/****************************** Module Header ******************************\ * Module Name: winmgrc.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * This module contains * * History: * 20-Feb-1992 DarrinM Pulled functions from user\server. \***************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define CONSOLE_WINDOW_CLASS (L"ConsoleWindowClass") /***************************************************************************\ * GetWindowWord (API) * * Return a window word. Positive index values return application window words * while negative index values return system window words. The negative * indices are published in WINDOWS.H. * * History: * 20-Feb-1992 DarrinM Wrote. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG2(LOG_GENERAL, WORD, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetWindowWord, HWND, hwnd, int, index) WORD GetWindowWord( HWND hwnd, int index) { PWND pwnd; pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) return 0; /* * If it's a dialog window the window data is on the server side * We just call the "long" routine instead of have two thunks. * We know there is enough data if its DWLP_USER so we won't fault. */ if (TestWF(pwnd, WFDIALOGWINDOW) && (index == DWLP_USER)) { return (WORD)_GetWindowLong(pwnd, index, FALSE); } return _GetWindowWord(pwnd, index); } BOOL FChildVisible( HWND hwnd) { PWND pwnd; pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) return 0; return (_FChildVisible(pwnd)); } FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, WINAPI, AdjustWindowRectEx, LPRECT, lpRect, DWORD, dwStyle, BOOL, bMenu, DWORD, dwExStyle) BOOL WINAPI AdjustWindowRectEx( LPRECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) { ConnectIfNecessary(0); return _AdjustWindowRectEx(lpRect, dwStyle, bMenu, dwExStyle); } FUNCLOG3(LOG_GENERAL, int, WINAPI, GetClassNameW, HWND, hwnd, LPWSTR, lpClassName, int, nMaxCount) int WINAPI GetClassNameW( HWND hwnd, LPWSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount) { UNICODE_STRING strClassName; strClassName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(nMaxCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); strClassName.Buffer = lpClassName; return NtUserGetClassName(hwnd, FALSE, &strClassName); } HWND GetFocus(VOID) { return (HWND)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateFocusWindow); } HWND GetCapture(VOID) { /* * If no captures are currently taking place, just return NULL. */ if (gpsi->cCaptures == 0) { return NULL; } return (HWND)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateCaptureWindow); } /***************************************************************************\ * AnyPopup (API) * * * * History: * 12-Nov-1990 DarrinM Ported. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL AnyPopup(VOID) { PWND pwnd = _GetDesktopWindow(); for (pwnd = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndChild); pwnd; pwnd = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndNext)) { if ((pwnd->spwndOwner != NULL) && TestWF(pwnd, WFVISIBLE)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetInputState * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/ BOOL GetInputState(VOID) { CLIENTTHREADINFO *pcti = GETCLIENTTHREADINFO(); if ((pcti == NULL) || (pcti->fsChangeBits & (QS_MOUSEBUTTON | QS_KEY))) return (BOOL)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateInputState); return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************\ * MapWindowPoints * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, int, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, MapWindowPoints, HWND, hwndFrom, HWND, hwndTo, LPPOINT, lppt, UINT, cpt) int MapWindowPoints( HWND hwndFrom, HWND hwndTo, LPPOINT lppt, UINT cpt) { PWND pwndFrom; PWND pwndTo; if (hwndFrom != NULL) { if ((pwndFrom = ValidateHwnd(hwndFrom)) == NULL) return 0; } else { pwndFrom = NULL; } if (hwndTo != NULL) { if ((pwndTo = ValidateHwnd(hwndTo)) == NULL) return 0; } else { pwndTo = NULL; } return _MapWindowPoints(pwndFrom, pwndTo, lppt, cpt); } /***************************************************************************\ * GetLastActivePopup * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, HWND, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetLastActivePopup, HWND, hwnd) HWND GetLastActivePopup( HWND hwnd) { PWND pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) return NULL; pwnd = _GetLastActivePopup(pwnd); return HW(pwnd); } /**************************************************************************\ * PtiWindow * * Gets the PTHREADINFO of window or NULL if not valid. * * 12-Feb-1997 JerrySh Created. \**************************************************************************/ PTHREADINFO PtiWindow( HWND hwnd) { PHE phe; DWORD dw; WORD uniq; dw = HMIndexFromHandle(hwnd); if (dw < gpsi->cHandleEntries) { phe = &gSharedInfo.aheList[dw]; if ((phe->bType == TYPE_WINDOW) && !(phe->bFlags & HANDLEF_DESTROY)) { uniq = HMUniqFromHandle(hwnd); if ( uniq == phe->wUniq #if !defined(_WIN64) && !defined(BUILD_WOW6432) || uniq == 0 || uniq == HMUNIQBITS #endif ) { return phe->pOwner; } } } UserSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE); return NULL; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetWindowThreadProcessId * * Get's windows process and thread ids. * * 24-Jun-1991 ScottLu Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG2(LOG_GENERAL, DWORD, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetWindowThreadProcessId, HWND, hwnd, LPDWORD, lpdwProcessId) DWORD GetWindowThreadProcessId( HWND hwnd, LPDWORD lpdwProcessId) { PTHREADINFO ptiWindow; DWORD dwThreadId; if ((ptiWindow = PtiWindow(hwnd)) == NULL) return 0; /* * For non-system threads get the info from the thread info structure */ if (ptiWindow == PtiCurrent()) { if (lpdwProcessId != NULL) *lpdwProcessId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess); dwThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread); } else { /* * Make this better later on. */ if (lpdwProcessId != NULL) *lpdwProcessId = HandleToUlong(NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowProcess)); dwThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowThread)); } return dwThreadId; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetScrollPos * * Returns the current position of a scroll bar * * !!! WARNING a similiar copy of this code is in server\sbapi.c * * History: \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG2(LOG_GENERAL, int, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetScrollPos, HWND, hwnd, int, code) int GetScrollPos( HWND hwnd, int code) { PWND pwnd; if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) return 0; switch (code) { case SB_CTL: return (int)SendMessageWorker(pwnd, SBM_GETPOS, 0, 0, FALSE); case SB_HORZ: case SB_VERT: if (pwnd->pSBInfo != NULL) { PSBINFO pSBInfo = (PSBINFO)(REBASEALWAYS(pwnd, pSBInfo)); return (code == SB_VERT) ? pSBInfo->Vert.pos : pSBInfo->Horz.pos; } else { RIPERR0(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); } break; default: /* * Win3.1 validation layer code. */ RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetScrollRange * * !!! WARNING a similiar copy of this code is in server\sbapi.c * * History: * 16-May-1991 mikeke Changed to return BOOL \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetScrollRange, HWND, hwnd, int, code, LPINT, lpposMin, LPINT, lpposMax) BOOL GetScrollRange( HWND hwnd, int code, LPINT lpposMin, LPINT lpposMax) { PSBINFO pSBInfo; PWND pwnd; if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) return FALSE; switch (code) { case SB_CTL: SendMessageWorker(pwnd, SBM_GETRANGE, (WPARAM)lpposMin, (LPARAM)lpposMax, FALSE); return TRUE; case SB_VERT: case SB_HORZ: if (pSBInfo = REBASE(pwnd, pSBInfo)) { PSBDATA pSBData; pSBData = KPSBDATA_TO_PSBDATA((code == SB_VERT) ? &pSBInfo->Vert : &pSBInfo->Horz); *lpposMin = pSBData->posMin; *lpposMax = pSBData->posMax; } else { RIPERR0(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); *lpposMin = 0; *lpposMax = 0; } return TRUE; default: /* * Win3.1 validation layer code. */ RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return FALSE; } } FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, int, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, SetScrollInfo, HWND, hwnd, int, fnBar, LPCSCROLLINFO, lpsi, BOOL, fRedraw) int SetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw) { int ret; BEGIN_USERAPIHOOK() ret = guah.pfnSetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi, fRedraw); END_USERAPIHOOK() return ret; } int RealSetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw) { return NtUserSetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi, fRedraw); } FUNCLOG3(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetScrollInfo, HWND, hwnd, int, code, LPSCROLLINFO, lpsi) BOOL GetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int code, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) { int ret; BEGIN_USERAPIHOOK() ret = guah.pfnGetScrollInfo(hwnd, code, lpsi); END_USERAPIHOOK() return ret; } /***************************************************************************\ * RealGetScrollInfo * * !!! WARNING a similiar copy of this code is in server\winmgrc.c * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL RealGetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int code, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) { PWND pwnd; PSBINFO pSBInfo; PSBDATA pSBData; if (lpsi->cbSize != sizeof(SCROLLINFO)) { if (lpsi->cbSize != sizeof(SCROLLINFO) - 4) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SCROLLINFO: Invalid cbSize"); return FALSE; } else { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SCROLLINFO: Invalid cbSize"); } } if (lpsi->fMask & ~SIF_MASK) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SCROLLINFO: Invalid fMask"); return FALSE; } if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) return FALSE; switch (code) { case SB_CTL: SendMessageWorker(pwnd, SBM_GETSCROLLINFO, 0, (LPARAM)lpsi, FALSE); return TRUE; case SB_HORZ: case SB_VERT: if (pwnd->pSBInfo == NULL) { RIPERR0(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return FALSE; } /* * Rebase rgwScroll so probing will work */ pSBInfo = (PSBINFO)REBASEALWAYS(pwnd, pSBInfo); pSBData = KPSBDATA_TO_PSBDATA((code == SB_VERT) ? &pSBInfo->Vert : &pSBInfo->Horz); return(NtUserSBGetParms(hwnd, code, pSBData, lpsi)); default: /* * Win3.1 validation layer code. */ RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return FALSE; } } /****************************************************************************\ * _GetActiveWindow (API) * * * 23-Oct-1990 MikeHar Ported from Windows. * 12-Nov-1990 DarrinM Moved from getset.c to here. \****************************************************************************/ HWND GetActiveWindow(VOID) { return (HWND)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateActiveWindow); } /****************************************************************************\ * GetCursor * * * History: \****************************************************************************/ HCURSOR GetCursor(VOID) { return (HCURSOR)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateCursor); } /***************************************************************************\ * BOOL IsMenu(HMENU); * * Verifies that the handle passed in is a menu handle. * * Histroy: * 10-Jul-1992 MikeHar Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, IsMenu, HMENU, hMenu) BOOL IsMenu( HMENU hMenu) { if (HMValidateHandle(hMenu, TYPE_MENU)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetAppCompatFlags * * Compatibility flags for < Win 3.1 apps running on 3.1 * * History: * 01-Apr-1992 ScottLu Created. * 04-May-1992 DarrinM Moved to USERRTL.DLL. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, DWORD, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetAppCompatFlags, PTHREADINFO, pti) DWORD GetAppCompatFlags( PTHREADINFO pti) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pti); ConnectIfNecessary(0); return GetClientInfo()->dwCompatFlags; } /***************************************************************************\ * GetAppCompatFlags2 * * Compatibility flags for <= wVer apps. Newer apps will get no hacks * from this DWORD. * * History: * 06-29-98 MCostea Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, DWORD, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, GetAppCompatFlags2, WORD, wVer) DWORD GetAppCompatFlags2( WORD wVer) { ConnectIfNecessary(0); /* * Newer apps should behave, so they get no hacks */ if (wVer < GETAPPVER()) { return 0; } return GetClientInfo()->dwCompatFlags2; } /**************************************************************************\ * IsWindowUnicode * * 25-Feb-1992 IanJa Created \**************************************************************************/ BOOL IsWindowUnicode( IN HWND hwnd) { PWND pwnd; if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) return FALSE; return !TestWF(pwnd, WFANSIPROC); } /**************************************************************************\ * TestWindowProcess * * 14-Nov-1994 JimA Created. \**************************************************************************/ BOOL TestWindowProcess( PWND pwnd) { /* * If the threads are the same, don't bother going to the kernel * to get the window's process id. */ if (GETPTI(pwnd) == PtiCurrent()) { return