rem @ECHO OFF REM Allows the appvpkg.exe to be built, but not as part of the postbuild process. REM This file assumes that all of the necessary binaries have been built and REM binplaced to their correct locations. REM rparsons - 14 Jan 02 @echo Building Application Verifier package... del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\appvpkg.exe del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\ del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\delta_xp.cdf del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\ del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\delta_net.cdf mkdir %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\acverfyr.dll %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\appverif.exe %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\appverif.chm %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp REM REM Generate the catalog file to be used for Windows XP. REM call deltacat.cmd -5.1 %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\ %_NTPostBld%\appverif\ copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\delta.cdf %_NTPostBld%\appverif\delta_xp.cdf del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\ del /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\delta.cdf REM REM Generate the catalog file to be used for .NET Server. REM call deltacat.cmd -5.2 %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\ %_NTPostBld%\appverif\ copy /y %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp\delta.cdf %_NTPostBld%\appverif\delta_net.cdf rd /s /q %_NTPostBld%\appverif\temp pushd %_NTPostBld%\appverif %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\Package\bin\iexpress /M /N %_NTPostBld%\appverif\appvpkg.sed popd