// sstream standard header #ifndef _SSTREAM_ #define _SSTREAM_ #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push,8) #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN enum __Strstate {_Allocated = 1, _Constant = 2, _Noread = 4}; _BITMASK(__Strstate, _Strstate); _BITMASK_OPS(__Strstate) // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringbuf template */, class _A /* = allocator<_E> */ > class basic_stringbuf : public basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_stringbuf( ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {_Init(0, 0, _Mode(_W)); } explicit basic_stringbuf(const _Mystr& _S, ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {_Init(_S.c_str(), _S.size(), _Mode(_W)); } virtual ~basic_stringbuf() {_Tidy(); } _Mystr str() const {if (!(_Strmode & _Constant) && pptr() != 0) {_Mystr _Str(pbase(), (_Seekhigh < pptr() ? pptr() : _Seekhigh) - pbase()); return (_Str); } else if (!(_Strmode & _Noread) && gptr() != 0) {_Mystr _Str(eback(), egptr() - eback()); return (_Str); } else {_Mystr _Nul; return (_Nul); }} void str(const _Mystr& _S) {_Tidy(); _Init(_S.c_str(), _S.size(), _Strmode); } protected: virtual int_type overflow(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); else if (pptr() != 0 && pptr() < epptr()) {*_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); } else if (_Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else {size_t _Os = gptr() == 0 ? 0 : epptr() - eback(); size_t _Ns = _Os + _Alsize; _E *_P = _Al.allocate(_Ns, (void *)0); if (0 < _Os) _Tr::copy(_P, eback(), _Os); else if (_ALSIZE < _Alsize) _Alsize = _ALSIZE; if (_Strmode & _Allocated) _Al.deallocate(eback(), _Os); _Strmode |= _Allocated; if (_Os == 0) {_Seekhigh = _P; setp(_P, _P + _Ns); setg(_P, _P, _P); } else {_Seekhigh = _Seekhigh - eback() + _P; setp(pbase() - eback() + _P, pptr() - eback() + _P, _P + _Ns); if (_Strmode & _Noread) setg(_P, _P, _P); else setg(_P, gptr() - eback() + _P, pptr() + 1); } *_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); }} virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (gptr() == 0 || gptr() <= eback() || !_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) && !_Tr::eq(_Tr::to_char_type(_C), gptr()[-1]) && _Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else {gbump(-1); if (!_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) *gptr() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); }} virtual int_type underflow() {if (gptr() == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); else if (gptr() < egptr()) return (_Tr::to_int_type(*gptr())); else if (_Strmode & _Noread || pptr() == 0 || pptr() <= gptr() && _Seekhigh <= gptr()) return (_Tr::eof()); else {if (_Seekhigh < pptr()) _Seekhigh = pptr(); setg(eback(), gptr(), _Seekhigh); return (_Tr::to_int_type(*gptr())); }} virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _Way, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {if (pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < pptr()) _Seekhigh = pptr(); if (_Which & ios_base::in && gptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) _O += _Seekhigh - eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur && !(_Which & ios_base::out)) _O += gptr() - eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) {gbump(eback() - gptr() + _O); if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) setp(pbase(), gptr(), epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } else if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) _O += _Seekhigh - eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur) _O += pptr() - eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) pbump(eback() - pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else _O = _BADOFF; return (pos_type(_O)); } virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type _P, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {streamoff _O = (streamoff)_P; if (pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < pptr()) _Seekhigh = pptr(); if (_O == _BADOFF) ; else if (_Which & ios_base::in && gptr() != 0) {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) {gbump(eback() - gptr() + _O); if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) setp(pbase(), gptr(), epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } else if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) pbump(eback() - pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else _O = _BADOFF; return (streampos(_O)); } void _Init(const _E *_S, size_t _N, _Strstate _M) {_Pendsave = 0, _Seekhigh = 0; _Alsize = _MINSIZE, _Strmode = _M; if (_N == 0 || (_Strmode & (_Noread | _Constant)) == (_Noread | _Constant)) {setg(0, 0, 0); setp(0, 0); } else {_E *_P = _Al.allocate(_N, (void *)0); _Tr::copy(_P, _S, _N); _Seekhigh = _P + _N; if (!(_Strmode & _Noread)) setg(_P, _P, _P + _N); if (!(_Strmode & _Constant)) {setp(_P, _P + _N); if (gptr() == 0) setg(_P, _P, _P); } _Strmode |= _Allocated; }} void _Tidy() {if (_Strmode & _Allocated) _Al.deallocate(eback(), (pptr() != 0 ? epptr() : egptr()) - eback()); _Seekhigh = 0; _Strmode &= ~_Allocated; } private: enum {_ALSIZE = 512, _MINSIZE = 32}; _Strstate _Mode(ios_base::openmode _W) {_Strstate _St = (_Strstate)0; if (!(_W & ios_base::in)) _St |= _Noread; if (!(_W & ios_base::out)) _St |= _Constant; return (_St); } _E *_Pendsave, *_Seekhigh; int _Alsize; _Strstate _Strmode; allocator<_E> _Al; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_istringstream template */, class _A /* = allocator<_E> */ > class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_istringstream(openmode _M = in) : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | in) {} explicit basic_istringstream(const _Mystr& _S, openmode _M = in) : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | in) {} virtual ~basic_istringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Mysb *)&_Sb); } _Mystr str() const {return (_Sb.str()); } void str(const _Mystr& _S) {_Sb.str(_S); } private: _Mysb _Sb; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostringstream template */, class _A /* = allocator<_E> */ > class basic_ostringstream : public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_ostringstream(openmode _M = out) : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | out) {} explicit basic_ostringstream(const _Mystr& _S, openmode _M = out) : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | out) {} virtual ~basic_ostringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Mysb *)&_Sb); } _Mystr str() const {return (_Sb.str()); } void str(const _Mystr& _S) {_Sb.str(_S); } private: _Mysb _Sb; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringstream template */, class _A /* = allocator<_E> */ > class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_stringstream(openmode _W = in | out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_W) {} explicit basic_stringstream(const _Mystr& _S, openmode _W = in | out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _W) {} virtual ~basic_stringstream() {} basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> *rdbuf() const {return ((basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> *)&_Sb); } _Mystr str() const {return (_Sb.str()); } void str(const _Mystr& _S) {_Sb.str(_S); } private: basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Sb; }; #ifdef _DLL #ifdef __FORCE_INSTANCE template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringbuf >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringbuf >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_istringstream >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_istringstream >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_ostringstream >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_ostringstream >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringstream >; template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringstream >; #else // __FORCE_INSTANCE #pragma warning(disable:4231) /* the extern before template is a non-standard extension */ extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringbuf >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringbuf >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_istringstream >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_istringstream >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_ostringstream >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_ostringstream >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringstream >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 basic_stringstream >; #pragma warning(default:4231) /* restore previous warning */ #endif // __FORCE_INSTANCE #endif // _DLL _STD_END #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(pop) #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #endif /* _SSTREAM_ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */