@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM staledfs.cmd REM List and/or purge the stale DFS links for \\ntdev\release. REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM Version: < 1.0 > 09/06/2001 Suemiao Rossignol REM Version: < 2.0 > 07/17/2002 Jorge Peraza REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use Logmsg; use ParseArgs; use File::Basename; use BuildName; use GetIniSetting; use hashtext; use comlib; use LockProc; require $ENV{'sdxroot'} . '\TOOLS\sendmsg.pl'; my $scriptname = basename( $0 ); sub Usage { print< [-b:] [-purge|-mail:] [-a] -l Language. Default is "usa". -n Build Number. -b Branch. Default is "main". -purge Option to purge stale link(s). Default is listing stale link(s) only. -a All languages (USA servers) -ae All languages (EU servers) -mail Send mails. -? Display Usage. Example: $scriptname $scriptname -b:idw $scriptname -l:ger USAGE exit(1) } my ( $buildNo, $branch, $isPurge,$isPurgeds, $isSendMail,,@lSendMail, $isPowerLess ); my ( $dfsRoot, $lockObj, %dfsMap ); my ( $dash, $dot, $totcnt, $totdwn , @staleList, @mailList, @mailDwList, @downList); my ( $isAllLangs, $isAllELangs, $sTie); GetParams(); Init(); if(Run()==0) { #Set error level to 1 exit(1); } exit(0); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Init { splice(@staleList, 0); splice(@mailList, 0); splice(@mailDwList, 0); splice(@downList, 0); $totcnt=0; $totdwn=0; if($sTie ne "") { logmsg( "Lauguage .....[$sTie]" ); } logmsg( "Build Number.....[$buildNo]" ); logmsg( "Branch...........[$branch]" ); logmsg( "Temp Log file ...[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" ); logmsg( "Temp Error file .[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" ); } sub Run { my $sTieTo; if($isAllLangs) { $sTieTo = "usa"; } elsif($isAllELangs ) { $sTieTo = "es"; } else { $sTieTo = $sTie; } if(!TieDFS($sTieTo)) { return 0; } if( !&ListStaleLinks($sTie) ) { return 0; } if( $isPurge ) { return 0 if( !&PurgeDFSLinks($sTieTo) ); } if( $isSendMail ) { if(($totcnt+$totdwn)!=0) { return 0 if( !&SendMail() ); } } return 1; } sub GetParams { my $sSendMail; parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'n:' => \$buildNo, 'b:' => \$branch, 'mail:' =>\$sSendMail, 'a' => \$isAllLangs, 'ae' => \$isAllELangs, 'purge' => \$isPurge, 'purgeds' => \$isPurgeds, 'p' =>\$isPowerLess ); $branch = "main" if( !$branch ); if($sSendMail) { $isSendMail = 1; @lSendMail = split("#",$sSendMail); } $sTie = "."; if(!( $isAllLangs || $isAllELangs) ) { $sTie = $ENV{lang}; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub TieDFS { my $sLang; $sLang = shift; ##### Tie DFS view to hash object return 0 if( !&comlib::TieDfsView($sLang, $branch, \%dfsMap )); $dfsRoot = ( tied %dfsMap )->GetDfsRoot(); return 1; } sub findServ { my $sNew = shift; #Find the sNew Server in the list passed as parameter to the function if(grep(($_ eq $sNew),@_)) { return 1; } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ListStaleLinks { my (@mList, $outstr, $outstrM); my $sLang = shift; return 0 if( !( tied %dfsMap )->ParseShare($sLang,"",$branch,"","","",\@mList) ); logmsg( $dash ); for my $theShare ( @mList ) { # continue when the share exists in the release server $theShare =~ /^(\\\\[^\\]+)(\\[^\\]+)(.*)$/; my $server = $1; my $curShare = "$1$2"; next if( -e $curShare ); next if( $buildNo && $curShare !~ /$buildNo/ ); next if( $curShare !~ /$branch/ ); # parse the server my $msg; # print the link-share pair for my $theLink( @{$dfsMap{ $theShare }} ) { if($sLang ne "") { next if( $theLink !~ /$sLang/i ); } my $link = "$dfsRoot\\$theLink"; if( system( "net view $server >nul 2>nul" )) { $msg = " *** [$server] is current down"; $totdwn++; push( @downList, "$link $theShare" ); $outstr = sprintf("\nDFS Link: %s\nShare: %s%s\n", $link, $theShare, $msg); $outstrM = sprintf("
DFS Link:%s
Missing Share: %s", $link, $link, $theShare,$theShare); if( $isSendMail ) { if(!findServ($server,@mailDwList)) { push( @mailDwList, $server ); } } } else { $msg = "Missing Share"; $totcnt++; push( @staleList, "$link $theShare" ); $outstr = sprintf("\nDFS Link: %s\nShare: %s ** %s\n", $link, $theShare, $msg); $outstrM = sprintf("
DFS Link:%s
Share: %s", $msg,$link, $link, $theShare,$theShare); if( $isSendMail ) { push( @mailList, $outstrM ); } } logmsg( $outstr ); } } logmsg( "Total [$totcnt] stale dfs links." ); logmsg( "Total [$totdwn] down servers." ); if( !$isPurge && $totcnt ) { logmsg( "Run [staledfs.cmd -l: -purge] to purge the above stale links" ); } logmsg( $dash ); return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub PurgeDFSLinks { my $sLang = shift; logmsg( $dash ); if( !($totcnt + $totdwn) ) { logmsg( "No stale links found. Exit" ); return 1; } ##### Apply Semaphore lock return 0 if ( !&comlib::LockProcess( $sLang, $branch, \$lockObj ) ); ##### Interaction through the stale lists my $choice = (-1); while( $choice > 3 || $choice < 1 ) { printf("\n$dot\n$dot\nDo you want to Un-map the above %d link(s) (1)Yes for all (2)Yes for selection (3)Quit? ", $totcnt); chomp( $choice= ); if( $choice == 1 ) { print "\n$dot\n$dot\nConfirm un-map all the above link(s). (1)Yes. (2)No. "; chomp( $choice= ); last if( $choice == 1); $choice = (-1); } } if( $choice == 3 ){ $lockObj->Unlock(); return 1; } my $cnt=0; my @sharePath=(); push @staleList, @downList; foreach ( @staleList ) { my @tmp = split( /\s/, $_); my $theLink = $tmp[0]; my $theShare = $tmp[1]; my $cmdLine = "dfscmd /remove $theLink $theShare"; if( $choice != 1 ) { my $outstr = sprintf("$dash\n-(%03d)-\n%s\n%s",(++$cnt), $theLink, $theShare ); logmsg( $outstr ); my $choice2 = (-1); while( $choice2 > 3 || $choice2 < 1 ) { print "$dot\nDo you want to Un-map the above link (1)Yes (2)Skip (3)Quit? " ; chomp( $choice2= ); } if ( $choice2 == 3){ $lockObj->Unlock(); return 1; } next if( $choice2 == 2); } if( $isPowerLess ) { logmsg( $cmdLine ); } else { &comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ); } } $lockObj->Unlock(); return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SendMail { my ( $mailFrom, $mailMsg ,$mailSubject); if(!($isAllLangs||$isAllELangs)) { $mailSubject = $totcnt+$totdwn . " Stale DFS Links found for \"$branch - $ENV{lang}\""; } else { $mailSubject = $totcnt+$totdwn . " Stale DFS Links found for \"$branch\""; } my $mailFrom = "ntbldi"; if( $ENV{lang} =~ /usa/i || $ENV{lang} =~ /ger/i || $ENV{lang} =~ /jpn/i || $ENV{lang} =~ /fr/i ) { $mailFrom = "y-ntbld"; } $mailMsg = "

