/*++ © 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved Module Name: clientob.cpp Abstract: This component is the client object the recall filter system contacts to notify when a recall starts. Author: Rohde Wakefield [rohde] 27-May-1997 Revision History: --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "fsantfy.h" static BOOL VerifyPipeName(IN OLECHAR * szPipeName); HRESULT CNotifyClient::IdentifyWithServer( IN OLECHAR * szPipeName ) /*++ Implements: IFsaRecallNotifyClient::IdentifyWithServer --*/ { TRACEFNHR( "IdentifyWithServer" ); AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); try { HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Parse the object and verify it looks like an HSM server named pipe // Note that we cannot assume anything on the string besides it being null-terminated // if (! VerifyPipeName(szPipeName)) { // Wrong name - possible attack - abort RecThrow(E_INVALIDARG); } // // Open the pipe and send a response // handle = CreateFileW( szPipeName, // Pipe name. GENERIC_WRITE, // Generic access, read/write. FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, // No security. OPEN_EXISTING, // Fail if not existing. SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION, // No overlap, No pipe impersonation NULL ); // No template. RecAffirmHandle( handle ); // // Verify that what we just opened is a pipe // DWORD dwType = GetFileType(handle); if (dwType != FILE_TYPE_PIPE) { // Object is not a pipe - close and abort CloseHandle(handle); handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RecThrow(E_INVALIDARG); } WSB_PIPE_MSG pmsg; DWORD len, bytesWritten; pmsg.msgType = WSB_PMSG_IDENTIFY; len = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; RecAffirmStatus(GetComputerNameW( pmsg.msg.idrp.clientName, &len )); BOOL code = WriteFile( handle, &pmsg, sizeof(WSB_PIPE_MSG), &bytesWritten, 0 ); CloseHandle(handle); } RecCatch( hrRet ); return(hrRet); } HRESULT CNotifyClient::OnRecallStarted( IN IFsaRecallNotifyServer * pRecall ) /*++ Implements: IFsaRecallNotifyClient::OnRecallStarted --*/ { TRACEFNHR( "OnRecallStarted" ); AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); hrRet = RecApp->AddRecall( pRecall ); return( hrRet ); } HRESULT CNotifyClient::OnRecallFinished( IN IFsaRecallNotifyServer * pRecall, IN HRESULT hrError ) /*++ Implements: IFsaRecallNotifyClient::OnRecallFinished --*/ { TRACEFNHR( "CNotifyClient::OnRecallFinished" ); AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); hrRet = RecApp->RemoveRecall( pRecall ); return( hrRet ); } HRESULT CNotifyClient::FinalConstruct( void ) /*++ Implements: CComObjectRoot::FinalConstruct --*/ { TRACEFNHR( "CNotifyClient::FinalConstruct" ); AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); try { RecAffirmHr( CComObjectRoot::FinalConstruct( ) ); } RecCatch( hrRet ); return( hrRet ); } void CNotifyClient::FinalRelease( void ) /*++ Implements: CComObjectRoot::FinalConstruct --*/ { TRACEFN( "CNotifyClient::FinalRelease" ); AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) ); CComObjectRoot::FinalRelease( ); } // // Verifies that pipe name matches the expected RSS named pipe // \\\pipe\HSM_PIPE // // Returns TRUE for a valid pipe name and FALSE otherwise // static BOOL VerifyPipeName(IN OLECHAR * szPipeName) { if (wcslen(szPipeName) < 3) return FALSE; if ((szPipeName[0] != L'\\') || (szPipeName[1] != L'\\')) return FALSE; OLECHAR *pTemp1 = NULL; OLECHAR *pTemp2 = NULL; pTemp1 = wcschr(&(szPipeName[2]), L'/'); if (pTemp1 != NULL) return FALSE; pTemp1 = wcschr(&(szPipeName[2]), L'\\'); if (pTemp1 == NULL) return FALSE; pTemp1++; pTemp2 = wcschr(pTemp1, L'\\'); if (pTemp2 == NULL) return FALSE; *pTemp2 = L'\0'; if (0 != _wcsicmp(pTemp1, L"pipe")) { *pTemp2 = L'\\'; return FALSE; } *pTemp2 = L'\\'; pTemp2++; if (0 != _wcsicmp(pTemp2, WSB_PIPE_NAME)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }