/* cmdmisc.c - Misc. SVC routines of Command.lib * * * Modification History: * * Sudeepb 17-Sep-1991 Created */ #include "cmd.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "host_def.h" #include "oemuni.h" #include "nt_pif.h" #include "nt_uis.h" // For resource id #include "dpmtbls.h" // Dynamic Patch Module support #include "wowcmpat.h" VOID GetWowKernelCmdLine(VOID); extern ULONG fSeparateWow; #if defined(KOREA) //To fix HaNa spread sheet IME hot key problem //09/20/96 bklee. See mvdm\v86\monitor\i386\monitor.c BOOL bIgnoreExtraKbdDisable = FALSE; #endif extern PFAMILY_TABLE *pgDpmVdmFamTbls; VOID cmdGetNextCmd (VOID) { LPSTR lpszCmd; PCMDINFO pCMDInfo; ULONG cb; PREDIRCOMPLETE_INFO pRdrInfo; VDMINFO MyVDMInfo; char *pSrc, *pDst; char achCurDirectory[MAXIMUM_VDM_CURRENT_DIR + 4]; char CmdLine[MAX_PATH]; // // This routine is called once for WOW VDMs, to retrieve the // "krnl386" command line. // 5 if (VDMForWOW) { GetWowKernelCmdLine(); return; } VDMInfo.VDMState = 0; pCMDInfo = (LPVOID) GetVDMAddr ((USHORT)getDS(),(USHORT)getDX()); VDMInfo.ErrorCode = FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ReturnCode); VDMInfo.CmdSize = sizeof(CmdLine); VDMInfo.CmdLine = CmdLine; VDMInfo.AppName = (PVOID)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathSeg), FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathOff)); VDMInfo.AppLen = FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathSize); VDMInfo.PifLen = 0; VDMInfo.EnviornmentSize = 0; VDMInfo.Enviornment = NULL; VDMInfo.CurDrive = 0; VDMInfo.TitleLen = 0; VDMInfo.ReservedLen = 0; VDMInfo.DesktopLen = 0; VDMInfo.CurDirectoryLen = MAX_PATH + 1; VDMInfo.CurDirectory = achCurDirectory; if(IsFirstCall){ VDMInfo.VDMState = ASKING_FOR_FIRST_COMMAND; VDMInfo.ErrorCode = 0; DeleteConfigFiles(); // get rid of the temp boot files // When COMMAND.COM issues first cmdGetNextCmd, it has // a completed environment already(cmdGetInitEnvironment), // Therefore, we don't have to ask environment from BASE cmdVDMEnvBlk.lpszzEnv = (PVOID)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->EnvSeg),0); cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv = FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->EnvSize); // Check BLASTER environment variable to determine if Sound Blaster // emulation should be disabled. cb = cmdGetEnvironmentVariable(NULL, "BLASTER", CmdLine, MAX_PATH); if (cb !=0 && cb <= MAX_PATH) { SbReinitialize(CmdLine, MAX_PATH); } //clear bits that track printer flushing host_lpt_flush_initialize(); // save ptr to global DPM tables for DOS pgDpmDosFamTbls = DPMFAMTBLS(); InitGlobalDpmTables(pgDpmVdmFamTbls, NUM_VDM_FAMILIES_HOOKED); } else { // Get rid of all the SDB command line parameter stuff associated with // the app compat flags. if((cCmdLnParmStructs > 0) || dwDosCompatFlags) { // Get rid of the Dynamic Patch tables for this task. if(dwDosCompatFlags & WOWCF2_DPM_PATCHES) { FreeTaskDpmSupport(DPMFAMTBLS(), NUM_VDM_FAMILIES_HOOKED, pgDpmDosFamTbls); } FreeCmdLnParmStructs(pCmdLnParms, cCmdLnParmStructs); cCmdLnParmStructs = 0; dwDosCompatFlags = 0; } // program has terminated. If the termiation was issued from // second(or later) instance of command.com(cmd.exe), don't // reset the flag. if (Exe32ActiveCount == 0) DontCheckDosBinaryType = FALSE; // tell the base our new current directories (in ANSI) // we don't do it on repeat call(the shell out case is handled in // return exit code if (!IsRepeatCall) { cmdUpdateCurrentDirectories((BYTE)pCMDInfo->CurDrive); } VDMInfo.VDMState = 