/*++ Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: efidrvent.h Abstract: EFI driver entry abstractions. Author: Mandar Gokhale (mandarg@microsoft.com) 14-June-2002 Revision History: None. --*/ #pragma once #include static BOOLEAN EFIDEFlushDriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_ENTRY This // Points to the driver List. ); static PDRIVER_ENTRY EFIDESearchForDriverEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS This, IN PCWSTR SrcNtFullPath ); PDRIVER_ENTRY EFIDECreateNewDriverEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS This, IN PCWSTR FriendlyName, IN PCWSTR NtDevicePath, IN PCWSTR SrcNtFullPath ); PDRIVER_ENTRY EFIOSBOInsertDriverListNewEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS This, IN PDRIVER_ENTRY DriverEntry ); PDRIVER_ENTRY EFIDEAddNewDriverEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS This, IN PCWSTR FriendlyName, IN PCWSTR NtDevicePath, IN PCWSTR SrcNtFullPath ); NTSTATUS EFIDEInterpretDriverEntries( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS This, IN PEFI_DRIVER_ENTRY_LIST DriverList ); static VOID EFIDEDriverEntryInit( IN PDRIVER_ENTRY This );