// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation // // DNS installation and configuration code // // 6-16-98 sburns #include "headers.hxx" #include "resource.h" #include "ProgressDialog.hpp" #include "state.hpp" static const DWORD HELP_MAP[] = { 0, 0 }; static const int NAP_TIME = 3000; // in ms int millisecondsToSeconds(int millis) { static const int MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000; return millis / MILLIS_PER_SECOND; } bool pollForDNSServiceStart(ProgressDialog& progressDialog) { LOG_FUNCTION(PollForDNSServiceStart); for (int waitCount = 0; /* empty */ ; waitCount++) { progressDialog.UpdateText( String::format( IDS_WAITING_FOR_SERVICE_START, millisecondsToSeconds(NAP_TIME * waitCount))); if (progressDialog.WaitForButton(NAP_TIME) == ProgressDialog::PRESSED) { progressDialog.UpdateButton(String()); popup.Info( progressDialog.GetHWND(), String::load(IDS_SKIP_DNS_MESSAGE)); break; } if (Dns::IsServiceRunning()) { // success! return true; } } return false; } bool pollForDNSServiceInstallAndStart(ProgressDialog& progressDialog) { LOG_FUNCTION(pollForDNSServiceInstallAndStart); State& state = State::GetInstance(); bool shouldTimeout = false; if (state.RunHiddenUnattended()) { // need to timeout in case the user cancelled the installer. // NTRAID#NTBUG9-424845-2001/07/02-sburns shouldTimeout = true; } static const int MAX_WAIT_COUNT = 60; // NAP_TIME * 60 = 3 minutes for ( int waitCount = 0; !(shouldTimeout && (waitCount > MAX_WAIT_COUNT)); ++waitCount) { progressDialog.UpdateText( String::format( IDS_WAITING_FOR_SERVICE_INSTALL, millisecondsToSeconds(NAP_TIME * waitCount))); if (progressDialog.WaitForButton(NAP_TIME) == ProgressDialog::PRESSED) { progressDialog.UpdateButton(String()); popup.Info( progressDialog.GetHWND(), String::load(IDS_SKIP_DNS_MESSAGE)); break; } if (Dns::IsServiceInstalled()) { // Service is installed. Now check to see if it is running. return pollForDNSServiceStart(progressDialog); } } return false; } HRESULT createTempFile(const String& name, int textResID) { LOG_FUNCTION2(createTempFile, name); ASSERT(!name.empty()); ASSERT(textResID); ASSERT(FS::IsValidPath(name)); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; do { hr = // REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns name is full path, we overwrite any // squatters, default ACLs are ok FS::CreateFile( name, h, // REVIEWED-2002/02/28-sburns this level of access is correct. GENERIC_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); // write to file with Unicode text and end of file character. // NTRAID#NTBUG9-495994-2001/11/21-sburns hr = FS::Write( h, (wchar_t) 0xFEFF // Unicode Byte-order marker + String::load(textResID) + L"\032"); // end of file BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } while (0); Win::CloseHandle(h); return hr; } HRESULT spawnDNSInstaller(PROCESS_INFORMATION& info) { LOG_FUNCTION(spawnDNSInstaller); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // CODEWORK: use GetTempPath? // ISSUE-2002/03/01-sburns yes, probably, even though the contents // are not interesting. String sysFolder = Win::GetSystemDirectory(); String infPath = sysFolder + L"\\dcpinf.000"; String unattendPath = sysFolder + L"\\dcpunat.001"; // create the inf and unattend files for the oc manager do { hr = createTempFile(infPath, IDS_INSTALL_DNS_INF_TEXT); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); hr = createTempFile(unattendPath, IDS_INSTALL_DNS_UNATTEND_TEXT); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); // NTRAID#NTBUG9-417879-2001/06/18-sburns State& state = State::GetInstance(); String cancelOption; if (state.RunHiddenUnattended()) { String option = state.GetAnswerFileOption( AnswerFile::OPTION_DISABLE_CANCEL_ON_DNS_INSTALL); if (option.icompare(AnswerFile::VALUE_YES) == 0) { cancelOption = L"/c"; } } String commandLine = String::format( L"/i:%1 /u:%2 /x %3" // /z added per NTRAID#NTBUG9-440798-2001/07/23-sburns