TRUE; } return (GetWindowProcess(HW(pwnd)) == GETPROCESSID()); } /**************************************************************************\ * IsHungAppWindow * * 11-14-94 JimA Created. \**************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, IsHungAppWindow, HWND, hwnd) BOOL IsHungAppWindow( HWND hwnd) { return (NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowIsHung) != NULL); } /***************************************************************************\ * CreateSystemThreads * * Simply calls xxxCreateSystemThreads, which will call the appropriate * thread routine (depending on uThreadID). * * History: * 20-Aug-00 MSadek Created. \***************************************************************************/ WINUSERAPI DWORD WINAPI CreateSystemThreads ( LPVOID pUnused) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pUnused); NtUserCallOneParam(TRUE, SFI_XXXCREATESYSTEMTHREADS); ExitThread(0); } /***************************************************************************\ * PtiCurrent * * Returns the THREADINFO structure for the current thread. * LATER: Get DLL_THREAD_ATTACH initialization working right and we won't * need this connect code. * * History: * 10-28-90 DavidPe Created. \***************************************************************************/ PTHREADINFO PtiCurrent(VOID) { ConnectIfNecessary(0); return (PTHREADINFO)NtCurrentTebShared()->Win32ThreadInfo; } /***************************************************************************\ * _AdjustWindowRectEx (API) * * * * History: * 10-24-90 darrinm Ported from Win 3.0. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL _AdjustWindowRectEx( LPRECT lprc, DWORD style, BOOL fMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) { BOOL ret; BEGIN_USERAPIHOOK() ret = guah.pfnAdjustWindowRectEx(lprc, style, fMenu, dwExStyle); END_USERAPIHOOK() return ret; } BOOL RealAdjustWindowRectEx( LPRECT lprc, DWORD style, BOOL fMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) { // // Here we add on the appropriate 3D borders for old and new apps. // // Rules: // (1) Do nothing for windows that have 3D border styles. // (2) If the window has a dlgframe border (has a caption or is a // a dialog), then add on the window edge style. // (3) We NEVER add on the CLIENT STYLE. New apps can create // it if they want. This is because it screws up alignment // when the app doesn't know about it. // if (NeedsWindowEdge(style, dwExStyle, GETAPPVER() >= VER40)) dwExStyle |= WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; else dwExStyle &= ~WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; // // Space for a menu bar // if (fMenu) lprc->top -= SYSMET(CYMENU); // // Space for a caption bar // if ((HIWORD(style) & HIWORD(WS_CAPTION)) == HIWORD(WS_CAPTION)) { lprc->top -= (dwExStyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) ? SYSMET(CYSMCAPTION) : SYSMET(CYCAPTION); } // // Space for borders (window AND client) // { int cBorders; // // Window AND Client borders // if (cBorders = GetWindowBorders(style, dwExStyle, TRUE, TRUE)) InflateRect(lprc, cBorders*SYSMET(CXBORDER), cBorders*SYSMET(CYBORDER)); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************\ * ShowWindowNoRepaint \***************************************************************************/ void ShowWindowNoRepaint(PWND pwnd) { HWND hwnd = HWq(pwnd); PCLS pcls = REBASE(pwnd, pcls); NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | ((pcls->style & CS_SAVEBITS) ? SWP_CREATESPB : 0)); } /***************************************************************************\ * AnimateBlend * * 6-Mar-1997 vadimg created \***************************************************************************/ #define ALPHASTART 40 #define ONEFRAME 10 BOOL AnimateBlend(PWND pwnd, HDC hdcScreen, HDC hdcImage, DWORD dwTime, BOOL fHide, BOOL fActivateWindow) { HWND hwnd = HWq(pwnd); SIZE size; POINT ptSrc = {0, 0}, ptDst; BLENDFUNCTION blend; DWORD dwElapsed; BYTE bAlpha = ALPHASTART; LARGE_INTEGER liFreq, liStart, liDiff; LARGE_INTEGER liIter; DWORD dwIter; BOOL fFirstFrame = TRUE; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&liFreq) == 0) return FALSE; SetLastError(0); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_LAYERED); if (GetLastError() != 0) { return FALSE; } if (fHide) { /* * Give up the time slice and sleep just a touch to allow windows * below invalidated by the SetWindowLong(WS_EX_LAYERED) call to * repaint enough for the sprite to get good background image. */ Sleep(10); } ptDst.x = pwnd->rcWindow.left; ptDst.y = pwnd->rcWindow.top; size.cx = pwnd->rcWindow.right - pwnd->rcWindow.left; size.cy = pwnd->rcWindow.bottom - pwnd->rcWindow.top; blend.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; blend.BlendFlags = 0; blend.AlphaFormat = 0; blend.SourceConstantAlpha = fHide ? (255 - bAlpha) : bAlpha; /* * Copy the initial image with the initial alpha. */ NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, NULL, &ptDst, &size, hdcImage, &ptSrc, 0, &blend, ULW_ALPHA); if (!fHide) { ShowWindowNoRepaint(pwnd); } /* * Time and start the animation cycle. */ dwElapsed = (dwTime * ALPHASTART + 255) / 255 + 10; QueryPerformanceCounter(&liStart); liStart.QuadPart = liStart.QuadPart - dwElapsed * liFreq.QuadPart / 1000; while (dwElapsed < dwTime) { if (fHide) { blend.SourceConstantAlpha = (BYTE)((255 * (dwTime - dwElapsed)) / dwTime); } else { blend.SourceConstantAlpha = (BYTE)((255 * dwElapsed) / dwTime); } QueryPerformanceCounter(&liIter); if (fFirstFrame && fActivateWindow) { NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); } fFirstFrame = FALSE; NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &blend, ULW_ALPHA); QueryPerformanceCounter(&liDiff); /* * Calculate how long in ms the previous frame took. */ liIter.QuadPart = liDiff.QuadPart - liIter.QuadPart; dwIter = (DWORD)((liIter.QuadPart * 1000) / liFreq.QuadPart); if (dwIter < ONEFRAME) { Sleep(ONEFRAME - dwIter); } liDiff.QuadPart -= liStart.QuadPart; dwElapsed = (DWORD)((liDiff.QuadPart * 1000) / liFreq.QuadPart); } /* * Hide the window before removing the layered bit to make sure that * the bits for the window are not left on the screen. */ if (fHide) { NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & ~WS_EX_LAYERED); if (!fHide) { BitBlt(hdcScreen, 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY | NOMIRRORBITMAP); } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************\ * TakeWindowSnapshot * * Helper routine to grab the visual appearance of a window to a bitmap. * \***************************************************************************/ HBITMAP TakeWindowSnapshot(HWND hwnd, HDC hdcWindow, HDC hdcSnapshot) { PWND pwnd; int