REM REM sxs patch tool for asms trees under build REM REM xiaoyuw @ 11/01/2001 REM setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS REM main function Begin { if "%1" == "" ( set AsmRoot=%_NTPOSTBLD% ) else ( set AsmRoot=%1 ) set IsThisMytest=0 if /i "%2" equ "test" ( set IsThisMytest=1 ) set myMove=move set NumOfNextNewAsmsCab= set AsmCabinetStore= call :PrepareBaseAssemblyCabinet set call :CreateNewCabinet :cleanup REM remove the directory for all old if "!IsThisMytest!" == "0" ( if not "%AsmCabinetStore%" == "" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rmdir /s /q %%AsmCabinetStore%%" ) REM REM remove the directory where we try to create the cabinet REM if not "%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%"=="" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rmdir /s /q %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%" goto :Eof REM main function End } REM Sub Function PrepareBaseAssemblyCabinet Begin { REM Function: REM create the cabinet from this directory, each subdir would be a folder in the cabinet REM rename this cabinet as REM move this cabinet into asms REM remove the directory :PrepareBaseAssemblyCabinet if not exist %AsmRoot%\ goto :Eof REM REM create a tempDir and extrace cab files from %AsmRoot% to it REM Directory name used in CABARC.cmd MUST has a backslash at the end REM set AsmCabinetStore=%TEMP%\%random%\ if exist %AsmCabinetStore% ( call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rmdir /s /q %%AsmCabinetStore%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call logmsg.cmd "Failed to delete for %%AsmCabinetStore%%" goto :Eof ) ) call ExecuteCmd.cmd "mkdir %%AsmCabinetStore%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call logmsg.cmd "Failed to create temporary directory %%AsmCabinetStore%% for cabinets" goto :EOF ) REM REM extrace which is the base cabinet for all REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "cabarc.exe -p x %%AsmRoot%%\ %%AsmCabinetStore%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to extract the assembly cabinet %%i" goto :EOF ) REM REM there are other avaiable and need extract them REM for /L %%i in (1,1,100) do ( set CurrentAsmCabinet=%AsmRoot%\ REM REM if no more asms cabinet, exit the loop REM if not exist !CurrentAsmCabinet! ( set NumOfNextNewAsmsCab=%%i goto :Eof ) REM REM extrace thd cabinet into the Cabinet temporary directory REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "cabarc.exe -p x %%CurrentAsmCabinet%% %%AsmCabinetStore%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to extract the assembly cabinet %%i" goto :EOF ) call :ApplyPatchToAssemblyCabinet ) goto :Eof REM sub function PrepareBaseAssemblyCabinet End } REM sub function start { :ApplyPatchToAssemblyCabinet REM REM the reason to put patch-apply inside of the loop is to guarrantee the sequence of patches REM could be applied REM REM if there exists patches, apply patch based on base REM set OneAssemblyPatchFile= for /F %%I in ('dir /s/b %AsmCabinetStore%\assembly.patch') do ( set OneAssemblyPatchFile=%%I goto :FindPatchInAssembly ) if not "!OneAssemblyPatchFile!" == "" ( :FindPatchInAssembly for /F %%I in ('dir /s /b %%AsmCabinetStore%%assembly.patch') do ( set OneAssemblyPatchFile=%%I for /F %%w in ('type %%OneAssemblyPatchFile%%') do set AssemblyIdentityAttribute=%%w set AssemblyIdentityAttribute=!AssemblyIdentityAttribute:"=\"! for /F %%w in ('sxs_GetAsmDir.exe -AsmIdToAsmDir %%AssemblyIdentityAttribute%%') do set BaseAssemblyDirectory=%%w set PatchedAssemblyDir=%%~dpI REM REM for each .patch in the directory, apply patch REM for /F %%w in ('dir /s /b %%PatchedAssemblyDir%%*.patch') do ( if /i "%%~nxw" neq "assembly.patch" ( REM REM get the real filename by remove the ending extension ".patch" REM set PatchFileName=%%w set DllFileName=%%~nxw set DllFileName=!DllFileName:.patch=! set BaseDllFileName=%AsmCabinetStore%!BaseAssemblyDirectory!\!DllFileName! set TargetDllFileName=%%~pdw!DllFileName! REM REM wpatch.exe PatchFile BaseFile TargetFile REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "wpatch.exe %%PatchFileName%% %%BaseDllFileName%% %%TargetDllFileName%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to apply patch %%w to %%i %%BaseDllFileName%%" goto :EOF ) REM REM remove the xxx.dll.patch after apply it REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "del %%w" ) ) REM REM remove assembly.patch REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "del %%I" ) ) goto :Eof REM } REM sub Function CreateNewCabinet Begin { REM Function Description: REM create a directory REM for assemblies in asms( REM create a temporary directory to put files REM for each assembly( REM create x86_name_xxxx_hash directory under the cabinet directory REM locate its baseAssembly REM for all the files of this assembly ( REM if it is a manifest, or a catalog, REM put it into the cabinet directory REM else if it is a brand new file (not exist in the BaseAssembly) REM