L" /z:netoc_show_unattended_messages", infPath.c_str(), unattendPath.c_str(), cancelOption.c_str()); STARTUPINFO startup; // REVIEWED-2002/02/25-sburns correct byte count passed. ::ZeroMemory(&startup, sizeof startup); LOG(L"Calling CreateProcess"); LOG(commandLine); // REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns wrapper requires full path to app hr = Win::CreateProcess( sysFolder + L"\\sysocmgr.exe", commandLine, 0, String(), startup, info); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } while (0); return hr; } bool installDNS(ProgressDialog& progressDialog) { LOG_FUNCTION(installDNS); if (Dns::IsServiceInstalled()) { LOG(L"DNS service is already installed"); if (Dns::IsServiceRunning()) { LOG(L"DNS service is already running"); return true; } // @@ start the DNS service Dns::StartService? } progressDialog.UpdateText(String::load(IDS_INSTALLING_DNS)); PROCESS_INFORMATION info; HRESULT hr = spawnDNSInstaller(info); if (FAILED(hr)) { progressDialog.UpdateText( String::load(IDS_PROGRESS_ERROR_INSTALLING_DNS)); popup.Error( progressDialog.GetHWND(), hr, IDS_ERROR_LAUNCHING_INSTALLER); return false; } progressDialog.UpdateButton(IDS_PROGRESS_BUTTON_SKIP_DNS); // monitor the state of the installer process. for (int waitCount = 0; /* empty */ ; waitCount++) { progressDialog.UpdateText( String::format( IDS_WAITING_FOR_INSTALLER, millisecondsToSeconds(NAP_TIME * waitCount))); if (progressDialog.WaitForButton(NAP_TIME) == ProgressDialog::PRESSED) { progressDialog.UpdateButton(String()); popup.Info( progressDialog.GetHWND(), String::load(IDS_SKIP_DNS_MESSAGE)); break; } DWORD exitCode = 0; hr = Win::GetExitCodeProcess(info.hProcess, exitCode); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(L"GetExitCodeProcess failed"); LOG_HRESULT(hr); progressDialog.UpdateText( String::load(IDS_PROGRESS_ERROR_INSTALLING_DNS)); popup.Error( progressDialog.GetHWND(), hr, IDS_ERROR_QUERYING_INSTALLER); return false; } if (exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) { // installer has terminated. Now check the status of the DNS // service return pollForDNSServiceInstallAndStart(progressDialog); } } // user bailed out return false; } bool InstallAndConfigureDns( ProgressDialog& progressDialog, const String& domainDNSName, bool isFirstDcInForest) { LOG_FUNCTION2(InstallAndConfigureDns, domainDNSName); ASSERT(!domainDNSName.empty()); if (!installDNS(progressDialog)) { return false; } progressDialog.UpdateText(String::load(IDS_CONFIGURING_DNS)); SafeDLL dnsMgr(String::load(IDS_DNSMGR_DLL_NAME)); FARPROC proc = 0; HRESULT hr = dnsMgr.GetProcAddress(L"DnsSetup", proc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { String p1 = domainDNSName; if (*(p1.rbegin()) != L'.') { // add trailing dot p1 += L'.'; } String p2 = p1 + L"dns"; DWORD flags = 0; if (isFirstDcInForest) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-359894-2001/06/09-sburns flags |= DNS_SETUP_ZONE_CREATE_FOR_DCPROMO_FOREST; } if (State::GetInstance().ShouldConfigDnsClient()) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-489252-2001/11/08-sburns flags |= DNS_SETUP_AUTOCONFIG_CLIENT; } LOG(L"Calling DnsSetup"); LOG(String::format(L"lpszFwdZoneName : %1", p1.c_str())); LOG(String::format(L"lpszFwdZoneFileName : %1", p2.c_str())); LOG( L"lpszRevZoneName : (null)"); LOG( L"lpszRevZoneFileName : (null)"); LOG(String::format(L"dwFlags : 0x%1!x!", flags)); typedef HRESULT (*DNSSetup)(PCWSTR, PCWSTR, PCWSTR, PCWSTR, DWORD); DNSSetup dnsproc = reinterpret_cast<DNSSetup>(proc); hr = dnsproc(p1.c_str(), p2.c_str(), 0, 0, flags); LOG_HRESULT(hr); } else { LOG(L"unable to locate DnsSetup proc address"); } if (FAILED(hr)) { // unable to configure DNS, but it was installed. progressDialog.UpdateText( String::load(IDS_PROGRESS_ERROR_CONFIGURING_DNS)); popup.Error( progressDialog.GetHWND(), hr, String::format(IDS_ERROR_CONFIGURING_DNS, domainDNSName.c_str())); return false; } return true; }