) { my $dfs_latest_branch_name = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, 'DFSAlternateLatestBranchName' ); # Default to the current DFS branch name if ( !$dfs_latest_branch_name) { $named_parameters->{LatestDFSBranches}{$branch} = $named_parameters->{DefaultDFSBranches}{$branch}; } else { $named_parameters->{LatestDFSBranches}{$branch} = $dfs_latest_branch_name; } } $dfs_branch_name = $named_parameters->{LatestDFSBranches}{$branch}; # If both client and serer support a sku, # append .srv onto the server version. # If this branch is both client and server, # then don't use the .srv extension if ( IsClientSku( $named_parameters ) && IsServerSku( $named_parameters ) && IsServerBranch( $named_parameters ) && !IsClientBranch( $named_parameters ) ) { $sku_name_suffix = '.srv'; } } # Special "skus" if ( $fconglomerator_build ) { return "$dfs_branch_name\\$language\\$build_id\\". ($lcsku eq 'symbolcd'?'symcd2':$lcsku). $sku_name_suffix; } # Standard skus and symbol server sku else { return "$dfs_branch_name\\$language\\$build_id\\$platform\\$lcsku". $sku_name_suffix; } } sub GetBuildIdsFromCurrentLinks { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $build_number, $branch, $platform, $language, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(BuildNumber), q(Branch), q(Platform), q(Language), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); my ( $cur_share_name, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $cur_share_name ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create release shares for $branch / $sku." ); return; } $cur_share_name .= "\\$sub_path" if ( $sub_path ); my @build_ids; # Return all recognized build IDs we are currently linked to # (expecting and latest.* entries) my @current_links = @{ $dfs_access->{$cur_share_name} } if ( exists $dfs_access->{$cur_share_name} ); foreach ( @current_links ) { my $next_build_id; $next_build_id = GetBuildIdFromDfsLink( $named_parameters, $_ ); if ( $next_build_id ) { push @build_ids, $next_build_id; } } return @build_ids; } sub GetBuildIdFromDfsLink { my $named_parameters = shift; my $build = shift; my ( $branch, $platform, $language, $sku, $fconglomerator_build, $flang_neutral_build ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(Branch), q(Platform), q(Language), q(Sku), q(IsConglomeratorBuild), q(IsLangNeutralBuild) ); my $lcsku = lc $sku; my $build_id; # Special "skus" if ( $fconglomerator_build ) { my $lang = $flang_neutral_build?'misc':$language; my $dfs_sku_name = $lcsku eq 'symbolcd'?'symcd2':$sku; $dfs_sku_name .= '(?:\.srv)?'; ($build_id) = $build =~ /[^\\]+\\$lang\\([^\\]+)\\$dfs_sku_name$/i; } # Standard skus and symbol server sku else { ($build_id) = $build =~ /[^\\]+\\$language\\([^\\]+)\\$platform\\$sku(?:\.srv)?$/i; } return $build_id; } sub GetWriteableDfsShares { my $named_parameters = shift; my ($dfs_access, $branch) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # All known branches use the same writeable share format if ( $branch ) # TRUE { my @dfs_servers = (tied %$dfs_access)->GetDfsHosts(); if ( !@dfs_servers ) { errmsg( "Unable to retrieve hosting machines for DFS root ". (tied %$dfs_access)->GetDfsRoot(). "." ); errmsg( $_ ) foreach ( split /\n/, StaticDfsMap::GetLastErrorMessage() ); return; } # Point to writeable shares s/(\\\\[^\\]+).*/$1\\writer\$\\release/ foreach ( @dfs_servers ); return @dfs_servers; } # Unknown branch else { return; } } sub GetHideableDfsPathNames { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $branch, $language, $build_id, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch), q(Language), q(BuildID), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # Get writeable DFS share for our branch my @writeable_dfs_shares = GetWriteableDfsShares( $named_parameters ); if ( !@writeable_dfs_shares ) { dbgmsg( "Unknown writeable DFS share for $branch." ); return; } my $dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create $build_id DFS link for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Want the path up to latest.* or # # (build_id): main\usa\ $dfs_link =~ s/^(.*$build_id)\\.*$/$1/; # All known branches use the same writeable share format if ( $branch ) # TRUE { return map {"$_\\$dfs_link"} @writeable_dfs_shares; } # Unknown branch else { return; } } sub GetBldFileDfsPathNames { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $dfs_access, $branch, $language, $build_id, $platform, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(DfsMap), q(Branch), q(Language), q(BuildID), q(Platform), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $dfs_access ); # Get writeable DFS share for our branch my @writeable_dfs_shares = GetWriteableDfsShares( $named_parameters ); if ( !