//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1991-1994, Microsoft Corporation. // // File: assert.cpp // // Contents: Debugging output routines // // History: 23-Jul-91 KyleP Created. // 09-Oct-91 KevinRo Major changes and comments added // 18-Oct-91 vich moved debug print routines out // 10-Jun-92 BryanT Switched to w4crt.h instead of wchar.h // 7-Oct-94 BruceFo Ripped out all kernel, non-FLAT, // DLL-specific, non-Win32 functionality. // Now it's basically "print to the // debugger" code. // 20-Oct-95 EricB Set component debug level in the // registry. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "headers.hxx" #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #if DBG==1 #include "malloc.h" // // Globals // ULONG g_AdminAssertLevel = ASSRT_MESSAGE | ASSRT_BREAK | ASSRT_POPUP; BOOL g_fInitializedTickCount = FALSE; ULONG g_ulTickCountAtStart; DECLARE_HEAPCHECKING; // // Forward declration of local functions // LPSTR AnsiPathFindFileName(LPSTR pPath); void smprintf(ULONG ulCompMask, ULONG cchIndent, LPTSTR pszComp, LPTSTR ppszfmt, va_list pargs); static int w4smprintf(LPTSTR format, va_list arglist); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: w4dprintf // // Synopsis: Calls w4smprintf to output a formatted message. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int __cdecl w4dprintf(LPTSTR format, ...) { int ret; va_list va; va_start(va, format); ret = w4smprintf(format, va); va_end(va); return ret; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: w4smprintf // // Synopsis: Calls OutputDebugStringA to output a formatted message. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int w4smprintf(LPTSTR format, va_list arglist) { int ret; TCHAR szMessageBuf[2048]; // this is the message buffer ret = wvnsprintf(szMessageBuf, // JonN 1/23/01 290502 ARRAYLEN(szMessageBuf), format, arglist); OutputDebugString(szMessageBuf); return ret; } //+------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: smprintf // // Synopsis: Prints debug output using a pointer to the // variable information. Used primarily by the // xxDebugOut macros // // Arguements: // ulCompMask -- Component level mask used to determine // output ability // pszComp -- String const of component prefix. // ppszfmt -- Pointer to output format and data // //------------------------------------------------------------- void smprintf( ULONG ulCompMask, ULONG cchIndent, LPTSTR pszComp, LPTSTR ppszfmt, va_list pargs) { if (ulCompMask & DEB_FORCE) { if (ulCompMask & DEB_ELAPSEDTIME) { ULONG ulTicksNow = GetTickCount(); if (!g_fInitializedTickCount) { g_fInitializedTickCount = TRUE; g_ulTickCountAtStart = ulTicksNow; } ULONG ulDelta; if (g_ulTickCountAtStart > ulTicksNow) { ulDelta = ulTicksNow + ((ULONG)-1) - g_ulTickCountAtStart; } else { ulDelta = ulTicksNow - g_ulTickCountAtStart; } w4dprintf(_T("%04u.%03u "), ulDelta / 1000, ulDelta % 1000); } if (! (ulCompMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME)) { DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); w4dprintf(_T("%x.%03x> %s: "), pid, tid, pszComp); } if (cchIndent) { TCHAR tzFmt[] = _T("%999s"); wsprintf(tzFmt, _T("%%%us"), cchIndent); w4dprintf(tzFmt, _T("")); } w4smprintf(ppszfmt, pargs); } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Admin debugging library inititalization. // // To set a non-default debug info level outside of the debugger, create the // below registry key and in it create a value whose name is the component's // debugging tag name (the "comp" parameter to the DECLARE_INFOLEVEL macro) and // whose data is the desired infolevel in REG_DWORD format. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CURRENT_VERSION_KEY _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion") #define ADMINDEBUGKEY _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\AdminDebug") #define ADMINDEBUG _T("AdminDebug") //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: CheckInit // // Synopsis: Performs debugging library initialization // including reading the registry for the desired infolevel // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckInit(LPTSTR pInfoLevelString, ULONG * pulInfoLevel) { HKEY hKey; LONG lRet; DWORD dwSize; *pulInfoLevel = DEF_INFOLEVEL; lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ADMINDEBUGKEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (lRet == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { HKEY hkCV; lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CURRENT_VERSION_KEY, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkCV); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegCreateKeyEx(hkCV, ADMINDEBUG, 0, _T(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkCV); } } if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(ULONG); lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pInfoLevelString, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pulInfoLevel, &dwSize); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRet = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pInfoLevelString, 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)pulInfoLevel, sizeof(ULONG)); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } // Returns a pointer to the last component of a path string. // // in: // path name, either fully qualified or not // // returns: // pointer into the path where the path is. if none is found // returns a poiter to the start of the path // // c:\foo\bar -> bar // c:\foo -> foo // c:\foo\ -> c:\foo\ (REVIEW: is this case busted?) // c:\ -> c:\ (REVIEW: this case is strange) // c: -> c: // foo -> foo LPSTR AnsiPathFindFileName(LPSTR pPath) { LPSTR pT; for (pT = pPath; *pPath; pPath = CharNextA(pPath)) { if ((pPath[0] == '\\' || pPath[0] == ':') && pPath[1] && (pPath[1] != '\\')) pT = pPath + 1; } return (LPSTR)pT; // const -> non const } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// ASSERT CODE ////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------ // Function: PopUpError // // Synopsis: Displays a dialog box using provided text, // and presents the user with the option to // continue or cancel. // // Arguments: // szMsg -- The string to display in main body of dialog // iLine -- Line number of file in error // szFile -- Filename of file in error // // Returns: // IDCANCEL -- User selected the CANCEL button // IDOK -- User selected the OK button //------------------------------------------------------------- int PopUpError(LPTSTR szMsg, int iLine, LPSTR szFile) { // // Create caption // static TCHAR szAssertCaption[128]; // // get process // static CHAR szModuleName[128]; LPSTR pszModuleName; if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szModuleName, 128)) { pszModuleName = szModuleName; } else { pszModuleName = "Unknown"; } LPSTR pProcess = AnsiPathFindFileName(pszModuleName); wnsprintf(szAssertCaption, ARRAYLEN(szAssertCaption), _T("%hs: Assertion Failed"), pProcess); // // Create details. // TCHAR szDetails[1024]; DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); wnsprintf(szDetails, ARRAYLEN(szDetails), _T(" Assertion:\t %s\n\n") \ _T(" File: \t\t %hs\n") \ _T(" Line: \t\t %d\n\n") \ _T(" Module: \t %hs\n") \ _T(" Thread ID:\t %d.%d\n"), szMsg, szFile, iLine, pszModuleName, pid, tid); int id = MessageBox(NULL, szDetails, szAssertCaption, MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OKCANCEL); // // If id == 0, then an error occurred. There are two possibilities // that can cause the error: Access Denied, which means that this // process does not have access to the default desktop, and everything // else (usually out of memory). // if (0 == id) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // // Retry this one with the SERVICE_NOTIFICATION flag on. That // should get us to the right desktop. // id = MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, szAssertCaption, MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OKCANCEL); } } return id; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: _asdprintf // // Synopsis: Calls smprintf to output a formatted message. // // History: 18-Oct-91 vich Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void __cdecl _asdprintf(LPTSTR pszfmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszfmt); smprintf(DEB_FORCE, 0, _T("Assert"), pszfmt, va); va_end(va); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AdminAssertEx, private // // Synopsis: Display assertion information // // Effects: Called when an assertion is hit. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AdminAssertEx(LPSTR szFile, int iLine, LPTSTR szMessage) { if (g_AdminAssertLevel & ASSRT_MESSAGE) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); LPSTR pszFileName = AnsiPathFindFileName(szFile); _asdprintf(_T("%s <%hs, l %u, thread %d>\n"), szMessage, pszFileName, iLine, tid); } if (g_AdminAssertLevel & ASSRT_POPUP) { int id = PopUpError(szMessage,iLine,szFile); if (id == IDCANCEL) { DebugBreak(); } } else if (g_AdminAssertLevel & ASSRT_BREAK) { DebugBreak(); } } //____________________________________________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________________________ //________________ _________________________________________ //________________ class CDbg _________________________________________ //________________ _________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________________________ CDbg::CDbg(LPTSTR str) : m_InfoLevelString(str), m_flInfoLevel(DEF_INFOLEVEL), m_flOutputOptions(0) { ULONG flRegistry = 0; CheckInit(m_InfoLevelString, &flRegistry); m_flInfoLevel = flRegistry & DEB_FORCE; m_flOutputOptions = flRegistry & ~DEB_FORCE; } CDbg::~CDbg() { TlsFree(CDbg::s_idxTls); CDbg::s_idxTls = 0xFFFFFFFF; } void __cdecl CDbg::Trace(LPSTR