/*++ Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: CSTRING.cpp Abstract: The code for the CSTRING and the CSTRINGLIST Author: kinshu created December 12, 2001 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The string class // // CSTRING::CSTRING() /*++ CSTRING::CSTRING() Desc: Constructor --*/ { Init(); } CSTRING::CSTRING(CSTRING& Str) /*++ CSTRING::CSTRING(CSTRING& Str) Desc: Constructor Params: CSTRING& Str: Another string. --*/ { Init(); SetString(Str.pszString); } CSTRING::CSTRING(IN LPCTSTR szString) /*++ CSTRING::CSTRING(IN LPCTSTR szString) Desc: Constructor Params: IN LPCTSTR szString: The CSTRING should have this as its value --*/ { Init(); SetString(szString); } CSTRING::CSTRING(IN UINT uID) /*++ CSTRING::CSTRING(IN UINT uID) Desc: Constructor. Loads the string resource with resource id uID and sets that to this string Params: IN UINT uID: The resource id for the string that we want to load --*/ { Init(); SetString(uID); } CSTRING::~CSTRING() /*++ CSTRING::~CSTRING() Desc: Destructor --*/ { Release(); } void CSTRING::Init( void ) /*++ CSTRING::Init Desc: Does some initialisation stuff --*/ { pszString = NULL; pszANSI = NULL; } inline void CSTRING::Release( void ) /*++ CSTRING::Release Desc: Frees the data associated with this string --*/ { if (NULL != pszString) { delete[] pszString; } if (NULL != pszANSI) { delete[] pszANSI; } pszString = NULL; pszANSI = NULL; } inline BOOL CSTRING::SetString( IN UINT uID ) /*++ Desc: Loads the string resource with resource id uId and sets that to this string Params: IN UINT uID: The resource id for the string that we want to load Return: TRUE: String value set successfully FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { TCHAR szString[1024]; if (0 != LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), uID, szString, ARRAYSIZE(szString))) { return SetString(szString); } return FALSE; } inline BOOL CSTRING::SetString( IN LPCTSTR pszStringIn ) /*++ CSTRING::SetString Desc: Frees the current data for this string and assigns a new string value to it Params: IN LPCTSTR pszStringIn: Pointer to the new string Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { UINT uLen = 0; if (pszString == pszStringIn) { return TRUE; } Release(); if (NULL == pszStringIn) { return TRUE; } uLen = lstrlen(pszStringIn) + 1; try { pszString = new TCHAR[uLen]; } catch(...) { pszString = NULL; } if (NULL != pszString) { SafeCpyN(pszString, pszStringIn, uLen); } else { MEM_ERR; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void __cdecl CSTRING::Sprintf( IN LPCTSTR szFormat, ... ) /*++ CSTRING::Sprintf Desc: Please see _vsntprintf Params: Please see _vsntprintf Return: void --*/ { K_SIZE k_pszTemp = MAX_STRING_SIZE; PTSTR pszTemp = new TCHAR[k_pszTemp]; INT cch = 0; va_list list; HRESULT hr; if (pszTemp == NULL) { MEM_ERR; goto End; } if (szFormat == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); goto End; } va_start(list, szFormat); hr = StringCchVPrintf(pszTemp, k_pszTemp, szFormat, list); if (hr != S_OK) { DBGPRINT((sdlError,("CSTRING::Sprintf"), ("%s"), TEXT("Too long for StringCchVPrintf()"))); goto End; } pszTemp[k_pszTemp - 1] = 0; SetString(pszTemp); End: if (pszTemp) { delete[] pszTemp; pszTemp = NULL; } } UINT CSTRING::Trim( void ) /*++ CSTRING::Trim Desc: Removes white spaces tabs from the left and right of this string Params: void Return: The length of the final string --*/ { CSTRING szTemp = *this; UINT uOrig_length = Length(); WCHAR* pStart = szTemp.pszString; WCHAR* pEnd = szTemp.pszString + uOrig_length - 1; UINT nLength = 0; if (pStart == NULL) { nLength = 0; goto End; } while (*pStart == TEXT(' ') || *pStart == TEXT('\t')) { ++pStart; } while ((pEnd >= pStart) && (*pEnd == TEXT(' ') || *pEnd == TEXT('\t'))) { --pEnd; } *(pEnd + 1) = TEXT('\0'); nLength = pEnd - pStart + 1; // // If no trimming has been done, return right away // if (uOrig_length == nLength || pStart == szTemp.pszString) { return nLength; } SetString(pStart); End: return(nLength); } BOOL CSTRING::SetChar( IN int nPos, IN TCHAR chValue ) /*++ CSTRING::SetChar Desc: Sets the character at position nPos of the string to chValue Pos is 0 based Params: IN int nPos: The position IN TCHAR chValue: The new value Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { int length = Length(); if (nPos >= length || nPos < 0 || length <= 0) { return FALSE; } pszString[nPos] = chValue; return TRUE; } BOOL CSTRING::GetChar( IN int nPos, OUT TCHAR* pchReturn ) /*++ CSTRING::GetChar Desc: Gets the character at position nPos in the string Params: IN int nPos: The position of the character OUT TCHAR* pchReturn: This will store the character Return: void --*/ { int length = Length(); if (nPos >= length || length <= 0 || pchReturn == NULL) { return FALSE; } *pchReturn = pszString[nPos]; return TRUE; } CSTRING CSTRING::SpecialCharToXML( IN BOOL bApphelpMessage ) /*++ CSTRING::SpecialCharToXML Desc: Substitutes the special chars such as & with the correct XML string Please note that this function returns a new string and DOES NOT modify the existing string Params: IN BOOL bApphelpMessage: Whether this is an apphelp message. For apphelp messages we should NOT check for <, > but check for &, " Return: The new string if we made some changes, otherwise the present string --*/ { TCHAR* pszBuffer = NULL; TCHAR* pszIndex = pszString; TCHAR* pszIndexBuffer = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; CSTRING strTemp; INT iRemainingsize; INT iBuffSize = 0; strTemp = GetString(IDS_UNKNOWN); // // Some vendor names might be NULL. // if (pszString == NULL) { return strTemp; } iBuffSize = max((Length() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2, MAX_STRING_SIZE); // 2 at the end because some special chars may need to be expanded pszBuffer = new TCHAR[iBuffSize]; if (pszBuffer == NULL) { MEM_ERR; return *this; } pszIndexBuffer = pszBuffer; iRemainingsize = iBuffSize / sizeof(TCHAR); INT iCount = sizeof(g_rgSpecialCharMap) / sizeof(g_rgSpecialCharMap[0]); while (*pszIndex) { INT iArrayIndex = 0; for (iArrayIndex = 0; iArrayIndex < iCount; ++iArrayIndex) { if (bApphelpMessage && (*pszIndex == TEXT('>') || *pszIndex == TEXT('<'))) { // // Apphelp messages can have

, so we should not change them // continue; } if (g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][0].szString[0] == *pszIndex) { bFound = TRUE; SafeCpyN(pszIndexBuffer, g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].szString, iRemainingsize); iRemainingsize = iRemainingsize - g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].iLength; if (iRemainingsize <= 1) { // // No space in buffer now // // // If we did not manage to copy the entire substring, make sure that we do not copy a part. This will // be an invalid XML // *pszIndexBuffer = 0; goto End; } pszIndexBuffer += g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].iLength; break; } } if (iArrayIndex == iCount) { // // This is not a special char // *pszIndexBuffer = *pszIndex; iRemainingsize = iRemainingsize - 1; if (iRemainingsize <= 1) { // // No space in buffer now // // // Point to the end of the buffer, we will be nulling it at the end // pszIndexBuffer = pszBuffer + (iBuffSize / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1; goto