#include "brian.h" typedef struct _ASYNC_QDIR { USHORT FileIndex; BOOLEAN UseEvent; PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine; PVOID ApcContext; PUSHORT BufferIndexPtr; USHORT BufferIndex; ULONG Length; FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInfoClass; PUNICODE_STRING FileNamePtr; UNICODE_STRING FileName; BOOLEAN SingleEntry; BOOLEAN Restart; BOOLEAN DisplayParms; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; USHORT AsyncIndex; USHORT NameIndex; } ASYNC_QDIR, *PASYNC_QDIR; #define USE_EVENT_DEFAULT TRUE #define APC_ROUTINE_DEFAULT NULL #define APC_CONTEXT_DEFAULT NULL #define QDIR_LENGTH_DEFAULT 100 #define FILE_INFO_CLASS_DEFAULT FileBothDirectoryInformation #define SINGLE_ENTRY_DEFAULT FALSE #define RESTART_DEFAULT FALSE #define DISPLAY_PARMS_DEFAULT FALSE #define VERBOSE_DEFAULT FALSE #define DISPLAY_INDEX_DEFAULT 0 VOID FullQDir( IN OUT PASYNC_QDIR AsyncQDir ); VOID InputQDir ( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG FileIndex; BOOLEAN UseEvent; PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine; PVOID ApcContext; PUSHORT BufferIndexPtr; USHORT BufferIndex; ULONG Length; FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInfoClass; PUNICODE_STRING FileNamePtr; UNICODE_STRING FileName; USHORT FileNameIndex; BOOLEAN SingleEntry; BOOLEAN Restart; BOOLEAN DisplayParms; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; USHORT AsyncIndex; PUCHAR FileNamePChar; BOOLEAN NameIndexAllocated; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; // // Set the defaults. // UseEvent = USE_EVENT_DEFAULT; ApcRoutine = APC_ROUTINE_DEFAULT; ApcContext = APC_CONTEXT_DEFAULT; BufferIndexPtr = NULL; BufferIndex = 0; Length = QDIR_LENGTH_DEFAULT; FileInfoClass = FILE_INFO_CLASS_DEFAULT; FileNamePtr = NULL; FileNameIndex = 0; SingleEntry = SINGLE_ENTRY_DEFAULT; Restart = RESTART_DEFAULT; DisplayParms = DISPLAY_PARMS_DEFAULT; VerboseResults = VERBOSE_DEFAULT; AsyncIndex = 0; NameIndexAllocated = FALSE; ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE; // // While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the // query flags. // { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG TempIndex; RegionSize = 256; Status = AllocateBuffer( 0, &RegionSize, &TempIndex ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { printf("\nInputQdir: Can't allocate name index buffer" ); return; } NameIndexAllocated = TRUE; FileNameIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex; FileName.Length = 256; FileName.MaximumLength = 256; FileName.Buffer = (PWSTR) Buffers[FileNameIndex].Buffer; } while (TRUE) { ULONG DummyCount; ULONG TempIndex; // // Swallow leading white spaces. // ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); if (*ParamBuffer) { // // If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value. // Update the parameter value. // if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) { BOOLEAN SwitchBool; // // Switch on the next character. // switch (*ParamBuffer) { // // Update the buffer index. // case 'b' : case 'B' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; TempIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); BufferIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex; BufferIndexPtr = &BufferIndex; Length = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); break; // // Update the byte count. // case 'l' : case 'L' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; Length = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); break; // // Update the file handle index. // case 'i' : case 'I' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; FileIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); ParamReceived = TRUE; break; // // Check whether we should use an event to signal // completion. // case 'e' : case 'E' : // // Legal values for use event are T/t or F/f. // ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') { UseEvent = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; } else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') { UseEvent = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; } break; // // Check whether we want only a single entry. // case 's' : case 'S' : // // Legal values for use event are T/t or F/f. // ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') { SingleEntry = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; } else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') { SingleEntry = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; } break; // // Check whether we want to restart the scan. // case 'r' : case 'R' : // // Legal values for use event are T/t or F/f. // ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') { Restart = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; } else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') { Restart = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; } break; // // Get the filename. // case 'f' : case 'F' : // // Remember the buffer offset and get the filename. // ParamBuffer++; FileNamePChar = ParamBuffer; DummyCount = 0; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); // // If the name length is 0, then ignore this entry. // if (DummyCount) { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; AnsiString.Length = (USHORT) DummyCount; AnsiString.Buffer = FileNamePChar; RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &FileName, &AnsiString, FALSE ); FileNamePtr = (PUNICODE_STRING) &FileName; } break; // // Update the desired access. // case 'c' : case 'C' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; SwitchBool = TRUE; while (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') { // // Perform switch on character. // switch (*ParamBuffer) { case 'a' : case 'A' : FileInfoClass = FileNamesInformation; break; case 'b' : case 'B' : FileInfoClass = FileDirectoryInformation; break; case 'c' : case 'C' : FileInfoClass = FileFullDirectoryInformation; break; case 'd' : case 'D' : FileInfoClass = FileIdFullDirectoryInformation; break; case 'e' : case 'E' : FileInfoClass = FileBothDirectoryInformation; break; case 'f' : case 'F' : FileInfoClass = FileIdBothDirectoryInformation; break; case 'g' : case 'G' : FileInfoClass = FileObjectIdInformation; break; case 'h' : case 'H' : FileInfoClass = FileQuotaInformation; break; case 'i' : case 'I' : FileInfoClass = FileReparsePointInformation; break; default : ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); SwitchBool = FALSE; } if (!SwitchBool) { break; } ParamBuffer++; } break; case 'v' : case 'V' : // // Legal values for params are T/t or F/f. // ParamBuffer++; if( *ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't' ) { VerboseResults = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; } else if( *ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f' ) { VerboseResults = FALSE; ParamBuffer++; } break; case 'y' : case 'Y' : // // Set the display parms flag and jump over this // character. // DisplayParms = TRUE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); break; case 'z' : case 'Z' : // // Set flag for more input and jump over this char. // LastInput = FALSE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); break; default : // // Swallow to the next white space and continue the // loop. // ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); } } // // Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block. // // // // Else if there is no input then exit. // } else if( LastInput ) { break; // // Else try to read another line for open parameters. // } else { } } // // If no parameters were received then display the syntax message. // if (!ParamReceived) { printf( "\n Usage: qd [options]* -i [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -i File index" ); printf( "\n -l Buffer length" ); printf( "\n -b Buffer index" ); printf( "\n -f Search expression" ); printf( "\n -c File information class" ); printf( "\n a FileNamesInformation" ); printf( "\n b FileDirectoryInformation" ); printf( "\n c FileFullDirectoryInformation" ); printf( "\n d FileIdFullDirectoryInformation" ); printf( "\n e FileBothDirectoryInformation" ); printf( "\n f FileIdBothObjectIdInformation" ); printf( "\n g FileObjectIdInformation" ); printf( "\n h FileQuotaInformation" ); printf( "\n i FileReparsePointInformation" ); printf( "\n -e[t|f] Use event on completion" ); printf( "\n -r[t|f] Restart the search" ); printf( "\n -s[t|f] Return single entry" ); printf( "\n -v[t|f] Verbose results" ); printf( "\n -y Display parameters to query" ); printf( "\n -z Additional input line" ); printf( "\n\n" ); // // Else call our read routine. // } else { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG TempIndex; PASYNC_QDIR AsyncQDir; HANDLE ThreadHandle; ULONG ThreadId; RegionSize = sizeof( ASYNC_QDIR ); Status = AllocateBuffer( 0, &RegionSize, &TempIndex ); AsyncIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex; if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { printf("\n\tInputQDir: Unable to allocate async structure" ); } else { AsyncQDir = (PASYNC_QDIR) Buffers[AsyncIndex].Buffer; AsyncQDir->FileIndex = (USHORT) FileIndex; AsyncQDir->UseEvent = UseEvent; AsyncQDir->ApcRoutine = ApcRoutine; AsyncQDir->ApcContext = ApcContext; AsyncQDir->BufferIndex = BufferIndex; AsyncQDir->BufferIndexPtr = BufferIndexPtr ? &AsyncQDir->BufferIndex : BufferIndexPtr; AsyncQDir->Length = Length; AsyncQDir->FileInfoClass = FileInfoClass; AsyncQDir->FileName = FileName; AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr = FileNamePtr ? &AsyncQDir->FileName : NULL; AsyncQDir->SingleEntry = SingleEntry; AsyncQDir->Restart = Restart; AsyncQDir->DisplayParms = DisplayParms; AsyncQDir->VerboseResults = VerboseResults; AsyncQDir->AsyncIndex = AsyncIndex; AsyncQDir->NameIndex = FileNameIndex; if (!SynchronousCmds) { ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, FullQDir, AsyncQDir, 0, &ThreadId ); if (ThreadHandle == 0) { printf( "\nInputQDir: Spawning thread fails -> %d\n", GetLastError() ); if (AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr) { DeallocateBuffer( FileNameIndex ); } DeallocateBuffer( AsyncIndex ); return; } } else { FullQDir( AsyncQDir ); } } } return; } VOID FullQDir( IN OUT PASYNC_QDIR AsyncQDir ) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; HANDLE ThisEvent; USHORT ThisEventIndex; USHORT ThisBufferIndex; BOOLEAN UnwindQDirBuffer = FALSE; BOOLEAN UnwindEvent = FALSE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (AsyncQDir->DisplayParms) { bprint "\n" ); bprint " QDir Parameters\n" ); bprint " File Handle Index -> %d\n", AsyncQDir->FileIndex ); bprint " UseEvent -> %d\n", AsyncQDir->UseEvent ); bprint " ApcRoutine -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->ApcRoutine ); bprint " ApcContext -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->ApcContext ); bprint " Buffer Index Ptr -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->BufferIndexPtr ); if (AsyncQDir->BufferIndexPtr) { bprint " BufferIndex value -> %04x\n", AsyncQDir->BufferIndex ); } bprint " Length -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->Length ); bprint " FileInfoClass -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->FileInfoClass ); bprint " FileNamePtr -> %08lx\n", AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr ); if (AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr) { bprint " Filename -> %s\n", AsyncQDir->FileName.Buffer ); } bprint " Single Entry -> %04x\n", AsyncQDir->SingleEntry ); bprint " Restart Scan -> %04x\n", AsyncQDir->SingleEntry ); bprint "\n" ); } try { SIZE_T ThisLength; // // If we need a buffer, allocate it now. // if (AsyncQDir->BufferIndexPtr == NULL) { ULONG TempIndex; ThisLength = 4096; Status = AllocateBuffer( 0L, &ThisLength, &TempIndex ); ThisBufferIndex = (USHORT) TempIndex; if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { bprint "\n" ); bprint "\tFullQDir: Unable to allocate a query buffer\n" ); try_return( Status ); } bprint "\tFullQDir: Reading into buffer -> %04x\n", ThisBufferIndex ); bprint "\n" ); bprint "\n" ); UnwindQDirBuffer = TRUE; AsyncQDir->Length = (ULONG) ThisLength; } else { ThisBufferIndex = AsyncQDir->BufferIndex; } // // Check that the buffer index is valid. // if (ThisBufferIndex >= MAX_BUFFERS) { bprint "\n" ); bprint "\tFullQDir: The read buffer index is invalid\n" ); try_return( Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); } // // Check that the file index is valid. // if (AsyncQDir->FileIndex >= MAX_HANDLES) { bprint "\n" ); bprint "\tFullQDir: The file index is invalid\n" ); try_return( Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); } // // If we need an event, allocate and set it now. // if (AsyncQDir->UseEvent == TRUE) { Status = ObtainEvent( &ThisEventIndex ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { bprint "\n" ); bprint "\tFullQDir: Unable to allocate an event\n" ); try_return( Status ); } UnwindEvent = TRUE; ThisEvent = Events[ThisEventIndex].Handle; } else { ThisEvent = 0; } // // Call the read routine. // Status = NtQueryDirectoryFile( Handles[AsyncQDir->FileIndex].Handle, ThisEvent, AsyncQDir->ApcRoutine, AsyncQDir->ApcContext, &Iosb, Buffers[ThisBufferIndex].Buffer, AsyncQDir->Length, AsyncQDir->FileInfoClass, AsyncQDir->SingleEntry, AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr, AsyncQDir->Restart ); UnwindQDirBuffer = FALSE; if (AsyncQDir->VerboseResults) { bprint "\n" ); bprint " Query Dir: Status -> %08lx\n", Status ); if (AsyncQDir->UseEvent && NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( ThisEvent, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { bprint "\n" ); bprint "\tQuery Dir: Wait for event failed -> %08lx", Status ); bprint "\n" ); try_return( Status ); } } if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { bprint "\n" ); bprint " Iosb.Information -> %08lx\n", Iosb.Information ); bprint " Iosb.Status -> %08lx", Iosb.Status ); } bprint "\n" ); } try_return( Status ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (UnwindQDirBuffer) { DeallocateBuffer( ThisBufferIndex ); } if (UnwindEvent) { FreeEvent( ThisEventIndex ); } if (AsyncQDir->FileNamePtr) { DeallocateBuffer( AsyncQDir->NameIndex ); } DeallocateBuffer( AsyncQDir->AsyncIndex ); } if (!SynchronousCmds) { NtTerminateThread( 0, STATUS_SUCCESS ); } } VOID InputDisplayQDir ( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS FileInfoClass; ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; // // Set the defaults. // BufferIndex = DISPLAY_INDEX_DEFAULT; FileInfoClass = FILE_INFO_CLASS_DEFAULT; ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE; // // While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the // query flags. // while (TRUE) { ULONG DummyCount; // // Swallow leading white spaces. // ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); if (*ParamBuffer) { // // If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value. // Update the parameter value. // if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) { BOOLEAN SwitchBool; // // Switch on the next character. // switch( *ParamBuffer ) { // // Check the buffer index. // case 