@writeable_dfs_shares ) { dbgmsg( "Unknown writeable DFS share for $branch." ); return; } my $dfs_link = GetDfsLinkName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $dfs_link ) { errmsg( "Do not know how to create $build_id DFS link for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Want the path up to platform: main\usa\\ $dfs_link =~ s/^(.*$platform)\\.*$/$1/; # All known branches use the same writeable share format if ( $branch ) # TRUE { return map {"$_\\$dfs_link"} @writeable_dfs_shares; } # Unknown branch else { return; } } sub ModifyQlyFile { my $build = shift; my $quality = shift; my $path_to_quality_file = shift; my ( @existing_qlyfiles, $qly_file ); my ( $fqlyfile_already_set ); # Check for existing QLY files @existing_qlyfiles = grep { $_ if ( ! -d $_ ) } globex "$path_to_quality_file\\*.qly"; # 0 = success # 2 = couldn't find file (may be a failure or there may be no QLY file; # have to treat as a success as there is no way # to tell the difference - $^E doesn't help) if ( $! != 0 && $! != 2 ) { errmsg( "Trying to find existing QLY file: $!" ); return; } # Remove any QLY files that don't match current status # -- there should never be more than one, but we # should handle that case correctly undef $fqlyfile_already_set; foreach $qly_file ( @existing_qlyfiles ) { my ($qly_file_quality) = $qly_file =~ /\\([^\\]+)\.qly$/; if ( lc $qly_file_quality eq lc $quality ) { # Check for correct information inside my $qly_information = ReadQlyFile( $qly_file ); if ( !defined $qly_information ) { wrnmsg( "Problem reading $qly_file" ); } elsif ( $qly_information =~ /^$build$/i ) { $fqlyfile_already_set = 1; next; } } elsif ( !AllowQualityTransition( $qly_file_quality, $quality ) ) { errmsg( "Not allowed to go from '$qly_file_quality' to '$quality' quality!" ); return; } # Remove the QLY file unless ( unlink $qly_file ) { errmsg( "Could not delete $qly_file ($!)" ); return; } } # Create new QLY file if necessary if ( !$fqlyfile_already_set ) { unless ( open QLYFILE, "> $path_to_quality_file\\$quality.qly" ) { errmsg( "Could not write to $path_to_quality_file\\$quality.qly ($!)" ); return; } print QLYFILE "$build\n"; close QLYFILE; } return 1; } sub ReadQlyFile { my $qlyfile_path = shift; my ( $qlyfile_contents ); unless ( open QLYFILE, $qlyfile_path ) { errmsg( "Failure opening $qlyfile_path ($!)" ); return; } $qlyfile_contents = ; close QLYFILE; chomp $qlyfile_contents; return $qlyfile_contents; } sub DeleteQlyFile { my $path_to_quality_file = shift; my @existing_qlyfiles; # Check for existing QLY files @existing_qlyfiles = grep { $_ if ( ! -d $_ ) } globex "$path_to_quality_file\\*.qly"; # 0 = success # 2 = couldn't find file (may be a failure or there may be no QLY file; # have to treat as a success as there is no way # to tell the difference - $^E doesn't help) if ( $! != 0 && $! != 2 ) { errmsg( "Trying to find existing QLY file: $!" ); return; } my $qly_file; foreach $qly_file ( @existing_qlyfiles ) { if ( !unlink $qly_file ) { wrnmsg( "Unable to remove $qly_file ($!)" ); } } return 1; } sub CreateSecuredBuildShare { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $accessed_shares, $full_build_path, $computer_name, $quality, $build_number, $language, $platform, $branch, $sku ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(AccessedShares), q(FullBuildPath), q(ComputerName), q(Quality), q(BuildNumber), q(Language), q(Platform), q(Branch), q(Sku) ); return if ( !defined $accessed_shares ); my $fshare_already_exists; my $sMember; my $sBVTAccessGroup; my ( @share_members, @remove_permissions ); my ( $build_share, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $build_share ) { errmsg( "Unable to determine release share for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Optimization: check if we have already looked at this share # (especially useful when each sku uses the same share) foreach ( @$accessed_shares ) { return 1 if ( lc $_ eq lc $build_share ); } # Choose share permissions based on quality if ( lc $quality eq "pre" || lc $quality eq "bvt" ) { my $share_member_string = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, "BVTMembers" ); if ( $share_member_string ) { @share_members = split ' ', $share_member_string; } # INI file must specify permissions else { logmsg( "No entries specified in INI file for BVTMembers" ); } #Get the BVT access group $sBVTAccessGroup = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, "BVTAccessGroup" ); if ( $sBVTAccessGroup) { $sBVTAccessGroup =~ s/_/ /g; push @share_members, $sBVTAccessGroup; } } else { my $share_member_string = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $branch, $language, "ReleaseAccess" ); if ( $share_member_string ) { @share_members = split ' ', $share_member_string; } # INI file must specify permissions else { errmsg( "No entries specified in INI file for ReleaseAccess" ); return; } } # Create share if it doesn't already exist $fshare_already_exists = ( -e $build_share ); # This will set the current permissions and create the share if necessary dbgmsg( "Setting share permissions for $build_share:" ); dbgmsg( " $_" ) foreach @share_members; #BUG FIX: If the share does not exist, create it and then remove access to everyone if(!