@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ @REM @REM symcabgen.cmd - BarbKess @REM Generates symbols.cab @REM @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. @REM @REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin @perl -x "%~f0" %* @goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs; sub Usage { print< -d:destdir [-l ] -f filename of the cab (includes .cab) or the catalog file (does not include .CAT) -s DDF directoyr - this is where the makefile and the CDF files are located -t CAB or CAT to distinguish which is being created -d CAB or CAT destination directory USAGE parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'f:'=> \$ENV{FILENAME}, 's:'=> \$ENV{DDFDIR}, 't:'=> \$ENV{TYPE}, 'd:'=> \$ENV{DESTDIR}); # *** TEMPLATE CODE *** $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8); __END__ @:CPCBegin @set _CPCMAGIC= @setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS @if not defined DEBUG echo off @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW *** cd /d %ddfdir% if /i "%type%" == "CAT" ( call logmsg "Starting %filename%.CAT" echo started %filename%.CAT > %ddfdir%\temp\%filename%.txt makecat -v %ddfdir%\%filename%.CDF > %ddfdir%\%filename%.CAT.log copy %ddfdir%\%filename%.CAT %destdir%\%filename%.CAT del /f /q %ddfdir%\temp\%filename%.txt ) else ( call logmsg "Starting %filename%" echo started %filename% > %ddfdir%\temp\%filename%.txt for /f %%f in ('echo %filename%') do if exist %%~nf.txt del %%~nf.txt echo nmake %ddfdir%\makefile %destdir%\%filename% >> %ddfdir%\temp\%filename%.txt nmake makefile %destdir%\%filename% call :CompressMe %filename% %filename% del /f /q %ddfdir%\temp\%filename%.txt ) goto end :CompressMe set CabFileName=%~n1.cab set CabFileSpec=%~dp1..\cabs\%~n1.cab set DependenceFile=%~n2.txt set WholeListFile=%~dp2..\..\%Lang%.bak\ddf.bak\%~n2.txt.bak set DDFFileName=%~n1.ddf echo CabFileSpec=%CabFileSpec% echo WholeListFile=%WholeListFile% set IncrementalFiles= REM Check Exist symbols?.txt if not exist %DependenceFile% ( call logmsg "No need to regenerate the cab %CabFileName%" goto :EOF ) REM File is Zero for %%t in ('echo %WholeListFile%') do ( if "%%~zt"=="0" ( call logmsg "Nothing to do" goto :EOF ) ) for %%f in (%WholeListFile%) do md %%~dpf 2>nul REM Compare to determine fully or incremental if exist %WholeListFile% ( set /A DifferentFiles=0 fc %DependenceFile% %WholeListFile% if errorlevel 1 ( call logmsg "Create Incremental List" call :CreateList %DependenceFile% %DDFFileName% echo !IncrementalFiles! set /A DifferentFiles+=0 @echo !DifferentFiles! if !DifferentFiles! LEQ 10 ( @echo cabinc /s %CabFileSpec% !IncrementalFiles! cabinc /s %CabFileSpec% !IncrementalFiles! goto EndCabCreation ) ) ) set ThisErrFile=%DDFFileName%.Output call logmsg.cmd "Create Whole Cab %CabFileName%" call logmsg.cmd "%DDFFileName%: Issuing makecab directive ..." call logmsg.cmd "Output is in %ThisErrFile% ..." call ExecuteCmd.cmd "makecab.exe /f %DDFFileName%" if %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "%CabFileName% : Failed to create cab ... here's the errors ..." for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in (%ThisErrFile%) do ( call errmsg.cmd "%%a" ) ) else ( call logmsg.cmd "%CabFileName% : Cab generation successful ..." REM Backup if is first time succesfuly ran if not exist %WholeListFile% ( copy %DependenceFile% %WholeListFile% if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg "Copy Failed. - %DependenceFile%" goto :EOF ) ) ) :EndCabCreation copy %DependenceFile% %DependenceFile%.bak del %DependenceFile% goto :EOF :CreateList set DependenceFileName=%1 set DDFFileName=%2 for /f %%a in (%DependenceFileName%) do ( for /f "tokens=1,2" %%m in ('findstr /ilc:%%a %DDFFileName%') do ( set /A DifferentFiles+=1 set IncrementalFiles=!IncrementalFiles! %%n %%m ) ) goto :EOF :end seterror.exe "%errors%"& goto :EOF