/*++ Copyright (c) 1989 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: smbadmin.h Abstract: This module implements the SMB's that need to be exchanged to facilitate bookkeeping at the server Notes; In the normal course of events a TreeId/UserId which translates into a Share/Session instance is required to send a SMB to the server. In terms of the local data structures it translates to a SMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY/SMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY/SMBCEDB_NET_ROOT_ENTRY. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule in which one or more of the fields in not required. These are normally used during connection establishment/connection tear down and connection state maintenance. All these SMB's have been grouped together in the implementation of SMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE which is derived from SMB_EXCHANGE. All NEGOTIATE,LOG_OFF,DISCONNECT and ECHO SMB are sent using this type of exchange. The important factor that distinguishes the SMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE from regular exchanges is the way the state of the exchange is manipulated to take into account the specialized requirements of each of the above mentioned commands. --*/ #ifndef _SMBADMIN_H_ #define _SMBADMIN_H_ #include typedef struct _SMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE_ { SMB_EXCHANGE; UCHAR SmbCommand; ULONG SmbBufferLength; PVOID pSmbBuffer; PMDL pSmbMdl; PSMBCE_RESUMPTION_CONTEXT pResumptionContext; union { struct { PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall; UNICODE_STRING DomainName; PMDL pNegotiateMdl; } Negotiate; struct { UCHAR DisconnectSmb[TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(SMB_HEADER) + sizeof(REQ_TREE_DISCONNECT)]; } Disconnect; struct { UCHAR LogOffSmb[TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(SMB_HEADER) + sizeof(REQ_LOGOFF_ANDX)]; } LogOff; struct { PMDL pEchoProbeMdl; ULONG EchoProbeLength; } EchoProbe; }; } SMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE, *PSMB_ADMIN_EXCHANGE; PSMB_EXCHANGE SmbResetServerEntryNegotiateExchange( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry); PSMB_EXCHANGE SmbResetServerEntryNegotiateExchange( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry); extern SMB_EXCHANGE_DISPATCH_VECTOR AdminExchangeDispatch; extern NTSTATUS SmbCeNegotiate( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall); extern NTSTATUS SmbCeDisconnect( PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pNetRootEntry); extern NTSTATUS SmbCeLogOff( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PSMBCEDB_SESSION_ENTRY pSessionEntry); extern NTSTATUS SmbCeSendEchoProbe( PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry, PMRXSMB_ECHO_PROBE_SERVICE_CONTEXT pEchoProbeContext); #endif // _SMBADMIN_H_