Given the state of the Win32_CurrentEvent class: class Win32_CurrentTime { uint32 Year; uint32 Month; uint32 Day; uint32 DayOfWeek; uint32 WeekInMonth; uint32 Quarter; uint32 Hour; uint32 Minute; uint32 Second; [key] sint32 UTCOffset; }; Currently we can form queries for a specific point in time in the future. The basic form of a query is: select * from __InstanceModificationEvent where TargetInstance isa "Win32_CurrentTime" and TargetInstance.Year=1999 and TargetInstance.Month=10 and TargetInstance.Day=4 and TargetInstance.Hour=11 and TargetInstance.Minute=0 and TargetInstance.Second=0 This query specifies a single point in time, irrespective of the time at which it is to be evaluated, at which an event should be generated. If the time specified is in the past at the time it is evaluated, then no event will occur. In order to be a valid, a query must have each of the following properties: 1. A query must be specific enough to define the complete set of all times for which an event is to be generated. 2. Each time the expression is evaluated, it must be possible to specify unambiguously the closest point after the current time when the next event will occur. f(, ) -> 3. The frequency of events must not be such that it may overwhelm the system under a normal load. The following, I believe, are the four most likely scenarios for which a user will ask for time events: 1. They want timer events to be generated indefinitely at a specified periodic interval. 2. They want a single event to be generated at some specified time in the future. (alarm functionality) 3. They want a single event to be generated at some time in the future relative to the time at which the query is made. (timer functionality) 4. They want one or more events to be generated based on some algebraic criteria. A single query may embody one or more of the above scenarios. An example of the first scenario could be the following: select * from __InstanceModificationEvent where TargetInstance isa "Win32_CurrentTime" and TargetInstance.Year=1999 and TargetInstance.Month=10 and TargetInstance.Day=4 and TargetInstance.Hour=11 and TargetInstance.Second % 30 = 0 This specifies that we want an event every thirty seconds on the minute and half minute boundaries for the eleventh hour on the date 10/4/99. With the current approach we cannot completely capture the functionality of the first scenario. For example, we could not specify a timer to generate an event exactly seven seconds apart. If, however, we add a field to Win32_CurrentTime that is the equivalent file time (64 bit number) rounded to seconds that represents the same time as the system time fields, it then becomes possible: select * from __InstanceModificationEvent where TargetInstance isa "Win32_CurrentTime" and TargetInstance.Year=1999 and TargetInstance.Month=10 and TargetInstance.Day=4 and TargetInstance.Hour=11 and TargetInstance.TimeInSeconds % 30 = 0 This is equivalent to the above statement but uses the total time in seconds instead of just seconds. By changing '30' to '7' we get an event every seven seconds. Note that by omitting a field we are signifying that it is a wildcard. For this type of query we will introduce a reserved symbol that evaluates to the current time when the expression is evaluated. There is a reserved symbol for each field in Win32_CurrentTime. Thus, to say "generate an event 45 seconds from now" we could write: select * from __InstanceModificationEvent where TargetInstance isa "Win32_CurrentTime" and TargetInstance.TimeInSeconds = %CurrentTimeInSeconds% + 45 Fundamentally, WQL statements are patterns, not program expressions that can save state as part of their evaluation. It is valid to have algebraic expressions within WQL as long as they ultimately evaluate to a constant and there is no concept of assignment. The symbol %CurrentTimeInSeconds% is actually a macro that is replaced by the parser with the current time in seconds when it is encountered. Thus, the above statement will only generate one event and not an event every 45 seconds. Each of the examples above are by definition examples of time specification based on algebraic criteria. Here is an example that does not fall into any of the first three categories: select * from __InstanceModificationEvent where TargetInstance isa "Win32_CurrentTime" and TargetInstance.Year=1999 and TargetInstance.Month=10 and TargetInstance.Day=10 and TargetInstance.Hour <= 12 and TargetInstance.Minute = TargetInstance.Day This says to generate an event once an hour for the first half of the day when the minute in the current hour is equal to the day of the month. This is only to occur on the date 10/10/99. The following is an excerpt from the WQL1 grammar that has been modified to allow support for queries containing simple algebraic expressions: ::= SELECT * FROM WHERE ; ::= IDENTIFIER ; ::= <>; ::= DOT IDENTIFIER ; ::= IDENTIFIER; ::= ; ::= OR ; ::= <>; ::= ; ::= AND ; ::= <>; ::= ::= ::= ; ::= ::= ::= OPEN_PAREN CLOSE_PAREN; ::= VARIANT; // VT_R8, VT_I4, VT_BSTR ::= TRUE; ::= FALSE; ::= ; ::= PERCENT IDENTIFIER PERCENT ; ::= ; ::= ; ::= EQUIVALENT_OPERATOR; // =, !