* Copyright (c) 1999  Microsoft Corporation
* Module Name:
*   PathWidener.hpp
* Abstract:
*   Class used for Path widening
* Revision History:
*   11/24/99 ikkof
*       Created it.


enum GpLineCapMode
    LineCapDefaultMode = 0,
    LineCapDashMode = 1

class GpPathWidener
    // We now use an ObjectTag to determine if the object is valid
    // instead of using a BOOL.  This is much more robust and helps
    // with debugging.  It also enables us to version our objects
    // more easily with a version number in the ObjectTag.
    ObjectTag           Tag;    // Keep this as the 1st value in the object!

    VOID SetValid(BOOL valid)
        Tag = valid ? ObjectTagPathWidener : ObjectTagInvalid;


        const GpPointF* points,
        const BYTE* types,
        INT count,
        const DpPen* pen,
        const GpMatrix* matrix,
        REAL dpiX,
        REAL dpiY,
        BOOL isAntiAliased,
        BOOL isInsetPen = FALSE
        GpPath *path,
        const DpPen* pen,
        const GpMatrix* matrix,
        REAL dpiX,
        REAL dpiY,
        BOOL isAntiAliased,
        BOOL isInsetPen = FALSE
        const GpPointF* points = path->GetPathPoints();
        const BYTE* types = path->GetPathTypes();
        INT count = path->GetPointCount();


        const GpPointF* points,
        const BYTE* types,
        INT count,
        const DpPen* pen,
        const GpMatrix* matrix,
        REAL dpiX,
        REAL dpiY,
        BOOL isAntiAliased,
        BYTE* centerTypesBuffer,
        GpPointF* centerPointsBuffer,
        GpPointF* gradientsBuffer,
        GpPointF* normalsBuffer,
        BYTE* leftTypesBuffer,
        GpPointF* leftPointsBuffer,
        BYTE* rightTypesBuffer,
        GpPointF* rightPointsBuffer,
        INT bufferCount,
        BOOL isInsetPen = FALSE
        ) : CenterTypes(centerTypesBuffer, bufferCount),
            CenterPoints(centerPointsBuffer, bufferCount),
            Gradients(gradientsBuffer, bufferCount),
            Normals(normalsBuffer, bufferCount),
            LeftTypes(leftTypesBuffer, bufferCount),
            LeftPoints(leftPointsBuffer, bufferCount),
            RightTypes(rightTypesBuffer, bufferCount),
            RightPoints(rightPointsBuffer, bufferCount)
        Initialize(points, types, count, pen, matrix, dpiX, dpiY,
            isAntiAliased, isInsetPen);

        SetValid(FALSE);    // so we don't use a deleted object

    GpStatus Widen(
        DynPointFArray* widenedPoints,
        DynByteArray* widenedTypes
    GpStatus Widen(GpPath **path);

    BOOL IsValid() const
        ASSERT((Tag == ObjectTagPathWidener) || (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid)); 
    #if DBG
        if (Tag == ObjectTagInvalid)
            WARNING1("Invalid PathWidener");

        return (Tag == ObjectTagPathWidener);

    REAL GetPenDelta();

    VOID Initialize(
        const GpPointF* points,
        const BYTE* types,
        INT count,
        const DpPen* pen,
        const GpMatrix* matrix,
        REAL dpiX,
        REAL dpiY,
        BOOL isAntiAliased,
        BOOL isInsetPen = FALSE

    GpStatus WidenSubpath(
        DynPointFArray* widenedPoints,
        DynByteArray* widenedTypes,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        INT startIndex,
        INT endIndex,
        BOOL isClosed,
        GpLineCap startCap,
        GpLineCap endCap,
        BOOL useBevelJoinInside

    GpStatus CalculateGradients(
        INT startIndex,
        INT endIndex

    GpStatus CalculateNormals(
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth

    GpStatus SetPolygonJoin(
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        BOOL isAntialiased

    GpStatus SetStartCapInset(
        REAL inset
        Inset1 = inset;

        return Ok;

    GpStatus SetEndCapInset(
        REAL inset
        Inset2 = inset;

        return Ok;
    VOID WidenFirstPoint(
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        GpLineJoin lineJoin,
        REAL miterLimit2,
        GpPointF* leftPoints,
        BYTE* leftTypes,
        INT* addedLeftCount,
        GpPointF* rightPoints,
        BYTE* rightTypes,
        INT* addedRightCount,
        GpPointF* leftEndPt,
        GpPointF* rightEndPt,
        const GpPointF* grad,
        const GpPointF* norm,
        const GpPointF* dataPoints,
        INT dataCount,
        GpPointF* lastPt,
        const REAL* firstInsets,
        INT flag

        BYTE pathType,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        GpLineJoin lineJoin,
        REAL miterLimit2,
        GpPointF* leftPoints,
        BYTE* leftTypes,
        INT* addedLeftCount,
        GpPointF* rightPoints,
        BYTE* rightTypes,
        INT* addedRightCount,
        const GpPointF* grad,
        const GpPointF* norm,
        const GpPointF* dataPoints,
        INT dataCount,
        GpPointF* lastPt,
        const REAL* lastInsets,
        INT flag

