///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Microsoft Corporation // // Module Name: // Cluster.cpp // // Abstract: // Implementation of the CCluster class. // // Author: // David Potter (davidp) May 13, 1996 // // Revision History: // // Notes: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "CluAdmin.h" #include "ConstDef.h" #include "Cluster.h" #include "CASvc.h" #include "ClusDoc.h" #include "ClusProp.h" #include "ExcOper.h" #include "ClusItem.inl" #include "resource.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _DEBUG CTraceTag g_tagCluster( _T("Document"), _T("CLUSTER"), 0 ); #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCluster ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CCluster, CClusterItem ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Message Maps ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CCluster, CClusterItem ) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCluster) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_PROPERTIES, OnUpdateProperties) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::CCluster // // Routine Description: // Default construtor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCluster::CCluster( void ) : CClusterItem( NULL, IDS_ITEMTYPE_CLUSTER ) { m_idmPopupMenu = IDM_CLUSTER_POPUP; ZeroMemory( &m_cvi, sizeof( m_cvi ) ); m_nMaxQuorumLogSize = 0; m_plpciNetworkPriority = NULL; // Set the object type and state images. m_iimgObjectType = GetClusterAdminApp()->Iimg( IMGLI_CLUSTER ); m_iimgState = m_iimgObjectType; // Setup the property array. { m_rgProps[epropDefaultNetworkRole].Set(CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_DEFAULT_NETWORK_ROLE, m_nDefaultNetworkRole, m_nDefaultNetworkRole); m_rgProps[epropDescription].Set(CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_DESC, m_strDescription, m_strDescription); m_rgProps[epropEnableEventLogReplication].Set(CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_EVTLOG_PROPAGATION, m_bEnableEventLogReplication, m_bEnableEventLogReplication); m_rgProps[epropQuorumArbitrationTimeMax].Set(CLUSREG_NAME_QUORUM_ARBITRATION_TIMEOUT, m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMax, m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMax); m_rgProps[epropQuorumArbitrationTimeMin].Set(CLUSREG_NAME_QUORUM_ARBITRATION_EQUALIZER, m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMin, m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMin); } // Setup the property array } //*** CCluster::CCluster() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::~CCluster // // Routine Description: // Destructor. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCluster::~CCluster( void ) { Cleanup(); } //*** CCluster::~CCluster() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::Cleanup // // Routine Description: // Cleanup the item. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::Cleanup( void ) { // Delete the NetworkPriority list. if ( m_plpciNetworkPriority != NULL ) { m_plpciNetworkPriority->RemoveAll(); delete m_plpciNetworkPriority; m_plpciNetworkPriority = NULL; } // if: NetworkPriority list exists m_hkey = NULL; } //*** CCluster::Cleanup() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::Init // // Routine Description: // Initialize the item. // // Arguments: // pdoc [IN OUT] Document to which this item belongs. // lpszName [IN] Name of the item. // hOpenedCluster [IN] Handle to cluster to use that is already open. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from OpenCluster(), GetClusterKey(), or // CreateClusterNotifyPort(). // Any exceptions thrown by CCluster::ReadClusterInfo(). //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::Init( IN OUT CClusterDoc * pdoc, IN LPCTSTR lpszName, IN HCLUSTER hOpenedCluster // = NULL ) { CWaitCursor wc; TCHAR szClusterName[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD scLastError; ASSERT( Hkey() == NULL ); ASSERT( _tcslen( lpszName ) < RTL_NUMBER_OF( szClusterName ) ); try { // If connecting the local machine, get its name. if ( _tcscmp( lpszName, _T(".") ) == 0 ) { DWORD nSize = sizeof( szClusterName ) / sizeof( TCHAR ); GetComputerName( szClusterName, &nSize ); } // if: connecting to the local machine else { HRESULT hr = StringCchCopy( szClusterName, RTL_NUMBER_OF( szClusterName ), lpszName ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); } // else: not connecting to the local machine // Open the cluster. if ( hOpenedCluster == NULL ) { pdoc->m_hcluster = HOpenCluster( lpszName ); if ( pdoc->m_hcluster == NULL ) { // // GPotts - 7/25/2001 // // HOpenCluster could return NULL and last error = 0 if GetNodeClusterState // returned either ClusterStateNotInstalled or ClusterStateNotConfigured. // scLastError = GetLastError(); ThrowStaticException( scLastError, IDS_OPEN_CLUSTER_ERROR, szClusterName ); } // if: error opening the cluster } // if: no opened cluster passed in else { pdoc->m_hcluster = hOpenedCluster; } // if: cluster already opened // Get the cluster registry