$fshare_already_exists) { if (!ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "rmtshare.exe $build_share=$full_build_path /remove everyone")) { errmsg( "Failed creating the share for $full_build_path." ); errmsg( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } } foreach $sMember (@share_members) { my $iRes = 0; $iRes = !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("rmtshare.exe $build_share /GRANT\"$sMember\":R > NUL"); if ( $iRes ) { logmsg( "Failed granting access for $sMember." ); logmsg( " " . ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); logmsg( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); } } # Remove any old permissions from an existing share # We don't want to drop the share and recreate it # because current connections will be dropped and # we decided that was bad if ( $fshare_already_exists ) { my %hash_share_members; $hash_share_members{ lc $_ } = 1 foreach @share_members; if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("rmtshare.exe $build_share") ) { errmsg( "Failure executing ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg ( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } my @current_share_permissions = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); undef @remove_permissions; my $permission; my $interesting_lines; foreach $permission ( @current_share_permissions ) { my $user_name; # skip empty lines next if ( $permission eq "" ); # Deal with no permissions set if ( $permission eq "No permission specified." ) { wrnmsg( "Share $build_share has no default permissions." ); last; } # Otherwise we only care about the lines between # 'Permissions:' and 'The command completed successfully.' if ( $permission eq 'Permissions:' ) { $interesting_lines = 1; next; } last if ( $permission eq 'The command completed successfully.' ); next if ( !$interesting_lines ); # Only need to verify name and not permissions as rmtshare should # have already set the correct permissions for the name. # Note that rmtshare also prepends a backslash for builtin # groups, but you cannot use the backslash when specifying # the name on the command line, so strip out any # prepending backslash characters. This also catches # local groups as they are reported as \Group on # remote machines, but can only be added and removed as 'Group". if($permission =~ /BVT/) { next; } ($user_name) = $permission =~ /^\s*\\?(?:$computer_name\\)?(\S+)\s*\:/i; if ( !$user_name ) { errmsg( "Problem parsing user from rmtshare output:" ); errmsg( " $permission" ); return; } if ( !exists $hash_share_members{ lc $user_name } ) { push @remove_permissions, $user_name; } } # Now actually call rmtshare to remove unrecognized users if ( @remove_permissions ) { dbgmsg( "Removing permissions from $build_share:" ); dbgmsg( " $_" ) foreach @remove_permissions; if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "rmtshare.exe $build_share ". join " ", map { "/REMOVE $_" } @remove_permissions ) ) { errmsg( "Failed removing old permissions from $build_share." ); errmsg ( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg ( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } } } # Verify that share is reachable # This is making the assumption that we # are allowed access to the share if ( ! -e $build_share ) { errmsg( "Unable to access $build_share ($!)" ); return; } # Add to accessed shares array push @$accessed_shares, $build_share; return 1; } sub LowerBuildShare { my $named_parameters = shift; my ( $accessed_shares, $branch, $sku, $lang ) = GetNamedParameters( $named_parameters, q(AccessedShares), q(Branch), q(Sku), q(Language) ); my ( $build_share, $sub_path ) = GetShareName( $named_parameters ); if ( !defined $build_share) { errmsg( "Unable to determine release share for $branch / $sku." ); return; } # Optimization: check if we have already removed this share # (especially useful when each sku uses the same share) foreach ( @$accessed_shares ) { return 1 if ( lc $_ eq lc $build_share ); } # Check if the share exists my $fshare_exists = ( -e $build_share ); # Remove the share if ( $fshare_exists ) { if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "rmtshare.exe $build_share /DELETE" ) ) { errmsg( "Failed removing share $build_share." ); errmsg( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg( " $_") foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } } # If the share doesn't exist we are done, # but do a sanity check on the reason elsif ( $! != 2 ) { errmsg( "Unable to verify share $build_share ($!)