/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: htmapclr.h Abstract: This module contains all halftone color mapping constants for the htmapclr.c Author: 28-Mar-1992 Sat 20:56:27 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Add in ULDECI4 type, to store the stretchfacor (source -> dest) add StretchFactor in StretchInfo data structure. Add support for StretchFactor (ULDECI4 format), so we can internally turn off VGA16 when the bitmap is badly compressed. 29-Jan-1991 Tue 10:29:04 created -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) [Environment:] GDI Device Driver - Halftone. [Notes:] Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _HTMAPCLR_ #define _HTMAPCLR_ #include "htmath.h" #define DO_CACHE_DCI 0 // // Halftone process's DECI4 vlaues for the WHITE/BLACK/GRAY // #define DECI4_ONE (DECI4)10000 #define DECI4_ZERO (DECI4)0 #define LDECI4_ONE (LDECI4)10000 #define LDECI4_ZERO (LDECI4)0 #define STD_WHITE DECI4_ONE #define STD_BLACK DECI4_ZERO #define LSTD_WHITE LDECI4_ONE #define LSTD_BLACK LDECI4_ZERO #define __SCALE_FD62B(f,l,d,b) (BYTE)(((((f)-(l))*(b))+((d)>>1))/(d)) #define RATIO_SCALE(p,l,h) DivFD6(p - l, h - l) #define SCALE_FD62B(f,l,h,b) __SCALE_FD62B(f,l,(h)-(l),b) #define SCALE_FD6(f,b) __SCALE_FD62B(f,FD6_0,FD6_1,b) #define SCALE_FD62B_DIF(c,d,b) (BYTE)((((c)*(b))+((d)>>1))/(d)) #define SCALE_INT2B(c,r,b) (BYTE)((((c)*(b))+((r)>>1))/(r)) // // The following FD6 number are used in the color computation, using #define // for easy reading // #define FD6_1p16 (FD6)1160000 #define FD6_p16 (FD6)160000 #define FD6_p166667 (FD6)166667 #define FD6_7p787 (FD6)7787000 #define FD6_16Div116 (FD6)137931 #define FD6_p008856 (FD6)8856 #define FD6_p068962 (FD6)68962 #define FD6_p079996 (FD6)79996 #define FD6_9p033 (FD6)9033000 #define FD6_p4 (FD6)400000 #define UDECI4_NTSC_GAMMA (UDECI4)22000 #define FD6_NTSC_GAMMA UDECI4ToFD6(UDECI4_NTSC_GAMMA) #define NORMALIZED_WHITE FD6_1 #define NORMALIZED_BLACK FD6_0 #define CLIP_TO_NORMALIZED_BW(x) if ((FD6)(x) < FD6_0) (x) = FD6_0; \ if ((FD6)(x) > FD6_1) (x) = FD6_1 #define DECI4AdjToFD6(a,f) (FD6)((FD6)(a) * (FD6)(f) * (FD6)100) #define VALIDATE_CLR_ADJ(a) if ((a) < MIN_RGB_COLOR_ADJ) { \ (a) = MIN_RGB_COLOR_ADJ; \ } else if ((a) > MAX_RGB_COLOR_ADJ) { \ (a) = MAX_RGB_COLOR_ADJ; } #define LOG_INTENSITY(i) ((FD6)(i) > (FD6)120000) ? \ (NORMALIZED_WHITE + Log((i))) : \ (MulFD6((FD6)(i), (FD6)659844L)) #define RANGE_CIE_xy(x,y) if ((x) < CIE_x_MIN) (x) = CIE_x_MIN; else \ if ((x) > CIE_x_MAX) (x) = CIE_x_MAX; \ if ((y) < CIE_y_MIN) (y) = CIE_y_MIN; else \ if ((y) > CIE_y_MAX) (y) = CIE_y_MAX \ #define MAX_OF_3(max,a,b,c) if ((c)>((max)=(((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b)))) (max)=(c) #define MIN_OF_3(min,a,b,c) if ((c)<((min)=(((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b)))) (min)=(c) #define