key. pdoc->m_hkeyCluster = GetClusterKey( pdoc->m_hcluster, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ); if ( pdoc->m_hkeyCluster == NULL ) { ThrowStaticException( GetLastError(), IDS_GET_CLUSTER_KEY_ERROR, szClusterName ); } // if: error opening the cluster key // Call the base class method. We can use Hcluster() after calling this. CClusterItem::Init( pdoc, szClusterName ); // Get the cluster registry key. m_hkey = pdoc->m_hkeyCluster; // Register this cluster with the notification port. { HCHANGE hchange; // We want these notifications to go to the document, not us. ASSERT( Pcnk() != NULL ); m_pcnk->m_cnkt = cnktDoc; m_pcnk->m_pdoc = pdoc; Trace( g_tagClusItemNotify, _T("CCluster::Init() - Registering for cluster notifications (%08.8x)"), Pcnk() ); // Create the notification port. hchange = CreateClusterNotifyPort( GetClusterAdminApp()->HchangeNotifyPort(), Hcluster(), (CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_DELETED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY | CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_ADDED | CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_STATE | CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_STATE | CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_PROPERTY | CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_NAME | CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_ATTRIBUTES | CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_VALUE | CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_SUBTREE), (DWORD_PTR) Pcnk() ); if ( hchange == NULL ) { ThrowStaticException( GetLastError(), IDS_CLUSTER_NOTIF_REG_ERROR, szClusterName ); } // if: error creating the notify port ASSERT( hchange == GetClusterAdminApp()->HchangeNotifyPort() ); } // Register this cluster with the notification port // Get the name of the cluster as recorded by the cluster. ReadClusterInfo(); // Allocate lists. m_plpciNetworkPriority = new CNetworkList; if ( m_plpciNetworkPriority == NULL ) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); } // if: error allocating the network list // Read the initial state. UpdateState(); } // try catch ( CException * ) { if ( pdoc->m_hkeyCluster != NULL ) { ClusterRegCloseKey( pdoc->m_hkeyCluster ); pdoc->m_hkeyCluster = NULL; m_hkey = NULL; } // if: registry key opened if ( ( pdoc->m_hcluster != NULL ) && ( pdoc->m_hcluster != hOpenedCluster ) ) { CloseCluster( pdoc->m_hcluster ); pdoc->m_hcluster = NULL; } // if: group opened m_bReadOnly = TRUE; throw; } // catch: CException } //*** CCluster::Init() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadItem // // Routine Description: // Read the item parameters from the cluster database. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue() or // CClusterItem::ReadItem(). // Any exceptions thrown by CCluster::ReadExtensions(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadItem( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwRetStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hcluster() != NULL ); ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hcluster() != NULL ) { m_rgProps[epropDefaultNetworkRole].m_value.pdw = &m_nDefaultNetworkRole; m_rgProps[epropDescription].m_value.pstr = &m_strDescription; m_rgProps[epropEnableEventLogReplication].m_value.pb = &m_bEnableEventLogReplication; m_rgProps[epropQuorumArbitrationTimeMax].m_value.pdw = &m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMax; m_rgProps[epropQuorumArbitrationTimeMin].m_value.pdw = &m_nQuorumArbitrationTimeMin; // Call the base class method. try { CClusterItem::ReadItem(); } // try catch ( CNTException * pnte ) { dwRetStatus = pnte->Sc(); pnte->Delete(); } // catch: CNTException // Get the name of the cluster as recorded by the cluster. ReadClusterInfo(); // Read and parse the common properties. { CClusPropList cpl; Trace( g_tagCluster, _T("(%x) - CCluster::ReadItem() - Getting common properties"), this ); dwStatus = cpl.ScGetClusterProperties( Hcluster(), CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_GET_COMMON_PROPERTIES ); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace( g_tagCluster, _T("(%x) - CCluster::ReadItem() - Parsing common properties"), this ); dwStatus = DwParseProperties(cpl); } // if: properties read successfully if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace( g_tagError, _T("(%x) - CCluster::ReadItem() - Error 0x%08.8x getting or parsing common properties"), this, dwStatus ); // PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE occurs when the server side // (clussvc.exe) doesn't support the ClusterControl( ) // API. In this case, read the data using the cluster // registry APIs. if ( dwStatus == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE ) { if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Description dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_DESC, m_strDescription ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { dwRetStatus = dwStatus; } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available } // if: must be talking to an NT4 node else { dwRetStatus = dwStatus; } // else: not talking to an NT4 node } // if: error reading or parsing properties } // Read and parse the common properties // Get quorum resource information. { LPWSTR pwszQResName = NULL; LPWSTR pwszQuorumPath = NULL; DWORD cchQResName; DWORD cchQuorumPath; // Get the size of the resource name. cchQResName = 0; cchQuorumPath = 0; dwStatus = GetClusterQuorumResource( Hcluster(), NULL, &cchQResName, NULL, &cchQuorumPath, &m_nMaxQuorumLogSize ); if ( ( dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) { // Allocate enough space for the data. cchQResName++; // Don't forget the final null-terminator. pwszQResName = new WCHAR[ cchQResName ]; cchQuorumPath++; pwszQuorumPath = new WCHAR[ cchQuorumPath ]; ASSERT( pwszQResName != NULL && pwszQuorumPath != NULL ); // Read the resource name. dwStatus = GetClusterQuorumResource( Hcluster(), pwszQResName, &cchQResName, pwszQuorumPath, &cchQuorumPath, &m_nMaxQuorumLogSize ); } // if: got the size successfully if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwRetStatus = dwStatus; } // if: error occurred else { m_strQuorumResource = pwszQResName; m_strQuorumPath = pwszQuorumPath; ASSERT( m_strQuorumPath[ m_strQuorumPath.GetLength() - 1 ] == _T('\\') ); } // else: quorum resource info retrieved successfully delete [] pwszQResName; delete [] pwszQuorumPath; } // Get the quorum resource name } // if: cluster is available // If any errors occurred, throw an exception. if ( dwRetStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ThrowStaticException( dwRetStatus, IDS_READ_CLUSTER_PROPS_ERROR, StrName() ); } // if: error occurred // Read extension lists. ReadClusterExtensions(); ReadNodeExtensions(); ReadGroupExtensions(); ReadResourceExtensions(); ReadResTypeExtensions(); ReadNetworkExtensions(); ReadNetInterfaceExtensions(); // Read the initial state. UpdateState(); MarkAsChanged( FALSE ); } //*** CCluster::ReadItem() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::PlstrExtensions // // Routine Description: // Return the list of admin extensions. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // plstr List of extensions. // NULL No extension associated with this object. // // Exceptions Thrown: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const CStringList * CCluster::PlstrExtensions( void ) const { return &LstrClusterExtensions(); } //*** CCluster::PlstrExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadClusterInfo // // Routine Description: // Get the name of the cluster as recorded by the cluster and the // version of the cluster software. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // Any exceptions thrown by new. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadClusterInfo( void ) { CWaitCursor wc; GetClusterInformation( Hcluster(), m_strName, &m_cvi ); Pdoc()->m_strName = m_strName; } //*** CCluster::ReadClusterInfo() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadClusterExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for the cluster object. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadClusterExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Cluster extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, m_lstrClusterExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrClusterExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadClusterExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadNodeExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all nodes. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadNodeExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Nodes extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_NODES, m_lstrNodeExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrNodeExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadNodeExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadGroupExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all groups. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadGroupExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Groups extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_GROUPS, m_lstrGroupExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrGroupExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadGroupExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadResourceExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all resources. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadResourceExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Resources extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_RESOURCES, m_lstrResourceExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrResourceExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadResourceExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadResTypeExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all resouce types. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadResTypeExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Resource Types extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_RESOURCE_TYPES, m_lstrResTypeExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrResTypeExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadResTypeExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadNetworkExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all networks. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadNetworkExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Networks extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_NETWORKS, m_lstrNetworkExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrNetworkExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadNetworkExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::ReadNetInterfaceExtensions // // Routine Description: // Read the extension list for all network interfaces. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from CClusterItem::DwReadValue(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::ReadNetInterfaceExtensions( void ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( Hkey() != NULL ) { // Read the Network Intefaces extension string. dwStatus = DwReadValue( CLUSREG_NAME_ADMIN_EXT, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_NETINTERFACES, m_lstrNetInterfaceExtensions ); if ( ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwStatus != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus ); } // if: error reading the value } // if: key is available else { m_lstrNetInterfaceExtensions.RemoveAll(); } // else: key is not available } //*** CCluster::ReadNetInterfaceExtensions() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::CollecNetworkPriority // // Routine Description: // Construct the network priority list. // // Arguments: // plpci [IN OUT] List to fill. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors from ClusterOpenEnum() or ClusterEnum(). // Any exceptions thrown by new or CList::AddTail(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::CollectNetworkPriority( IN OUT CNetworkList * plpci ) { DWORD dwStatus; HCLUSENUM hclusenum; int ienum; LPWSTR pwszName = NULL; DWORD cchName; DWORD cchmacName; DWORD dwRetType; CNetwork * pciNet; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT_VALID( Pdoc() ); ASSERT( Hcluster() != NULL ); if ( plpci == NULL ) { plpci = m_plpciNetworkPriority; } // if: no list specified ASSERT( plpci != NULL ); // Remove the previous contents of the list. plpci->RemoveAll(); if ( Hcluster() != NULL ) { // Open the enumeration. hclusenum = ClusterOpenEnum( Hcluster(), (DWORD) CLUSTER_ENUM_INTERNAL_NETWORK ); if ( hclusenum == NULL ) { ThrowStaticException( GetLastError(), IDS_ENUM_NETWORK_PRIORITY_ERROR, StrName() ); } // if: error opening the enmeration try { // Allocate a name buffer. cchmacName = 128; pwszName = new WCHAR[ cchmacName ]; if ( pwszName == NULL ) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); } // if: error allocating the name buffer // Loop through the enumeration and add each network to the list. for ( ienum = 0 ; ; ienum++ ) { // Get the next item in the enumeration. cchName = cchmacName; dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hclusenum, ienum, &dwRetType, pwszName, &cchName ); if ( dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { delete [] pwszName; cchmacName = ++cchName; pwszName = new WCHAR[ cchmacName ]; if ( pwszName == NULL ) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); } // if: error allocating the name buffer dwStatus = ClusterEnum( hclusenum, ienum, &dwRetType, pwszName, &cchName ); } // if: name buffer was too small if ( dwStatus == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { break; } // if: done with the enumeraiton else if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus, IDS_ENUM_NETWORK_PRIORITY_ERROR, StrName() ); } // else if: error getting the next enumeration value ASSERT( dwRetType == CLUSTER_ENUM_INTERNAL_NETWORK ); // Find the item in the list of networks on the document. pciNet = Pdoc()->LpciNetworks().PciNetworkFromName( pwszName ); ASSERT_VALID( pciNet ); // Add the network to the list. if ( pciNet != NULL ) { plpci->AddTail( pciNet ); } // if: found network in list } // for: each item in the group ClusterCloseEnum( hclusenum ); } // try catch ( CException * ) { delete [] pwszName; ClusterCloseEnum( hclusenum ); throw; } // catch: any exception } // if: cluster is available delete [] pwszName; } //*** CCluster::CollecNetworkPriority() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::OnUpdateProperties // // Routine Description: // Determines whether menu items corresponding to ID_FILE_PROPERTIES // should be enabled or not. // // Arguments: // pCmdUI [IN OUT] Command routing object. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::OnUpdateProperties( CCmdUI * pCmdUI ) { pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); } //*** CCluster::OnUpdateProperties() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::BDisplayProperties // // Routine Description: // Display properties for the object. // // Arguments: // bReadOnly [IN] Don't allow edits to the object properties. // // Return Value: // TRUE OK pressed. // FALSE OK not pressed. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CCluster::BDisplayProperties( IN BOOL bReadOnly ) { BOOL bChanged = FALSE; CClusterPropSheet sht( AfxGetMainWnd() ); // Do this in case this object is deleted while we are operating on it. AddRef(); // If the object has changed, read it. if ( BChanged() ) { ReadItem(); } // if: object changed // Display the property sheet. try { sht.SetReadOnly( bReadOnly ); if ( sht.BInit( this, IimgObjectType() ) ) { bChanged = ( ( sht.DoModal() == IDOK ) && ! bReadOnly ); } // if: initialized successfully } // try catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException Release(); return bChanged; } //*** CCluster::BDisplayProperties() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::SetName // // Routine Description: // Set the name of the cluster. // // Arguments: // pszName [IN] New name of the cluster. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // Any exceptions thrown by WriteItem(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::SetName( IN LPCTSTR pszName ) { Rename( pszName ); } //*** CCluster::SetName() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::SetDescription // // Routine Description: // Set the description in the cluster database. // // Arguments: // pszDesc [IN] Description to set. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // Any exceptions thrown by WriteItem(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::SetDescription( IN LPCTSTR pszDesc ) { ASSERT( Hkey() != NULL ); if ( ( Hkey() != NULL ) && ( m_strDescription != pszDesc ) ) { WriteValue( CLUSREG_NAME_CLUS_DESC, NULL, pszDesc ); m_strDescription = pszDesc; } // if: a change occured } //*** CCluster::SetDescription() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::SetQuorumResource // // Routine Description: // Set the quorum resource for the cluster. // // Arguments: // pszResource [IN] Name of resource to make the quorum resource. // pszQuorumPath [IN] Path for storing cluster files. // nMaxLogSize [IN] Maximum size of the quorum log. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException IDS_SET_QUORUM_RESOURCE_ERROR - errors from // SetClusterQuorumResource(). //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::SetQuorumResource( IN LPCTSTR pszResource, IN LPCTSTR pszQuorumPath, IN DWORD nMaxLogSize ) { DWORD dwStatus; CResource * pciRes; CString strRes( pszResource ); // Required if built non-Unicode CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( pszResource != NULL ); if ( ( StrQuorumResource() != pszResource ) || ( StrQuorumPath() != pszQuorumPath ) || ( NMaxQuorumLogSize() != nMaxLogSize ) ) { // Find the resource. pciRes = Pdoc()->LpciResources().PciResFromName( pszResource ); ASSERT_VALID( pciRes ); ASSERT( pciRes->Hresource() != NULL ); if ( pciRes->Hresource() != NULL ) { // Change the quorum resource. dwStatus = SetClusterQuorumResource( pciRes->Hresource(), pszQuorumPath, nMaxLogSize ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus, IDS_SET_QUORUM_RESOURCE_ERROR, pciRes->StrName() ); } // if: error setting the quorum resource m_strQuorumResource = pszResource; m_strQuorumPath = pszQuorumPath; m_nMaxQuorumLogSize = nMaxLogSize; } // if: resource is available } // if: the quorum resource changed } //*** CCluster::SetQuorumResource() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::SetNetworkPriority // // Routine Description: // Set the network priority list. // // Arguments: // rlpci [IN] List of networks in priority order. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // Any exceptions thrown by HNETWORK::new. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::SetNetworkPriority( IN const CNetworkList & rlpci ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hcluster() != NULL ); if ( Hcluster() != NULL ) { BOOL bChanged = TRUE; // Determine if the list has changed. if ( rlpci.GetCount() == LpciNetworkPriority().GetCount() ) { POSITION posOld; POSITION posNew; CNetwork * pciOldNet; CNetwork * pciNewNet; bChanged = FALSE; posOld = LpciNetworkPriority().GetHeadPosition(); posNew = rlpci.GetHeadPosition(); while ( posOld != NULL ) { pciOldNet = (CNetwork *) LpciNetworkPriority().GetNext( posOld ); ASSERT_VALID( pciOldNet ); ASSERT( posNew != NULL ); pciNewNet = (CNetwork *) rlpci.GetNext( posNew ); ASSERT_VALID( pciNewNet ); if ( pciOldNet->StrName() != pciNewNet->StrName() ) { bChanged = TRUE; break; } // if: name is not the same } // while: more items in the old list } // if: same number of items in the list if ( bChanged ) { HNETWORK * phnetwork = NULL; try { DWORD ipci; POSITION posPci; CNetwork * pciNet; // Allocate an array for all the node handles. phnetwork = new HNETWORK[ (DWORD) rlpci.GetCount() ]; if ( phnetwork == NULL ) { ThrowStaticException( GetLastError() ); } // if: error allocating network handle array // Copy the handle of all the networks in the networks list