." ); return; } # Add to accessed shares array push @$accessed_shares, $build_share; return 1; } sub GetReleasePath { my( @net_share_output, @net_share_local_path_entry ); my( $field_name, $field_value ); if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("net share release") ) { errmsg( "Unable to find share \'release\'."); errmsg( " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() ); errmsg( " $_" ) foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } @net_share_output = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); # note that we are using the second line of the net share # output to get this data. if this changes, it'll break. @net_share_local_path_entry = split /\s+/, $net_share_output[1]; dbgmsg( "Path information for release is '". (join " ", @net_share_local_path_entry). "'" ); if ( $net_share_local_path_entry[0] ne "Path" ) { wrnmsg( "Second line of net share does not start with " . "\'Path\' -- possibly another language?"); } dbgmsg( "Release path is $net_share_local_path_entry[1]"); return $net_share_local_path_entry[1]; } # # This is a wrapper to glob that expects and # returns paths using '\' as the path separator # sub globex ($) { my $match_criteria = shift; croak "Must specify parameter for globex" if ( !defined $match_criteria ); # Need to use '/' for UNC paths, so just convert to all '/''s $match_criteria =~ s/\\/\//g; # Return the results, converting back to '\' return grep { s/\//\\/g } glob( $match_criteria ); } parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'lower' => sub { $Op = 'lower' }, 'n:' => \$Build_Number, 'q:' => \&ValidateAndSetQuality, 'a:' => \$Architecture, 't:' => \$Debug_Type, 'time:' => \$Time_Stamp, 'f' => \$fOverride_Safe, 'safe' => \$fSafe, 'replace' => \$fReplaceAtNumberedLink, 'd' => \$Logmsg::DEBUG); # 'l:' => \$Language, # Done by ParseEnv Usage() if ( @ARGV ); $Language = $ENV{LANG}; # Initialize with default values if not specified $Op ||= 'raise'; $Build_Number ||= '*'; $Architecture ||= '*'; $Time_Stamp ||= '*'; $Debug_Type ||= '*'; $Platform = "$Architecture$Debug_Type"; if ( !Main() ) { errmsg( "Terminated abnormally." ); 1; } else { logmsg( "Completed successfully." ); 0; } sub ValidateAndSetQuality { my $quality = shift; if ( exists $Ordered_Qualities{ lc $quality } ) { $Quality = $quality; return 1; } else { errmsg( "Unrecognized quality \'$quality\'" ); exit( 1 ); } } sub Usage { my $name = $0; print "$name\n"; $name =~ s/.*?([^\\]+)$/$1/; print < $spool_path, Timeout => $timeout || INFINITE, # default timeout is INFINITE File => "$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}.txt", NotificationObj => undef, LocalSyncObj => undef, fHaveLocalSync => 0, Count => 0, LastErrorMsg => "", LastErrorValue => 0 }; return bless $instance; } sub Lock { my $self = shift; my $wait_return; return unless ref $self; # If we already hold the lock just bump up the ref-count if ( 0 != $self->{Count} ) { $self->{Count}++; return 1; } # Need to synchronize local access (only one program # at a time from the same machine can hold the lock) if ( !defined $self->{LocalSyncObj} ) { my $lock_path = $self->{Path}; $lock_path =~ s/\\\\/remote\\/; $lock_path =~ s/\\/\//g; $self->{LocalSyncObj} = new Win32::Event ( 0, 1, "Global\\$lock_path" ); if ( !defined $self->{LocalSyncObj} ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Unable to create a local event ($^E)."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } } if ( !$self->{fHaveLocalSync} ) { $wait_return = $self->{LocalSyncObj}->wait( $self->{Timeout} ); # Handle timeout if ( 0 == $wait_return ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Waiting on another process on machine."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 2; # 2 = timeout return; } # Handle error condition elsif ( 1 != $wait_return ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Unexpected error waiting for local synchronization (wait returned ". $wait_return. ")"; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } $self->{fHaveLocalSync} = 1; } # Check for our existence before # we create a file in the queue # (this will be the case if something bad # happened on the last run and we are # rerunning the command to recover) if ( ! -e "$self->{Path}\\$self->{File}" ) { unless ( open SPOOLFILE, "> $self->{Path}\\$self->{File}" ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Failed to create synchronization file '$self->{Path}\\$self->{File}' ($!)