/*++ Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Outlook97.cpp Abstract: Investigation by zekel. Outlook 97 has an untested code-path: where iIndex == -173 and hInstDll == hinstShell32 ... else if (iIndex < 0) { pThis->m_nEnumWant = 0; pThis->EnumIconFunc(hInstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(-iIndex), &iepStuff); } which will always fault, i.e. since iIndex used to be positive, this always worked. Notes: This is an app specific shim. History: 06/15/2001 linstev Created --*/ #include "precomp.h" IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(Outlook97) #include "ShimHookMacro.h" APIHOOK_ENUM_BEGIN APIHOOK_ENUM_ENTRY(SHGetFileInfoA) APIHOOK_ENUM_END /*++ Fix faulting case. --*/ DWORD_PTR APIHOOK(SHGetFileInfoA)( LPCSTR pszPath, DWORD dwFileAttributes, SHFILEINFOA *psfi, UINT cbFileInfo, UINT uFlags ) { DWORD_PTR dwRet = ORIGINAL_API(SHGetFileInfoA)(pszPath, dwFileAttributes, psfi, cbFileInfo, uFlags); if (dwRet && ((uFlags & (SHGFI_ICONLOCATION | SHGFI_PIDL)) == (SHGFI_ICONLOCATION | SHGFI_PIDL))) { // // Check to see if this is shell32, IDI_FAVORITES // Outlook faults if we return a negative index here // if (psfi->iIcon == -173 && stristr(psfi->szDisplayName, "shell32")) { LOGN(eDbgLevelError, "Negative icon id detected - fixing"); psfi->iIcon = 0; psfi->szDisplayName[0] = 0; } } return dwRet; } /*++ Register hooked functions --*/ HOOK_BEGIN APIHOOK_ENTRY(SHELL32.DLL, SHGetFileInfoA) HOOK_END IMPLEMENT_SHIM_END