/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: scan.cpp Abstract: SIS Groveler volume scanning function Authors: Cedric Krumbein, 1998 Environment: User Mode Revision History: --*/ #include "all.hxx" /*****************************************************************************/ // scan_volume() creates the initial queue for a volume. // It enters every qualified file in the volume into the // queue by doing a depth-first search of the directory tree. enum DatabaseException { DATABASE_ERROR }; GrovelStatus Groveler::scan_volume( IN DWORD time_allotted, IN BOOL start_over, OUT DWORD *time_consumed, OUT DWORD *findfirst_count, OUT DWORD *findnext_count, OUT DWORD *count_of_files_enqueued) { SGNativeQueueEntry queueEntry; SGNativeStackEntry parentEntry, subdirEntry; TFileName parentName, tempName; HANDLE dirHandle = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; DWORD timeConsumed = 0, findFirstCount = 0, findNextCount = 0, numQueueAdditions = 0, numActions = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER fileSize, createTime, writeTime; LONG num; BOOL success; ASSERT(volumeHandle != NULL); ASSERT(sgDatabase != NULL); ASSERT(databaseName != NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_UNTHROTTLED timeAllotted = INFINITE; #else timeAllotted = time_allotted; #endif startAllottedTime = GetTickCount(); // If the start_over flag is set, delete the current database, then // prepare for the new scan by pushing this volume's root onto the stack. try { if (start_over) { // Sync up with the worker thread. We don't want to delete the existing database // (if one exists) while the worker thread is in the middle of an (suspended) // operation. abortGroveling = TRUE; // also set TRUE in open() while (grovelStatus != Grovel_ok){ DWORD tmpTimeAllotted = timeAllotted; timeAllotted = INFINITE; ASSERT(IsReset(grovelStartEvent)); success = SetEvent(grovelStartEvent); ASSERT_ERROR(success); WaitForEvent(grovelStopEvent); timeAllotted = tmpTimeAllotted; } if (!CreateDatabase()) return Grovel_error; inScan = TRUE; abortGroveling = FALSE; } // The main loop for the scanning process. Pop a directory ID // from the stack, open and scan it. Continue the loop until // the time allotted is used up or the stack is empty. do { num = sgDatabase->StackGetTop(&parentEntry); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; // If there are no more to-do entries in the stack, // discard the completed entries and exit the loop. if (num == 0) { inScan = FALSE; num = sgDatabase->StackDelete(0); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; timeConsumed = GetTickCount() - startAllottedTime; break; } ASSERT(num == 1); ASSERT(parentEntry.fileID != 0); ASSERT(parentEntry.order > 0); if (!GetFileName(volumeHandle, parentEntry.fileID, &parentName)) { DPRINTF((_T("%s: can't get name for directory 0x%016I64x\n"), driveName, parentEntry.fileID)); } else if (IsAllowedName(parentName.name)) { // Open the directory. ASSERT(dirHandle == NULL); tempName.assign(driveName); tempName.append(parentName.name); tempName.append(_T("\\*")); dirHandle = FindFirstFile(tempName.name, &findData); if (dirHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DPRINTF((_T("%s: can't read directory \"%s\": %lu\n"), driveName, parentName.name, GetLastError())); dirHandle = NULL; } else { findFirstCount++; // Scan the directory. do { findNextCount++; // Push every subdirectory not already on the stack // onto the stack. (extract_log() also adds directories // to the stack as they are created, renamed, or moved.) if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) && (findData.dwReserved0 == IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT)) continue; if (_tcscmp(findData.cFileName, _T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(findData.cFileName, _T("..")) == 0) continue; tempName.assign(driveName); tempName.append(parentName.name); tempName.append(_T("\\")); tempName.append(findData.cFileName); subdirEntry.fileID = GetFileID(NULL,tempName.name); if (subdirEntry.fileID == 0) { DPRINTF((_T("%s: can't get ID for directory \"%s\"\n"), driveName, tempName.name)); continue; } num = sgDatabase->StackGetFirstByFileID(&subdirEntry); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; if (num > 0) { ASSERT(num == 1); continue; } if (numActions == 0) { if (sgDatabase->BeginTransaction() < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; numActions = 1; } num = sgDatabase->StackPut(subdirEntry.fileID, FALSE); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; ASSERT(num == 1); numActions++; } // Add every allowed file to the queue. else { fileSize.HighPart = findData.nFileSizeHigh; fileSize.LowPart = findData.nFileSizeLow; if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & disallowedAttributes) == 0 && fileSize.QuadPart >= minFileSize) { tempName.assign(parentName.name); tempName.append(_T("\\")); tempName.append(findData.cFileName); if (IsAllowedName(tempName.name)) { queueEntry.fileID = 0; queueEntry.parentID = parentEntry.fileID; queueEntry.reason = 0; queueEntry.fileName = findData.cFileName; queueEntry.retryTime = 0; createTime.HighPart = findData.ftCreationTime .dwHighDateTime; createTime.LowPart = findData.ftCreationTime .dwLowDateTime; writeTime .HighPart = findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; writeTime .LowPart = findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; queueEntry.readyTime = (createTime.QuadPart > writeTime.QuadPart ? createTime.QuadPart : writeTime.QuadPart) + minFileAge; if (numActions == 0) { if (sgDatabase->BeginTransaction() < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; numActions = 1; } num = sgDatabase->QueuePut(&queueEntry); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; ASSERT(num == 1); numQueueAdditions++; numActions++; } } } if (numActions >= MAX_ACTIONS_PER_TRANSACTION) { if (!sgDatabase->CommitTransaction()) throw DATABASE_ERROR; TPRINTF((_T("%s: committing %lu actions to \"%s\"\n"), driveName, numActions, databaseName)); numActions = 0; } } while (FindNextFile(dirHandle, &findData)); // We've finished scanning this directory. Close the directory, // move the stack entry from the to-do list to the completed // list, and commit the changes to the stack and queue. success = FindClose(dirHandle); ASSERT(success); dirHandle = NULL; } } if (numActions == 0) { if (sgDatabase->BeginTransaction() < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; numActions = 1; } num = sgDatabase->StackDelete(parentEntry.order); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; ASSERT(num == 1); numActions++; num = sgDatabase->StackPut(parentEntry.fileID, TRUE); if (num < 0) throw DATABASE_ERROR; ASSERT(num == 1); numActions++; if (!sgDatabase->CommitTransaction()) throw DATABASE_ERROR; TPRINTF((_T("%s: committing %lu actions to \"%s\"\n"), driveName, numActions, databaseName)); numActions = 0; // Continue scanning directories until the time // allotted is used up or the stack is empty. timeConsumed = GetTickCount() - startAllottedTime; } while (timeConsumed < timeAllotted); } // If a database error occured, close the directory and return an error status. catch (DatabaseException databaseException) { ASSERT(databaseException == DATABASE_ERROR); if (numActions > 0) { sgDatabase->AbortTransaction(); numActions = 0; } if (dirHandle != NULL) { success = FindClose(dirHandle); ASSERT(success); dirHandle = NULL; } return Grovel_error; } // Return the performance statistics. if (time_consumed != NULL) *time_consumed = timeConsumed; if (findfirst_count != NULL) *findfirst_count = findFirstCount; if (findnext_count != NULL) *findnext_count = findNextCount; if (count_of_files_enqueued != NULL) *count_of_files_enqueued = numQueueAdditions; TRACE_PRINTF(TC_scan, 2, (_T("%s: ScanTime=%lu.%03lu sec FindFirst=%lu FindNext=%lu FilesEnqueued=%lu%s\n"), driveName, timeConsumed / 1000, timeConsumed % 1000, findFirstCount, findNextCount, numQueueAdditions, inScan ? _T("") : _T(" DONE"))); return inScan ? Grovel_pending : Grovel_ok; }