0; if(!IsRepeatCall){ demCloseAllPSPRecords (); if (!pfdata.CloseOnExit && DosSessionId) nt_block_event_thread(1); else nt_block_event_thread(0); if (DosSessionId) { pRdrInfo = (PREDIRCOMPLETE_INFO) FETCHDWORD(pCMDInfo->pRdrInfo); if (!pfdata.CloseOnExit){ char achTitle[MAX_PATH]; char achInactive[60]; //should be plenty for 'inactive' strcpy (achTitle, "["); if (!LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), EXIT_NO_CLOSE, achInactive, 60)) strcat (achTitle, "Inactive "); else strcat(achTitle, achInactive); cb = strlen(achTitle); // GetConsoleTitleA and SetConsoleTitleA // are working on OEM character set. GetConsoleTitleA(achTitle + cb, MAX_PATH - cb - 1); cb = strlen(achTitle); achTitle[cb] = ']'; achTitle[cb + 1] = '\0'; SetConsoleTitleA(achTitle); // finish touch on redirection stuff cmdCheckCopyForRedirection (pRdrInfo, FALSE); Sleep(INFINITE); } else { // finish touch on redirection stuff // this will wait on the output thread if there // are any. cmdCheckCopyForRedirection (pRdrInfo, TRUE); VdmExitCode = VDMInfo.ErrorCode; TerminateVDM(); } } fBlock = TRUE; } } if(IsRepeatCall) { VDMInfo.VDMState |= ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME; if( VDMInfo.ErrorCode != 0 ) IsRepeatCall = FALSE; } VDMInfo.VDMState |= ASKING_FOR_DOS_BINARY; if (!IsFirstCall && !(VDMInfo.VDMState & ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME)) { pRdrInfo = (PREDIRCOMPLETE_INFO) FETCHDWORD(pCMDInfo->pRdrInfo); if (!cmdCheckCopyForRedirection (pRdrInfo, FALSE)) VDMInfo.ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } // Leave the current directory in a safe place, so that other 32bit // apps etc. can delnode this directory (and other such operations) later. if ( IsFirstCall == FALSE && IsRepeatCall == FALSE ) SetCurrentDirectory (cmdHomeDirectory); // TSRExit will be set to 1, only if we are coming from command.com's // prompt and user typed an exit. We need to kill our parent also, so we // should write an exit in the console buffer. if (FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->fTSRExit)) { cmdPushExitInConsoleBuffer (); } /** Merging environment is required if (1). Not the first comamnd && (2). NTVDM is running on an existing console || NTVDM has been shelled out. Note that WOW doesn't need enviornment merging. **/ if (!DosEnvCreated && !IsFirstCall && (!DosSessionId || Exe32ActiveCount)) { RtlZeroMemory(&MyVDMInfo, sizeof(VDMINFO)); MyVDMInfo.VDMState = ASKING_FOR_ENVIRONMENT | ASKING_FOR_DOS_BINARY; if (IsRepeatCall) { MyVDMInfo.VDMState |= ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME; MyVDMInfo.ErrorCode = 0; } else MyVDMInfo.ErrorCode = VDMInfo.ErrorCode; MyVDMInfo.Enviornment = lpszzVDMEnv32; MyVDMInfo.EnviornmentSize = (USHORT) cchVDMEnv32; if (!GetNextVDMCommand(&MyVDMInfo) && MyVDMInfo.EnviornmentSize > cchVDMEnv32) { MyVDMInfo.Enviornment = realloc(lpszzVDMEnv32, MyVDMInfo.EnviornmentSize); if (MyVDMInfo.Enviornment == NULL) { RcErrorDialogBox(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, NULL, NULL); TerminateVDM(); } lpszzVDMEnv32 = MyVDMInfo.Enviornment; cchVDMEnv32 = MyVDMInfo.EnviornmentSize; MyVDMInfo.VDMState = ASKING_FOR_DOS_BINARY | ASKING_FOR_ENVIRONMENT | ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME; MyVDMInfo.TitleLen = MyVDMInfo.DesktopLen = MyVDMInfo.ReservedLen = MyVDMInfo.CmdSize = MyVDMInfo.AppLen = MyVDMInfo.PifLen = MyVDMInfo.CurDirectoryLen = 0; MyVDMInfo.ErrorCode = 0; if (!GetNextVDMCommand(&MyVDMInfo)) { RcErrorDialogBox(EG_ENVIRONMENT_ERR, NULL, NULL); TerminateVDM(); } } if (!cmdCreateVDMEnvironment(&cmdVDMEnvBlk)) { RcErrorDialogBox(EG_ENVIRONMENT_ERR, NULL, NULL); TerminateVDM(); } DosEnvCreated = TRUE; VDMInfo.ErrorCode = 0; } if (cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv > FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->EnvSize)) { setAX((USHORT)cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv); setCF(1); IsFirstCall = FALSE; IsRepeatCall = TRUE; return; } if (DosEnvCreated) VDMInfo.VDMState |= ASKING_FOR_SECOND_TIME; if(!GetNextVDMCommand(&VDMInfo)){ RcErrorDialogBox(EG_ENVIRONMENT_ERR, NULL, NULL); TerminateVDM(); } IsRepeatCall = FALSE; IsFirstCall = FALSE; if(fBlock){ nt_resume_event_thread(); fBlock = FALSE; } // Sync VDMs enviornment variables for current directories cmdSetDirectories (lpszzVDMEnv32, &VDMInfo); // tell DOS that this is a dos executable and no further checking is // necessary *pIsDosBinary = 1; // Check for PIF files. If a pif file is being executed extract the // executable name, command line, current directory and title from the pif // file and place the stuff appropriately in VDMInfo. Note, if pif file // is invalid, we dont do any thing to vdminfo. In such a case we // pass the pif as it is to scs to execute which we know will fail and // will come back to cmdGettNextCmd with proper error code. cmdCheckForPIF (&VDMInfo); // // if forcedos, then don't check binary type on int 21 exec process, // so that child spawns stay in dos land. Begining with NT 4.0 forcedos.exe // no longer uses pif files to force execution of a binary as a dos exe. // It now uses a bit in CreateProcess (dwCreationFlags). // DontCheckDosBinaryType = (VDMInfo.dwCreationFlags & CREATE_FORCEDOS) != 0; // convert exec path name to upper case. This is what command.com expect if(WOW32_strupr(VDMInfo.AppName) == NULL) { pSrc = VDMInfo.AppName; while( *pSrc) *pSrc++ = (char)toupper((int)*pSrc); } // figure out the extention type // at least one char for the base name plus // EXTENTION_STRING_LEN for the extention // plus the NULL char if (VDMInfo.AppLen > 1 + EXTENTION_STRING_LEN + 1) { pSrc = (PCHAR)VDMInfo.AppName + VDMInfo.AppLen - 5; if (!strncmp(pSrc, EXE_EXTENTION_STRING, EXTENTION_STRING_LEN)) STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecExtType, EXE_EXTENTION); else if (!strncmp(pSrc, COM_EXTENTION_STRING, EXTENTION_STRING_LEN)) STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecExtType, COM_EXTENTION); else if (!strncmp(pSrc, BAT_EXTENTION_STRING, EXTENTION_STRING_LEN)) STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecExtType, BAT_EXTENTION); else STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecExtType, UNKNOWN_EXTENTION); } else STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecExtType, UNKNOWN_EXTENTION); // tell command.com the length of the app full path name. STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathSize, VDMInfo.AppLen); // // Prepare ccom's UCOMBUF // lpszCmd = (PVOID)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->CmdLineSeg), FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->CmdLineOff)); // Copy filepart of AppName excluding extension to ccom's buffer pSrc = strrchr(VDMInfo.AppName, '\\'); #if defined(KOREA) // To fix HaNa spread sheet IME hotkey problem. { LPSTR pStrt, pEnd; char szModName[9]; SHORT len; pStrt = pSrc; if (pStrt==NULL) pStrt = VDMInfo.AppName; else pStrt++; if ( (pEnd = strchr (pStrt, '.')) == NULL) { strncpy (szModName, pStrt, 9); szModName[8] = '\0'; } else { len = (SHORT) (pEnd - pStrt); if (len<=8) { strncpy (szModName, pStrt, len); szModName[len] = '\0'; } } bIgnoreExtraKbdDisable = !(strcmp("HANASP", szModName)); } #endif if (!pSrc) { pSrc = VDMInfo.AppName; } else { pSrc++; } pDst = lpszCmd + 2; while (*pSrc && *pSrc != '.') { *pDst++ = *pSrc++; } cb = strlen(CmdLine); // cmd line must be terminated with "\0xd\0xa\0". This is either done // by BASE or cmdCheckForPif function(cmdpif.c). ASSERT((cb >= 2) && (0xd == CmdLine[cb - 2]) && (0xa == CmdLine[cb - 1])); // if cmd line is not blank, separate program base name and // cmd line with a SPACE. If it IS blank, do not insert any white chars // or we end up passing white chars to the applications as cmd line // and some applications just can not live with that. // We do not strip leading white characters in the passed command line // so the application sees the original data. if (cb > 2) *pDst++ = ' '; // append the command tail(at least, "\0xd\0xa") strncpy(pDst, CmdLine, cb + 1); // set the count // cb has the cmd line length including the terminated 0xd and 0xa // It does NOT count the terminated NULL char. ASSERT((cb + pDst - lpszCmd - 2) <= 127); // minus 2 because the real data in lpszCmd start from lpszCmd[2] lpszCmd[1] = (CHAR)(cb + pDst - lpszCmd - 2); if (DosEnvCreated) { VDMInfo.Enviornment = (PVOID)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->EnvSeg),0); RtlMoveMemory(VDMInfo.Enviornment, cmdVDMEnvBlk.lpszzEnv, cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv ); STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->EnvSize,cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv); free(cmdVDMEnvBlk.lpszzEnv); DosEnvCreated = FALSE; } STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->fBatStatus,(USHORT)VDMInfo.fComingFromBat); STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->CurDrive,VDMInfo.CurDrive); STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->NumDrives,nDrives); VDMInfo.CodePage = (ULONG) cmdMapCodePage (VDMInfo.CodePage); STOREWORD(pCMDInfo->CodePage,(USHORT)VDMInfo.CodePage); cmdVDMEnvBlk.lpszzEnv = NULL; cmdVDMEnvBlk.cchEnv = 0; IsFirstVDM = FALSE; // Handle Standard IO redirection pRdrInfo = cmdCheckStandardHandles (&VDMInfo,&pCMDInfo->bStdHandles); STOREDWORD(pCMDInfo->pRdrInfo,(ULONG)pRdrInfo); // Tell DOS that it has to invalidate the CDSs *pSCS_ToSync = (CHAR)0xff; setCF(0); // Get the app comapt flags & associated command line parameters from the // app compat SDB for this app. pCmdLnParms = InitVdmSdbInfo((LPCSTR)VDMInfo.AppName, &dwDosCompatFlags, &cCmdLnParmStructs); return; } VOID GetWowKernelCmdLine(VOID) { CMDINFO UNALIGNED *pCMDInfo; PCHAR pch; CHAR szKrnl386[]="krnl386.exe"; CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; DeleteConfigFiles(); // get rid of the temp boot files host_lpt_flush_initialize(); // // Only a few things need be set for WOW. // 1. NumDrives // 2. Kernel CmdLine (get from ntvdm command tail) // 3. Current drive // // Command.com has setup correct enviroment block at // this moment, so don't bother to mess with environment stuff. pCMDInfo = (LPVOID) GetVDMAddr ((USHORT)getDS(),(USHORT)getDX()); pCMDInfo->NumDrives = nDrives; // // We used to get the info from a command line parameter, which // consisted of a fully qualified short path file name: // "-a %SystemRoot%\system32\krnl386.exe". // // We now remove that parameter and simply assume that for // wow we will use %SystemRoot%\system32\krnl386.exe // // // Make sure we have enough space for the two strings concatenated. // ulSystem32PathLen does not include the terminator, but // sizeof( szKrnl386 ) does, so we only need one more for the '\'. // if (ulSystem32PathLen + 1 + sizeof (szKrnl386) > FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathSize)) { RcErrorDialogBox(EG_ENVIRONMENT_ERR, NULL, NULL); TerminateVDM(); } pch = (PCHAR)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathSeg), FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->ExecPathOff)); memcpy(pch, pszSystem32Path, ulSystem32PathLen); *(pch + ulSystem32PathLen) = '\\'; memcpy(pch + ulSystem32PathLen + 1, szKrnl386, sizeof(szKrnl386)); pCMDInfo->ExecPathSize = (WORD)(ulSystem32PathLen + 1 + sizeof(szKrnl386)); pCMDInfo->ExecExtType = EXE_EXTENTION; // for WOW, use EXE extention // // Copy filepart of first token and rest to CmdLine buffer // pch = (PVOID)GetVDMAddr(FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->CmdLineSeg), FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->CmdLineOff)); if (FETCHWORD(pCMDInfo->CmdLineSize) MAXIMUM_VDM_CURRENT_DIR+3) { setCF(1); setAX(0); } else { setCF(0); } return; } /* cmdSetInfo - Set the address of SCS_ToSync variable in DOSDATA. * This variable is set whenever SCS dispatches a new * command to command.com. Setting of this variable * indicates to dos to validate all the CDS structures * for local drives. * * * Entry - Client (DS:DX) - pointer to SCSINFO * Client (DS:BX) - pointer to SCS_Is_Dos_Binary * Client (DS:CX) - pointer to SCS_FDACCESS * * EXIT - None */ VOID cmdSetInfo (VOID) { pSCSInfo = (PSCSINFO) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX()); pSCS_ToSync = (PCHAR) &pSCSInfo->SCS_ToSync; pIsDosBinary = (BYTE *) GetVDMAddr(getDS(), getBX()); pFDAccess = (WORD *) GetVDMAddr(getDS(), getCX()); return; } VOID cmdSetDirectories (PCHAR lpszzEnv, VDMINFO * pVdmInfo) { LPSTR lpszVal; CHAR ch, chDrive, achEnvDrive[] = "=?:"; ch = pVdmInfo->CurDrive + 'A'; if (pVdmInfo->CurDirectoryLen != 0){ SetCurrentDirectory(pVdmInfo->CurDirectory); achEnvDrive[1] = ch; SetEnvironmentVariable(achEnvDrive, pVdmInfo->CurDirectory); } if (lpszzEnv) { while(*lpszzEnv) { if(*lpszzEnv == '=' && (chDrive = (CHAR)toupper(*(lpszzEnv+1))) >= 'A' && chDrive <= 'Z' && (*(PCHAR)((ULONG)lpszzEnv+2) == ':') && chDrive != ch) { lpszVal = (PCHAR)((ULONG)lpszzEnv + 4); achEnvDrive[1] = chDrive; SetEnvironmentVariable (achEnvDrive,lpszVal); } lpszzEnv = strchr(lpszzEnv,'\0'); lpszzEnv++; } } } static BOOL fConOutput = FALSE; VOID cmdComSpec (VOID) { LPSTR lpszCS; if(IsFirstCall == FALSE) return; lpszCS = (LPVOID) GetVDMAddr ((USHORT)getDS(),(USHORT)getDX()); strcpy(lpszComSpec,"COMSPEC="); strcpy(lpszComSpec+8,lpszCS); cbComSpec = strlen(lpszComSpec) +1; setAL((BYTE)(!fConOutput || VDMForWOW)); return; } /* cmdInitConsole - Let Video VDD know that it can start console output * operations. * * * Entry - None * * * EXIT - None * */ VOID cmdInitConsole (VOID) { if (fConOutput == FALSE) { fConOutput = TRUE; nt_init_event_thread (); } return; } /* cmdMapCodePage - Map the Win32 Code page to DOS code page */ USHORT cmdMapCodePage (ULONG CodePage) { // Currently We understand US code page only if (CodePage == 1252) return 437; else return ((USHORT)CodePage); } VOID cmdUpdateCurrentDirectories(BYTE CurDrive) { DWORD cchRemain, cchCurDir; CHAR *lpszCurDir; BYTE Drive; DWORD DriveType; CHAR achName[] = "=?:"; CHAR RootName[] = "?:\\"; // allocate new space for the new current directories lpszzCurrentDirectories = (CHAR*) malloc(MAX_PATH); cchCurrentDirectories = 0; cchRemain = MAX_PATH; lpszCurDir = lpszzCurrentDirectories; if (lpszCurDir != NULL) { Drive = 0; // current directory is the first entry achName[1] = CurDrive + 'A'; cchCurrentDirectories = GetEnvironmentVariable( achName, lpszCurDir, cchRemain ); if (cchCurrentDirectories == 0 || cchCurrentDirectories > MAX_PATH) { free(lpszzCurrentDirectories); lpszzCurrentDirectories = NULL; cchCurrentDirectories = 0; return; } cchRemain -= ++cchCurrentDirectories; // we got current directory already. Keep the drive number lpszCurDir += cchCurrentDirectories; while (Drive < 26) { // ignore invalid drives and current drive if (Drive != CurDrive) { DriveType = demGetPhysicalDriveType(Drive); if (DriveType == DRIVE_UNKNOWN) { RootName[0] = (CHAR)('A' + Drive); DriveType = GetDriveTypeOem(RootName); } if (DriveType != DRIVE_UNKNOWN && DriveType != DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR ) { achName[1] = Drive + 'A'; cchCurDir = GetEnvironmentVariable( achName, lpszCurDir, cchRemain ); if(cchCurDir > cchRemain) { lpszCurDir = (CHAR *)realloc(lpszzCurrentDirectories, cchRemain + MAX_PATH + cchCurrentDirectories ); if (lpszCurDir == NULL) { free(lpszzCurrentDirectories); lpszzCurrentDirectories = NULL; cchCurrentDirectories = 0; return; } lpszzCurrentDirectories = lpszCurDir; lpszCurDir += cchCurrentDirectories; cchRemain += MAX_PATH; cchCurDir = GetEnvironmentVariable( achName, lpszCurDir, cchRemain ); } if (cchCurDir != 0) { // GetEnvironmentVariable doesn't count the NULL char lpszCurDir += ++cchCurDir; cchRemain -= cchCurDir; cchCurrentDirectories += cchCurDir; } } } // next drive Drive++; } lpszCurDir = lpszzCurrentDirectories; // need space for the ending NULL and shrink the space if necessary lpszzCurrentDirectories = (CHAR *) realloc(lpszCurDir, cchCurrentDirectories + 1); if (lpszzCurrentDirectories != NULL && cchCurrentDirectories != 0){ lpszzCurrentDirectories[cchCurrentDirectories++] = '\0'; SetVDMCurrentDirectories(cchCurrentDirectories, lpszzCurrentDirectories); free(lpszzCurrentDirectories); lpszzCurrentDirectories = NULL; cchCurrentDirectories = 0; } else { free(lpszCurDir); cchCurrentDirectories = 0; } } } /* This SVC function tells command.com, if the VDM was started without an * existing console. If so, on finding a TSR, command.com will return * back to GetNextVDMCommand, rather than putting its own popup. * * Entry - None * * Exit - Client (AL) = 0 if started with an existing console * Client (AL) = 1 if started with new console */ VOID cmdGetStartInfo (VOID) { setAL((BYTE) (DosSessionId ? 1 : 0)); return; } #ifdef DBCS // this should go to US build also /* This SVC function changes the window title. This function get called * from command.com when TSRs are installed and scs_cmdprompt is off * (command.com does its prompt). * * Entry - Client (AL) = 0, restore bare title * Client (AL) != 1, set new program title, * DS:SI point to a CRLF terminated program name * * Exit - none * */ VOID cmdSetWinTitle(VOID) { static CHAR achCommandPrompt[64] = {'\0'}; CHAR achBuf[256], *pch, *pch1; if (achCommandPrompt[0] == '\0') { if (!LoadString(GetModuleHandle(NULL), IDS_PROMPT, achCommandPrompt, 64 )) strcpy(achCommandPrompt, "Command Prompt"); } if (getAL() == 0) SetConsoleTitleA(achCommandPrompt); else { pch = (CHAR *)GetVDMAddr(getDS(), getSI()); pch1 = strchr(pch, 0x0d); if (pch1 == NULL) SetConsoleTitleA(achCommandPrompt); else { *pch1 = '\0'; strcpy(achBuf, achCommandPrompt); strcat(achBuf, " - "); strncat(achBuf, pch,sizeof(achBuf) - strlen(achBuf)); achBuf[sizeof(achBuf)-1] = 0; *pch1 = 0x0d; SetConsoleTitleA(achBuf); } } } #endif // DBCS