        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        GpLineJoin lineJoin,
        REAL miterLimit2,
        GpPointF* leftPoints,
        BYTE* leftTypes,
        INT* addedLeftCount,
        GpPointF* rightPoints,
        BYTE* rightTypes,
        INT* addedRightCount,
        const GpPointF* grad,
        const GpPointF* norm,
        const GpPointF* dataPoints,
        INT dataCount,
        GpPointF* lastPt,
        const REAL* lastInsets,
        INT flag

        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        GpLineJoin lineJoin,
        REAL miterLimit2,
        GpPointF* leftPoints,
        BYTE* leftTypes,
        INT* addedLeftCount,
        GpPointF* rightPoints,
        BYTE* rightTypes,
        INT* addedRightCount,
        const GpPointF* grad,
        const GpPointF* norm,
        const GpPointF* dataPoints,
        INT dataCount,
        GpPointF* lastPt,
        const REAL* lastInsets,
        INT flag
    GpStatus SetCaps(
        GpLineCap startCap,
        GpLineCap endCap,
        const GpPointF& startPoint,
        const GpPointF& startGrad,
        const GpPointF& startNorm,
        const GpPointF& endPoint,
        const GpPointF& endGrad,
        const GpPointF& endNorm,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        const GpPointF *points,
        INT pointCount

    GpStatus SetCustomFillCaps(
        GpCustomLineCap* customStartCap,
        GpCustomLineCap* customEndCap,
        const GpPointF& startPoint,
        const GpPointF& endPoint,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        const GpPointF *centerPoints,
        const BYTE *centerTypes,
        INT centerPointCount,
        DynPointFArray *startCapPoints,
        DynPointFArray *endCapPoints,
        DynByteArray *startCapTypes,
        DynByteArray *endCapTypes

    GpStatus SetCustomStrokeCaps(
        GpCustomLineCap* customStartCap,
        GpCustomLineCap* customEndCap,
        const GpPointF& startPoint,
        const GpPointF& endPoint,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        const GpPointF *centerPoints,
        const BYTE *centerTypes,
        INT centerPointCount,
        DynPointFArray *startCapPoints,
        DynPointFArray *endCapPoints,
        DynByteArray *startCapTypes,
        DynByteArray *endCapTypes

    GpStatus SetRoundCap(
        const GpPointF& point,
        const GpPointF& grad,
        BOOL isStartCap,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth
    GpStatus SetDoubleRoundCap(
        const GpPointF& point,
        const GpPointF& grad,
        BOOL isStartCap,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth

    GpStatus SetTriangleCap(
        const GpPointF& point,
        const GpPointF& grad,
        BOOL isStartCap,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        const GpPointF *points,
        INT pointCount

    GpStatus CombineSubpathOutlines(
        DynPointFArray* widenedPoints,
        DynByteArray* widenedTypes,
        BOOL isClosed,
        BOOL closeStartCap = FALSE,
        BOOL closeEndCap = FALSE
    GpStatus CombineClosedCaps(
        DynPointFArray* widenedPoints,
        DynByteArray* widenedTypes,
        DynPointFArray *daStartCapPoints,
        DynPointFArray *daEndCapPoints,
        DynByteArray *daStartCapTypes,
        DynByteArray *daEndCapTypes

    GpStatus AddCompoundCaps(
        DynPointFArray* widenedPoints,
        DynByteArray* widenedTypes,
        REAL leftWidth,
        REAL rightWidth,
        INT startIndex,
        INT endIndex,
        GpLineCap startCap,
        GpLineCap endCap
    REAL GetSubpathPenMiterDelta(BOOL isClosed);

    DpPathIterator Iterator;
	DynByteArray CenterTypes;
    DynPointFArray CenterPoints;
    DynPointFArray Gradients;
    DynPointFArray Normals;

    DynByteArray LeftTypes;
    DynPointFArray LeftPoints;
    DynByteArray RightTypes;
    DynPointFArray RightPoints;

    BOOL InsetPenMode;           // are we doing inset pen using a center pen.
    const DpPen* Pen;
    GpMatrix XForm;
    GpMatrix InvXForm;
    REAL UnitScale;             // Scale factor for Page to Device units
    REAL StrokeWidth;
    REAL OriginalStrokeWidth;   // StrokeWidth is clamped to a minimum value
                                // but OriginalStrokeWidth is actual transformed
                                // pen width.
    REAL MinimumWidth;
    REAL MaximumWidth;
    BOOL IsAntiAliased;
    BOOL NeedsToTransform;
    BOOL NeedsToAdjustNormals;

    REAL DpiX;
    REAL DpiY;

    DynPointFArray JoinPolygonPoints;
    DynRealArray JoinPolygonAngles;

    // CapTypes1 and CapPoints1 are used for the start cap and left join.

    DynByteArray CapTypes1;
    DynPointFArray CapPoints1;
    REAL Inset1;    // Inset value for the starting position.
    // CapTypes2 and CapPoints2 are used for the end cap and right join.

    DynByteArray CapTypes2;
    DynPointFArray CapPoints2;
    REAL Inset2;    // Inset value for the ending position.
