/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: progbar.c Abstract: Centralizes access to the progress bar and associated messages accross components (hwcomp,migapp,etc.) and sides (w9x, nt) Author: Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 14-Apr-1997 Revision History: jimschm 19-Jun-1998 Improved to allow revision of estimates, necessary for NT-side progress bar. --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migshared.h" // // Types // typedef struct { BOOL Started; BOOL Completed; UINT InitialGuess; UINT TotalTicks; UINT TicksSoFar; UINT LastTickDisplayed; } SLICE, *PSLICE; typedef struct { HWND Window; HANDLE CancelEvent; PCSTR Message; DWORD MessageId; DWORD Delay; BOOL InUse; } DELAYTHREADPARAMS, *PDELAYTHREADPARAMS; #if 0 typedef struct { HANDLE CancelEvent; DWORD TickCount; BOOL InUse; } TICKTHREADPARAMS, *PTICKTHREADPARAMS; #endif // // Globals // BOOL g_ProgBarInitialized = FALSE; HWND g_ProgressBar; HWND g_Component; HWND g_SubComponent; PBRANGE g_OrgRange; HANDLE g_ComponentCancelEvent; HANDLE g_SubComponentCancelEvent; BOOL *g_CancelFlagPtr; GROWBUFFER g_SliceArray; UINT g_SliceCount; UINT g_MaxTickCount; UINT g_PaddingTicks; UINT g_CurrentTickCount; UINT g_CurrentPos; UINT g_ReduceFactor; BOOL g_Reverse = FALSE; OUR_CRITICAL_SECTION g_ProgBarCriticalSection; UINT g_CurrentSliceId = (UINT)-1; // // Tuning constants // #define TICKSCALE 100 // // Implementaiton // VOID InitializeProgressBar ( IN HWND ProgressBar, IN HWND Component, OPTIONAL IN HWND SubComponent, OPTIONAL IN BOOL *CancelFlagPtr OPTIONAL ) { LONG rc; CHAR Data[256]; DWORD Size; HKEY Key; g_ProgressBar = ProgressBar; g_CancelFlagPtr = CancelFlagPtr; g_ProgBarInitialized = TRUE; SendMessage (ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0); g_CurrentPos = 0; SendMessage (ProgressBar, PBM_GETRANGE, 0, (LPARAM) &g_OrgRange); // // Create cancel events for delayed messages. // g_ComponentCancelEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); g_SubComponentCancelEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!g_ComponentCancelEvent || !g_SubComponentCancelEvent) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "ProgressBar: Could not create cancel events.")); } InitializeOurCriticalSection (&g_ProgBarCriticalSection); g_Component = Component; g_SubComponent = SubComponent; DEBUGMSG_IF (( Component && !IsWindow (Component), DBG_WHOOPS, "Progress bar component is not a valid window" )); DEBUGMSG_IF (( SubComponent && !IsWindow (SubComponent), DBG_WHOOPS, "Progress bar sub component is not a valid window" )); MYASSERT (!g_SliceCount); MYASSERT (!g_SliceArray.Buf); MYASSERT (!g_MaxTickCount); MYASSERT (!g_PaddingTicks); MYASSERT (!g_CurrentTickCount); MYASSERT (g_CurrentSliceId == (UINT)-1); g_ReduceFactor = 1; Key = OpenRegKeyStrA ("HKLM\\inapoi"); if (Key) { Size = 256; rc = RegQueryValueExA (Key, "", NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) Data, &Size); CloseRegKey (Key); #pragma prefast(suppress:400, "not concerned about different code page") if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && !lstrcmpiA (Data, "backwards")) { g_Reverse = TRUE; } } } VOID TerminateProgressBar ( VOID ) { if (g_ComponentCancelEvent) { CloseHandle (g_ComponentCancelEvent); g_ComponentCancelEvent = NULL; } if (g_SubComponentCancelEvent) { CloseHandle (g_SubComponentCancelEvent); g_SubComponentCancelEvent = NULL; } DeleteOurCriticalSection (&g_ProgBarCriticalSection); FreeGrowBuffer (&g_SliceArray); g_SliceCount = 0; g_MaxTickCount = 0; g_PaddingTicks = 0; g_CurrentTickCount = 0; g_CurrentSliceId = -1; g_Component = NULL; g_SubComponent = NULL; g_ReduceFactor = 1; SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETRANGE32, g_OrgRange.iLow, g_OrgRange.iHigh); g_ProgBarInitialized = FALSE; } UINT RegisterProgressBarSlice ( IN UINT InitialEstimate ) { PSLICE Slice; UINT SliceId; MYASSERT (g_ProgBarInitialized); if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return 0; } SliceId = g_SliceCount; Slice = (PSLICE) GrowBuffer (&g_SliceArray, sizeof (SLICE)); g_SliceCount++; Slice->Started = FALSE; Slice->Completed = FALSE; Slice->TotalTicks = InitialEstimate * TICKSCALE; Slice->InitialGuess = Slice->TotalTicks; Slice->TicksSoFar = 0; Slice->LastTickDisplayed = 0; return SliceId; } VOID ReviseSliceEstimate ( IN UINT SliceId, IN UINT RevisedEstimate ) { PSLICE Slice; MYASSERT (g_ProgBarInitialized); if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return; } if (SliceId >= g_SliceCount) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "ReviseSliceEstimate: Invalid slice ID %u", SliceId)); return; } Slice = (PSLICE) g_SliceArray.Buf + SliceId; if (!g_CurrentTickCount) { Slice->TotalTicks = RevisedEstimate; return; } if (Slice->Completed) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "ReviseSliceEstimate: Can't revise completed slice")); return; } if (Slice->InitialGuess == 0) { return; } RevisedEstimate *= TICKSCALE; MYASSERT (Slice->TicksSoFar * RevisedEstimate > Slice->TicksSoFar); MYASSERT (Slice->LastTickDisplayed * RevisedEstimate > Slice->LastTickDisplayed); Slice->TicksSoFar = (UINT) ((LONGLONG) Slice->TicksSoFar * (LONGLONG) RevisedEstimate / (LONGLONG) Slice->TotalTicks); Slice->LastTickDisplayed = (UINT) ((LONGLONG) Slice->LastTickDisplayed * (LONGLONG) RevisedEstimate / (LONGLONG) Slice->TotalTicks); Slice->TotalTicks = RevisedEstimate; } VOID BeginSliceProcessing ( IN UINT SliceId ) { PSLICE Slice; UINT u; UINT TotalTicks; MYASSERT (g_ProgBarInitialized); if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return; } if (!g_ProgressBar) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "No progress bar handle")); return; } if (SliceId >= g_SliceCount) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "BeginSliceProcessing: Invalid slice ID %u", SliceId)); return; } if (!g_CurrentTickCount) { // // Initialize the progress bar // MYASSERT (g_CurrentSliceId == (UINT)-1); TotalTicks = 0; Slice = (PSLICE) g_SliceArray.Buf; for (u = 0 ; u < g_SliceCount ; u++) { TotalTicks += Slice->InitialGuess; Slice++; } TotalTicks /= TICKSCALE; g_PaddingTicks = TotalTicks * 5 / 100; g_MaxTickCount = TotalTicks + 2 * g_PaddingTicks; g_ReduceFactor = 1; while (g_MaxTickCount > 0xffff) { g_ReduceFactor *= 10; g_MaxTickCount /= 10; } SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM (0, g_MaxTickCount)); SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETSTEP, 1, 0); if (g_Reverse) { SendMessage ( g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, g_MaxTickCount - (g_PaddingTicks / g_ReduceFactor), 0 ); } else { SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, g_PaddingTicks / g_ReduceFactor, 0); } g_CurrentTickCount = g_PaddingTicks; g_CurrentPos = g_PaddingTicks; } else if (SliceId <= g_CurrentSliceId) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "BeginSliceProcessing: Slice ID %u processed already", SliceId)); return; } g_CurrentSliceId = SliceId; Slice = (PSLICE) g_SliceArray.Buf + g_CurrentSliceId; Slice->Started = TRUE; } VOID pIncrementBarIfNecessary ( IN OUT PSLICE Slice ) { UINT Increment; UINT Pos; if (Slice->TicksSoFar >= Slice->TotalTicks) { Slice->TicksSoFar = Slice->TotalTicks; Slice->Completed = TRUE; } if (Slice->TicksSoFar - Slice->LastTickDisplayed >= TICKSCALE) { Increment = (Slice->TicksSoFar - Slice->LastTickDisplayed) / TICKSCALE; Slice->LastTickDisplayed += Increment * TICKSCALE; if (g_Reverse) { Pos = ((g_CurrentPos + Slice->TicksSoFar) / TICKSCALE); Pos += g_PaddingTicks; Pos /= g_ReduceFactor; if (Pos > g_MaxTickCount) { Pos = g_MaxTickCount - (g_PaddingTicks / g_ReduceFactor); } SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, g_MaxTickCount - Pos, 0); } else { SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_DELTAPOS, Increment / g_ReduceFactor, 0); } } } VOID pTickProgressBar ( IN UINT Ticks ) { PSLICE Slice; LONGLONG x; if (!Ticks || g_CurrentSliceId == (UINT)-1 || g_CurrentSliceId >= g_SliceCount) { return; } Slice = (PSLICE) g_SliceArray.Buf + g_CurrentSliceId; if (!Slice->InitialGuess) { return; } if (Slice->Completed) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Progress slice ID %u already completed", g_CurrentSliceId)); return; } MYASSERT (Ticks * TICKSCALE > Ticks); x = ((LONGLONG) Ticks * TICKSCALE * (LONGLONG) Slice->TotalTicks) / (LONGLONG) Slice->InitialGuess; MYASSERT (x + (LONGLONG) Slice->TicksSoFar < 0x100000000); Slice->TicksSoFar += (UINT) x; pIncrementBarIfNecessary (Slice); } BOOL TickProgressBarDelta ( IN UINT TickCount ) { BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return TRUE; } if (g_CancelFlagPtr && *g_CancelFlagPtr) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); rSuccess = FALSE; } else { pTickProgressBar (TickCount); } return rSuccess; } BOOL TickProgressBar ( VOID ) { if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return TRUE; } return TickProgressBarDelta (1); } VOID EndSliceProcessing ( VOID ) { PSLICE Slice; if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return; } Slice = (PSLICE) g_SliceArray.Buf + g_CurrentSliceId; if (!Slice->InitialGuess) { Slice->Completed = TRUE; return; } if (!Slice->Completed) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Progress bar slice %u was not completed.", g_CurrentSliceId)); Slice->TicksSoFar = Slice->TotalTicks; Slice->Completed = TRUE; pIncrementBarIfNecessary (Slice); } g_CurrentPos += Slice->TotalTicks; if (g_CurrentSliceId == g_SliceCount - 1) { // // End of progress bar // SendMessage (g_ProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, g_MaxTickCount, 0); } } BOOL pCheckProgressBarState ( IN HANDLE CancelEvent ) { SetEvent(CancelEvent); return (!g_CancelFlagPtr || !*g_CancelFlagPtr); } BOOL ProgressBar_SetWindowStringA( IN HWND Window, IN HANDLE CancelEvent, IN PCSTR Message, OPTIONAL IN DWORD MessageId OPTIONAL ) { BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; PCSTR string = NULL; EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_ProgBarCriticalSection); if (g_ProgBarInitialized) { if (pCheckProgressBarState(CancelEvent)) { if (Message) { // // We have a normal message string. // if (!SetWindowTextA(Window, Message)) { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"ProgressBar: SetWindowText failed.")); } } else if (MessageId) { // // We have a message ID. Convert it and set it. // string = GetStringResourceA(MessageId); if (string) { if (!SetWindowTextA(Window, string)) { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"ProgressBar: SetWindowText failed.")); } FreeStringResourceA(string); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"ProgressBar: Error with GetStringResource")); } else { // // Just clear the text. // if (!SetWindowTextA(Window, "")) { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"ProgressBar: SetWindowText failed.")); } } } else { // // We are in a canceled state. // rSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); } } LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_ProgBarCriticalSection); return rSuccess; } DWORD pSetDelayedMessageA ( IN PVOID Param ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDELAYTHREADPARAMS tParams = (PDELAYTHREADPARAMS) Param; // // Simply wait for the passed in delay or until someone signals the cancel // event. // switch (WaitForSingleObject(tParams -> CancelEvent, tParams -> Delay)) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // // We timed out without cancel being signaled. Set the delayed message. // ProgressBar_SetWindowStringA ( tParams -> Window, tParams -> CancelEvent, tParams -> Message, tParams -> MessageId ); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: default: // // We were canceled (or something strange happened :> Do nothing! // break; } // // can set a new thread now // tParams->InUse = FALSE; return rc; } VOID ProgressBar_CancelDelayedMessage ( IN HANDLE CancelEvent ) { if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return; } SetEvent(CancelEvent); } BOOL ProgressBar_SetDelayedMessageA ( IN HWND Window, IN HANDLE CancelEvent, IN LPCSTR Message, IN DWORD MessageId, IN DWORD Delay ) { BOOL rSuccess = FALSE; DWORD threadId; static DELAYTHREADPARAMS tParams; if (!g_ProgBarInitialized || tParams.InUse) { return TRUE; } if (!pCheckProgressBarState(Window)) { // // Fill in the parameters for this call to create thread. // tParams.Window = Window; tParams.CancelEvent = CancelEvent; tParams.Message = Message; tParams.MessageId = MessageId; tParams.Delay = Delay; // // Spawn off a thread that will set the message. // rSuccess = NULL != CreateThread ( NULL, // No inheritance. 0, // Normal stack size. pSetDelayedMessageA, &tParams, 0, // Run immediately. &threadId ); if (rSuccess) { tParams.InUse = TRUE; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"Error spawning thread in ProgressBar_SetDelayedMessageA.")); } return rSuccess; } #if 0 DWORD pTickProgressBarThread ( IN PVOID Param ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; PTICKTHREADPARAMS Params = (PTICKTHREADPARAMS)Param; BOOL Continue = TRUE; // // Simply wait for the passed in delay or until someone signals the cancel // event. // do { switch (WaitForSingleObject(Params->CancelEvent, Params->TickCount)) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // // We timed out without cancel being signaled. Tick the progress bar. // if (!TickProgressBarDelta (Params->TickCount)) { // // cancelled // Continue = FALSE; } break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: default: // // We were canceled (or something strange happened :> Do nothing! // Continue = FALSE; break; } } while (Continue); // // can set a new thread now // Params->InUse = FALSE; return rc; } BOOL ProgressBar_CreateTickThread ( IN HANDLE CancelEvent, IN DWORD TickCount ) { BOOL rSuccess = FALSE; DWORD threadId; static TICKTHREADPARAMS g_Params; if (g_ProgBarInitialized && !g_Params.InUse) { if (pCheckProgressBarState(NULL)) { // // Fill in the parameters for this call to create thread. // g_Params.CancelEvent = CancelEvent; g_Params.TickCount = TickCount; // // Spawn off a thread that will set the message. // if (CreateThread ( NULL, // No inheritance. 0, // Normal stack size. pTickProgressBarThread, &g_Params, 0, // Run immediately. &threadId )) { rSuccess = TRUE; g_Params.InUse = TRUE; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Error spawning thread in ProgressBar_CreateTickThread.")); } } return rSuccess; } BOOL ProgressBar_CancelTickThread ( IN HANDLE CancelEvent ) { if (!g_ProgBarInitialized) { return TRUE; } return SetEvent(CancelEvent); } #endif