cx; int cy; HBITMAP hbmOld, hbmSnapshot; BOOL fOK = FALSE; pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) return NULL; cx = pwnd->rcWindow.right - pwnd->rcWindow.left; cy = pwnd->rcWindow.bottom - pwnd->rcWindow.top; hbmSnapshot = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcWindow, cx, cy); if (hbmSnapshot == NULL) { return NULL; } hbmOld = SelectObject(hdcSnapshot, hbmSnapshot); /* * Try redirection first. */ /* if (NtUserPrintWindow(hwnd, hdcSnapshot, 0)) { fOK = TRUE; } else */ { /* * We failed to redirect the window! This can be caused by windows * with class or parent DCs. Maybe other reasons as well. Revert to * the old way of sending a WM_PRINT to the window. */ UINT uBounds; RECT rcBounds; DWORD dwOldLayout = GDI_ERROR; BOOL fError = TRUE; /* * The WM_PRINT message expects a "normal" layout setting on the DC. * The message will handle RTL stuff itself. */ dwOldLayout = SetLayout(hdcSnapshot, 0); /* * Clear the dirty bounds so we can tell if anything was painted. */ SetBoundsRect(hdcSnapshot, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_ENABLE); /* * Get the actual image. The windows participating here must implement * WM_PRINTCLIENT or they will look ugly. */ SendMessage(hwnd, WM_PRINT, (WPARAM)hdcSnapshot, PRF_CLIENT | PRF_NONCLIENT | PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_ERASEBKGND); /* * Check to see if the app painted in our DC. We do this by checking to * see if the bounding rect of operations performed on the DC is set. */ uBounds = GetBoundsRect(hdcSnapshot, &rcBounds, 0); if ((uBounds & DCB_RESET) && (!(uBounds & DCB_ACCUMULATE))) { goto Cleanup; } fOK = TRUE; Cleanup: SetLayout(hdcSnapshot, dwOldLayout); } SelectObject(hdcSnapshot, hbmOld); if (!fOK) { DeleteObject(hbmSnapshot); hbmSnapshot = NULL; } return hbmSnapshot; } /***************************************************************************\ * AnimateWindow (API) * * Hide animations are done by updating a la full-drag. Uses window's window * region to do some of the magic. * * We have to put in the CLIPCHILDREN hack to work around a bug with the * DC cache resetting attributes even if DCX_USESTYLE is not used whe * the DC cache is invalidated. * * History: * 9-Sep-1996 vadimg created \***************************************************************************/ #define AW_HOR (AW_HOR_POSITIVE | AW_HOR_NEGATIVE | AW_CENTER) #define AW_VER (AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_VER_NEGATIVE | AW_CENTER) __inline int AnimInc(int x, int y, int z) { return MultDiv(x, y, z); } __inline int AnimDec(int x, int y, int z) { return x - AnimInc(x, y, z); } FUNCLOG3(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, WINAPI, AnimateWindow, HWND, hwnd, DWORD, dwTime, DWORD, dwFlags) BOOL WINAPI AnimateWindow(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwFlags) { PTHREADINFO ptiCurrent = PtiCurrent(); HDC hdc = NULL, hdcMem = NULL; PCLS pcls = NULL; HRGN hrgnOriginal = NULL, hrgnUpdate = NULL, hrgnOldAnim = NULL, hrgnAnim = NULL; HBITMAP hbmMem = NULL, hbmOld; BOOL fHide = dwFlags & AW_HIDE, fRet = FALSE, fSlide = dwFlags & AW_SLIDE; BOOL fRestoreClipChildren = FALSE; BOOL fRestoreOriginalRegion = FALSE; BOOL fShowWindow = FALSE; BOOL fHideWindow = FALSE; BOOL fActivateWindow = FALSE; BOOL fFirstFrame = TRUE; BOOL fRedrawParentWindow = FALSE; HWND hwndParent; int x, y, nx, ny, cx, cy, ix, iy, ixLast, iyLast, xWin, yWin; int xReal, yReal, xMem, yMem, xRgn, yRgn; DWORD dwStart, dwElapsed; RECT rcAnim, rcWin; PWND pwnd; BOOL fRTL = FALSE; #if DBG int cAnimationFrames = 0; DWORD dwElapsed2 = 0; #endif /* * Check to see if we have nothing to do or the flags didn't validate. */ if ((dwFlags & ~AW_VALID) != 0 || (dwFlags & (AW_HOR_POSITIVE | AW_HOR_NEGATIVE | AW_CENTER | AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_VER_NEGATIVE | AW_BLEND)) == 0) return FALSE; /* * Convert the HWND to a PWND. Fail if this is an invalid window. */ pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) return FALSE; /* * The animation effect is applied to a window that is changing from being * hidden to being visible, or from being visible to being hidden. If the * window is already in the final state, there is nothing to do. */ if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { if (fHide) { return FALSE; } } else { if (!fHide) { return FALSE; } } /* * Grab a DC for this window. */ if ((hdc = GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, DCX_WINDOW | DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_CACHE)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } fRTL = (GetLayout(hdc) & LAYOUT_RTL) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * After this point, we will not return directly. Instead, we will fall * out through the cleanup section at the bottom! Up until this point * we may have bailed out for any number of easily-detected problems. * From now on, we have resources we'll need to clean up. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Remember to hide/show/activate the window as requested. */ if (dwFlags & AW_HIDE) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Need to hide window"); fHideWindow = TRUE; } else { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Need to show window"); fShowWindow = TRUE; } if (dwFlags & AW_ACTIVATE) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Need to activate window"); fActivateWindow = TRUE; } /* * If this is a child window we are animating, then we may need to * repaint the parent every time we move the child so that the * background can be refreshed. */ if (TestWF(pwnd, WFCHILD) && (pwnd->spwndParent != NULL)) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Animating a child window" ); if (dwFlags & AW_BLEND) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Can not fade a child window!" ); goto Cleanup; } fRedrawParentWindow = TRUE; hwndParent = HW(_GetParent(pwnd)); } /* * In the process of animating the window, we are going to draw directly * on top of the window region ourselves. As such, we don't want any * "holes" in the window region due to it clipping out the children. But * we will need to restore this setting when we are all done, so we set * a flag here and check it at the end. */ if (TestWF(pwnd, WFCLIPCHILDREN)) { fRestoreClipChildren = TRUE; ClearWindowState(pwnd, WFCLIPCHILDREN); } /* * Remember the original window region. We will restore this when we are * all done. */ if (pwnd->hrgnClip != NULL) { hrgnOriginal = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if (hrgnOriginal == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } if (GetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgnOriginal) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } } fRestoreOriginalRegion = TRUE; /* * Precreate the regions we use. */ if (((hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) || ((hrgnOldAnim = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL)) { goto Cleanup; } rcWin = pwnd->rcWindow; xWin = rcWin.left; yWin = rcWin.top; cx = rcWin.right - rcWin.left; cy = rcWin.bottom - rcWin.top; /* * Initialize the "old" animation region to be: * 1) Empty, if the window is being show. * 2) Full, if the window is being hiddem. */ if (fHide) { if (hrgnOriginal != NULL) { if (CombineRgn(hrgnOldAnim, hrgnOriginal, NULL, RGN_COPY) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } } else { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnOldAnim, 0, 0, cx, cy) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } } } else { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnOldAnim, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } } /* * The window needs to be visible since we are going to be drawing parts * of it. If the window is being hidden, then it is currently visible. * If the window is being shown, then we go ahead and make it visible * now but we don't repaint it. */ if (!(dwFlags & AW_BLEND)) { HRGN hrgnWin = NULL; /* * Set window region to nothing, so that if the window draws during * callbacks in WM_PRINT, it doesn't happen on screen. */ if ((hrgnWin = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } RealSetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgnWin, FALSE); if (!fHide) { ShowWindowNoRepaint(pwnd); fShowWindow = FALSE; } } /* * Set up an offscreen DC, and back it to a bitmap. We will use this to * capture the visual representation of the window being animated. */ if ((hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } hbmMem = TakeWindowSnapshot(hwnd, hdc, hdcMem); if (hbmMem != NULL) { /* * If the window changed its size while we were taking a snapshot, * we need to do it again. For instance, like RAID does with * combo boxes by resizing them on WM_CTLCOLOR from WM_ERASEBKGND. */ if (!EqualRect(&rcWin, KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwnd->rcWindow))) { /* * Update all of our variables taking into account the new size. */ TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Size change on paint!"); TAGMSG4(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Old = (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", rcWin.left, rcWin.top, rcWin.right, rcWin.bottom); rcWin = pwnd->rcWindow; TAGMSG4(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: New = (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", rcWin.left, rcWin.top, rcWin.right, rcWin.bottom); xWin = rcWin.left; yWin = rcWin.top; cx = rcWin.right - rcWin.left; cy = rcWin.bottom - rcWin.top; if (hrgnOriginal != NULL) { if (GetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgnOriginal) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } } /* * Initialize the "old" animation region to be: * 1) Empty, if the window is being show. * 2) Full, if the window is being hiddem. */ if (fHide) { if (hrgnOriginal != NULL) { if (CombineRgn(hrgnOldAnim, hrgnOriginal, NULL, RGN_COPY) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } } else { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnOldAnim, 0, 0, cx, cy) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } } } else { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnOldAnim, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } } DeleteObject(hbmMem); hbmMem = TakeWindowSnapshot(hwnd, hdc, hdcMem); } if (hbmMem != NULL) { hbmOld = SelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbmMem); } else { goto Cleanup; } } else { goto Cleanup; } /* * Use the default animation duration if the caller didn't specify it. */ if (dwTime == 0) { dwTime = CMS_QANIMATION; } /* * If we are doing an alpha blend animation, call a separate routine to * do it and then return. */ if (dwFlags & AW_BLEND) { fRet = AnimateBlend(pwnd, hdc, hdcMem, dwTime, fHide, fActivateWindow); if (fRet) { fHideWindow = FALSE; fShowWindow = FALSE; } goto Cleanup; } /* * Our central animation routine uses an equation to update the new * position of the window during the animation. This equation uses some * variables so that it is configurable. * * x and y describe where the left and top edges are caluclated relative * to. xReal and yReal are the result of that calculation. * * nx and ny are used to control in which direction the the top and left * edges are offset from x and y. The left/top edges are either fixed in * place (nx and ny are set to 0), or are calculated as a negative offset * from the right/bottom edges (nx and ny are set to -1). * * ix, and iy are the amount of the width and height that the * animation should be showing at a particular iteration through the * loop. If we are showing the window, this amount starts at * 0 and increments towards the window's true dimension. If we are * hiding a window, this amount starts at the window's true dimension * and decrements towards 0. */ ix = iy = 0; ixLast = fHide ? cx : 0; // The opposite condition of what signals we're done. iyLast = fHide ? cy : 0; // The opposite condition of what signals we're done. if (dwFlags & AW_CENTER) { /* * Expand the window from the center. The left edge is calculated as * a negative offset from the center. As the width either grows or * shrinks, the left edge will be repositioned. */ x = cx / 2; nx = -1; fSlide = FALSE; } else if (dwFlags & AW_HOR_POSITIVE) { if (fHide) { /* * Slide/Roll to the right. The left edge moves to the right, and * the right edge stays put. Thus, the width gets smaller. The * left edge is calculated as a negative offset from the right * edge. */ x = cx; nx = -1; } else { /* * Slide/Roll to the right. The left edge stays put, and the right * edge moves to the right. Thus, the width gets bigger. The * left edge is always 0. */ x = 0; nx = 0; } } else if (dwFlags & AW_HOR_NEGATIVE) { if (fHide) { /* * Slide/Roll to the left. The left edge stays put, and the right * edge moves to the left. Thus, the width gets smaller. The * left edge is always 0. */ x = 0; nx = 0; } else { /* * Slide/Roll to the left. The left edge moves to the left, and * the right edge stays put. Thus, the width gets bigger. * The left edge is calculated as a negative offset from the right * edge. */ x = cx; nx = -1; } } else { /* * There is not supposed to be any horizontal animation. The * animation is always as wide as the window. */ x = 0; nx = 0; ix = cx; } if (dwFlags & AW_CENTER) { /* * Expand the window from the center. The top edge is calculated as * a negative offset from the center. As the height either grows or * shrinks, the top edge will be repositioned. */ y = cy / 2; ny = -1; } else if (dwFlags & AW_VER_POSITIVE) { if (fHide) { /* * Slide/Roll down. The top edge moves down, and the bottom * edge stays put. Thus, the height gets smaller. The top edge * is calculated as a negative offset from the bottom edge. */ y = cy; ny = -1; } else { /* * Slide/Roll down. The top edge stays put, and the bottom edge * moves down. Thus, the height gets bigger. The top edge is * always 0. */ y = 0; ny = 0; } } else if (dwFlags & AW_VER_NEGATIVE) { if (fHide) { /* * Slide/Roll up. The top edge stays put, and the bottom edge * moves up. Thus, the height gets smaller. The top edge is * always 0. */ y = 0; ny = 0; } else { /* * Slide/Roll up. The top edge moves up, and the bottom edge * stays put. Thus, the height gets bigger. The top edge is * calculated as a negative offset from the bottom edge. */ y = cy; ny = -1; } } else { /* * There is not supposed to be any vertical animation. The * animation is always as tall as the window. */ y = 0; ny = 0; iy = cy; } /* * Summary of the animation loop: * * We sit in a tight loop and update the positions of the left and * top edges of the window, as well as the width and height. We set * a window region with these dimensions on the window so that windows * behind it will be updated properly. Then we draw the cached snapshot * of the window on top of (and clipped to) this region. * * dwTime is the amount of time the animation should take. dwStart * was the value of the internal tick counter when we started the * animation loop. dwElapsed counts how many ticks (nilliseconds) * have passed at the start of each pass through the animation loop. * * ixLast and iyLast are simply the values of ix and iy the last * time we went through the loop. If these are the same, there is * no work to be done, and we force our thread to be rescheduled by * calling Sleep(1). */ dwStart = GetTickCount(); #if DBG cAnimationFrames = 0; #endif while (TRUE) { dwElapsed = GetTickCount() - dwStart; /* * Calculate the amount of the window width we should be showing. */ if (dwFlags & AW_HOR) { ix = (fHide ? AnimDec : AnimInc)(cx, dwElapsed, dwTime); } /* * Calculate the amount of the window height we should be showing. */ if (dwFlags & AW_VER) { iy = (fHide ? AnimDec : AnimInc)(cy, dwElapsed, dwTime); } /* * We have exceeded our time, make sure we draw the final frame. */ if (dwElapsed > dwTime) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Exceeded animation time. Drawing fimal frame."); ix = fHide ? 0 : cx; iy = fHide ? 0 : cy; } if (ixLast == ix && iyLast == iy) { /* * There was no change in the amount of the window we are * supposed to show since last time. Chances are we are * being animated really slowly or a short distance. Either * way, sitting in this tight loop is kind of a waste. So * force the thread to get rescheduled. */ TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Drawing frames faster than needed. Sleeping." ); Sleep(1); } else { /* * Calculate the new positions of the left and top edges of the * window being animated. */ if (dwFlags & AW_CENTER) { xReal = x + nx * (ix / 2); yReal = y + ny * (iy / 2); } else { xReal = x + nx * ix; yReal = y + ny * iy; } /* * Calculate new animation dimensions on the screen. */ rcAnim.left = xReal; rcAnim.top = yReal; rcAnim.right = rcAnim.left + ix; rcAnim.bottom = rcAnim.top + iy; TAGMSG5(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Frame %d = (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", cAnimationFrames, rcAnim.left, rcAnim.top, rcAnim.right, rcAnim.bottom); /* * Calculate the offset of this animation rectangle in the bitmap. */ if (fSlide) { if (dwFlags & AW_HOR_POSITIVE) { xMem = fHide ? 0: cx - ix; } else if (dwFlags & AW_HOR_NEGATIVE) { xMem = fHide ? cx - ix : 0; } else { xMem = xReal; } xRgn = xMem ? -xMem : xReal; if (dwFlags & AW_VER_POSITIVE) { yMem = fHide ? 0 : cy - iy; } else if (dwFlags & AW_VER_NEGATIVE) { yMem = fHide ? cy - iy : 0; } else { yMem = yReal; } yRgn = yMem ? -yMem : yReal; } else { xMem = xReal; yMem = yReal; xRgn = 0; yRgn = 0; } /* * Create a new region that spans the animation rectangle. We * have to create a new region every time because when we set * it into the window, the system will take ownership of it. */ hrgnAnim = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcAnim); if (hrgnAnim == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } /* * If the original window had a region, we need to merge it * with the animation rectangle. We may have to offset the * original region to accomplish effects like slides. */ if (hrgnOriginal != NULL) { if (OffsetRgn(hrgnOriginal, xRgn, yRgn) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } if (CombineRgn(hrgnAnim, hrgnOriginal, hrgnAnim, RGN_AND) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } if (OffsetRgn(hrgnOriginal, -xRgn, -yRgn) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } } /* * Now calculate how much of the screen (ie desktop window) * we need to update. All we really need to paint is the * difference in the new animation region and the old * animation region. Note that we have to convert to * coordinates in the regions to be relative to the desktop * window instead of being relative to the window being * animated. */ if (CombineRgn(hrgnUpdate, hrgnOldAnim, hrgnAnim, RGN_DIFF) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } if (fRTL) { MirrorRgn(hwnd, hrgnUpdate); } if (OffsetRgn(hrgnUpdate, xWin, yWin) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } /* * The system will own the region when we set it into the * window. We need to keep it around so that we can * calculate the update region on the next pass through * the animation loop. So we make a copy. */ if (CombineRgn(hrgnOldAnim, hrgnAnim, NULL, RGN_COPY) == ERROR) { goto Cleanup; } /* * Set the window region. Note that we haven't actually moved * the window. And that the coordinates in the region are all * relative to the window. After this call, the system owns * the hrgnAnim. Then repaint the update region of the * DESKTOP window. This is the region under/around the window * that we have exposed. * * Note: We use the RealSetWindowRgn to work around theming. * The theming system will hook the standard SetWindowRgn API * and revoke the theming of the window since it detects us * setting our own region. The idea being that if we are setting * a region, we must have a "custom" look in mind for the window. * Which we dont, we just want to hide parts of it temporarily. */ if(0 == RealSetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgnAnim, FALSE)) { goto Cleanup; } else { /* * The system now owns the region. Lets simply forget about * it to be safe. */ hrgnAnim = NULL; } /* * If