CIE_NORMAL_MONITOR 0 #define CIE_NTSC 1 #define CIE_CIE 2 #define CIE_EBU 3 #define CIE_NORMAL_PRINTER 4 // // For 1 Bit per pel we have maximum 2 mapping table entries // For 4 Bit per pel we have maximum 16 mapping table entries // For 8 Bit per pel we have maximum 256 mapping table entries // For 16 Bit per pel we have maximum 65536 mapping table entries // // For 24 bits per pel, we will clip each color (0 - 255) into 0-15 (16 steps) // and provided a total 4096 colors. // #define CUBE_ENTRIES(c) ((c) * (c) * (c)) #define HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT 32 #define HT_RGB_CUBE_COUNT CUBE_ENTRIES(HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT) #define HT_RGB_R_INC 1 #define HT_RGB_G_INC HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT #define HT_RGB_B_INC (HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT * HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT) #define VGA256_R_IDX_MAX 5 #define VGA256_G_IDX_MAX 5 #define VGA256_B_IDX_MAX 5 #define VGA256_M_IDX_MAX 25 #define VGA256_CUBE_SIZE ((VGA256_R_IDX_MAX + 1) * \ (VGA256_G_IDX_MAX + 1) * \ (VGA256_B_IDX_MAX + 1)) #define VGA256_MONO_SIZE (VGA256_M_IDX_MAX + 1) #define VGA256_M_IDX_START VGA256_CUBE_SIZE #define VGA256_R_CUBE_INC 1 #define VGA256_G_CUBE_INC (VGA256_R_IDX_MAX + 1) #define VGA256_B_CUBE_INC (VGA256_G_CUBE_INC * (VGA256_G_IDX_MAX + 1)) #define VGA256_W_CUBE_INC (VGA256_R_CUBE_INC + VGA256_G_CUBE_INC + \ VGA256_B_CUBE_INC) #define VGA256_R_INT_INC (FD6)(FD6_1 / VGA256_R_IDX_MAX) #define VGA256_G_INT_INC (FD6)(FD6_1 / VGA256_G_IDX_MAX) #define VGA256_B_INT_INC (FD6)(FD6_1 / VGA256_B_IDX_MAX) #define VGA256_PALETTE_COUNT (VGA256_CUBE_SIZE + VGA256_MONO_SIZE) #define RGB555_C_LEVELS 32 #define RGB555_P1_CUBE_INC (RGB555_C_LEVELS * RGB555_C_LEVELS) #define RGB555_P2_CUBE_INC RGB555_C_LEVELS #define RGB555_P3_CUBE_INC 1 typedef HANDLE HTMUTEX; typedef HTMUTEX *PHTMUTEX; #ifdef UMODE #define CREATE_HTMUTEX() (HTMUTEX)CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL) #define ACQUIRE_HTMUTEX(x) WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)(x), (DWORD)~0) #define RELEASE_HTMUTEX(x) ReleaseMutex((HANDLE)(x)) #define DELETE_HTMUTEX(x) CloseHandle((HANDLE)(x)) #else #define CREATE_HTMUTEX() (HTMUTEX)EngCreateSemaphore() #define ACQUIRE_HTMUTEX(x) EngAcquireSemaphore((HSEMAPHORE)(x)) #define RELEASE_HTMUTEX(x) EngReleaseSemaphore((HSEMAPHORE)(x)) #define DELETE_HTMUTEX(x) EngDeleteSemaphore((HSEMAPHORE)(x)) #endif #define NTSC_R_INT 299000 #define NTSC_G_INT 587000 #define NTSC_B_INT 114000 typedef struct _RGBTOPRIM { BYTE Flags; BYTE ColorTableType; BYTE SrcRGBSize; BYTE DevRGBSize; } RGBTOPRIM; typedef struct _FD6RGB { FD6 R; FD6 G; FD6 B; } FD6RGB, FAR *PFD6RGB; typedef struct _FD6XYZ { FD6 X; FD6 Y; FD6 Z; } FD6XYZ, FAR *PFD6XYZ; typedef struct _FD6PRIM123 { FD6 p1; FD6 p2; FD6 p3; } FD6PRIM123, FAR *PFD6PRIM123; #define HTCF_STATIC_PTHRESHOLDS 0x01 typedef struct _HTCELL { BYTE Flags; BYTE HTPatIdx; WORD wReserved; WORD cxOrg; WORD cxReal; WORD Width; WORD Height; DWORD Size; LPBYTE pThresholds; } HTCELL, *PHTCELL; #define MAPF_MONO_PRIMS 0x00000001 #define MAPF_SKIP_LABLUV 0x00000002 #if DBG #define DO_REGTEST 0 #else #define DO_REGTEST 0 #endif typedef struct _REGDATA { WORD DMin; WORD DMax; FD6 LMin; FD6 LMax; FD6 DMinMul; FD6 DMaxAdd; FD6 DMaxMul; FD6 DenAdd; FD6 DenMul; } REGDATA, *PREGDATA; #define REG_DMIN_ADD FD6_0 #define REG_BASE_GAMMA (FD6) 932500 #define REG_GAMMA_IDX_BASE (FD6)1050000 #define MASK8BPP_GAMMA_DIV (FD6) 932500 #define GET_REG_GAMMA(Idx) MulFD6(REG_BASE_GAMMA, \ RaisePower(REG_GAMMA_IDX_BASE, \ (FD6)(Idx) - (FD6)3, \ RPF_INTEXP)) #define K_REP_START (FD6) 666667 #define K_REP_POWER (FD6)2000000 // // Possible values: // // R G B // ------- ------- ------- // 0.9859 1.0100 0.9859 // 0.9789 1.0150 0.9789 // 0.9720 1.0200 0.9720 // #define SCM_R_GAMMA_MUL (FD6) 978900 #define SCM_G_GAMMA_MUL (FD6)1015000 #define SCM_B_GAMMA_MUL (FD6) 978900 #define GRAY_MAX_IDX 0xFFFF #define IDXBGR_2_GRAY_BYTE(p,b,g,r) (BYTE)((p[0+(b)]+p[256+(g)]+p[512+(r)])>>8) #define BGR_2_GRAY_WORD(b,g,r) ((b)+(g)+(r)) // // DEVCLRADJ // // This data structure describe how the color adjustment should be made // input RGB color and output device. // // Flags - No flag is defined. // // RedPowerAdj - The n-th power applied to the red color // before any other color adjustment, this is // a UDECI4 value. (0.0100 - 6.500) // // For example if the RED = 0.8 (DECI4=8000) // and the RedPowerGammaAdjustment = 0.7823 // (DECI4 = 7823) then the red is equal to // // 0.7823 // 0.8 = 0.8398 // // GreenPowerAdj - The n-th power applied to the green color // before any other color adjustment, this is // a UDECI4 value. (0.0100 - 6.5000) // // BluePowerAdj - The n-th power applied to the blue color // before any other color adjustment, this is // a UDECI4 value. (0.0100 - 6.5000) // // NOTE: if the PowerGammaAdjustmenst values are // equal to 1.0 (DECI4 = 10000) then no // adjustment will be made, since any // number raised to the 1 will be equal // to itself, if this number is less than // 0.0100 (ie 100) or greater than 6.5000 // (ie. 65000) then it default to 1.0000 // (ie. 10000) and no adjustment is made. // // BrightnessAdj - The brightness adjustment, this is a DECI4 // number range from -10000 (-1.0000) to // 10000 (1.0000). The brightness is adjusted // by apply to overall intensity for the primary // colors. // // ContrastAdj - Primary color contrast adjustment, this is // a DECI4 number range from -10000 (-1.0000) // to 10000 (1.0000). The