=, <> ::= COMPARE_OPERATOR; // <=, >=, <, >, like, isa ::= ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR; // +, -, *, /, % **** INSERT SECTION ON HOW TO DECOMPOSE A WQL STATEMENT TO A SERIES OF TIME PATTERNS TO MATCH AGAINST (DNF) Solution to the Problem of Finding a Closest Date in the Future to Current Time: First, let's impose a few key constraints that do not detract from the fundamental problem but allow us to more clearly illustrate the solution. 1. Limit the problem to finding the next date within the current year. This is reasonable because if a suitable date cannot be found within the remainder of the current year, find the first matching date from midnight January 1st of next year. 2. Limit ourselves to those fields of date that do not have overlaping meaning and exactly contain each other. For our Win32_CurrentTime structure those fields are: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second. Week and any representation dependent on week violates this criteria because years and months do not, in general, start and stop on week boundaries. This means that weeks are not countable w.r.t. any larger unit of time. Given these constraints, it becomes possible to perform addition with carry on a given date with intervals expressed in any of the above units quickly. Now, our problem is one of finding the first date beyond the current time that matches a specific pattern provided by a WQL query. Because of the 2nd constraint, we can find a matching time incrementally by working our way from seconds to years finding the next matching pattern for each. When complete, we will have found the next closest date to the current time matching the pattern. From the parsing phase we derived a set of date "patterns" which can be used to find matching future dates. Each such pattern is represented by an object that contains matching criteria for each date field. For each of second, minute, hour, day and month we represent the set of valid times as members of a set. The pattern object looks like: DatePattern { VALIDMATCH Year; // integer VALIDMATCH Month; // [1..12] VALIDMATCH Day; // [1..31] *varies with month VALIDMATCH DayOfWeek; // [1..7] VALIDMATCH WeekInMonth; // [1..5] VALIDMATCH Quarter; // [1..4] VALIDMATCH Hour; // [1..24] VALIDMATCH Minute; // [1..60] VALIDMATCH Second; // [1..60] } The comment following each field indicates the valid range of values. The matching criteria VALIDMATCH looks like: VALIDMATCH { unsigned UpperBound; unsigned LowerBound; unsigned Modulus; unsigned CountNotMatching; unsigned *NotMatching; } Because, for each field above except year, the set of valid values is finite, we can collectively represent all of the limiting criteria within a VALIDMATCH object as a set containing matching members. The set described is a finite set on which there is a total ordering of its members. This can be represented by a bit field with each bit identifying one potential member. If a member is present in a given set its bit is set to one otherwise it is zero. With this arrangement, given any value within the range of the set we can find immediately whether or not that value is, in fact, a member of the set or, if not, what is the next set value. The following function outlines this task: typedef Set __int64; // Set is a bitfield with 1 represented by // leftmost bit BOOL FindNextElement(int &iCurrentValue, Set ValidValues) { BOOL Carry = FALSE; Set CurrentValue = 0x80000000000000000 >> iCurrentValue; while(! (CurrentValue & ValidValues)) { iCurrentValue >> 1; CurrentValue++; if(CurrentValue == 0x0) { CurrentValue = 0x8000000000000000; iCurrentValue = 1; Carry = TRUE; } } return Carry; } Note: this function assumes ValidValues is not empty. FindNextElement() takes a value as a member of a Set object and finds the next greater member of the set ValidValues or the first member encountered in case of roleover. Roleover is indicated by the carry flag. The first member encountered is returned in CurrentValue. Now, applying this to a complete date