The DFS $dfsRoot was examined and found to have stale links and/or release servers that were unreachable. This will cause people to be unable to access the builds listed below.

A builder needs to investigate and correct these issues ASAP!

"; if(!($isAllLangs||$isAllELangs)) { $mailMsg .= "
Servers Down:
$totdwn DFS links for $branch $ENV{lang} point to servers that are down.

"; } else { $mailMsg .= "
Servers Down
$totdwn DFS links for $branch point to servers that are down.

"; } $mailMsg .= "$_
" for ( @mailDwList ); if(!($isAllLangs||$isAllELangs)) { $mailMsg .= "

Stale Links
$totcnt DFS links for $branch $ENV{lang}

"; } else { $mailMsg .= "

Stale Links
$totcnt DFS links for $branch

"; } $mailMsg .= "$_
" for ( @mailList ); $mailMsg .= "
Run staledfs.cmd -l:[lang] -purge, to purge the above stale links
"; $mailMsg .= "

This email was automatically generated by staledfs.cmd

"; $mailMsg .= "
"; $mailMsg .= "

Windows International Build Team :

NT Build Lab 26N/2233 - x34613

"; if( sendmsg ('-v', $mailFrom, $mailSubject, $mailMsg,"content:text/html",@lSendMail)) { print "WARNING: sendmsg failed!\n"; return 0; } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1;