primary color // curves are either compressed to the center or // expanded to the black/white. // // BDR - The ratio which the black dyes should be // replaced by the non-black dyes, higher the // number more black dyes are used to replace // the non-black dyes. This may saving the // color dyes but it may also loose color // saturation. this is a DECI4 number range // from -10000 to 10000 (ie. -1.0000 to 1.0000). // if this value is 0 then no repelacement is // take place. // // typedef struct _CIExy2 { UDECI4 x; UDECI4 y; } CIExy2, *PCIExy2; typedef struct _CIExy { FD6 x; FD6 y; } CIExy, FAR *PCIExy; typedef struct _CIExyY { FD6 x; FD6 y; FD6 Y; } CIExyY, *PCIExyY; typedef struct _CIEPRIMS { CIExy r; CIExy g; CIExy b; CIExy w; FD6 Yw; } CIEPRIMS, FAR *PCIEPRIMS; #define CIELUV_1976 0 #define CIELAB_1976 1 #define COLORSPACE_MAX_INDEX 1 typedef struct _COLORSPACEXFORM { MATRIX3x3 M3x3; FD6XYZ WhiteXYZ; FD6RGB Yrgb; FD6 AUw; FD6 BVw; FD6 xW; FD6 yW; FD6 YW; } COLORSPACEXFORM, FAR *PCOLORSPACEXFORM; typedef struct _CLRXFORMBLOCK { BYTE Flags; BYTE ColorSpace; BYTE RegDataIdx; BYTE bReserved; CIEPRIMS rgbCIEPrims; CIEPRIMS DevCIEPrims; MATRIX3x3 CMYDyeMasks; FD6 DevGamma[3]; } CLRXFORMBLOCK, *PCLRXFORMBLOCK; typedef struct _PRIMADJ { DWORD Flags; FD6 SrcGamma[3]; FD6 DevGamma[3]; FD6 Contrast; FD6 Brightness; FD6 Color; FD6 TintSinAngle; FD6 TintCosAngle; FD6 MinL; FD6 MaxL; FD6 MinLMul; FD6 MaxLMul; FD6 RangeLMul; COLORSPACEXFORM rgbCSXForm; COLORSPACEXFORM DevCSXForm; } PRIMADJ, *PPRIMADJ; #define CRTX_LEVEL_255 0 #define CRTX_LEVEL_RGB 1 #define CRTX_TOTAL_COUNT 2 #define CRTX_PRIMMAX_255 255 #define CRTX_PRIMMAX_RGB (HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT - 1) #define CRTX_SIZE_255 (sizeof(FD6XYZ) * (256 * 3)) #define CRTX_SIZE_RGB (sizeof(FD6XYZ) * (HT_RGB_MAX_COUNT * 3)) typedef struct _CACHERGBTOXYZ { DWORD Checksum; PFD6XYZ pFD6XYZ; WORD PrimMax; WORD SizeCRTX; } CACHERGBTOXYZ, FAR *PCACHERGBTOXYZ; #define DCA_HAS_ICM 0x00000001 #define DCA_HAS_SRC_GAMMA 0x00000002 #define DCA_HAS_DEST_GAMMA 0x00000004 #define DCA_HAS_BW_REF_ADJ 0x00000008 #define DCA_HAS_CONTRAST_ADJ 0x00000010 #define DCA_HAS_BRIGHTNESS_ADJ 0x00000020 #define DCA_HAS_COLOR_ADJ 0x00000040 #define DCA_HAS_TINT_ADJ 0x00000080 #define DCA_LOG_FILTER 0x00000100 #define DCA_NEGATIVE 0x00000200 #define DCA_NEED_DYES_CORRECTION 0x00000400 #define DCA_HAS_BLACK_DYE 0x00000800 #define DCA_DO_DEVCLR_XFORM 0x00001000 #define DCA_MONO_ONLY 0x00002000 #define DCA_USE_ADDITIVE_PRIMS 0x00004000 #define DCA_HAS_CLRSPACE_ADJ 0x00008000 #define DCA_MASK8BPP 0x00010000 #define DCA_REPLACE_BLACK 0x00020000 #define DCA_RGBLUTAA_MONO 0x00040000 #define DCA_BBPF_AA_OFF 0x00080000 #define DCA_ALPHA_BLEND 0x00100000 #define DCA_CONST_ALPHA 0x00200000 #define DCA_XLATE_555_666 0x00400000 #define DCA_AB_PREMUL_SRC 0x00800000 #define DCA_AB_DEST 0x01000000 #define DCA_XLATE_332 0x02000000 #define DCA_NO_MAPPING_TABLE 0x40000000 #define DCA_NO_ANY_ADJ 0x80000000 #define SIZE_XLATE_555 (((4 << 6) | (4 << 3) | 4) + 1) #define SIZE_XLATE_666 (((5 << 6) | (5 << 3) | 5) + 1) #define ADJ_FORCE_MONO 0x0001 #define ADJ_FORCE_NEGATIVE 0x0002 #define ADJ_FORCE_ADDITIVE_PRIMS 0x0004 #define ADJ_FORCE_ICM 0x0008 #define ADJ_FORCE_BRUSH 0x0010 #define ADJ_FORCE_NO_EXP_AA 0x0020 #define ADJ_FORCE_IDXBGR_MONO 0x0040 #define ADJ_FORCE_ALPHA_BLEND 0x0080 #define ADJ_FORCE_CONST_ALPHA 0x0100 #define ADJ_FORCE_AB_PREMUL_SRC 0x0200 #define ADJ_FORCE_AB_DEST 0x0400 #define ADJ_FORCE_DEVXFORM 0x8000 typedef struct _CTSTDINFO { BYTE cbPrim; BYTE SrcOrder; BYTE DestOrder; BYTE BMFDest; } CTSTDINFO; typedef struct _RGBORDER { BYTE Index; BYTE Order[3]; } RGBORDER; typedef union _CTSTD_UNION { DWORD dw; CTSTDINFO b; } CTSTD_UNION; #define DMIF_GRAY 0x01 typedef struct _DEVMAPINFO { BYTE Flags; BYTE LSft[3]; CTSTDINFO CTSTDInfo; DWORD Mul[3]; DWORD MulAdd; RGBORDER DstOrder; FD6 BlackChk; } DEVMAPINFO, *PDEVMAPINFO; typedef struct _DEVCLRADJ { HTCOLORADJUSTMENT ca; DEVMAPINFO DMI; PRIMADJ PrimAdj; PCLRXFORMBLOCK pClrXFormBlock; PCACHERGBTOXYZ pCRTXLevel255; PCACHERGBTOXYZ pCRTXLevelRGB; } DEVCLRADJ, FAR *PDEVCLRADJ; #define SIZE_BGR_MAPPING_TABLE (sizeof(BGR8) * (HT_RGB_CUBE_COUNT + 2)) // // Following define must corresponsed to the InputFuncTable[] definitions // #define IDXIF_BMF1BPP_START 0 #define IDXIF_BMF16BPP_START 6 #define IDXIF_BMF24BPP_START 9 #define IDXIF_BMF32BPP_START 13 #define BF_GRAY_BITS 8 #define BF_GRAY_TABLE_COUNT (1 << BF_GRAY_BITS) #define BFIF_RGB_888 0x01 typedef struct _BFINFO { BYTE Flags; BYTE BitmapFormat; BYTE BitStart[3]; BYTE BitCount[3]; DWORD BitsRGB[3]; RGBORDER RGBOrder; } BFINFO, FAR *PBFINFO; #define LUTAA_HDR_COUNT 6 #define LUTAA_HDR_SIZE (LUTAA_HDR_COUNT * sizeof(DWORD)) #define GET_LUTAAHDR(h,p) CopyMemory((LPBYTE)&(h[0]), \ (LPBYTE)(p) - LUTAA_HDR_SIZE, \ LUTAA_HDR_SIZE) typedef struct _RGBLUTAA { DWORD Checksum; DWORD ExtBGR[LUTAA_HDR_COUNT]; LONG IdxBGR[256 * 3]; } RGBLUTAA, *PRGBLUTAA; #define LUTSIZE_ANTI_ALIASING (sizeof(RGBLUTAA)) // // DEVICECOLORINFO // // This data structure is a collection of the device characteristics and // will used by the halftone DLL to carry out the color composition for the // designated device. // // HalftoneDLLID - The ID for the structure, is #define as // HALFTONE_DLL_ID = "DCHT" // // HTCallBackFunction - a 32-bit pointer to the caller supplied // callback function which used by the halftone // DLL to obtained the source/destination bitmap // pointer durning the halftone process. // // pPrimMonoMappingTable - a pointer to the PRIMMONO data structure // array, this is the dye