////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation // // Module Name: // CClusCfgCredentials.h // // Description: // This file contains the declaration of the CClusCfgCredentials // class. // // The class CClusCfgCredentials is the representation of // account credentials. It implements the IClusCfgCredentials interface. // // Documentation: // // Implementation Files: // CClusCfgCredentials.cpp // // Maintained By: // Galen Barbee (GalenB) 17-May-2000 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path. #pragma once ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include Files ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constant Declarations ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //++ // // class CClusCfgCredentials // // Description: // The class CClusCfgCredentials is the representation of a // cluster. // // Interfaces: // IClusCfgCredentials // IClusCfgInitialize // IClusCfgSetCredentials // //-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CClusCfgCredentials : public IClusCfgCredentials , public IClusCfgInitialize , public IClusCfgSetCredentials { public: // // Public constructors and destructors // CClusCfgCredentials( void ); virtual ~CClusCfgCredentials( void ); // // IUnknown Interfaces // STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject ); STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void ); STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void ); // // IClusCfgInitialize Interfaces. // // Register callbacks, locale id, etc. STDMETHOD( Initialize )( IUnknown * punkCallbackIn, LCID lcidIn ); // // IClusCfgCredentials Interfaces. // STDMETHOD( SetCredentials )( LPCWSTR pcszUserIn, LPCWSTR pcszDomainIn, LPCWSTR pcszPasswordIn ); STDMETHOD( GetCredentials )( BSTR * pbstrUserOut, BSTR * pbstrDomainOut, BSTR * pbstrPasswordOut ); STDMETHOD( GetIdentity )( BSTR * pbstrUserOut, BSTR * pbstrDomainOut ); STDMETHOD( GetPassword )( BSTR * pbstrPasswordOut ); STDMETHOD( AssignTo )( IClusCfgCredentials * picccDestIn ); STDMETHOD( AssignFrom )( IClusCfgCredentials * picccSourceIn ); // // IClusCfgSetCredentials Interfaces. // STDMETHOD( SetDomainCredentials )( LPCWSTR pcszCredentials ); // // Public, non interface methods. // static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut ); private: // // Private member functions and data // LONG m_cRef; LCID m_lcid; IClusCfgCallback * m_picccCallback; BSTR m_bstrAccountName; BSTR m_bstrAccountDomain; CEncryptedBSTR m_encbstrPassword; // Private copy constructor to prevent copying. CClusCfgCredentials( const CClusCfgCredentials & ); // Private assignment operator to prevent copying. CClusCfgCredentials & operator = ( const CClusCfgCredentials & ); HRESULT HrInit( void ); }; //*** Class CClusCfgCredentials