/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: smbadmin.c Abstract: This module implements the SMB's that need to be exchanged to facilitate bookkeeping at the server --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeNegotiate) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeDisconnect) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeLogOff) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbAdminExchangeStart) #endif // // The Bug check file id for this module // #define BugCheckFileId (RDBSS_BUG_CHECK_SMB_NETROOT) // // The local debug trace level // #define Dbg (DEBUG_TRACE_DISPATCH) extern SMB_EXCHANGE_DISPATCH_VECTOR EchoExchangeDispatch; extern NTSTATUS SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange, PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry, PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry, UCHAR SmbCommand); extern VOID SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange); extern NTSTATUS SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange); VOID SmbReferenceRecord( PREFERENCE_RECORD pReferenceRecord, PVOID FileName, ULONG FileLine) { int i; for (i=REFERENCE_RECORD_SIZE-1;i>0;i--) { pReferenceRecord[i].FileName = pReferenceRecord[i-1].FileName; pReferenceRecord[i].FileLine = pReferenceRecord[i-1].FileLine; } pReferenceRecord[0].FileName = FileName; pReferenceRecord[0].FileLine = FileLine; } PSMB_EXCHANGE SmbSetServerEntryNegotiateExchange( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange) { PSMB_EXCHANGE pStoredExchange; SmbCeIncrementPendingLocalOperations((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); pStoredExchange = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &pServerEntry->pNegotiateExchange, pSmbAdminExchange, NULL); if (pStoredExchange != NULL) { SmbCeDecrementPendingLocalOperationsAndFinalize((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } return pStoredExchange; } PSMB_EXCHANGE SmbResetServerEntryNegotiateExchange( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry) { PSMB_EXCHANGE pStoredExchange; pStoredExchange = (PSMB_EXCHANGE)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &pServerEntry->pNegotiateExchange, NULL, pServerEntry->pNegotiateExchange); return pStoredExchange; } NTSTATUS SmbCeNegotiate( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall) /*++ Routine Description: This routine issues the negotiate SMB to the server Arguments: pServerEntry - the server entry pSrvCall - the associated srv call instance in the wrapper Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - the server call construction has been finalized. Other Status codes correspond to error situations. Notes: Since the negotiate SMB can be directed at either a unknown server or a server whose capabilitiese are known it is upto the caller to decide to wait for the response. On some transports a reconnect is possible without having to tear down an existing connection, i.e. attempting to send a packet reestablishes the connection at the lower level. Since this is not supported by all the transports ( with the exception of TCP/IP) the reference server entry initiates this process by tearing down the existing transport and reinitializsing it. As part of the negotiate response the domain name to which the server belongs is sent back. Since the negotiate response is processed at DPC level, a preparatory allocation needs to be made ( This will ensure minimal work at DPC level). In this routine this is accomplished by allocating a buffer from nonpaged pool of MAX_PATH and associating it with the DomainName fild in the server entry prior to the TRanceive. On resumption from Tranceive this buffer is deallocated and a buffer from paged pool corresponding to the exact length is allocated to hold the domain name. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; ULONG NegotiateSmbLength; PVOID pNegotiateSmb; PAGED_CODE(); pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)SmbMmAllocateExchange(ADMIN_EXCHANGE,NULL); if (pSmbAdminExchange != NULL) { Status = SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( pSmbAdminExchange, pServerEntry, NULL, NULL, SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Build the negotiate SMB and allocate the temporary buffer for // the DOMAIN name. Status = BuildNegotiateSmb( &pNegotiateSmb, &NegotiateSmbLength); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer = pNegotiateSmb; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength = NegotiateSmbLength; // Preparatory allocation for the domain name buffer pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.pSrvCall = pSrvCall; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Length = 0; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer = (PWCHAR)RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, MAX_PATH, MRXSMB_ADMIN_POOLTAG); if (pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN fExchangeDiscarded = FALSE; SMBCE_RESUMPTION_CONTEXT ResumptionContext; PSMB_EXCHANGE pStoredExchange; SmbCeInitializeResumptionContext(&ResumptionContext); pSmbAdminExchange->pResumptionContext = &ResumptionContext; // Since the Negotiate SMB is the first SMB that is sent