to the handle aray. posPci = rlpci.GetHeadPosition(); for ( ipci = 0 ; posPci != NULL ; ipci++ ) { pciNet = (CNetwork *) rlpci.GetNext( posPci ); ASSERT_VALID( pciNet ); phnetwork[ ipci ] = pciNet->Hnetwork(); } // while: more networks in the list // Set the property. dwStatus = SetClusterNetworkPriorityOrder( Hcluster(), (DWORD) rlpci.GetCount(), phnetwork ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus, IDS_SET_NET_PRIORITY_ERROR, StrName() ); } // if: error setting network priority // Update the PCI list. m_plpciNetworkPriority->RemoveAll(); posPci = rlpci.GetHeadPosition(); while ( posPci != NULL ) { pciNet = (CNetwork *) rlpci.GetNext( posPci ); m_plpciNetworkPriority->AddTail( pciNet ); } // while: more items in the list } // try catch ( CException * ) { delete [] phnetwork; throw; } // catch: CException delete [] phnetwork; } // if: list changed } // if: key is available } //*** CCluster::SetNetworkPriority(CNetworkList*) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::Rename // // Routine Description: // Change the name of the cluster.. // // Arguments: // pszName [IN] New name to give to the cluster. // // Return Value: // None. // // Exceptions Thrown: // CNTException Errors returned from SetClusterName(). // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::Rename( IN LPCTSTR pszName ) { DWORD dwStatus; CWaitCursor wc; ASSERT( Hcluster() != NULL ); if ( StrName() != pszName ) { // Set the name. dwStatus = SetClusterName( Hcluster(), pszName ); if ( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( dwStatus == ERROR_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_STORED ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_RESTART_CLUSTER_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } // if: properties stored but not in use yet else { ThrowStaticException( dwStatus, IDS_RENAME_CLUSTER_ERROR, StrName(), pszName ); } // else: error occurred } // if: error occurred setting cluster name m_strName = pszName; } // if: the name changed } //*** CCluster::Rename() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::BIsLabelEditValueValid // // Routine Description: // Validate the label edit value as a cluster name // // Arguments: // pszName [IN] New name to give to the cluster. // // Return Value: // TRUE name is valid // FALSE name is invalid // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CCluster::BIsLabelEditValueValid( IN LPCTSTR pszName ) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; if ( StrName() != pszName ) { CLRTL_NAME_STATUS cnStatus; UINT idsError; // Validate the name. if ( ! ClRtlIsNetNameValid( pszName, &cnStatus, FALSE /*CheckIfExists*/ ) ) { switch ( cnStatus ) { case NetNameTooLong: idsError = IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_TOO_LONG; break; case NetNameInvalidChars: idsError = IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_INVALID_CHARS; break; case NetNameInUse: idsError = IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_IN_USE; break; case NetNameDNSNonRFCChars: idsError = IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_INVALID_DNS_CHARS; break; case NetNameSystemError: { DWORD scError = GetLastError(); ThrowStaticException( scError, IDS_ERROR_VALIDATING_NETWORK_NAME, pszName ); } default: idsError = IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME; break; } // switch: cnStatus if ( idsError == IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_INVALID_DNS_CHARS ) { int id = AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_CLUSTER_NAME_INVALID_DNS_CHARS, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); if ( id == IDNO ) { bSuccess = FALSE; } } else { bSuccess = FALSE; } } // if: error validating the name } // if: the name changed return bSuccess; } //*** CCluster::BIsLabelEditValueValid() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::OnBeginLabelEdit // // Routine Description: // Prepare an edit control in a view for editing the cluster name. // // Arguments: // pedit [IN OUT] Edit control to prepare. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::OnBeginLabelEdit( IN OUT CEdit * pedit ) { ASSERT_VALID(pedit); pedit->SetLimitText( MAX_CLUSTERNAME_LENGTH ); pedit->ModifyStyle( 0 /*dwRemove*/, ES_UPPERCASE | ES_OEMCONVERT /*dwAdd*/ ); } //*** CCluster::OnBeginLabelEdit() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // CCluster::UpdateState // // Routine Description: // Update the current state of the item. // // Arguments: // None. // // Return Value: // None. // //-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCluster::UpdateState( void ) { // NOTENOTE: not referneced //CClusterAdminApp * papp = GetClusterAdminApp(); CString strTitle; GetClusterAdminApp(); Trace( g_tagCluster, _T("(%s) - Updating state"), StrName() ); // Update the title of the document. ASSERT_VALID( Pdoc() ); try { Pdoc()->UpdateTitle(); } // try catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException // Call the base class method. CClusterItem::UpdateState(); } //*** CCluster::UpdateState()