!255 compliant !508 compliant !able-bodied###people without disabilities !abu musa !accessibility compliant !accessible person###people without disabilities !aksai chin !america !azad kashmir bakassi peninsula !basque country !binghi###aboriginal (australian) !boong###aboriginal (australian) brazilian portuguese###portuguese (brazil) britain###united kingdom !burma###myanmar !capital###capital/major city !capitals###capitals/major cities !china taiwan###taiwan !chink###chinese chow###chinese !colony of the falkland islands###falkland islands (islas malvinas) !confined to a wheelchair !countries###countries/regions !country###country/region !cp victim !crippled !czechoslovakia !dago danger islands###pukapuka !disabled people###people with disabilities !dokdo !dumb person !era of republic of china###year of taiwan !euskadi !euskal herria !falkland###falkland islands (islas malvinas) !falkland islands###falkland islands (islas malvinas) !falklands###falkland islands (islas malvinas) far east###asia far eastern###asian fiji###fiji islands final solution !first world gaza strip !golan heights !goori###maori great britain###united kingdom hala'ib triangle hawar islands !healthy person###people without disabilities !hearing-impaired hong kong###hong kong sar !iberian portuguese###portuguese (portugal) ilemi triangle !is afflicted by ms###has multiple sclerosis !is an epileptic !islas malvinas###falkland islands (islas malvinas) itie###italian !ivory coast###côte d’ivoire !jammu and kashmir kanaka###pacific islander !kashmir kasikili island kiwi###new zealander !kurdish !kurdistan kuril islands !lame person leningrad###st. petersburg !liancourt rocks !londonderry###londonderry (derry) !lubra###aboriginal woman (australian) macau###macau sar !macedonia###former yugoslav republic of macedonia !macedonian###macedonian (fyrom) !malvinas###falkland islands (islas malvinas) !manchuria !mentally defective !mentally handicapped !mute person nagorno-karabakh navassa island !nigger !nigger head !normal person###people without disabilities north minerva reef###teleki tokelau !northern areas !northern cyprus oriental !palestine !paracel islands !país vasco pelorus reef###ata penrhyn###tongareva !people with handicaps###people with disabilities pommyland###united kingdom portuguese (brazilian)###portuguese (brazil) !portuguese (iberian)###portuguese (portugal) !portuguese (standard)###portuguese (portugal) pystaart###ata quaky isles###new zealand !r o c###taiwan !r.o.c.###taiwan !r.o.c. calendar !regular person###people without disabilities !republic of china###taiwan !republic of macedonia###former yugoslav republic of macedonia republic of venezuela###bolivarian republic of venezuela !restricted to a wheelchair !retarded !roc###taiwan !roc calendar rockall island !scotch###scottish, scots !section 508 !seeing-impaired !senkaku islands seppo###american (usa) septic tank###american (usa) shaky isles###new zealand !sight-impaired !slow learner south korea###korea south minerva reef###teleki tonga spanish (modern) !spanish (standard)###spanish (spain) spanish (traditional) !spratly islands !standard portuguese###portuguese (portugal) !stricken by md###has muscular dystrophy !taipei, china###taipei !taipei, p.r.c.###taipei !taipei, people's republic of china###tapei !taiwan !taiwan (region)###taiwan !taiwan nation###taiwan !taiwan national###taiwanese !taiwan region###taiwan !taiwan region, china###taiwan !taiwan region, prc###taiwan !taiwan sar###taiwan !taiwan, china###taiwan !taiwan, p.r.c.###taiwan !taiwan, people's republic of china###taiwan !taiwan, prc###taiwan !taiwan, province of china###taiwan !take-shima tasmaniac###tasmanian !the disabled###people with disabilities !the handicapped###people with disabilities !third world !tok-do !tunb islands !USSR !vision-impaired !wai compliant !west bank !western sahara !western samoa###samoa !wheelchair-bound !year of republic of china###year of taiwan !year of the republic of china !zaire###congo (drc)