."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } print SPOOLFILE "This file is used to synchronize access among machines."; close SPOOLFILE; } # Create the notification object if this is the first time we were called $self->{NotificationObj} ||= new Win32::ChangeNotify( $self->{Path}, 0, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME ); if ( !defined ${$self->{NotificationObj}} ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Failed creating monitor object ($^E)."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } # Check our position in the 'queue' at the beginning if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("dir /b /od $self->{Path}") ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Unable to view directory $self->{Path}.\n"; $self->{LastErrorMsg} .= " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand(). "\n"; $self->{LastErrorMsg} .= " $_\n" foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } my @ordered_spool_directory = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); # We are at the top if ( $ordered_spool_directory[0] eq $self->{File} ) { $self->{Count}++; return 1; } # Recheck our position in the 'queue' everytime # the state of the directory changes until we # are in the top position or we hit the timeout # value with no activity while ( 1 ) { $self->{NotificationObj}->reset(); $wait_return = $self->{NotificationObj}->wait( $self->{Timeout} ); if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("dir /b /od $self->{Path}") ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Unable to view directory $self->{Path}.\n"; $self->{LastErrorMsg} .= " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand(). "\n"; $self->{LastErrorMsg} .= " $_\n" foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } @ordered_spool_directory = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); # We are at the top if ( $ordered_spool_directory[0] eq $self->{File} ) { $self->{Count}++; return 1; } # Still waiting for others else { # Make sure we are still in the queue my $found_self; foreach ( @ordered_spool_directory ) { $found_self = 1 if ( $_ eq "$self->{File}" ); } if ( !$found_self ) { # Lost our synchronization file -- recreating... unless ( open SPOOLFILE, "> $self->{Path}\\$self->{File}" ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Lost our synchronization file '$self->{Path}\\$self->{File}' -- failed to recreate. ($!)."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } print SPOOLFILE "This file is used to synchronize access among machines."; close SPOOLFILE; } } # Handle timeout if ( 0 == $wait_return ) { my $machine_name = $ordered_spool_directory[0]; $machine_name =~ s/\.txt$//; $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Waiting on $machine_name ($self->{Path}\\$ordered_spool_directory[0])."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 2; # 2 = timeout return; } # Handle error condition elsif ( 1 != $wait_return ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Unexpected error waiting on directory to change (wait returned ". $wait_return. ")"; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } } $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Jumped out of an infinte loop -- no idea how we got here"; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; return; } sub Unlock { my $self = shift; return unless ref $self; # Can't release a lock we don't hold if ( 0 == $self->{Count} ) { return; } # Decrement lock count if ( 0 == --$self->{Count} ) { if ( ! unlink "$self->{Path}\\$self->{File}" ) { $self->{LastErrorMsg} = "Failed to delete synchronization file ($self->{Path}\\$self->{File}). May need to delete by hand."; $self->{LastErrorValue} = 1; } $self->{LocalSyncObj}->set(); } return 1; } sub GetLastError { my $self = shift; return unless ref $self; return $self->{LastErrorValue}; } sub GetLastErrorMessage { my $self = shift; return unless ref $self; return $self->{LastErrorMsg}; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; return unless ref $self; if ( $self->{Count} > 0 ) { #print "Abandoning lock file -- attempting to delete."; $self->{Count} = 1; return $self->Unlock(); } else { if ( $self->{fHaveLocalSync} ) { $self->{LocalSyncObj}->set(); } return 1; } } package StaticDfsMap; my $Last_Error_Msg; sub TIEHASH { my $class = shift; my $dfs_root = shift; my $instance; my ($dfs_view_info, $cur_dfs_link); my $fchild_dfs_servers; return if ( @_ or !defined $dfs_root ); # Check current dfscmd.exe version if ( !VerifyDfsCmdVer() ) { return; # Error message should already be set } # Remove trailing backslash (if it exists) from DFS root $dfs_root =~ s/\\$//; # Read in current DFS view if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("dfscmd.exe /view $dfs_root /batch") ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Failed viewing dfs root $dfs_root.