[info] drivername=.NET CLR Data symbolfile=_DataPerfCounters.h [languages] 009=language009 [objects] OBJECT_1_009_NAME=.NET CLR Data [text] OBJECT_1_009_NAME=.NET CLR Data OBJECT_1_009_HELP=.Net CLR Data DEVICE_COUNTER_1_009_NAME=SqlClient: Current # pooled and nonpooled connections DEVICE_COUNTER_1_009_HELP=Current number of connections, pooled or not. DEVICE_COUNTER_2_009_NAME=SqlClient: Current # pooled connections DEVICE_COUNTER_2_009_HELP=Current number of connections in all pools associated with the process. DEVICE_COUNTER_3_009_NAME=SqlClient: Current # connection pools DEVICE_COUNTER_3_009_HELP=Current number of pools associated with the process. DEVICE_COUNTER_4_009_NAME=SqlClient: Peak # pooled connections DEVICE_COUNTER_4_009_HELP=The highest number of connections in all pools since the process started. DEVICE_COUNTER_5_009_NAME=SqlClient: Total # failed connects DEVICE_COUNTER_5_009_HELP=The total number of connection open attempts that have failed for any reason. DEVICE_COUNTER_6_009_NAME=SqlClient: Total # failed commands DEVICE_COUNTER_6_009_HELP=The total number of command executes that have failed for any reason.