//  Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
//  Module Name:
//      SpinLock.h
//  Description:
//      Spin Lock implementation.
//  Maintained By:
//      Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 27-NOV-1999

#pragma once

// CSpinLock
private: // Data
    LONG *  m_plLock;           // pointer to the lock
    LONG    m_lSpinCount;       // counts the number of sleeps
    LONG    m_lTimeout;         // count until acquire lock fails
#if DBG==1
    BOOL    m_fAcquired;        // DEBUG: internal state of the lock
    BOOL    m_fAcquiredOnce;    // DEBUG: lock was acquired at least once.

public: // Methods
        CSpinLock( LONG * plLock, LONG lTimeout ) : 
            m_plLock( plLock ),
            m_lTimeout( lTimeout )
        Assert( m_lTimeout >= 0 || m_lTimeout == INFINITE );
#if DBG==1
        m_fAcquired     = FALSE;
        m_fAcquiredOnce = FALSE;

#if DBG==1
        AssertMsg( m_fAcquired     == FALSE, "Lock was not released!" ); 
        AssertMsg( m_fAcquiredOnce != FALSE, "Lock was never acquired. Why was I needed?" );

    // HRESULT
    // AcquireLock( void )
    // Description:
    //      Acquires the spin lock. Does not return until the lock is 
    //      acquired.
    // Arguments:
    //      None.
    // Return Values:
    //      S_OK    - Sucess.
    //      HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOCK_FAILED ) - Lock failed.
        AcquireLock( void )
        HRESULT hr;
        LONG l = TRUE;

#if DBG==1
        AssertMsg( m_fAcquired == FALSE, "Trying to acquire a lock that it already own. Thread is going to freeze up." );
        m_fAcquiredOnce = TRUE;

        m_lSpinCount = 0;

            l = InterlockedCompareExchange( m_plLock, TRUE, FALSE );
            if ( l == FALSE )
                // Lock acquired.
                hr = S_OK;
            } // if: got lock
                if ( m_lSpinCount > m_lTimeout )
                    AssertMsg( m_lSpinCount >= 0, "This lock doesn't seem to have been released properly." );
                    if ( m_lTimeout != INFINITE )
                        hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_LOCK_FAILED ) );

                    } // if: not infinite

                } // if: count exceeded

                // Put a breakpoint here if you think that someone is double
                // locking.
                Sleep( 1 );

            } // if: lock not acquired

        } // for: forever        

#if DBG==1
        m_fAcquired = TRUE;
        return hr;
    }; // AcquireLock( )

    // HRESULT
    // ReleaseLock( void )
    // Description:
    //      Releases the spin lock. Return immediately.
    // Arguments:
    //      None.
    // Return Values:
    //      S_OK    - Success.
        ReleaseLock( void )
#if DBG==1
        AssertMsg( m_fAcquired == TRUE, "Releasing a lock that was not owned." );
        *m_plLock   = FALSE;
#if DBG==1
        m_fAcquired = FALSE;
        return S_OK;
    }; // ReleaseLock( )

}; // class CSpinLock