\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand(). "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " $_\n" foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } my @full_dfs_view = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); $instance = { "DFS Root" => $dfs_root }; # "DFS Work Root" => {} # "DFS Servers" => (), # "Map" => {} # Expected output: # dfscmd /map "\\\" "\\\" "" my %dfs_map; foreach my $dfs_view_info ( @full_dfs_view ) { chomp $dfs_view_info; next if ( !$dfs_view_info ); next if ( $dfs_view_info =~ /^REM BATCH RESTORE SCRIPT/ ); $dfs_view_info = lc $dfs_view_info; # Are we done? if ( $dfs_view_info eq 'the command completed successfully.' ) { last; } my ($dfs_link, $share, $comment) = $dfs_view_info =~ /dfscmd \/(?:map|add) "(.*?)" "(.*?)"(?: "(.*)")?$/; my $relative_link_name = $dfs_link; $relative_link_name =~ s/^\Q$dfs_root\E\\//i; if ( !$dfs_link || !$share || !$relative_link_name ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Unrecognized entry parsing ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand(). "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " $dfs_view_info"; return; } # If it is just the root, then this entry represents a hosting server if ( lc $dfs_link eq lc $dfs_root ) { push @{$instance->{"DFS Servers"}}, $share; } # Otherwise associate the link and the share else { push @{$dfs_map{$relative_link_name}}, $share; push @{$dfs_map{$share}}, $relative_link_name; } } # Expect to find at least one DFS server under the root if ( !exists $instance->{"DFS Servers"} ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Did not find the root node and specified servers for $dfs_root."; return; } # FUTURE: find a nicer way around this # In cases where more than one server is actually hosting DFS, # we need to pick one of the hosting machines to perform # our commands against so that we don't have to wait for # replication (this is to help tests for just created and # just removed directories succeed). foreach ( @{$instance->{"DFS Servers"}} ) { if ( -e $_ ) { $instance->{"DFS Work Root"} = $_; last; } } # Verify we could see at least one if ( ! exists $instance->{"DFS Work Root"} ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Could not find an accessible DFS server."; return; } #print "\n$_:\n ". (join "\n ", @{$dfs_map{$_}}) foreach ( sort keys %dfs_map ); # Store the map we just created # inside of our private hash data $instance->{"Map"} = \%dfs_map; return bless $instance, $class; } sub FETCH { my $self = shift; my $link_or_share = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; return $dfs_map->{ lc $link_or_share } if (exists $dfs_map->{ lc $link_or_share }); return; } sub STORE { my $self = shift; my $link_or_share = shift; my $new_link = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; my $fshare = $link_or_share =~ /^\\\\/; # Remove any trailing backslashes $link_or_share =~ s/\\$//; $new_link =~ s/\\$//; # If mapping already exists, we are done my $cur_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}; foreach ( @$cur_mappings ) { return 1 if ( lc $_ eq lc $new_link ); } # Create new DFS mapping if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "dfscmd.exe ". (@$cur_mappings?"/add ":"/map "). $self->{"DFS Root"}. ($fshare?"\\$new_link $link_or_share":"\\$link_or_share $new_link") ) ) { # # COMMENTED OUT: If someone else is trying to manipulate the same # links as we are while we are doing this then # we have a problem -- don't try to correct # # Might have gotten into a race-condition with another # machine attempting to add a new link -- if that is # a possibility try a map instead before giving up # #if ( !@$cur_mappings || # !ExecuteProgram( "dfscmd.exe /map ". $self->{"DFS Root"}. # ($fshare?"\\$new_link $link_or_share":"\\$link_or_share $new_link") ) ) { # errmsg( "Failed to create link \\$self->{Dfs Root}\\". ($fshare?"\\$new_link => $link_or_share":"\\$link_or_share => $new_link") . "." ); # return; #} $Last_Error_Msg = "Problem adding/mapping link ". ($fshare?"$link_or_share":"$new_link"). ":\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " " . ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() . "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= join "\n ", ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } # Update the hash with the new information push @{$dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}}, $new_link; push @{$dfs_map->{lc $new_link}}, $link_or_share; return 1; } sub DELETE { my $self = shift; my $link_or_share = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; my $fshare = $link_or_share =~ /^\\\\/; # Make sure DFS mapping exists before attempting to delete it return 1 if ( !exists $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share} ); my $cur_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}; return 1 if ( !