'b' : case 'B' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; BufferIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); ParamReceived = TRUE; break; // // Update the desired access. // case 'c' : case 'C' : // // Move to the next character, as long as there // are no white spaces continue analyzing letters. // On the first bad letter, skip to the next // parameter. // ParamBuffer++; SwitchBool = TRUE; while (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') { // // Perform switch on character. // switch (*ParamBuffer) { case 'a' : case 'A' : FileInfoClass = FileNamesInformation; break; case 'b' : case 'B' : FileInfoClass = FileDirectoryInformation; break; case 'c' : case 'C' : FileInfoClass = FileFullDirectoryInformation; break; case 'd' : case 'D' : FileInfoClass = FileIdFullDirectoryInformation; break; case 'e' : case 'E' : FileInfoClass = FileBothDirectoryInformation; break; case 'f' : case 'F' : FileInfoClass = FileIdBothDirectoryInformation; break; default : ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); SwitchBool = FALSE; } if (!SwitchBool) { break; } ParamBuffer++; } break; default : // // Swallow to the next white space and continue the // loop. // ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); } } // // Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block. // // // // Else if there is no input then exit. // } else if ( LastInput ) { break; // // Else try to read another line for open parameters. // } else { } } // // If no parameters were received then display the syntax message. // if (!ParamReceived) { printf( "\n Usage: dqd [options]* -b [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -b Buffer index" ); printf( "\n -c Key to buffer format" ); printf( "\n\n" ); // // Else call our display buffer routine. // } else { switch (FileInfoClass) { case FileNamesInformation: DisplayQDirNames( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; case FileDirectoryInformation: DisplayQDirDirs( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; case FileFullDirectoryInformation: DisplayQDirFullDirs( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; case FileIdFullDirectoryInformation: DisplayQDirIdFullDirs( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; case FileBothDirectoryInformation: DisplayQBothDirs( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; case FileIdBothDirectoryInformation: DisplayQIdBothDirs( (USHORT) BufferIndex ); break; } } } VOID DisplayQDirNames ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_NAMES_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirNames: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nNames Information" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_NAMES_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirNames: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; } VOID DisplayQDirDirs ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirDirs: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nDirectory Information" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tCreation Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->CreationTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\tLast Access Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Attributes -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileAttributes ); printf( "\tLast Write Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastWriteTime ); printf( "\n\t " ); printf( "\tChange Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->ChangeTime ); printf( "\n\tEnd Of File -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->EndOfFile ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); printf( "\tAllocation Size -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->AllocationSize ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirDirs: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; } VOID DisplayQDirFullDirs ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirFullDirs: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nFull Directory Information" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tCreation Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->CreationTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\tLast Access Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Attributes -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileAttributes ); printf( "\tLast Write Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastWriteTime ); printf( "\n\tEa Size -> %08lx", FileInfo->EaSize ); printf( "\tChange Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->ChangeTime ); printf( "\n\tEnd Of File -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->EndOfFile ); printf( "\n\tAllocation Size -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->AllocationSize ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirFullDirs: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; } VOID DisplayQDirIdFullDirs ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirIDFullDirs: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nFull