put it into the cabinet directory REM else REM make a patch based on BaseAssemblyDll REM put the patch into the directory REM ) REM ) REM ) :CreateNewCabinet set NewAssemblyCabinetDir=%TEMP%\%random% if exist %NewAssemblyCabinetDir% call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rmdir /s /q %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%" call ExecuteCmd.cmd "mkdir %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%" set NewAssemblyList=%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%\Assemblies.List @dir /s /b %AsmRoot%\asms\*.man > %NewAssemblyList% REM REM prepare cabarc.cmd line REM set CreateAsmCabinetCmd=cabarc.exe -p n %AsmRoot%\ set IsFirstFolderInCabinetCreated=0 for /F %%f in (%NewAssemblyList%) do ( set CurrentAssemblyPath=%%~dpf REM REM create one directory for an assembly REM for /F %%I in ('sxs_GetAsmDir.exe -manifestToAsmDir %%f') do set AssemblyFolder=%%I if "!AssemblyFolder!" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "AssemblyFolder generated is wrong\n"; goto :Eof ) if "!errorlevel!" == "1" ( call errmsg.cmd "sxs_GetAsmDir.exe -manifest %%f failed!" goto :Eof ) call ExecuteCmd.cmd "mkdir %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" if "!errorlevel!" == "1" ( call errmsg.cmd "create directory %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%% failed" goto :Eof ) call :GeneratePatchForOneAssembly if "!IsFirstFolderInCabinetCreated!"=="1" ( set CreateAsmCabinetCmd=!CreateAsmCabinetCmd! + ) else ( set IsFirstFolderInCabinetCreated=1 ) set CreateAsmCabinetCmd=!CreateAsmCabinetCmd! !AssemblyFolder!\*.* call logmsg.cmd "CreateAsmCabinetCmd is %%CreateAsmCabinetCmd%%" ) REM REM time to create a cabinet REM pushd %NewAssemblyCabinetDir%\ call ExecuteCmd.cmd "%%CreateAsmCabinetCmd%%" set error = !errorlevel! popd if "%error%"=="1" ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to create Cabinet for assemblies" goto :EOF ) REM REM nuke %AsmRoot%asms and make it empty: we want to keep this dir in the build anyway REM call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "rmdir /s /q %%AsmRoot%%\asms" call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "mkdir %%AsmRoot%%\asms" goto :Eof REM sub Function CreateNewCabinet End} REM sub Function GeneratePatchForOneAssembly Start{ :GeneratePatchForOneAssembly set BaseAssembly= REM REM find the possible Base Assembly from CabinetStore REM REM First Step: try to find base assembly with the same laguage ID REM if not "!AsmCabinetStore!" == "" ( for /F "tokens=1-6 delims=_" %%I in ('echo %%AssemblyFolder%%') do set PossibleBaseAssembly=%%I_%%J_%%K_*_%%M_* for /F %%I in ('dir /b /ad /o-n %%AsmCabinetStore%%%%PossibleBaseAssembly%%') do ( set BaseAssembly=%AsmCabinetStore%%%I goto :FoundBaseAssembly ) REM REM Second Step: try to find base assembly with whatever laguage ID REM for /F "tokens=1-6 delims=_" %%I in ('echo %%AssemblyFolder%%') do set PossibleBaseAssmelby=%%I_%%J_%%K_* for /F %%I in ('dir /b /ad /o-n %%PossibleBaseAssembly%%') do ( set BaseAssembly=%AsmCabinetStore%%%I goto :FoundBaseAssembly ) ) :FoundBaseAssembly REM REM for all files of this assembly, move it or its patch to the directory %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%% REM for /F %%I in ('dir /s /b %%CurrentAssemblyPath%%*.*') do ( REM REM for .man and .cat file, move it REM if /i "%%~xI" equ ".man" ( call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "%%myMove%% %%I %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" ) else ( if /i "%%~xI" equ ".cat" ( call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "%%myMove%% %%I %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" ) else ( if "%BaseAssembly%" == "" ( REM REM no BaseAssembly, just copy the file REM call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "%%myMove%% %%I %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" ) else ( REM REM create patch on BaseAssembly files REM set BaseAssemblyFile=%BaseAssembly%\%%~nxI if exist %BaseAssemblyFile%. ( REM REM create patch based on it REM set PatchFileName=%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%\%AssemblyFolder%\%%~nxI.patch call ExecuteCmd.cmd "mpatch.exe -NOCOMPARE -NOSYMS -NOPROGRESS -FAILBIGGER %%BaseAssemblyFile%% %%I %%PatchFileName%%" if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "%%myMove%% %%I %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" ) else ( REM REM generate assembly.patch REM if not exist %NewAssemblyCabinetDir%\%AssemblyFolder%\assembly.patch ( for /F %%I in ('dir /s/b %%BaseAssembly%%\*.man*') do set BaseManifestFileName=%%I for /F %%I in ('sxs_GetAsmDir.exe -manifestToAsmID %%BaseManifestFileName%%') do echo %%I > %NewAssemblyCabinetDir%\%AssemblyFolder%\assembly.patch ) ) ) else ( REM REM new file in assembly REM call ExecuteCmd.Cmd "%%myMove%% %%PatchFileName%% %%NewAssemblyCabinetDir%%\%%AssemblyFolder%%" ) ) ) ) ) goto :Eof REM sub Function GeneratePatchForOneAssembly ends} goto :Eof