End; } ++pszIndexBuffer; } pszIndex++; } End: if (pszIndexBuffer) { *pszIndexBuffer = 0; } if (bFound) { // // Some special chars were found // strTemp = pszBuffer; if (pszBuffer) { delete[] pszBuffer; pszBuffer = NULL; } return strTemp; } // // Free the allocated buffer // if (pszBuffer) { delete[] pszBuffer; pszBuffer = NULL; } return *this; } TCHAR* CSTRING::XMLToSpecialChar( void ) /*++ CSTRING::XMLToSpecialChar Desc: Substitutes the strings such as & with the normals characters such as & Please note that this function DOES modify the existing string Params: void Return: The pointer to the pszString member of this string --*/ { if (pszString == NULL) { assert(FALSE); Dbg(dlError, "CSTRING::XMLToSpecialChar - Invalid value of memeber pszString"); return NULL; } TCHAR* pszBuffer = NULL; TCHAR* pszIndex = pszString; TCHAR* pszEnd = pszString + Length() - 1; TCHAR* pszIndexBuffer = NULL; BOOL bFound = FALSE; INT iRemainingsize; INT iBuffSize = 0; iBuffSize = (Length() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); pszBuffer = new TCHAR[iBuffSize]; if (pszBuffer == NULL) { MEM_ERR; return *this; } pszIndexBuffer = pszBuffer; iRemainingsize = iBuffSize / sizeof(TCHAR); const INT iCount = sizeof(g_rgSpecialCharMap) / sizeof(g_rgSpecialCharMap[0]); while (*pszIndex) { INT iArrayIndex = 0; for (iArrayIndex = 0; iArrayIndex < iCount; ++iArrayIndex) { if (pszIndex + g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].iLength > pszEnd) { continue; } if (StrCmpNI(pszIndex, g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].szString, g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].iLength) == 0) { bFound = TRUE; SafeCpyN(pszIndexBuffer, g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][0].szString, iRemainingsize); iRemainingsize = iRemainingsize - g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][0].iLength; if (iRemainingsize <= 1) { // // No space in buffer now // // // Point to the end of the buffer, we will be nulling it at the end // pszIndexBuffer = pszBuffer + (iBuffSize / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1; goto End; } pszIndexBuffer += g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][0].iLength; pszIndex += g_rgSpecialCharMap[iArrayIndex][1].iLength; break; } } if (iArrayIndex == iCount) { // // This is not XML for any special char // *pszIndexBuffer = *pszIndex++; iRemainingsize = iRemainingsize - 1; if (iRemainingsize <= 1) { // // No space in buffer now // // // Point to the end of the buffer, we will be nulling it at the end // pszIndexBuffer = pszBuffer + (iBuffSize / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1; goto End; } ++pszIndexBuffer; } } End: if (pszIndexBuffer) { *pszIndexBuffer = 0; } if (bFound) { *this = pszBuffer; } // // Free the allocated buffer // if (pszBuffer) { delete[] pszBuffer; pszBuffer = NULL; } return this->pszString; } BOOL CSTRING::BeginsWith( IN LPCTSTR pszPrefix ) /*++ CSTRING::BeginsWith Desc: Checks if the string begins with a prefix Comparison is case insensitive Params: IN LPCTSTR pszPrefix: The prefix that we want to check for Return: TRUE: The string begins with the prefix FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { if (StrStrI(this->pszString, pszPrefix) == this->pszString) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL CSTRING::EndsWith( IN LPCTSTR pszPrefix ) /*++ CSTRING::EndsWith Desc: Checks if the string ends with some suffix Params: IN LPCTSTR pszPrefix: The suffix that we want to check for Return: TRUE: The string ends with the suffix FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { