/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation File Name: asrpriv.c Abstract: Private header file containing definitions and function prototypes for items used across the ASR Files. Notes: Naming conventions: _AsrpXXX private ASR Macros AsrpXXX private ASR routines AsrXXX Publically defined and documented routines Author: Guhan Suriyanarayanan (guhans) 27-May-2000 Revision History: 27-May-2000 guhans Moved common items from asr.c to asrpriv.h --*/ #ifndef _INC_ASRPRIV_H_ #define _INC_ASRPRIV_H_ #include // PSCSI_ADDRESS // // -------- // #defines and constants common to the ASR modules. // -------- // // // Size of temporary buffers used in ASR. // #define ASR_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 // // Maximum length of \??\Volume{Guid} // #define ASR_CCH_MAX_VOLUME_GUID 64 // // Maximum length of \Device\Harddisk1234\Partition1234 // #define ASR_CCH_DEVICE_PATH_FORMAT 60 extern const WCHAR ASR_WSZ_DEVICE_PATH_FORMAT[]; // // \??\Volume{ // extern const WCHAR ASR_WSZ_VOLUME_PREFIX[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_SYSTEM_SECTION[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_BUSES_SECTION[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_MBR_DISKS_SECTION[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_GPT_DISKS_SECTION[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_MBR_PARTITIONS_SECTION[]; extern const WCHAR ASR_SIF_GPT_PARTITIONS_SECTION[]; typedef enum _SecurityAttributeType { esatUndefined = 0, esatMutex, esatSemaphore, esatEvent, esatFile } SecurityAttributeType; // // -------- // typedefs common to the ASR modules. // -------- // typedef struct _ASR_PTN_INFO { // // The GUID of the volume on this partition. For 0x42 parititions, // this value is a blank string. // WCHAR szVolumeGuid[ASR_CCH_MAX_VOLUME_GUID]; // // next pointer in chain sorted by starting offset // struct _ASR_PTN_INFO *pOffsetNext; // // next pointer in chain sorted by partition length // struct _ASR_PTN_INFO *pLengthNext; // // The index into the PartitionEntry[] array // DWORD SlotIndex; DWORD ClusterSize; // // Special flags for the partition that we're interested in. // Currently, the values defined are // 0: not interesting // 1: Boot partition // 2: System partition // // Care must be taken that this partition flag is in sync with // the partition flags defined in setupdd.sys // USHORT PartitionFlags; // // FAT, FAT32, NTFS // UCHAR FileSystemType; UCHAR Reserved; // // The partition table entry for this partition. // PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX PartitionInfo; } ASR_PTN_INFO, *PASR_PTN_INFO; typedef struct _ASR_PTN_INFO_LIST { // // This list is sorted by the starting offset of the partitions // PASR_PTN_INFO pOffsetHead; PASR_PTN_INFO pOffsetTail; // // This chain is through the same list, but is sorted by the // partition lengths. // PASR_PTN_INFO pLengthHead; PASR_PTN_INFO pLengthTail; DWORD numTotalPtns; DWORD numExtendedPtns; } ASR_PTN_INFO_LIST, *PASR_PTN_INFO_LIST; // // Info about each disk on the system. An ASR_DISK_INFO // struct will exist for each physical disk that exists // on the system. // typedef struct _ASR_DISK_INFO { struct _ASR_DISK_INFO *pNext; // // Device Path used to open the Disk. // Obtained from SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail // PWSTR DevicePath; // // Partition layout information for partitions on the disk // PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX pDriveLayoutEx; // // Geometry: obtained from IOCTL_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY call // PDISK_GEOMETRY pDiskGeometry; // // // Information about partition 0 = the entire disk // PPARTITION_INFORMATION_EX pPartition0Ex; // // Additional Information about the partitions, including volume Guid, FS-Type, etc // PASR_PTN_INFO PartitionInfoTable; PSCSI_ADDRESS pScsiAddress; // For sif disks, this points to the physical disk they've been assigned // to, and vice versa. Used only at restore time. // struct _ASR_DISK_INFO *AssignedTo; DWORD sizeDriveLayoutEx; DWORD sizeDiskGeometry; DWORD sizePartition0Ex; DWORD sizePartitionInfoTable; // // Device number for disk, constant through sessions // ULONG DeviceNumber; ULONG SifDiskKey; ULONG SifBusKey; DEVINST ParentDevInst; // // Flag on whether this disk is Critical. At backup time, the backup // app provides us with this info. At restore time, the Critical disks // are expected to be restored by textmode Setup, before // RestoreNonCriticalDisks is called. Critical disks are not // re-partitioned by RestoreNonCriticalDisks. // BOOL IsCritical; // // A flag set to TRUE (at restore time) if a disk has the same signature // (or DiskId, for GPT disks) as specified in asr.sif, and if all the // partitions specified in asr.sif exist. Intact disks are not re-partitioned // by RestoreNonCriticalDisks. // BOOL