/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * Module Name: fd.h * * file which is going to be included by the most *.c files in this directory. * Supplies basic types, debugging stuff, error logging and checking stuff, * error codes, usefull macros etc. * * Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/ #define SUPPORT_OEM #define IFI_PRIVATE #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef ULONG W32PID; #include "mapfile.h" #include "winres.h" #include "service.h" // string service routines #include "fontfile.h" #include "winfont.h" #include "fondrv.h" #define abs(x) max((x),-(x)) #if DBG VOID VtfdDebugPrint( PCHAR DebugMessage, ... ); #define RIP(x) { VtfdDebugPrint(x); EngDebugBreak();} #define ASSERTDD(x,y) { if (!(x)) { VtfdDebugPrint(y); EngDebugBreak();} } #define WARNING(x) VtfdDebugPrint(x) #else #define RIP(x) #define ASSERTDD(x,y) #define WARNING(x) #endif BOOL vtfdLoadFontFile ( ULONG_PTR iFile, PVOID pvView, ULONG cjView, HFF *phff ); BOOL vtfdUnloadFontFile ( HFF hff ); LONG vtfdQueryFontCaps ( ULONG culCaps, PULONG pulCaps ); LONG vtfdQueryFontFile ( HFF hff, ULONG ulMode, ULONG cjBuf, PULONG pulBuf ); PIFIMETRICS vtfdQueryFont ( DHPDEV dhpdev, HFF hff, ULONG iFace, ULONG_PTR *pid ); PVOID vtfdQueryFontTree ( DHPDEV dhpdev, HFF hff, ULONG iFace, ULONG iMode, ULONG_PTR *pid ); LONG vtfdQueryFontData ( FONTOBJ *pfo, ULONG iMode, HGLYPH hg, GLYPHDATA *pgd, PVOID pv, ULONG cjSize ); VOID vtfdDestroyFont(FONTOBJ *pfo); HFC vtfdOpenFontContext(FONTOBJ *pfo); BOOL vtfdCloseFontContext(HFC hfc); BOOL vtfdQueryAdvanceWidths ( FONTOBJ *pfo, ULONG iMode, HGLYPH *phg, LONG *plWidths, ULONG cGlyphs ); extern HSEMAPHORE ghsemVTFD;