return EndsWith(pszString, pszPrefix); } BOOL CSTRING::EndsWith( IN LPCTSTR pszString, IN LPCTSTR pszSuffix ) /*++ CSTRING::EndsWith Desc: Checks if the string ends with some suffix Params: IN LPCTSTR pszString: The string for which we want to make this check IN LPCTSTR pszSuffix: The suffix that we want to check for Return: TRUE: The string ends with the suffix FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { INT iLengthStr = lstrlen(pszString); INT iLengthSuffix = lstrlen(pszSuffix); if (iLengthSuffix > iLengthStr) { return FALSE; } return((lstrcmpi(pszString + (iLengthStr - iLengthSuffix), pszSuffix) == 0) ? TRUE: FALSE); } LPCTSTR CSTRING::Strcat( IN CSTRING& szStr ) /*++ CSTRING::Strcat Desc: String concatenations Params: IN CSTRING& szStr: The string to concatenate Return: The resultant string --*/ { return Strcat((LPCTSTR)szStr); } LPCTSTR CSTRING::Strcat( IN LPCTSTR pString ) /*++ CSTRING::Strcat Desc: String concatenations Params: IN CSTRING& szStr: The string to concatenate Return: The resultant string --*/ { if (pString == NULL) { return pszString; } int nLengthCat = lstrlen(pString); int nLengthStr = Length(); TCHAR *szTemp = new TCHAR [nLengthStr + nLengthCat + 1]; if (szTemp == NULL) { MEM_ERR; return NULL; } szTemp[0] = 0; // // Copy only if pszString != NULL. Otherwise we will get mem exception/garbage value // if (nLengthStr) { SafeCpyN(szTemp, pszString, nLengthStr + 1); } SafeCpyN(szTemp + nLengthStr, pString, nLengthCat + 1); szTemp[nLengthStr + nLengthCat] = TEXT('\0'); Release(); pszString = szTemp; return pszString; } BOOL CSTRING::isNULL( void ) /*++ CSTRING::isNULL Desc: Checks if the pszString parameter is NULL Params: void Return: TRUE: The pszString parameter is NULL FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { return(this->pszString == NULL); } inline int CSTRING::Length( void ) /*++ CSTRING::Length Desc: Gets the length of the string in TCHARS Params: void Return: The length of the string in TCHARS --*/ { if (NULL == pszString) { return 0; } return lstrlen(pszString); } CSTRING& CSTRING::ShortFilename( void ) /*++ CSTRING::ShortFilename Desc: Gets the filename and the exe part from a path Modifies the string Params: void Return: Filename and the exe part of the path --*/ { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH_BUFFSIZE]; LPTSTR pszHold = NULL; if (pszString == NULL) { goto End; } *szTemp = 0; SafeCpyN(szTemp, pszString, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); LPTSTR szWalk = szTemp; pszHold = szWalk; while (0 != *szWalk) { if (TEXT('\\') == *szWalk) { pszHold = szWalk + 1; } ++szWalk; } SetString(pszHold); End: return *this; } BOOL CSTRING::RelativeFile( CSTRING& szPath ) /*++ CSTRING::RelativeFile Desc: If this string contains a complete path, gets the relative path w.r.t to some other complete path. Modifies this string Params: CSTRING& szPath: The other path w.r.t to which we have to get the relative path Return: --*/ { return RelativeFile((LPCTSTR)szPath); } // // BUGBUG : consider using shlwapi PathRelativePathTo // BOOL CSTRING::RelativeFile( LPCTSTR pExeFile ) /*++ CSTRING::RelativeFile Desc: If this string contains a complete path, gets the relative path w.r.t to some other complete path. Modifies this string Params: CSTRING& szPath: The other path w.r.t to which we have to get the relative path Return: --*/ { if (pExeFile == NULL) { assert(FALSE); return FALSE; } LPCTSTR pMatchFile = pszString; int nLenExe = 0; int nLenMatch = 0; LPCTSTR pExe = NULL; LPCTSTR pMatch = NULL; LPTSTR pReturn = NULL; BOOL bCommonBegin = FALSE; // Indicates if the paths have a common