we are supposed to activate the window, do so on the first * frame of the animation. This will cause the window to be * z-ordered properly. Note that we leave the flag set to * true so that we will activate it again at the end. This will * force a repaint since we are currently drawing the bits of the * window that doesn't look activated. */ if (fFirstFrame && fActivateWindow) { NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW); } fFirstFrame = FALSE; if (RedrawWindow(NULL, NULL, hrgnUpdate, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } if (fRedrawParentWindow) { if (NtUserCallHwndParamLock(hwndParent, (ULONG_PTR)hrgnUpdate, SFI_XXXUPDATEWINDOWS) == 0) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Warning: xxxUpdateWindows failed!"); goto Cleanup; } } /* * Now draw the cached snapshot of the window on top of the window * itself. We do this by drawing into the window's DC. Since we * applied a region already, all clipping is done for us. */ if (BitBlt(hdc, xReal, yReal, ix, iy, hdcMem, xMem, yMem, SRCCOPY | NOMIRRORBITMAP) == 0) { goto Cleanup; } #if DBG cAnimationFrames++; dwElapsed2 = GetTickCount() - dwStart; dwElapsed2 -= dwElapsed; #endif TAGMSG2(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Frame %d took %lums", cAnimationFrames, dwElapsed2 ); ixLast = ix; iyLast = iy; /* * Break out of the animation loop when, either: * 1) We've exceeded the animation time. * 2) We're hiding the window and one of the dimensions is 0. * The window is completely hidden now anyways, * 3) We're showing the window and both dimensions are at their * full size. The window is completely shown now anyways. */ if (dwElapsed > dwTime) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Done with the animation late!"); break; } if ((fHide && (ix == 0 || iy == 0)) || (!fHide && (ix == cx && iy == cy))) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Done with the animation on time or early!"); break; } } } TAGMSG2(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Animation completed after %lums, drawing %d frames.", dwElapsed, cAnimationFrames); fRet = TRUE; if (fHide) { UserAssert(ixLast == 0 || iyLast == 0); /* * We are supposed to be hiding the window. Go ahead and restore the * child clipping setting, and hide the window. */ if (fRestoreClipChildren) { SetWindowState(pwnd, WFCLIPCHILDREN); fRestoreClipChildren = FALSE; } NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE); fHideWindow = FALSE; } else { UserAssert(ixLast == cx && iyLast == cy); /* * We successfully finished the animation loop! Validate the entire window since * we claimed responsibility for drawing it correctly. */ RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_NOERASE | RDW_NOFRAME | RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT | RDW_VALIDATE); } Cleanup: /* * Things to do on cleanup. Make sure we restore the "children clipping" * setting of the window if we removed it! */ if (fRestoreClipChildren) { SetWindowState(pwnd, WFCLIPCHILDREN); fRestoreClipChildren = FALSE; } /* * Hide the window if needed before we reapply the window region. */ if (fHideWindow) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Hiding the window during cleanup" ); NtUserShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } /* * Restore the original window region. Note that the system now owns * the handle, so we should not delete it. Also, if the original * handle was NULL, this removes any regions we inflicted on the window * in order to do the animation. */ if (fRestoreOriginalRegion) { RealSetWindowRgn(hwnd, hrgnOriginal, FALSE); hrgnOriginal = NULL; fRestoreOriginalRegion = FALSE; } /* * More things to do on cleanup. Make sure we show/activate the window * if needed! */ if (fShowWindow && fActivateWindow) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Showing and activating the window during cleanup" ); NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); fShowWindow = FALSE; fActivateWindow = FALSE; } if (fShowWindow) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Showing the window during cleanup" ); NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); fShowWindow = FALSE; } if (fActivateWindow) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_AnimateWindow, "AnimateWindow: Activating the window during cleanup" ); NtUserSetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); fActivateWindow = FALSE; } if (hdcMem != NULL) { DeleteDC(hdcMem); } if (hbmMem != NULL) { DeleteObject(hbmMem); } if (hdc != NULL) { ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } if (hrgnAnim != NULL) { DeleteObject(hrgnAnim); hrgnAnim = NULL; } if (hrgnOldAnim != NULL) { DeleteObject(hrgnOldAnim); hrgnOldAnim = NULL; } if (hrgnUpdate != NULL) { DeleteObject(hrgnUpdate); hrgnUpdate = NULL; } return fRet; } /***************************************************************************\ * SmoothScrollWindowEx * * History: * 24-Sep-1996 vadimg wrote \***************************************************************************/ #define MINSCROLL 10 #define MAXSCROLLTIME 200 int SmoothScrollWindowEx(HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwTime) { RECT rc, rcT, rcUpdate; int dxStep, dyStep, dxDone, dyDone, xSrc, ySrc, xDst, yDst, dxBlt, dyBlt; int nRet = ERROR, nClip; BOOL fNegX = FALSE, fNegY = FALSE; HDC hdc, hdcMem = NULL; HBITMAP hbmMem = NULL, hbmOld; DWORD dwSleep; BOOL fCalcSubscroll = FALSE; PWND pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); HRGN hrgnScroll = NULL, hrgnErase = NULL; MSG msg; UINT uBounds; RECT rcBounds; if (pwnd == NULL) return ERROR; /* * Keep track of the signs so we don't have to mess with abs all the time. */ if (dx < 0) { fNegX = TRUE; dx = -dx; } if (dy < 0) { fNegY = TRUE; dy = -dy; } /* * Set up the client rectangle. */ if (prcScroll != NULL) { rc = *prcScroll; } else { rc.left = rc.top = 0; rc.right = pwnd->rcClient.right - pwnd->rcClient.left; rc.bottom = pwnd->rcClient.bottom - pwnd->rcClient.top; } /* * If they want to scroll less than we can let them, or more than * one page, or need repainting send them to the API. */ if (pwnd->hrgnUpdate != NULL || (dx == 0 && dy == 0) || (dx != 0 && dx > rc.right) || (dy != 0 && dy > rc.bottom)) { return NtUserScrollWindowEx(hwnd, fNegX ? -dx : dx, fNegY ? -dy : dy, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnUpdate, prcUpdate, dwFlags | SW_ERASE | SW_INVALIDATE); } if ((hdc = GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_CACHE)) == NULL) { return ERROR; } /* * Part of the window may be obscured, which means that more may be * invisible and may need to be bltted. Take that into account by * gettting the clip box. */ nClip = GetClipBox(hdc, &rcT); if (nClip == ERROR || nClip == NULLREGION) { goto Cleanup; } /* * Set up the offscreen dc and send WM_PRINT to get the image. */ if ((hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rc.right, rc.bottom)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } if ((hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } hbmOld = SelectBitmap(hdcMem, hbmMem); SetBoundsRect(hdcMem, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_ENABLE); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_PRINT, (WPARAM)hdcMem, PRF_CLIENT | PRF_ERASEBKGND | ((dwFlags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN) ? PRF_CHILDREN : 0)); /* * If the client rect changes during the callback, send WM_PRINT * again to get the correctly sized image. */ if (prcScroll == NULL) { rcT.left = rcT.top = 0; rcT.right = pwnd->rcClient.right - pwnd->rcClient.left; rcT.bottom = pwnd->rcClient.bottom - pwnd->rcClient.top; if (!EqualRect(&rc, &rcT)) { rc = rcT; SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld); DeleteObject(hbmMem); if ((hbmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rc.right, rc.bottom)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmMem); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_PRINT, (WPARAM)hdcMem, PRF_CLIENT | PRF_ERASEBKGND | ((dwFlags & SW_SCROLLCHILDREN) ? PRF_CHILDREN : 0)); } } /* * Check to see if the app painted in our DC. */ uBounds = GetBoundsRect(hdcMem, &rcBounds, 0); if ((uBounds & DCB_RESET) && (!(uBounds & DCB_ACCUMULATE))) { goto Cleanup; } if ((hrgnScroll = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } if ((hrgnErase = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } SetRectEmpty(&rcUpdate); /* * Start off with MINSCROLL and adjust it based on available time after * the first iteration. We should consider adding a NOTIMELIMIT flag. */ xDst = xSrc = 0; yDst = ySrc = 0; dxBlt = rc.right; dyBlt = rc.bottom; if (dx == 0) { dxDone = rc.right; dxStep = 0; } else { dxDone = 0; dxStep = max(dx / MINSCROLL, 1); } if (dy == 0) { dyDone = rc.bottom; dyStep = 0; } else { dyDone = 0; dyStep = max(dy / MINSCROLL, 1); } if (dwTime == 0) { dwTime = MAXSCROLLTIME; } dwSleep = dwTime / MINSCROLL; do { /* * When the dc is scrolled, the part that's revealed cannot be * updated properly. We set up the variables to blt just the part that * was just uncovered. */ if (dx != 0) { if (dxDone + dxStep > dx) { dxStep = dx - dxDone; } dxDone += dxStep; xDst = dx - dxDone; dxBlt = rc.right - xDst; if (!fNegX) { xSrc = xDst; xDst = 0; } } if (dy != 0) { if (dyDone + dyStep > dy) { dyStep = dy - dyDone; } dyDone += dyStep; yDst = dy - dyDone; dyBlt = rc.bottom - yDst; if (!fNegY) { ySrc = yDst; yDst = 0; } } /* * This is a hack for ReaderMode to be smoothly continuous. We'll make an * attempt for the scrolling to take as close to dwTime * as possible. We'll also dispatch MOUSEMOVEs to the ReaderMode window, so it * can update mouse cursor. */ if (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, NULL, FALSE, dwSleep, QS_MOUSEMOVE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, MAKELONG(PM_NOREMOVE, QS_INPUT))) { PWND pwndPeek = ValidateHwnd(msg.hwnd); if (pwndPeek != NULL) { PCLS pcls = (PCLS)REBASEALWAYS(pwndPeek, pcls); if (pcls->atomClassName == gatomReaderMode) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, msg.hwnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, MAKELONG(PM_REMOVE, QS_INPUT))) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } } if ((nRet = NtUserScrollWindowEx(hwnd, fNegX ? -dxStep : dxStep, fNegY ? -dyStep : dyStep, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnScroll, &rcT, dwFlags)) == ERROR) goto Cleanup; UnionRect(&rcUpdate, &rcUpdate, &rcT); /* * Blt the uncovered part. */ BitBlt(hdc, xDst, yDst, dxBlt, dyBlt, hdcMem, xSrc, ySrc, SRCCOPY | NOMIRRORBITMAP); SetRectRgn(hrgnErase, xDst, yDst, xDst + dxBlt, yDst + dyBlt); CombineRgn(hrgnErase, hrgnScroll, hrgnErase, RGN_DIFF); RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, hrgnErase, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASENOW); } while (dxDone < dx || dyDone < dy); if (prcUpdate != NULL) { *prcUpdate = rcUpdate; } if (hrgnUpdate != NULL) { SetRectRgn(hrgnUpdate, rcUpdate.left, rcUpdate.top, rcUpdate.right, rcUpdate.bottom); } Cleanup: if (hdcMem != NULL) { DeleteDC(hdcMem); } if (hbmMem != NULL) { DeleteObject(hbmMem); } if (hdc != NULL) { ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } if (hrgnErase != NULL) { DeleteObject(hrgnErase); } if (hrgnScroll != NULL) { DeleteObject(hrgnScroll); } return nRet; } /***************************************************************************\ * ScrollWindowEx (API) * \***************************************************************************/ int ScrollWindowEx(HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT dwFlags) { if (dwFlags & SW_SMOOTHSCROLL) { return SmoothScrollWindowEx(hwnd, dx, dy, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnUpdate, prcUpdate, LOWORD(dwFlags), HIWORD(dwFlags)); } else { return NtUserScrollWindowEx(hwnd, dx, dy, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnUpdate, prcUpdate, dwFlags); } } /***************************************************************************\ * IsGUIThread (API) * * Checks whether the current thread is a GUI thread. If bConvert is TRUE, will * convert the current thread to GUI, if necessary. * * History: * 22-Jun-2000 JasonSch Wrote. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, IsGUIThread, BOOL, bConvert) BOOL IsGUIThread(BOOL bConvert) { BOOL bIsGUI = (NtCurrentTebShared()->Win32ThreadInfo != NULL); if (!bIsGUI && bConvert) { bIsGUI = (BOOL)USERTHREADCONNECT(); if (!bIsGUI) { UserSetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } } return bIsGUI; } /***************************************************************************\ * IsWindowInDestroy (API) * * Checks whether the current window is in the process of being destroyed. * * History: * 02-Jan-2001 Mohamed Wrote. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, IsWindowInDestroy, HWND, hwnd) BOOL IsWindowInDestroy(IN HWND hwnd) { PWND pwnd; pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) { return FALSE; } return TestWF(pwnd, WFINDESTROY); } /***************************************************************************\ * IsServerSideWindow (API) * * Checks whether the current window is marked as having a server side WndProc. * * History: * 13-Jun-2001 Mohamed Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, IsServerSideWindow, HWND, hwnd) BOOL IsServerSideWindow(IN HWND hwnd) { PWND pwnd; pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); if (pwnd == NULL) { return FALSE; } return TestWF(pwnd, WFSERVERSIDEPROC); }