Directory Information with ID" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_ID_FULL_DIR_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tCreation Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->CreationTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\tLast Access Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Attributes -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileAttributes ); printf( "\tLast Write Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastWriteTime ); printf( "\n\tEa Size -> %08lx", FileInfo->EaSize ); printf( "\tChange Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->ChangeTime ); printf( "\n\tEnd Of File -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->EndOfFile ); printf( "\n\tAllocation Size -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->AllocationSize ); printf( "\n\tFile ID -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->FileId ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQDirIdFullDirs: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; } VOID DisplayQBothDirs ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQBothDirs: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nBoth Directory Information" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tCreation Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->CreationTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\tLast Access Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Attributes -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileAttributes ); printf( "\tLast Write Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastWriteTime ); printf( "\n\tEa Size -> %08lx", FileInfo->EaSize ); printf( "\tChange Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->ChangeTime ); printf( "\n\tEnd Of File -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->EndOfFile ); printf( "\n\tAllocation Size -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->AllocationSize ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); printf( "\n\tShrt Name Length -> %04x", FileInfo->ShortNameLength ); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->ShortNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->ShortNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->ShortName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\tShort Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQBothDirs: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; } VOID DisplayQIdBothDirs ( IN USHORT BufferIndex ) { PFILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION FileInfo; PUCHAR BufferStart; ULONG Offset; ULONG AvailLength; if (!Buffers[BufferIndex].Used) { printf( "\nDisplayQIdBothDirs: Invalid buffer\n" ); return; } BufferStart = Buffers[BufferIndex].Buffer; AvailLength = Buffers[BufferIndex].Length; Offset = 0; try { printf( "\n\nBoth Directory Information with ID" ); do { ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; FileInfo = (PFILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION) ((PUCHAR) BufferStart + Offset); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->FileNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->FileName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\n\tFile Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); printf( "\n\tNext Offset -> %08lx", FileInfo->NextEntryOffset ); printf( "\tCreation Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->CreationTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Index -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileIndex ); printf( "\tLast Access Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastAccessTime ); printf( "\n\tFile Attributes -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileAttributes ); printf( "\tLast Write Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->LastWriteTime ); printf( "\n\tEa Size -> %08lx", FileInfo->EaSize ); printf( "\tChange Time -> " ); PrintTime( &FileInfo->ChangeTime ); printf( "\n\tEnd Of File -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->EndOfFile ); printf( "\n\tAllocation Size -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->AllocationSize ); printf( "\n\tFile ID -> " ); PrintLargeInteger( &FileInfo->FileId ); printf( "\n\tFile Name Length -> %08lx", FileInfo->FileNameLength ); printf( "\n\tShrt Name Length -> %04x", FileInfo->ShortNameLength ); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) FileInfo->ShortNameLength + 2; UnicodeString.Length = (USHORT) FileInfo->ShortNameLength; UnicodeString.Buffer = (PWSTR) &FileInfo->ShortName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, TRUE ); printf( "\n\tShort Name -> %s", AnsiString.Buffer ); RtlFreeAnsiString( &AnsiString ); Offset += FileInfo->NextEntryOffset; } while (FileInfo->NextEntryOffset > 0 && Offset < AvailLength); printf( "\n" ); try_return( NOTHING ); try_exit: NOTHING; } finally { if (AbnormalTermination()) { printf( "\nDisplayQIdBothDirs: AbnormalTermination\n" ); } } return; }