beginning LPTSTR resultIdx = NULL; TCHAR result[MAX_PATH * 2]; INT iLength = 0; resultIdx = result; *result = TEXT('\0'); iLength = lstrlen(pExeFile); if (iLength > min(MAX_PATH, ARRAYSIZE(result) - 1)) { assert(FALSE); Dbg(dlError, "CSTRING::RelativeFile", "Length of passed file name greater than size of buffer"); return FALSE; } // // Ensure that the beginning of the path matches between the two files // // BUGBUG this code has to go -- look into replacing this with Shlwapi PathStripPath // // pExe = _tcschr(pExeFile, TEXT('\\')); pMatch = _tcschr(pMatchFile, TEXT('\\')); while (pExe && pMatch) { nLenExe = pExe - pExeFile; nLenMatch = pMatch - pMatchFile; if (nLenExe != nLenMatch) { break; } if (!(_tcsnicmp(pExeFile, pMatchFile, nLenExe) == 0)) { break; } bCommonBegin = TRUE; pExeFile = pExe + 1; pMatchFile = pMatch + 1; pExe = _tcschr(pExeFile, TEXT('\\')); pMatch = _tcschr(pMatchFile, TEXT('\\')); } // // Walk the path and put '..\' where necessary // if (bCommonBegin) { while (pExe) { //_tcsncpy(resultIdx, TEXT("..\\"), ARRAYSIZE(result) - (resultIdx - result)); SafeCpyN(resultIdx, TEXT("..\\"), ARRAYSIZE(result) - (resultIdx - result)); resultIdx = resultIdx + 3; pExeFile = pExe + 1; pExe = _tcschr(pExeFile, TEXT('\\')); } //_tcsncpy(resultIdx, pMatchFile, ARRAYSIZE(result) - (resultIdx - result)); SafeCpyN(resultIdx, pMatchFile, ARRAYSIZE(result) - (resultIdx - result)); SetString(result); } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } inline TCHAR* CSTRING::Replace( IN PCTSTR pszToFind, IN PCTSTR pszWith ) /*++ CSTRING::Replace Desc: Replace a substring with another string. As almost all others this function is also case insensitive Params: IN PCTSTR pszToFind: The sub string to find IN PCTSTR pszWith: Replace the above sub-string by this Return: The pszString member --*/ { TCHAR* pszPtr = pszString; TCHAR* pszFoundPos = NULL; INT iLength = lstrlen(pszToFind); CSTRING strTemp; while (pszFoundPos = StrStrI(pszPtr, pszToFind)) { *pszFoundPos = 0; strTemp.Strcat(pszPtr); pszPtr = pszFoundPos + iLength; } if (strTemp.Length()) { *this = strTemp; } return pszString; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Static Member Functions for CSTRING // // // TCHAR* CSTRING::StrStrI( IN PCTSTR pszString, IN PCTSTR pszMatch ) /*++ CSTRING::StrStrI Desc: Finds a substring in this string. Not case sensitive Params: IN PCTSTR pszString: The string in which we want to search IN PCTSTR pszMatch: The string to search Return: If found pointer to the substring NULL: Otherwise --*/ { INT iLenghtStr = lstrlen(pszString); INT iLengthMatch = lstrlen(pszMatch); for (INT iIndex = 0; iIndex <= iLenghtStr - iLengthMatch; ++iIndex) { if (StrCmpNI(pszString + iIndex, pszMatch, iLengthMatch) == 0) { return (TCHAR*)(pszString + iIndex); } } return NULL; } INT CSTRING::Trim( IN OUT LPTSTR str ) /*++ CSTRING::Trim Desc: Removes white spaces tabs from the left and right of this string Params: IN OUT LPTSTR str: The string to trim Return: The length of the final string --*/ { UINT nLength = 0; UINT uOrig_length = lstrlen(str); // Original length TCHAR* pStart = str; TCHAR* pEnd = str + uOrig_length - 1; if (str == NULL) { return 0; } while (*pStart == TEXT(' ') || *pStart == TEXT('\t')) { ++pStart; } while ((pEnd >= pStart) && (*pEnd == TEXT(' ') || *pEnd == TEXT('\t'))) { --pEnd; } *(pEnd + 1) = TEXT('\0'); nLength = pEnd - pStart + 1; // // If no trimming has been done, return right away // if (uOrig_length == nLength || pStart == str) { // // In case of RTRIM we are putting in the NULL char appropriately // return nLength; } wmemmove(str, pStart, (nLength + 1)); // + 1 for the 0 character. return(nLength); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The CSTRINGLIST member functions // // CSTRINGLIST::CSTRINGLIST() /*++ CSTRINGLIST::CSTRINGLIST Desc: Constructor --*/ { m_pHead = NULL; m_pTail = NULL; m_uCount = 0; } CSTRINGLIST::~CSTRINGLIST() /*++ CSTRINGLIST::~CSTRINGLIST Desc: Destructor --*/ { DeleteAll(); } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::IsEmpty( void ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::IsEmpty Desc: Checks if there are elements in the string list Params: void Return: TRUE: There are no elements in the string list FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { if (m_pHead == NULL) { assert (m_pTail == NULL); return TRUE; } else { assert(m_pTail != NULL); } return FALSE; } void CSTRINGLIST::DeleteAll( void ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::DeleteAll Desc: Removes all the elements in this string list --*/ { while (NULL != m_pHead) { PSTRLIST pHold = m_pHead->pNext; delete m_pHead; m_pHead = pHold; } m_pTail = NULL; m_uCount = 0; } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::AddString( IN CSTRING& Str, IN int data // (0) ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::AddString Desc: Adds a CSTRING to the end of this string list Params: IN CSTRING& Str: The CSTRING to add IN int data (0): The data member. Please see STRLIST in CSTRING.H Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { return AddString((LPCTSTR)Str, data); } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::AddStringAtBeg( IN LPCTSTR lpszStr, IN int data // (0) ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::AddStringAtBeg Desc: Adds a CSTRING to the beginning of this string list Params: IN CSTRING& Str: The CSTRING to add IN int data (0): The data member. Please see STRLIST in CSTRING.H Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { PSTRLIST pNew = new STRLIST; if (NULL == pNew) { MEM_ERR; return FALSE; } pNew->data = data; pNew->szStr = lpszStr; pNew->pNext = m_pHead; m_pHead = pNew; if (m_pTail == NULL) { m_pTail = m_pHead; } ++m_uCount; return TRUE; } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::AddStringInOrder( IN LPCTSTR pStr, IN int data // (0) ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::AddStringInOrder Desc: Adds a string in a sorted fashion, sorted by the data member. Please see STRLIST in CSTRING.H Params: IN LPCTSTR pStr: The string to add IN int data (0): The data member. Please see STRLIST in CSTRING.H Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { PSTRLIST pTemp, pPrev; PSTRLIST pNew = new STRLIST; if (NULL == pNew) { MEM_ERR; return FALSE; } pNew->data = data; pNew->szStr = pStr; pTemp = m_pHead; pPrev = NULL; while (pTemp) { if (data < pTemp->data && (pPrev == NULL || data >= pPrev->data)) { break; } pPrev = pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; } if (pPrev == NULL) { // // Add it to the beg, smallest number // pNew->pNext = m_pHead; m_pHead = pNew; } else { // // Add somewhere in the middle or end // pNew->pNext = pTemp; pPrev->pNext = pNew; } if (pTemp == NULL) { // // largest number. // m_pTail = pNew; } if (m_pTail == NULL) { // // Added first element // m_pTail = m_pHead; } ++m_uCount; return TRUE; } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::GetElement( IN UINT uPos, OUT CSTRING& str ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::GetElement Desc: Gets the element at a given position in the string list The position of the first string is 0 Params: IN UINT uPos: The position OUT CSTRING& str: This will contain the CSTRING