IsIntact; // // If the struct is packed // BOOL IsPacked; BOOL IsClusterShared; BOOL IsAligned; // // This is needed at restore time, since the signature is read in before // the drive layout is created (and we need a temporary holding place). // DWORD TempSignature; WORD wReserved; // // Information about the bus this disk is on. This is only // used to group all the disks on a bus together. // STORAGE_BUS_TYPE BusType; // // GPT or MBR // PARTITION_STYLE Style; } ASR_DISK_INFO, *PASR_DISK_INFO; // // Info about the system--only one struct exists globally. // typedef struct _ASR_SYSTEM_INFO { // // Boot (Windows) Directory // PWSTR BootDirectory; // // OsLoader Path // PWSTR SystemPath; // // Platform = x86 or ia64 // PWSTR Platform; // Name of the backup app // Passed in by backup app // PWSTR Provider; PWSTR pwReserved; // // Disk Auto-extension: // Passed in by backup app // BOOL AutoExtendEnabled; DWORD sizeComputerName; // // Obtained from GetComputerName // WCHAR ComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; // // Obtained from GetOsVersionEx // OSVERSIONINFOEX OsVersionEx; // // TimeZone info we save and restore // TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION TimeZoneInformation; } ASR_SYSTEM_INFO, *PASR_SYSTEM_INFO; // // -------- // Macros common to the ASR modules. // -------- // // // Macro Description: // This macro wraps calls that are expected to return SUCCESS (retcode). // If ErrorCondition occurs, it sets the LocalStatus to the ErrorCode // passed in, calls SetLastError() to set the Last Error to ErrorCode, // and jumps to the EXIT label in the calling function // // Arguments: // ErrorCondition // Result of some function call or conditional expression. // LocalStatus // Status variable in the calling function // LONG ErrorCode // An ErrorCode specific to the error and calling function // #define _AsrpErrExitCode( ErrorCondition, LocalStatus, ErrorCode ) { \ \ if ((BOOL) ErrorCondition) { \ \ LocalStatus = (DWORD) ErrorCode; \ \ SetLastError((DWORD) ErrorCode); \ \ goto EXIT; \ } \ } // // Simple macro to check a pointer, free it if non-NULL, and set it to NULL. // #define _AsrpHeapFree( p ) \ if ( p ) { \ HeapFree(heapHandle, 0L, p); \ p = NULL; \ } // // Simple macro to check if a handle is valid and close it // #define _AsrpCloseHandle( h ) \ if ((h) && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != h)) { \ CloseHandle(h); \ h = NULL; \ } #define _AsrpIsVolumeGuid(data, numBytes) \ ( \ ((96 == numBytes) || ((98 == numBytes) && data[48] == '\\')) && \ (!_wcsnicmp(L"\\??\\Volume{", data, 11)) && \ L'-' == data[19] && \ L'-' == data[24] && \ L'-' == data[29] && \ L'-' == data[34] && \ L'}' == data[47] \ ) // // -------- // debug #defines // -------- // #define _asrerror THIS_MODULE, __LINE__, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL #define _asrwarn THIS_MODULE, __LINE__, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL #define _asrlog THIS_MODULE, __LINE__, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL // // In pre-release mode, let's log everything so it's easier to debug // #ifdef PRERELEASE #define _asrinfo THIS_MODULE, __LINE__, DPFLTR_TRACE_LEVEL #else #define _asrinfo THIS_MODULE, __LINE__, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL #endif // // -------- // routines common to the ASR modules. // -------- // // // Implemented in asrback.c // BOOL AsrpConstructSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes, SecurityAttributeType eSaType, BOOL bIncludeBackupOperator ); VOID AsrpCleanupSecurityAttributes( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psaSecurityAttributes ); BOOL AsrpGetMountPoints( IN PCWSTR DeviceName, IN CONST DWORD SizeDeviceName, PMOUNTMGR_MOUNT_POINTS *pMountPointsOut // caller must free this ); BOOL AsrpInitLayoutInformation( IN CONST PASR_SYSTEM_INFO pSystemInfo, IN OUT PASR_DISK_INFO pDiskList, OUT PULONG MaxDeviceNumber OPTIONAL, IN BOOL AllDetailsForLocalDisks, IN BOOL AllDetailsForOfflineClusteredDisks ); BOOL AsrpInitDiskInformation( OUT PASR_DISK_INFO *ppDiskList ); BOOL AsrpFreeNonFixedMedia( IN OUT PASR_DISK_INFO *ppDiskList ); VOID AsrpFreeStateInformation( IN OUT PASR_DISK_INFO *ppDiskList, IN OUT PASR_SYSTEM_INFO pSystemInfo ); VOID AsrpFreePartitionList( IN OUT PASR_PTN_INFO_LIST *ppPtnList ); // // Implemented in asrclus.c // BOOL AsrpIsOfflineClusteredDisk( IN CONST HANDLE hDisk ); BOOL AsrpInitClusterSharedDisks( IN PASR_DISK_INFO OriginalDiskList ); // // Implemented in setupasr.c // PWSTR // must be freed by caller AsrpExpandEnvStrings( IN CONST PCWSTR OriginalString ); BOOL AsrIsEnabled(VOID); VOID AsrpInitialiseLogFile(); VOID AsrpInitialiseErrorFile(); VOID AsrpPrintDbgMsg( IN CONST char Module, IN CONST ULONG Line, IN CONST ULONG MesgLevel, IN PCSTR FormatString, ...); VOID AsrpCloseLogFiles(); #endif // _INC_ASRPRIV_H_