pszfmt, ...) { #ifdef UNICODE ULONG convert = static_cast(strlen(pszfmt)) + 1; // NTRAID#NTBUG9-2002/05/17-623723-ericb: prefast PWSTR ptcfmt = (PWSTR)malloc(convert * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!ptcfmt) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Trace: out of memory!")); return; } ptcfmt[0] = '\0'; (void) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszfmt, -1, ptcfmt, convert); #else LPTSTR ptcfmt = pszfmt; #endif if (m_flInfoLevel & DEB_TRACE) { va_list va; va_start (va, pszfmt); ULONG cchIndent = _GetIndent(); smprintf(DEB_TRACE, cchIndent, m_InfoLevelString, ptcfmt, va); va_end(va); } #ifdef UNICODE free(ptcfmt); #endif } void __cdecl CDbg::Trace(PWSTR pwzfmt, ...) { #ifndef UNICODE int convert = wcslen(pwzfmt) + 1; // NTRAID#NTBUG9-2002/05/17-623723-ericb: prefast LPSTR ptcfmt = (LPSTR)malloc(convert * sizeof(CHAR)); if (!ptcfmt) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("Trace: out of memory!")); return; } ptcfmt[0] = '\0'; (void) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwzfmt, -1, ptcfmt, convert, NULL, NULL); #else LPTSTR ptcfmt = pwzfmt; #endif if (m_flInfoLevel & DEB_TRACE) { va_list va; va_start (va, pwzfmt); ULONG cchIndent = _GetIndent(); smprintf(DEB_TRACE, cchIndent, m_InfoLevelString, ptcfmt, va); va_end(va); } #ifndef UNICODE free(ptcfmt); #endif } void __cdecl CDbg::DebugOut(ULONG fDebugMask, LPSTR pszfmt, ...) { #ifdef UNICODE ULONG convert = static_cast(strlen(pszfmt)) + 1; // NTRAID#NTBUG9-2002/05/17-623723-ericb: prefast PWSTR ptcfmt = (PWSTR)malloc(convert * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!ptcfmt) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("DebugOut: out of memory!")); return; } ptcfmt[0] = '\0'; (void) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszfmt, -1, ptcfmt, convert); #else LPTSTR ptcfmt = pszfmt; #endif va_list va; va_start (va, pszfmt); ULONG cchIndent = _GetIndent(); smprintf(m_flOutputOptions | (m_flInfoLevel & fDebugMask) | (fDebugMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME), cchIndent, m_InfoLevelString, ptcfmt, va); va_end(va); #ifdef UNICODE free(ptcfmt); #endif } void __cdecl CDbg::DebugOut(ULONG fDebugMask, PWSTR pwzfmt, ...) { #ifndef UNICODE int convert = wcslen(pwzfmt) + 1; // NTRAID#NTBUG9-2002/05/17-623723-ericb: prefast LPSTR ptcfmt = (LPSTR)malloc(convert * sizeof(CHAR)); if (!ptcfmt) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("DebugOut: out of memory!")); return; } ptcfmt[0] = '\0'; (void) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwzfmt, -1, ptcfmt, convert, NULL, NULL); #else LPTSTR ptcfmt = pwzfmt; #endif va_list va; va_start (va, pwzfmt); ULONG cchIndent = _GetIndent(); smprintf(m_flOutputOptions | (m_flInfoLevel & fDebugMask) | (fDebugMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME), cchIndent, m_InfoLevelString, ptcfmt, va); va_end(va); #ifndef UNICODE free(ptcfmt); #endif } void CDbg::DebugErrorX(LPSTR file, ULONG line, LONG err) { if (m_flInfoLevel & DEB_ERROR) { file = AnsiPathFindFileName(file); this->DebugOut(DEB_ERROR, "error<0x%08x> %hs, l %u\n", err, file, line); } } void CDbg::DebugErrorL(LPSTR file, ULONG line, LONG err) { if (m_flInfoLevel & DEB_ERROR) { file = AnsiPathFindFileName(file); this->DebugOut(DEB_ERROR, "error<%uL> %hs, l %u\n", err, file, line); } } void CDbg::DebugMsg(LPSTR file, ULONG line, LPSTR msg) { file = AnsiPathFindFileName(file); this->DebugOut(DEB_FORCE, "asrt %hs, l %u, <%s>\n", file, line, msg); } void CDbg::DebugMsg(LPSTR file, ULONG line, PWSTR msg) { file = AnsiPathFindFileName(file); this->DebugOut(DEB_FORCE, _T("asrt %hs, l %u, <%s>\n"), file, line, msg); } void CDbg::AssertEx(LPSTR pszFile, int iLine, LPTSTR pszMsg) { #if 0 LPTSTR ptcMsg = NULL; #ifdef UNICODE int convert = strlen(pszMsg) + 1; // NTRAID#NTBUG9-2002/05/17-623723-ericb: prefast ptcMsg = (PWSTR)malloc(convert * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!ptcMsg) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("AssertEx: out of memory!")); return; } ptcMsg[0] = '\0'; (void) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszMsg, -1, ptcMsg, convert); #else ptcMsg = pszMsg; #endif AdminAssertEx(pszFile, iLine, ptcMsg); #ifdef UNICODE free(ptcMsg); #endif #endif //0 AdminAssertEx(pszFile, iLine, pszMsg); } ULONG CDbg::_GetIndent() { ULONG cchIndent = 0; if (s_idxTls != 0xFFFFFFFF) { cchIndent = static_cast (reinterpret_cast (TlsGetValue(s_idxTls))); } return cchIndent; } void CDbg::IncIndent() { if (s_idxTls != 0xFFFFFFFF) { ULONG_PTR cchIndent = reinterpret_cast(TlsGetValue(s_idxTls)); cchIndent++; TlsSetValue(s_idxTls, reinterpret_cast(cchIndent)); } } void CDbg::DecIndent() { if (s_idxTls != 0xFFFFFFFF) { ULONG_PTR cchIndent = reinterpret_cast(TlsGetValue(s_idxTls)); cchIndent--; TlsSetValue(s_idxTls, reinterpret_cast(cchIndent)); } } #endif // DBG==1