at that position Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { PSTRLIST pHead = m_pHead; UINT uIndex = 0; while (pHead && uIndex != uPos) { pHead = pHead->pNext; ++uIndex; } if (uIndex == uPos) { str = pHead->szStr; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::AddString( IN LPCTSTR pStr, IN int data // (0) ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::AddString Desc: Adds a string to the end of this string list Params: IN LPCTSTR pStr: The string to add IN int data (0): The data member. Please see STRLIST in CSTRING.H Return: TRUE: Successful FALSE: Otherwise --*/ { PSTRLIST pNew = new STRLIST; if (NULL == pNew) { MEM_ERR; return FALSE; } pNew->data = data; pNew->szStr = pStr; pNew->pNext = NULL; if (NULL == m_pTail) { m_pHead = m_pTail = pNew; } else { m_pTail->pNext = pNew; m_pTail = pNew; } ++m_uCount; return TRUE; } CSTRINGLIST& CSTRINGLIST::operator = ( IN CSTRINGLIST& strlTemp ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::operator = Desc: Assigns one string list to another Params: CSTRINGLIST& strlTemp: The right hand side of the = operator Return: This string list --*/ { PSTRLIST tempHead = NULL; DeleteAll(); tempHead = strlTemp.m_pHead; while (tempHead) { AddString(tempHead->szStr, tempHead->data); tempHead = tempHead->pNext; } return *this; } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::operator != ( IN CSTRINGLIST &strlTemp ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::operator != Desc: Cheks if two string lists are different Params: CSTRINGLIST& strlTemp: The right hand side of the != operator Return: TRUE: The string lists are different FALSE: The two string lists are similar --*/ { return(! (*this == strlTemp)); } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::operator == ( IN CSTRINGLIST &strlTemp ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::operator == Desc: Presently we check that the two stringlists are in the exact order. e.g if string A = {x, y} and string B = {x, y} this function will return TRUE but if string B = {y, x} then this function will return FALSE. Their corresponding data members should also match Params: CSTRINGLIST& strlTemp: The right hand side of the == operator Return: TRUE: The string lists are similar FALSE: The two string lists are different --*/ { PSTRLIST tempHeadOne = m_pHead; PSTRLIST tempHeadTwo = strlTemp.m_pHead; if (m_uCount != strlTemp.m_uCount) { Dbg(dlInfo, "CSTRINGLIST::operator == ", "Lengths are different for the two stringlists so we will return FALSE"); return FALSE; } while (tempHeadOne && tempHeadTwo) { if (!(tempHeadOne->szStr == tempHeadTwo->szStr && tempHeadOne->data == tempHeadTwo->data)) { return FALSE; } tempHeadOne = tempHeadOne->pNext; tempHeadTwo = tempHeadTwo->pNext; } return TRUE; } BOOL CSTRINGLIST::Remove( IN CSTRING &str ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::Remove Desc: Removes the element with CSTRING value of str from this string list Params: IN CSTRING &str: The CSTRING to remove Return: --*/ { PSTRLIST pHead = m_pHead, pPrev = NULL; while (pHead) { if (pHead->szStr == str) { break; } pPrev = pHead; pHead = pHead->pNext; } if (pHead) { if (pPrev == NULL) { // // First element. // m_pHead = pHead->pNext; } else { pPrev->pNext = pHead->pNext; } if (pHead == m_pTail) { // // Last element // m_pTail = pPrev; } delete pHead; pHead = NULL; --m_uCount; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void CSTRINGLIST::RemoveLast( void ) /*++ CSTRINGLIST::RemoveLast Desc: Removes the last element from this string list Params: void Return: void --*/ { if (m_pTail) { Remove(m_pTail->szStr); } }