; This is a sample Winbom.ini file that is processed during WinPE ; to partition, format, and install a configset to a destination computer. ; ; This example is specific to IA64 computers due to settings in ; the DiskConfig section. ; [Version] signature = $CHICAGO$ [Factory] WinBomType = WinPE [ComputerSettings] AuditAdminAutoLogon = Yes DisplayResolution = 1024X768x16 [NetCards] [WinPE] Restart = Reboot Lang = ENG Sku = PRO ConfigSet = Pro_IA64 SourceRoot = \\Build_Server\OPKTools Username = Guest Password = 6FyB# [WinPE.net] StartNet = Yes [DiskConfig] Disk1 = Disk1.config [Disk1.config] WipeDisk = YES Size1 = * SetActive1 = YES PartitionType1 = PRIMARY FileSystem1 = NTFS QuickFormat1 = YES