@$cur_mappings ); if ( $fshare ) { my $next_link; # Remove all DFS links pointing to this share foreach $next_link ( @$cur_mappings ) { if ( !$self->RemoveShareFromLink( $next_link, $link_or_share ) ) { return; } } } else { if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( "dfscmd.exe /unmap ". $self->{"DFS Root"}. "\\$link_or_share" ) ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Failure trying to unmap $link_or_share:\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " " . ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() . "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= join "\n ", ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } # Remove the hash references delete $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}; for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_mappings); $i++) { if ( lc $cur_mappings->[$i] eq lc $link_or_share ) { splice @$cur_mappings, $i, 1; } } } return 1; } sub CLEAR { my $self = shift; # We don't actually want to be able to delete the entire # DFS structure, so we will just clear our information undef %$self; return; } sub EXISTS { my $self = shift; my $link_or_share = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; return exists $dfs_map->{lc $link_or_share}; } sub FIRSTKEY { my $self = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; my $force_to_first_key = keys %$dfs_map; return scalar each %$dfs_map; } sub NEXTKEY { my $self = shift; my $last_key = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; return scalar each %$dfs_map; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; return; } # # Need more methods than provided by TIEHASH defaults # sub RemoveShareFromLink { my $self = shift; my $link_root = shift; my $share_name = shift; my $dfs_map = $self->{"Map"}; # Get current associated links my $cur_link_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $link_root}; my $cur_share_mappings = $dfs_map->{lc $share_name}; my $fshare_linked; # If the share is not part of the link, return foreach (@$cur_link_mappings) { if ( lc $_ eq lc $share_name ) { $fshare_linked = 1; last; } } return 1 if ( !$fshare_linked ); my $dfs_command = "dfscmd.exe /remove ". $self->{'DFS Root'}. "\\$link_root $share_name"; if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram( $dfs_command ) ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Could not remove $share_name from DFS link $link_root:\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " " . ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand() . "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= join "\n ", ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } # Remove the associated hash entries for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_link_mappings); $i++) { if ( lc $cur_link_mappings->[$i] eq lc $share_name ) { splice @$cur_link_mappings, $i, 1; } } for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$cur_share_mappings); $i++) { if ( lc $cur_share_mappings->[$i] eq lc $link_root ) { splice @$cur_share_mappings, $i, 1; } } return 1; } sub Flush { my $self = shift; # Do nothing for now, but here in preparation for batching of commands return 1; } sub GetDfsRoot { my $self = shift; # return $self->{ "DFS Root" }; return $self->{ "DFS Root" }; } sub GetDfsHosts { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{"DFS Servers"}}; } sub VerifyDfsCmdVer { my ( @file_spec, $file_ver_string, @file_ver_info ); # Verify the dfscmd.exe is proper if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("where dfscmd.exe") ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Could not find dfscmd.exe\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " ". ExecuteProgram::GetLastCommand(). "\n"; $Last_Error_Msg .= " $_\n" foreach ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); return; } @file_spec = ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); if ( !ExecuteProgram::ExecuteProgram("filever $file_spec[0]") ) { $Last_Error_Msg = "Failed executing \'filever $file_spec[0]\'."; return; } $file_ver_string = join " ", ExecuteProgram::GetLastOutput(); @file_ver_info = split /\s+/, $file_ver_string; # Fourth field is version number; compare it with known good if ($file_ver_info[4] lt "5.0.2203.1") { $Last_Error_Msg = "$file_ver_info[0] version is less than 5.0.2203.1. Please install DFSCMD.EXE from a 2203 or later build."; return; } return 1; } sub GetLastErrorMessage { return $Last_Error_Msg; }