density mapping table // for the reduced gamut from 24-bit colors, // initially is NULL, and it will cached only // when the first time the source bitmap is // 24-bit per pel. // // pPrimColorMappingTable - a pointer to the PRIMCOLOR data structure // array, this is the dye density mapping table // for the reduced gamut from 24-bit colors, // initially is NULL, and it will cached only // when the first time the source bitmap is // 24-bit per pel. // // Flags - Various flag defined the initialization // requirements. // // DCIF_HAS_BLACK_DYE // // The device has true black dye, for this // version, this flag always set. // // DCIF_ADDITIVE_PRIMS // // Specified that final device primaries // are additively, that is adding device // primaries will produce lighter result. // (this is true for monitor device and // certainly false for the reflect devices // such as printers). // // pPrimMonoMappingTable - Pointer to a table which contains the cached // RGB -> Single dye density entries, this table // will be computed and cahced when first time // halftone a 24-bit RGB bitmap to monochrome // surface. // // pPrimMonoMappingTable - Pointer to a table which contains the cached // RGB -> three dyes densities entries, this // table will be computed and cahced when first // time halftone a 24-bit RGB bitmap to color // surface. // // pHTDyeDensity - Pointer to an array of DECI4 HTDensity values, // size of the array are MaximumHTDensityIndex. // // Prim3SolidInfo - Device solid dyes concentration information, // see RIM3SOLIDINFO data structure. // // RGBToXYZ - a 3 x 3 matrix used to transform from device // RGB color values to the C.I.E color X, Y, Z // values. // // DeviceResXDPI - Specified the device horizontal (x direction) // resolution in 'dots per inch' measurement. // // DeviceResYDPI - Specified the device vertical (y direction) // resolution in 'dots per inch' measurement. // // DevicePelsDPI - Specified the device pel/dot/nozzle diameter // (if rounded) or width/height (if squared) in // 'dots per inch' measurement. // // This value is measure as if each pel only // touch each at edge of the pel. // // HTPatGamma - Gamma for the input RGB value * halftone // pattern gamma correction. // // DensityBWRef - The reference black/white point for the // device. // // IlluminantIndex - Specified the default illuminant of the light // source which the object will be view under. // The predefined value has ILLUMINANT_xxxx // form. // // RGAdj - Current Red/Green Tint adjustment. // // BYAdj - Current Blue/Yellow Tint adjustment. // // HalftonePattern - the HALFTONEPATTERN data structure. // // #define DCIF_HAS_BLACK_DYE 0x00000001 #define DCIF_ADDITIVE_PRIMS 0x00000002 #define DCIF_NEED_DYES_CORRECTION 0x00000004 #define DCIF_SQUARE_DEVICE_PEL 0x00000008 #define DCIF_CLUSTER_HTCELL 0x00000010 #define DCIF_SUPERCELL_M 0x00000020 #define DCIF_SUPERCELL 0x00000040 #define DCIF_FORCE_ICM 0x00000080 #define DCIF_USE_8BPP_BITMASK 0x00000100 #define DCIF_MONO_8BPP_BITMASK 0x00000200 #define DCIF_DO_DEVCLR_XFORM 0x00000400 #define DCIF_CMY8BPPMASK_SAME_LEVEL 0x00000800 #define DCIF_PRINT_DRAFT_MODE 0x00001000 #define DCIF_INVERT_8BPP_BITMASK_IDX 0x00002000 #define DCIF_HAS_DENSITY 0x00004000 typedef struct _CMY8BPPMASK { BYTE cC; BYTE cM; BYTE cY; BYTE Max; BYTE Mask; BYTE SameLevel; WORD PatSubC; WORD PatSubM; WORD PatSubY; FD6 MaxMulC; FD6 MaxMulM; FD6 MaxMulY; FD6 KCheck; FD6 DenC[6]; FD6 DenM[6]; FD6 DenY[6]; BYTE bXlate[256]; BYTE GenerateXlate; BYTE bReserved[3]; } CMY8BPPMASK, *PCMY8BPPMASK; #define AB_BGR_SIZE (sizeof(BYTE) * 256 * 3) #define AB_BGR_CA_SIZE (sizeof(WORD) * 256 * 3) #define AB_CONST_SIZE (sizeof(WORD) * 256) #define AB_CONST_OFFSET ((AB_BGR_SIZE + AA_BGR_CA_SIZE) / sizeof(WORD)) #define AB_CONST_MAX 0xFF #define AB_DCI_SIZE (AB_BGR_SIZE + AB_BGR_CA_SIZE + AB_CONST_SIZE) #define BYTE2CONSTALPHA(b) (((LONG)(b) << 8) | 0xFF) typedef struct _DEVICECOLORINFO { DWORD HalftoneDLLID; HTMUTEX HTMutex; _HTCALLBACKFUNC HTCallBackFunction; DWORD HTInitInfoChecksum; DWORD HTSMPChecksum; CLRXFORMBLOCK ClrXFormBlock; HTCELL HTCell; DWORD Flags; WORD DeviceResXDPI; WORD DeviceResYDPI; FD6 DevPelRatio; HTCOLORADJUSTMENT ca; PRIMADJ PrimAdj; CMY8BPPMASK CMY8BPPMask; CACHERGBTOXYZ CRTX[CRTX_TOTAL_COUNT]; RGBLUTAA rgbLUT; RGBLUTAA rgbLUTPat; WORD PrevConstAlpha; WORD CurConstAlpha; LPBYTE pAlphaBlendBGR; #if DBG LPVOID pMemLink; LONG cbMemTot; LONG cbMemMax; #endif } DEVICECOLORINFO, FAR *PDEVICECOLORINFO; typedef struct _CDCIDATA { DWORD Checksum; struct _CDCIDATA FAR *pNextCDCIData; CLRXFORMBLOCK ClrXFormBlock; DWORD DCIFlags; WORD DevResXDPI; WORD DevResYDPI; FD6 DevPelRatio; HTCELL HTCell; } CDCIDATA, FAR *PCDCIDATA; typedef struct _CSMPBMP { struct _CSMPBMP FAR *pNextCSMPBmp; WORD PatternIndex; WORD cxPels; WORD cyPels; WORD cxBytes; } CSMPBMP, FAR *PCSMPBMP; typedef struct _CSMPDATA { DWORD Checksum; struct _CSMPDATA FAR *pNextCSMPData; PCSMPBMP pCSMPBmpHead; } CSMPDATA, FAR *PCSMPDATA; typedef struct _BGRMAPCACHE { PBGR8 pMap; LONG cRef; DWORD Checksum; } BGRMAPCACHE, *PBGRMAPCACHE; #define BGRMC_MAX_COUNT 5 #define BGRMC_SIZE_INC (BGRMC_MAX_COUNT * 2) typedef struct _HTGLOBAL { HMODULE hModule; HTMUTEX HTMutexCDCI; HTMUTEX HTMutexCSMP; HTMUTEX HTMutexBGRMC; PCDCIDATA pCDCIDataHead; PCSMPDATA pCSMPDataHead; PBGRMAPCACHE pBGRMC; LONG cBGRMC; LONG cAllocBGRMC; LONG cIdleBGRMC; WORD CDCICount; WORD CSMPCount; } HTGLOBAL; #define R_INDEX 0 #define G_INDEX 1 #define B_INDEX 2 #define X_INDEX 0 #define Y_INDEX 1 #define Z_INDEX 2 // // For easy coding/reading purpose we will defined following to be used when // reference to the CIEMATRIX data structure. // #define CIE_Xr(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[X_INDEX][R_INDEX] #define CIE_Xg(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[X_INDEX][G_INDEX] #define CIE_Xb(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[X_INDEX][B_INDEX] #define CIE_Yr(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Y_INDEX][R_INDEX] #define CIE_Yg(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Y_INDEX][G_INDEX] #define CIE_Yb(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Y_INDEX][B_INDEX] #define CIE_Zr(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Z_INDEX][R_INDEX] #define CIE_Zg(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Z_INDEX][G_INDEX] #define CIE_Zb(Matrix3x3) Matrix3x3.m[Z_INDEX][B_INDEX] // // HALFTONERENDER // // pDeviceColorInfo - Pointer to the DECICECOLORINFO data structure // // pDevClrAdj - Pointer to the DEVCLRADJ data structure. // // pBitbltParams - Pointer to the BITBLTPARAMS data structure // // pSrcSurfaceInfo - Pointer to the source HTSURFACEINFO data // structure. // // pDestSurfaceInfo - Pointer to the destination HTSURFACEINFO data // structure. // // pDeviceColorInfo - Pointer to the DECICECOLORINFO data structure // // typedef struct _HALFTONERENDER { PDEVICECOLORINFO pDeviceColorInfo; PDEVCLRADJ pDevClrAdj; PBITBLTPARAMS pBitbltParams; PHTSURFACEINFO pSrcSI; PHTSURFACEINFO pSrcMaskSI; PHTSURFACEINFO pDestSI; LPVOID pAAHdr; LPBYTE pXlate8BPP; BFINFO BFInfo; } HALFTONERENDER, FAR *PHALFTONERENDER; typedef struct _HT_DHI { DEVICEHALFTONEINFO DHI; DEVICECOLORINFO DCI; } HT_DHI, FAR *PHT_DHI; #define PHT_DHI_DCI_OF(x) (((PHT_DHI)pDeviceHalftoneInfo)->DCI.x) #define PDHI_TO_PDCI(x) (PDEVICECOLORINFO)&(((PHT_DHI)(x))->DCI) #define PDCI_TO_PDHI(x) (PDEVICEHALFTONEINFO)((DWORD)(x) - \ FIELD_OFFSET(HT_DHI, DCI)) // // Functions prototype // PDEVICECOLORINFO HTENTRY pDCIAdjClr( PDEVICEHALFTONEINFO pDeviceHalftoneInfo, PHTCOLORADJUSTMENT pHTColorAdjustment, PDEVCLRADJ *ppDevClrAdj, DWORD cbAlooc, WORD ForceFlags, CTSTDINFO CTSTDInfo, PLONG pError ); VOID HTENTRY ComputeColorSpaceXForm( PDEVICECOLORINFO pDCI, PCIEPRIMS pCIEPrims, PCOLORSPACEXFORM pCSXForm, INT StdIlluminant ); LONG HTENTRY ComputeBGRMappingTable( PDEVICECOLORINFO pDCI, PDEVCLRADJ pDevClrAdj, PCOLORTRIAD pSrcClrTriad, PBGR8 pbgr ); LONG HTENTRY CreateDyesColorMappingTable( PHALFTONERENDER pHalftoneRender ); VOID HTENTRY ComputeRGBLUTAA( PDEVICECOLORINFO pDCI, PDEVCLRADJ pDevClrAdj, PRGBLUTAA prgbLUT ); LONG TrimBGRMapCache( VOID ); PBGR8 FindBGRMapCache( PBGR8 pDeRefMap, DWORD Checksum ); #define FIND_BGRMAPCACHE(Checksum) FindBGRMapCache(NULL, Checksum) #define DEREF_BGRMAPCACHE(pMap) FindBGRMapCache(pMap, 0) BOOL AddBGRMapCache( PBGR8 pMap, DWORD Checksum ); #endif // _HTMAPCLR_