///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Utils.h // // General-purpose windows utilities routines. // // HISTORY // t-danmo 96.09.22 Creation. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __UTILS_H__ #define __UTILS_H__ extern HINSTANCE g_hInstanceSave; // Instance handle of the DLL (initialized during CFileMgmtComponent::Initialize) HRESULT GetErrorMessage( IN DWORD i_dwError, OUT CString& cstrErrorMsg ); void mystrtok( IN LPCTSTR pszString, IN OUT int* pnIndex, // start from 0 IN LPCTSTR pszCharSet, OUT CString& strToken ); BOOL IsInvalidSharename(LPCTSTR psz); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structure used to add items to a listbox or combobox. // struct TStringParamEntry // spe { UINT uStringId; // Id of the resource string LPARAM lItemData; // Optional parameter for the string (stored in lParam field) }; void ComboBox_FlushContent(HWND hwndCombo); BOOL ComboBox_FFill( const HWND hwndCombo, // IN: Handle of the combobox const TStringParamEntry rgzSPE[], // IN: SPE aray zero terminated const LPARAM lItemDataSelect); // IN: Which item to select LPARAM ComboBox_GetSelectedItemData(HWND hwndComboBox); HWND HGetDlgItem(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem); void SetDlgItemFocus(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem); void EnableDlgItem(HWND hdlg, INT nIdDlgItem, BOOL fEnable); void EnableDlgItemGroup( HWND hdlg, const UINT rgzidCtl[], BOOL fEnable); void ShowDlgItemGroup( HWND hdlg, const UINT rgzidCtl[], BOOL fShowAll); TCHAR * Str_PchCopyChN( TCHAR * szDst, // OUT: Destination buffer CONST TCHAR * szSrc, // IN: Source buffer TCHAR chStop, // IN: Character to stop the copying INT cchDstMax); // IN: Length of the output buffer INT Str_RemoveSubStr( WCHAR * szBuf, // IN OUT: Source/Destination buffer CONST WCHAR * szToken); // IN: Token to remove TCHAR * PchParseCommandLine( CONST TCHAR szFullCommand[], // IN: Full command line TCHAR szBinPath[], // OUT: Path of the executable binary INT cchBinPathBuf); // IN: Size of the buffer void TrimString(CString& rString); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TColumnHeaderItem { UINT uStringId; // Resource Id of the string INT nColWidth; // % of total width of the column (0 = autowidth, -1 = fill rest of space) }; void ListView_AddColumnHeaders( HWND hwndListview, const TColumnHeaderItem rgzColumnHeader[]); int ListView_InsertItemEx( HWND hwndListview, CONST LV_ITEM * pLvItem); // 581272 JonN 2002/04/03 With this change, this function returns an // array of pointers to strings, but does not allocate the strings // themselves. pgrsz must not be deleted before the return value. LPTSTR * PargzpszFromPgrsz(CONST LPCTSTR pgrsz, INT * pcStringCount); BOOL UiGetFileName(HWND hwnd, TCHAR szFileName[], INT cchBufferLength); // // Printf-type functions // TCHAR * PaszLoadStringPrintf(UINT wIdString, va_list arglist); void LoadStringPrintf(UINT wIdString, CString * pString, ...); void SetWindowTextPrintf(HWND hwnd, UINT wIdString, ...); // If you are looking for MsgBoxPrintf() for slate, go // take a look at DoErrMsgBox()/DoServicesErrMsgBox() in svcutils.h // Function LoadStringWithInsertions() is exactly LoadStringPrintf() #define LoadStringWithInsertions LoadStringPrintf #ifdef SNAPIN_PROTOTYPER /////////////////////////////////////// struct TParseIntegerInfo // pi { int nFlags; // IN: Parsing flags const TCHAR * pchSrc; // IN: Source string const TCHAR * pchStop; // OUT: Pointer to where the parsing stopped int nErrCode; // OUT: Error code UINT uData; // OUT: Integer value UINT uRangeBegin; // IN: Lowest value for range checking UINT uRangeEnd; // IN: Highest value for range checking (inclusive) }; #define PI_mskfDecimalBase 0x0000 // Use decimal base (default) #define PI_mskfHexBaseOnly 0x0001 // Use hexadecimal base only #define PI_mskfAllowHexBase 0x0002 // Look for a 0x prefix and select the appropriate base #define PI_mskfAllowRandomTail 0x0010 // Stop parsing as soon as you reach a non-digit character without returning an error #define PI_mskfNoEmptyString 0x0020 // Interpret an empty string as an error instead of the value zero #define PI_mskfNoMinusSign 0x0040 // Interpret the minus sign as an error #define PI_mskfSingleEntry 0x0080 // Return an error if there are more than one integer #define PI_mskfCheckRange 0x0100 // NYI: Use uRangeBegin and uRangeEnd to validate uData #define PI_mskfSilentParse 0x8000 // NYI: Used only when calling GetWindowInteger() #define PI_errOK 0 // No error #define PI_errIntegerOverflow 1 // Integer too large #define PI_errInvalidInteger 2 // String is not a valid integer (typically an invalid digit) #define PI_errEmptyString 3 // Empty string found while not allowed #define PI_errMinusSignFound 4 // The number was negative BOOL FParseInteger(INOUT TParseIntegerInfo * pPI); /////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct _SCANF_INFO // Scanf info structure (sfi) { const TCHAR * pchSrc; // IN: Source string to be parsed const TCHAR * pchSrcStop; // OUT: Pointer to where the parsing stopped int nErrCode; // OUT: Error code int cArgParsed; // OUT: Number of argument parsed } SCANF_INFO; #define SF_errInvalidFormat (-1) // Illegal format #define SF_errOK 0 // No error parsing #define SF_errTemplateMismatch 1 // Source string do not match with template string pchFmt /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL FScanf(INOUT SCANF_INFO * pSFI, IN const TCHAR * pchFmt, OUT ...); BOOL RegKey_FQueryString( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName, CString& rstrKeyData); #endif // SNAPIN_PROTOTYPER class CStartStopHelper : public CComObjectRoot, public ISvcMgmtStartStopHelper, public CComCoClass { BEGIN_COM_MAP(CStartStopHelper) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISvcMgmtStartStopHelper) END_COM_MAP() public: // CStartStopHelper () {} // ~CStartStopHelper () {} DECLARE_AGGREGATABLE(CStartStopHelper) DECLARE_REGISTRY(CStartStopHelper, _T("SVCMGMT.StartStopObject.1"), _T("SVCMGMT.StartStopObject.1"), IDS_SVCVWR_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) STDMETHOD(StartServiceHelper)( HWND hwndParent, BSTR pszMachineName, BSTR pszServiceName, DWORD dwNumServiceArgs, BSTR * lpServiceArgVectors ); STDMETHOD(ControlServiceHelper)( HWND hwndParent, BSTR pszMachineName, BSTR pszServiceName, DWORD dwControlCode ); }; DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISvcMgmtStartStopHelper,0xF62DEC25,0xE3CB,0x4D45,0x9E,0x98,0x93,0x3D,0xB9,0x5B,0xCA,0xEA); #endif // ~__UTILS_H__