on a // connection the MID mapping data structures have not been setup. // Therefore a certain amount of additional initialization is // required to ensure that the Negotiate SMB can be handled correctly. // This involves presetting the MID field in the header and the // SMBCE_EXCHANGE_MID_VALID field in the exchange. // // A beneficial side effect of implementing it this way is the reduced // path length for the regular Send/Receives on a connection. pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeFlags = (SMBCE_EXCHANGE_REUSE_MID | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_RETAIN_MID | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_TIMED_RECEIVE_OPERATION | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_MID_VALID); // Prevent the admin exchange from being finalized before returning back to this routine. SmbCeIncrementPendingLocalOperations((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); pStoredExchange = SmbSetServerEntryNegotiateExchange( pServerEntry, pSmbAdminExchange); if ((pServerEntry->Header.State == SMBCEDB_CONSTRUCTION_IN_PROGRESS) && (pStoredExchange == NULL)) { // The Negotiate SMB exchange has been built successfully. Initiate it. Status = SmbCeInitiateExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); if ((pSmbAdminExchange->SmbStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) || (Status != STATUS_PENDING && Status != STATUS_SUCCESS)) { pStoredExchange = (PSMB_EXCHANGE)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &pServerEntry->pNegotiateExchange, NULL, pSmbAdminExchange); if (pStoredExchange == (PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange) { SmbCeDecrementPendingLocalOperations((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } if (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pSmbAdminExchange->SmbStatus = Status; } pSmbAdminExchange->Status = pSmbAdminExchange->SmbStatus; } // Admin exchange is ready to be finalized SmbCeDecrementPendingLocalOperationsAndFinalize((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); // Wait for the finalization. SmbCeSuspend(&ResumptionContext); Status = SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); } else { InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &pServerEntry->pNegotiateExchange, NULL, pSmbAdminExchange); SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); Status = STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED; } } } else { SmbMmFreeExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbCeSendEchoProbe( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PMRXSMB_ECHO_PROBE_SERVICE_CONTEXT pEchoProbeContext) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sends an echo probe to the specified server Arguments: pServerEntry - the server entry pEchoProbeCOntext - the echo probe context Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - the disconnect SMB was sent successfully Other Status codes correspond to error situations. Notes: --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)SmbMmAllocateExchange(ADMIN_EXCHANGE,NULL); if (pSmbAdminExchange != NULL) { Status = SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( pSmbAdminExchange, pServerEntry, NULL, NULL, SMB_COM_ECHO); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { ULONG EchoMdlSize; ULONG requestSize; pSmbAdminExchange->Mid = SMBCE_ECHO_PROBE_MID; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeFlags = (SMBCE_EXCHANGE_REUSE_MID | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_RETAIN_MID | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_TIMED_RECEIVE_OPERATION | SMBCE_EXCHANGE_MID_VALID); requestSize = pEchoProbeContext->EchoSmbLength + TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE; EchoMdlSize = (ULONG)MmSizeOfMdl( pEchoProbeContext->pEchoSmb, requestSize); pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl = RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, (EchoMdlSize + requestSize ), MRXSMB_ADMIN_POOLTAG); if (pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl != NULL) { PBYTE pEchoProbeBuffer; pEchoProbeBuffer = (PBYTE)pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl + EchoMdlSize + TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE; pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.EchoProbeLength = pEchoProbeContext->EchoSmbLength; RtlCopyMemory( pEchoProbeBuffer, pEchoProbeContext->pEchoSmb, pEchoProbeContext->EchoSmbLength); RxInitializeHeaderMdl( pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl, pEchoProbeBuffer, pEchoProbeContext->EchoSmbLength); MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl); InterlockedIncrement(&pServerEntry->Server.NumberOfEchoProbesSent); // The ECHO probe SMB exchange has been built successfully. Initiate it. Status = SmbCeInitiateExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) { Status = SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { SmbMmFreeExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbCeDisconnect( PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext) /*++ Routine Description: This routine issues the disconnect SMB for an existing connection to the server Arguments: pServerEntry - the server entry pVNetRootContext - the VNetRootContext Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - the disconnect SMB was sent successfully Other Status codes correspond to error situations. Notes: --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; PSMB_HEADER pSmbHeader; PREQ_TREE_DISCONNECT pReqTreeDisconnect; PAGED_CODE(); pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)SmbMmAllocateExchange(ADMIN_EXCHANGE,NULL); if (pSmbAdminExchange != NULL) { UCHAR LastCommandInHeader; PUCHAR pCommand; Status = SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( pSmbAdminExchange, pVNetRootContext->pServerEntry, pVNetRootContext->pSessionEntry, pVNetRootContext->pNetRootEntry, SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN fExchangeDiscarded = FALSE; pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer = (PCHAR) pSmbAdminExchange->Disconnect.DisconnectSmb + TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE; pSmbHeader = (PSMB_HEADER)pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer; pReqTreeDisconnect = (PREQ_TREE_DISCONNECT)(pSmbHeader + 1); // Build the header Status = SmbCeBuildSmbHeader( (PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange, pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer, sizeof(SMB_HEADER), &pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength, &LastCommandInHeader, &pCommand); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(LastCommandInHeader == SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND); *pCommand = SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT; pSmbHeader->Tid = pVNetRootContext->TreeId; pReqTreeDisconnect->WordCount = 0; SmbPutUshort(&pReqTreeDisconnect->ByteCount,0); pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength += FIELD_OFFSET(REQ_TREE_DISCONNECT,Buffer); Status = SmbCeInitiateExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); if ((Status == STATUS_PENDING) || (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)) { // async completion will also discard the exchange fExchangeDiscarded = TRUE; } } if (!fExchangeDiscarded) { SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { SmbMmFreeExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbCeLogOff( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry) /*++ Routine Description: This routine issues the logoff SMB for an existing session to the server Arguments: pServerEntry - the server entry pSessionEntry - the associated session entry Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - the logoff was successfully sent. Other Status codes correspond to error situations. Notes: --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; PSMB_HEADER pSmbHeader; PREQ_LOGOFF_ANDX pReqLogOffAndX; PAGED_CODE(); if (pServerEntry->Server.SecurityMode == SECURITY_MODE_SHARE_LEVEL) { if (pSessionEntry != NULL) { SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // Some servers (like linux) don't really know how to handle session logoffs. // So, let's just be sure that we only do this to NT or better servers, // because we know that they handle it correctly. The version of Linux we have // seems to like to negotiate the NT dialect even though it really isn't NT. That's // why the extra check is put in here for NT status codes. // if( pServerEntry->Server.Dialect < NTLANMAN_DIALECT || !FlagOn(pServerEntry->Server.DialectFlags,DF_NT_STATUS) ) { if (pSessionEntry != NULL) { SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)SmbMmAllocateExchange(ADMIN_EXCHANGE,NULL); if (pSmbAdminExchange != NULL) { UCHAR LastCommandInHeader; PUCHAR pCommand; Status = SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( pSmbAdminExchange, pServerEntry, pSessionEntry, NULL, SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { BOOLEAN fExchangeDiscarded = FALSE; pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer = (PCHAR) pSmbAdminExchange->LogOff.LogOffSmb + TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE; pSmbHeader = (PSMB_HEADER)pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer; pReqLogOffAndX = (PREQ_LOGOFF_ANDX)(pSmbHeader + 1); // Build the header Status = SmbCeBuildSmbHeader( (PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange, pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer, sizeof(SMB_HEADER), &pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength, &LastCommandInHeader, &pCommand); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(LastCommandInHeader == SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND); *pCommand = SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX; pReqLogOffAndX->WordCount = 2; pReqLogOffAndX->AndXCommand = SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND; pReqLogOffAndX->AndXReserved = 0; SmbPutUshort(&pReqLogOffAndX->AndXOffset,0); SmbPutUshort(&pReqLogOffAndX->ByteCount,0); pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength += FIELD_OFFSET(REQ_LOGOFF_ANDX,Buffer); Status = SmbCeInitiateExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); if ((Status == STATUS_PENDING) || (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)) { // async completion will discard the exchange fExchangeDiscarded = TRUE; } } if (!fExchangeDiscarded) { SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { SmbMmFreeExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbCeInitializeAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange, PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry, PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry, UCHAR SmbCommand) /*++ Routine Description: This routine initializes the ADMIN exchange Arguments: pSmbAdminExchange - the exchange pServerEntry - the associated server entry pSessionEntry - the associated session entry pNetRootEntry - the associated net root entry SmbCommand - the SMB command Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS - the logoff was successfully sent. Other Status codes correspond to error situations. Notes: The ADMIN_EXCHANGE is a special type of exchange used for bootstrap/teardown situations in which the initialization of the exchange cannot follow the noraml course of events. In some cases not all the components required for proper initialization of the exchange are present, e.g., NEGOTIATE we do not have a valid session/tree connect. It is for this reason that the three important elements of initialization, i.e., Server/Session/NetRoot have to be explicitly specified. NULL is used to signify a dont care situation for a particular component. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); Status = SmbCeIncrementActiveExchangeCount(); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext; pSmbAdminExchange->CancellationStatus = SMBCE_EXCHANGE_NOT_CANCELLED; if ((SmbCommand == SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE) || (SmbCommand == SMB_COM_ECHO)) { pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeContext.pServerEntry = pServerEntry; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeContext.pVNetRootContext = NULL; } else { pVNetRootContext = (PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT) RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sizeof(SMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT), MRXSMB_VNETROOT_POOLTAG); if (pVNetRootContext != NULL) { pVNetRootContext->pServerEntry = pServerEntry; pVNetRootContext->pSessionEntry = pSessionEntry; pVNetRootContext->pNetRootEntry = pNetRootEntry; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeContext.pVNetRootContext = pVNetRootContext; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeContext.pServerEntry = pServerEntry; } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { SmbCeReferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry); pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl = NULL; pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer = NULL; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength = 0; // Set the SmbCe state to overrule the common method of having to hunt // up a valid TID/FID etc. and reconnects. pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand = SmbCommand; pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCeState = SMBCE_EXCHANGE_NETROOT_INITIALIZED; switch (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: { pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Length = 0; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.MaximumLength = 0; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer = NULL; pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.pNegotiateMdl = NULL; } break; case SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: case SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: break; case SMB_COM_ECHO: { pSmbAdminExchange->pDispatchVector = &EchoExchangeDispatch; pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl = NULL; pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.EchoProbeLength = 0; } break; default: ASSERT(!"Valid Command for Admin Exchange"); break; } } } return Status; } VOID SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange) /*++ Routine Description: This routine discards the ADMIN exchange Arguments: pSmbAdminExchange - the exchange --*/ { PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry; PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry; PSMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY pNetRootEntry; PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext; PAGED_CODE(); SmbCeAcquireResource(); RemoveEntryList(&pSmbAdminExchange->ExchangeList); SmbCeReleaseResource(); pServerEntry = SmbCeGetExchangeServerEntry(pSmbAdminExchange); pSessionEntry = SmbCeGetExchangeSessionEntry(pSmbAdminExchange); pNetRootEntry = SmbCeGetExchangeNetRootEntry(pSmbAdminExchange); pVNetRootContext = SmbCeGetExchangeVNetRootContext(pSmbAdminExchange); if (pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl != NULL) { RxUnlockHeaderPages(pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl); IoFreeMdl(pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl); } switch (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: { pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer = NULL; if (pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer != NULL) { RxFreePool( pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer); } if (pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.pNegotiateMdl != NULL) { IoFreeMdl( pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.pNegotiateMdl); } } break; case SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: break; case SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: { SmbCeUpdateSessionEntryState(pSessionEntry,SMBCEDB_MARKED_FOR_DELETION); SmbCeDereferenceSessionEntry(pSessionEntry); } break; case SMB_COM_ECHO: { if (pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl != NULL) { MmPrepareMdlForReuse(pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl); RxFreePool(pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl); } } break; default: ASSERT(!"Valid Command For Admin Exchange"); break; } // Tear down all the copy data requests associated with this exchange SmbCePurgeBuffersAssociatedWithExchange(pServerEntry,(PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); SmbCeUninitializeExchangeTransport((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); SmbCeDereferenceServerEntry(pServerEntry); if (pVNetRootContext != NULL) { RxFreePool(pVNetRootContext); } SmbMmFreeExchange((PSMB_EXCHANGE)pSmbAdminExchange); SmbCeDecrementActiveExchangeCount(); } NTSTATUS SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange( PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange) /*++ Routine Description: This is the routine used for completing the SMB ADMIN exchanges. Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance Return Value: RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation Notes: This routine encapsulates the TAIL for all SMB admin exchanges. They carry out the local action required based upon the outcome of the exchange. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry; SMBCEDB_OBJECT_STATE ServerState; PAGED_CODE(); pServerEntry = SmbCeGetExchangeServerEntry(pSmbAdminExchange); switch (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: { if (pSmbAdminExchange->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { pServerEntry->ServerStatus = pSmbAdminExchange->Status; } if (pServerEntry->ServerStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer) { RxFreePool(pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer); pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer = NULL; } pServerEntry->DomainName.Length = pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Length; pServerEntry->DomainName.MaximumLength = pServerEntry->DomainName.Length; if (pServerEntry->DomainName.Length > 0) { pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer = RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, pServerEntry->DomainName.Length, MRXSMB_SERVER_POOLTAG); } if (pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer != NULL) { // Copy the domain name into the server entry RtlCopyMemory( pServerEntry->DomainName.Buffer, pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.DomainName.Buffer, pServerEntry->DomainName.Length); } else { //The downlevel server doesn't have a domain name. It's not a problem if the //DomainName.Buffer equals to NULL. if (pServerEntry->DomainName.Length > 0) { pServerEntry->DomainName.Length = 0; pServerEntry->DomainName.MaximumLength = 0; pServerEntry->ServerStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } if (pServerEntry->ServerStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pServerEntry->ServerStatus = SmbCeUpdateSrvCall(pServerEntry); } } Status = pServerEntry->ServerStatus; if (pServerEntry->ServerStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pServerEntry->Server.EchoProbeState = ECHO_PROBE_IDLE; } } break; case SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: case SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: case SMB_COM_ECHO: default: break; } SmbCeDiscardAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbAdminExchangeStart( PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange) /*++ Routine Description: This is the start routine for administrative SMB exchanges. Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance Return Value: RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; PAGED_CODE(); pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)pExchange; switch (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: case SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: case SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: { ASSERT(pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl == NULL); RxAllocateHeaderMdl( pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbBuffer, pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength, pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl ); if (pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl != NULL) { RxProbeAndLockHeaderPages( pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess, Status); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = SmbCeTranceive( pExchange, RXCE_SEND_SYNCHRONOUS, pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl, pSmbAdminExchange->SmbBufferLength); RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Net Root SmbCeTranceive returned %lx\n",Status)); } else { IoFreeMdl(pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl); pSmbAdminExchange->pSmbMdl = NULL; } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } break; case SMB_COM_ECHO: { Status = SmbCeSend( pExchange, 0, pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.pEchoProbeMdl, pSmbAdminExchange->EchoProbe.EchoProbeLength); } break; default: break; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbAdminExchangeReceive( IN struct _SMB_EXCHANGE *pExchange, // The exchange instance IN ULONG BytesIndicated, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, OUT ULONG *pBytesTaken, IN PSMB_HEADER pSmbHeader, OUT PMDL *pDataBufferPointer, OUT PULONG pDataSize, IN ULONG ReceiveFlags) /*++ Routine Description: This is the recieve indication handling routine for net root construction exchanges Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance BytesIndicated - the number of bytes indicated Bytes Available - the number of bytes available pBytesTaken - the number of bytes consumed pSmbHeader - the byte buffer pDataBufferPointer - the buffer into which the remaining data is to be copied. pDataSize - the buffer size. Return Value: RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation Notes: This routine is called at DPC level. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange; RxDbgTrace( 0, (DEBUG_TRACE_ALWAYS), ("ParseSmbHeader BytesIndicated/Available %ld %ld\n",BytesIndicated,BytesAvailable)); pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)pExchange; switch (pSmbAdminExchange->SmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: { Status = ParseNegotiateResponse( pSmbAdminExchange, BytesIndicated, BytesAvailable, pBytesTaken, pSmbHeader, pDataBufferPointer, pDataSize); if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { if (*pDataBufferPointer != NULL && ((*pBytesTaken + *pDataSize) <= BytesAvailable || !FlagOn(ReceiveFlags,TDI_RECEIVE_ENTIRE_MESSAGE))) { pSmbAdminExchange->Negotiate.pNegotiateMdl = *pDataBufferPointer; } else { *pBytesTaken = BytesAvailable; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pExchange->Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; } } } break; case SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT: case SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: { *pBytesTaken = BytesAvailable; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case SMB_COM_ECHO: // Since the echo probe responses are handled by the receive indication routine // at DPC level this routine should never be called for echo probes. default: { *pBytesTaken = 0; Status = STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED; } break; } return Status; } NTSTATUS SmbAdminExchangeCopyDataHandler( IN PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange, // The exchange instance IN PMDL pCopyDataBuffer, IN ULONG DataSize) /*++ Routine Description: This is the copy data handling routine for administrative SMB exchanges Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance Return Value: RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pExchange); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS SmbAdminExchangeSendCallbackHandler( IN PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange, IN PMDL pXmitBuffer, IN NTSTATUS SendCompletionStatus) /*++ Routine Description: This is the send call back indication handling routine for transact exchanges Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance Return Value: NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation --*/ { return STATUS_SUCCESS; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pExchange); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pXmitBuffer); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SendCompletionStatus); } NTSTATUS SmbAdminExchangeFinalize( PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange, BOOLEAN *pPostFinalize) /*++ Routine Description: This routine finalkzes the construct net root exchange. It resumes the RDBSS by invoking the call back and discards the exchange Arguments: pExchange - the exchange instance CurrentIrql - the current interrupt request level pPostFinalize - a pointer to a BOOLEAN if the request should be posted Return Value: RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation --*/ { PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE pSmbAdminExchange = (PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE)pExchange; if (pSmbAdminExchange->pResumptionContext != NULL) { // Signal the event *pPostFinalize = FALSE; SmbCeResume(pSmbAdminExchange->pResumptionContext); } else { if (RxShouldPostCompletion()) { *pPostFinalize = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { *pPostFinalize = FALSE; SmbCeCompleteAdminExchange(pSmbAdminExchange); } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } SMB_EXCHANGE_DISPATCH_VECTOR AdminExchangeDispatch = { SmbAdminExchangeStart, SmbAdminExchangeReceive, SmbAdminExchangeCopyDataHandler, NULL, // No Send Completion handler SmbAdminExchangeFinalize }; SMB_EXCHANGE_DISPATCH_VECTOR EchoExchangeDispatch = { SmbAdminExchangeStart, SmbAdminExchangeReceive, SmbAdminExchangeCopyDataHandler, SmbAdminExchangeSendCallbackHandler, SmbAdminExchangeFinalize };