REM Diskpart1.cmd REM A demonstration of a simple way to start on OS installation from WinPE. REM First call Diskpart to clean/create the disk Diskpart /s diskpart1.txt REM Now format the freshly partitioned disk(s): Quick format with NTFS Format /fs:NTFS /q /y C: REM Connect to your network share Net use H: \\Machinename\Sharename /u:machinename\auth_user "Password" REM Now run setup VIA Winnt32 REM Using Unattend file Unattend.txt REM The System Partition is C REM The Temp files location is C REM The path to the OS source files is h:\i386 h:\i386\winnt32 /unattend:unattend.txt /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /s:h:\i386