pattern consisting of year, month, day, hour, minute and second would involve applying this function using the method described above with the following special cases. First, if it was found that there was a carry on a month, then we would need to go back and ensure that the new day is less than or equal to the last day of the new month. If not, then keep adding months until a month is found where this is true. Second, if there is a carry on months, then we have crossed a year boundary. In this case we need to obtain the information for a new calendar year. To address the additional fields WeekInMonth, DayOfWeek and Quarter, we will use a technique based on the notion that these are just alternative ways to specify the pattern for the day field. For each for each of these fields create a bitfield representing the days of the current month. In each such field set those bits to one that represent those days in the month that match for each of WeekInMonth, DayOfWeek and Quarter. And each of these together and to that of days. The resultant bitfield is the total number of days for the current month that match all criteria. This implies that the problem reduces to that of addition with carry as described above. Day = Day & WeekInMonth & DayOfWeek & Quarter There is the additional problem of how to handle addition operations that cross month boundaries. This will occur when imcrementing the day field results in a carry over to the next month. When this happens we need to generate the composite Day field for the next valid month. To generate the bitfields for each of Day, WeekInMonth, DayOfWeek and Quarter w.r.t. some month we need to know how many days there are in the month, what month it is in the year and what day of the week is the first day of the month. The month information can be generated using the system functions SystemTimeToFileTime() and FileTimeToSystemTime(). Given a month and year we can build these four bitfields as follows: 1. Populate a SYSTEMTIME structure with date of the start of the month of interest at midnight of the first day of that month. /1/ 0:0:0 2. Convert the SYSTEMTIME to a FILETIME and back to a SYSTEMTIME. Now SYSTEMTIME::wDayOfWeek will contain the day of the week for the first day of the month. Note: we will save this FILETIME for later use below. 3. Determine the FILETIME for the beginning of the month following the one we are interested as in step 1 and 2 above. 4. Subtract the second FILETIME from the first and convert the result to days. This is the number of days in the month. 5. Using the sets from each field of the DatePattern structure we can now construct the bitfields for the current month corresponding to each of the four fields above. 6. Combine the bitfields with the Day bitfield using logical and to obtain the desired composite bitfield. This functionality can be encapsulated into a single function that takes a desired month and year plus a DatePattern structure and returns the desired composite bitfield: Set GetDaysInMonth(DatePattern *, int year, int month) First, lets modify the DatePattern structure defined above to fields for each member that represents it in terms of sets as follows: DatePattern { VALIDMATCH Year; // integer VALIDMATCH Month; // [1..12] Set MonthSet; VALIDMATCH Day; // [1..31] *varies with month Set DaySet; VALIDMATCH DayOfWeek; // [1..7] Set DayOfWeekSet; VALIDMATCH WeekInMonth; // [1..5] Set WeekInMonthSet; VALIDMATCH Quarter; // [1..4] VALIDMATCH Hour; // [1..24] Set HourSet; VALIDMATCH Minute; // [1..60] Set MinuteSet; VALIDMATCH Second; // [1..60] Set SecondSet; } By providing a separate pattern for each of DayOfWeek and WeekInMonth, we can optimize calculations of the composite field Day. The current date is a collection of integers from SYSTEMTIME including wYear, wMonth, wDay, wHour, wMinute and wSecond. Here, then, is the algorithm for finding the closest next firing time to the current time: Let Pattern = DatePattern object Let Date = SYSTEMTIME object Let Carry = BOOL object GetSystemTime(&Date); Carry = FindNextElement(&Date.wSecond, Pattern.SecondSet); if(Carry) Date.wMinute++; Carry = FindNextElement(&Date.wMinute, Pattern.MinuteSet); if(Carry) Date.wHour++; Carry = FindNextElement(&Date.wHour, Pattern.HourSet); if(Carry) Date.wDay++; do { Carry = FindNextElement(&Date.wDay, Pattern.DaySet); if(Carry) { do { Date.wMonth++; Carry2 = FindNextElement(&Date.wMonth, Pattern.MonthSet); if(Carry2) { Date.wYear += 1; } Pattern.MonthSet = GetDaysInMonth(&Pattern, Date.wYear, Date.wMonth); } while(0x0 == Pattern.MonthSet); } } while(Carry);